Update generated JS so that the FFI works independently for each RTS.

This commit is contained in:
evancz 2013-03-09 18:59:55 -08:00
parent f49a509e7f
commit 05631f2b37

View file

@ -19,13 +19,27 @@ import Rename (deprime)
import Types.Types ( Type(RecordT) )
showErr :: String -> String
showErr err = mainEquals $ "Elm.Graphics.text(Elm.Text.monospace(" ++ msg ++ "))"
showErr err = "Elm.Graphics.text(Elm.Text.monospace(" ++ msg ++ "))"
where msg = show . concatMap (++"<br>") . