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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -W #-}
module Generate.JavaScript (generate) where
2012-04-19 06:32:10 +00:00
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import Control.Arrow (first,(***))
import Control.Monad.State
2013-07-29 11:22:23 +00:00
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Language.ECMAScript3.PrettyPrint
import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax
2014-01-13 18:32:54 +00:00
import Generate.JavaScript.Helpers
import qualified Generate.Cases as Case
2014-01-13 18:32:54 +00:00
import qualified Generate.JavaScript.Ports as Port
import qualified Generate.Markdown as MD
import SourceSyntax.Annotation
import SourceSyntax.Expression
import qualified SourceSyntax.Helpers as Help
import SourceSyntax.Literal
import SourceSyntax.Module
import qualified SourceSyntax.Pattern as P
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint (renderPretty)
import qualified SourceSyntax.Variable as V
import qualified Transform.SafeNames as MakeSafe
2013-11-01 12:58:18 +00:00
varDecl :: String -> Expression () -> VarDecl ()
varDecl x expr =
VarDecl () (var x) (Just expr)
2014-01-13 18:32:54 +00:00
include :: String -> String -> VarDecl ()
include alias moduleName =
2013-12-16 03:14:00 +00:00
varDecl alias (obj (moduleName ++ ".make") <| ref "_elm")
2014-01-13 18:32:54 +00:00
internalImports :: String -> Statement ()
internalImports name =
VarDeclStmt ()
[ varDecl "_N" (obj "Elm.Native")
, include "_U" "_N.Utils"
, include "_L" "_N.List"
, include "_E" "_N.Error"
, include "_J" "_N.JavaScript"
, varDecl "$moduleName" (string name)
2013-11-01 12:58:18 +00:00
literal :: Literal -> Expression ()
literal lit =
case lit of
Chr c -> obj "_U.chr" <| string [c]
Str s -> string s
IntNum n -> IntLit () n
FloatNum n -> NumLit () n
Boolean b -> BoolLit () b
expression :: Expr -> State Int (Expression ())
expression (A region expr) =
case expr of
Var (V.Raw x) -> return $ ref x
Literal lit -> return $ literal lit
Range lo hi ->
do lo' <- expression lo
hi' <- expression hi
return $ obj "_L.range" `call` [lo',hi']
Access e x ->
do e' <- expression e
return $ DotRef () e' (var x)
2013-08-31 11:01:00 +00:00
Remove e x ->
do e' <- expression e
return $ obj "_U.remove" `call` [string x, e']
Insert e x v ->
do v' <- expression v
e' <- expression e
return $ obj "_U.insert" `call` [string x, v', e']
Modify e fs ->
do e' <- expression e
fs' <- forM fs $ \(f,v) -> do
v' <- expression v
return $ ArrayLit () [string f, v']
return $ obj "_U.replace" `call` [ArrayLit () fs', e']
Record fields ->
do fields' <- forM fields $ \(f,e) -> do
(,) f <$> expression e
let fieldMap = List.foldl' combine Map.empty fields'
return $ ObjectLit () $ (PropId () (var "_"), hidden fieldMap) : visible fieldMap
combine r (k,v) = Map.insertWith (++) k [v] r
prop = PropId () . var
hidden fs = ObjectLit () . map (prop *** ArrayLit ()) .
Map.toList . Map.filter (not . null) $ Map.map tail fs
visible fs = map (first prop) . Map.toList $ Map.map head fs
Binop op e1 e2 -> binop region op e1 e2
Lambda p e@(A ann _) ->
do (args, body) <- foldM depattern ([], innerBody) (reverse patterns)
body' <- expression body
return $ case length args < 2 || length args > 9 of
True -> foldr (==>) body' (map (:[]) args)
False -> ref ("F" ++ show (length args)) <| (args ==> body')
depattern (args, body) pattern =
case pattern of
P.Var x -> return (args ++ [x], body)
_ -> do arg <- Case.newVar
return ( args ++ [arg]
, A ann (Case (A ann (rawVar arg)) [(pattern, body)]))
(patterns, innerBody) = collect [p] e
collect patterns lexpr@(A _ expr) =
case expr of
Lambda p e -> collect (p:patterns) e
_ -> (patterns, lexpr)
App e1 e2 ->
do func' <- expression func
args' <- mapM expression args
return $ case args' of
[arg] -> func' <| arg
_ | length args' <= 9 -> ref aN `call` (func':args')
| otherwise -> foldl1 (<|) (func':args')
aN = "A" ++ show (length args)
(func, args) = getArgs e1 [e2]
getArgs func args =
case func of
(A _ (App f arg)) -> getArgs f (arg : args)
_ -> (func, args)
Let defs e ->
2014-01-03 07:46:37 +00:00
do let (defs',e') = flattenLets defs e
stmts <- concat <$> mapM definition defs'
exp <- expression e'
2014-01-13 18:32:54 +00:00
return $ function [] (stmts ++ [ ret exp ]) `call` []
MultiIf branches ->
do branches' <- forM branches $ \(b,e) -> (,) <$> expression b <*> expression e
return $ case last branches of
(A _ (Var (V.Raw "Basics.otherwise")), _) -> safeIfs branches'
(A _ (Literal (Boolean True)), _) -> safeIfs branches'
_ -> ifs branches' (obj "_E.If" `call` [ ref "$moduleName", string (renderPretty region) ])
safeIfs branches = ifs (init branches) (snd (last branches))
ifs branches finally = foldr iff finally branches
iff (if', then') else' = CondExpr () if' then' else'
Case e cases ->
do (tempVar,initialMatch) <- Case.toMatch cases
(revisedMatch, stmt) <-
case e of
A _ (Var (V.Raw x)) ->
return (Case.matchSubst [(tempVar,x)] initialMatch, [])
_ ->
do e' <- expression e
return (initialMatch, [VarDeclStmt () [varDecl tempVar e']])
match' <- match region revisedMatch
return (function [] (stmt ++ match') `call` [])
2013-08-31 11:01:00 +00:00
ExplicitList es ->
do es' <- mapM expression es
return $ obj "_J.toList" <| ArrayLit () es'
Data name es ->
do es' <- mapM expression es
return $ ObjectLit () (ctor : fields es')
ctor = (prop "ctor", string name)
fields = zipWith (\n e -> (prop ("_" ++ show n), e)) [0..]
2013-08-31 11:19:18 +00:00
2013-10-25 15:36:30 +00:00
Markdown uid doc es ->
do es' <- mapM expression es
return $ obj "Text.markdown" `call` (string md : string uid : es')
pad = "<div style=\"height:0;width:0;\">&nbsp;</div>"
md = pad ++ MD.toHtml doc ++ pad
2013-08-31 11:19:18 +00:00
2014-01-13 18:32:54 +00:00
PortIn name tipe ->
return $ obj "Native.Ports.portIn" `call` [ string name, Port.incoming tipe ]
2014-01-13 18:32:54 +00:00
PortOut name tipe value ->
do value' <- expression value
return $ obj "Native.Ports.portOut" `call`
[ string name, Port.outgoing tipe, value' ]
2014-01-03 07:46:37 +00:00
definition :: Def -> State Int [Statement ()]
definition (Definition pattern expr@(A region _) _) = do
2014-01-03 07:46:37 +00:00
expr' <- expression expr
let assign x = varDecl x expr'
case pattern of
P.Var x
2014-01-03 07:46:37 +00:00
| Help.isOp x ->
let op = LBracket () (ref "_op") (string x) in
return [ ExprStmt () $ AssignExpr () OpAssign op expr' ]
| otherwise ->
return [ VarDeclStmt () [ assign x ] ]
P.Record fields ->
2014-01-03 07:46:37 +00:00
let setField f = varDecl f (dotSep ["$",f]) in
return [ VarDeclStmt () (assign "$" : map setField fields) ]
P.Data name patterns | vars /= Nothing ->
return [ VarDeclStmt () (setup (zipWith decl (maybe [] id vars) [0..])) ]
2014-01-03 07:46:37 +00:00
vars = getVars patterns
getVars patterns =
case patterns of
P.Var x : rest -> (x:) `fmap` getVars rest
2014-01-03 07:46:37 +00:00
[] -> Just []
_ -> Nothing
decl x n = varDecl x (dotSep ["$","_" ++ show n])
setup vars
| Help.isTuple name = assign "$" : vars
| otherwise = assign "$raw" : safeAssign : vars
safeAssign = varDecl "$" (CondExpr () if' (obj "$raw") exception)
if' = InfixExpr () OpStrictEq (obj "$raw.ctor") (string name)
exception = obj "_E.Case" `call` [ref "$moduleName", string (renderPretty region)]
2014-01-03 07:46:37 +00:00
_ ->
do defs' <- concat <$> mapM toDef vars
return (VarDeclStmt () [assign "$"] : defs')
vars = P.boundVarList pattern
mkVar = A region . rawVar
toDef y = let expr = A region $ Case (mkVar "$") [(pattern, mkVar y)]
in definition $ Definition (P.Var y) expr Nothing
2014-01-03 07:46:37 +00:00
match :: Region -> Case.Match -> State Int [Statement ()]
match region mtch =
2013-08-31 11:01:00 +00:00
case mtch of
Case.Match name clauses mtch' ->
do (isChars, clauses') <- unzip <$> mapM (clause region name) clauses
mtch'' <- match region mtch'
2013-10-22 05:02:51 +00:00
return (SwitchStmt () (format isChars (access name)) clauses' : mtch'')
2013-08-31 11:01:00 +00:00
isLiteral p = case p of
Case.Clause (Right _) _ _ -> True
2013-08-31 11:01:00 +00:00
_ -> False
access name = if any isLiteral clauses then ref name else dotSep [name,"ctor"]
2013-10-22 05:02:51 +00:00
format isChars e
| or isChars = InfixExpr () OpAdd e (string "")
| otherwise = e
2013-08-31 11:01:00 +00:00
Case.Fail ->
return [ ExprStmt () (obj "_E.Case" `call` [ref "$moduleName", string (renderPretty region)]) ]
Case.Break -> return [BreakStmt () Nothing]
Case.Other e ->
do e' <- expression e
2014-01-13 18:32:54 +00:00
return [ ret e' ]
Case.Seq ms -> concat <$> mapM (match region) (dropEnd [] ms)
2013-08-31 11:01:00 +00:00
dropEnd acc [] = acc
dropEnd acc (m:ms) =
case m of
Case.Other _ -> acc ++ [m]
2013-08-31 11:01:00 +00:00
_ -> dropEnd (acc ++ [m]) ms
clause :: Region -> String -> Case.Clause -> State Int (Bool, CaseClause ())
clause region variable (Case.Clause value vars mtch) =
(,) isChar . CaseClause () pattern <$> match region (Case.matchSubst (zip vars vars') mtch)
2013-08-31 11:01:00 +00:00
vars' = map (\n -> variable ++ "._" ++ show n) [0..]
2013-10-22 05:02:51 +00:00
(isChar, pattern) =
case value of
Right (Chr c) -> (True, string [c])
_ -> (,) False $ case value of
Right (Boolean b) -> BoolLit () b
Right lit -> literal lit
Left name -> string $ case List.elemIndices '.' name of
[] -> name
is -> drop (last is + 1) name
flattenLets :: [Def] -> Expr -> ([Def], Expr)
flattenLets defs lexpr@(A _ expr) =
2014-01-03 07:46:37 +00:00
case expr of
Let ds body -> flattenLets (defs ++ ds) body
_ -> (defs, lexpr)
2014-01-03 07:46:37 +00:00
generate :: MetadataModule -> String
generate unsafeModule =
show . prettyPrint $ setup (Just "Elm") (names modul ++ ["make"]) ++
2013-12-16 03:14:00 +00:00
[ assign ("Elm" : names modul ++ ["make"]) (function ["_elm"] programStmts) ]
modul = MakeSafe.metadataModule unsafeModule
2013-12-16 03:14:00 +00:00
thisModule = dotSep ("_elm" : names modul ++ ["values"])
programStmts =
[ [ ExprStmt () $ string "use strict" ]
, setup (Just "_elm") (names modul ++ ["values"])
2014-01-13 18:32:54 +00:00
, [ IfSingleStmt () thisModule (ret thisModule) ]
, [ internalImports (List.intercalate "." (names modul)) ]
, concatMap jsImport . Set.toList . Set.fromList . map fst $ imports modul
, [ assign ["_op"] (ObjectLit () []) ]
, concat $ evalState (mapM definition . fst . flattenLets [] $ program modul) 0
, [ jsExports ]
2014-01-13 18:32:54 +00:00
, [ ret thisModule ]
2013-12-16 03:14:00 +00:00
jsExports = assign ("_elm" : names modul ++ ["values"]) (ObjectLit () exs)
exs = map entry . filter (not . Help.isOp) $ "_op" : exports modul
entry x = (PropId () (var x), ref x)
assign path expr =
case path of
[x] -> VarDeclStmt () [ varDecl x expr ]
_ -> ExprStmt () $
AssignExpr () OpAssign (LDot () (dotSep (init path)) (last path)) expr
jsImport modul = setup Nothing path ++ [ include ]
path = Help.splitDots modul
2013-12-16 03:14:00 +00:00
include = assign path $ dotSep ("Elm" : path ++ ["make"]) <| ref "_elm"
setup namespace path = map create paths
create name = assign name (InfixExpr () OpLOr (dotSep name) (ObjectLit () []))
paths = case namespace of
Nothing -> tail . init $ List.inits path
Just nmspc -> drop 2 . init . List.inits $ nmspc : path
binop :: Region -> String -> Expr -> Expr -> State Int (Expression ())
binop region op e1 e2 =
case op of
"Basics.." ->
do es <- mapM expression (e1 : collect [] e2)
return $ ["$"] ==> foldr (<|) (ref "$") es
"Basics.<|" ->
do e2' <- expression e2
es <- mapM expression (collect [] e1)
return $ foldr (<|) e2' es
"List.++" ->
do e1' <- expression e1
e2' <- expression e2
return $ obj "_L.append" `call` [e1', e2']
"::" -> expression (A region (Data "::" [e1,e2]))
_ ->
do e1' <- expression e1
e2' <- expression e2
return $ case Map.lookup op opDict of
Just f -> f e1' e2'
Nothing -> ref "A2" `call` [ func, e1', e2' ]
collect es e =
case e of
A _ (Binop op e1 e2) | op == "Basics.." -> collect (es ++ [e1]) e2
_ -> es ++ [e]
func | Help.isOp operator = BracketRef () (dotSep (init parts ++ ["_op"])) (string operator)
2013-08-31 11:19:18 +00:00
| otherwise = dotSep parts
parts = Help.splitDots op
2013-08-31 11:19:18 +00:00
operator = last parts
opDict = Map.fromList (infixOps ++ specialOps)
2013-09-03 08:30:21 +00:00
specialOp str func = [ (str, func), ("Basics." ++ str, func) ]
infixOp str op = specialOp str (InfixExpr () op)
2013-09-03 08:30:21 +00:00
infixOps = concat
[ infixOp "+" OpAdd
, infixOp "-" OpSub
, infixOp "*" OpMul
, infixOp "/" OpDiv
, infixOp "&&" OpLAnd
, infixOp "||" OpLOr
2013-09-03 08:30:21 +00:00
specialOps = concat
[ specialOp "^" $ \a b -> obj "Math.pow" `call` [a,b]
, specialOp "|>" $ flip (<|)
, specialOp "==" $ \a b -> obj "_U.eq" `call` [a,b]
, specialOp "/=" $ \a b -> PrefixExpr () PrefixLNot (obj "_U.eq" `call` [a,b])
, specialOp "<" $ cmp OpLT 0
, specialOp ">" $ cmp OpGT 0
, specialOp "<=" $ cmp OpLT 1
, specialOp ">=" $ cmp OpGT (-1)
, specialOp "div" $ \a b -> InfixExpr () OpBOr (InfixExpr () OpDiv a b) (IntLit () 0)
cmp op n a b = InfixExpr () op (obj "_U.cmp" `call` [a,b]) (IntLit () n)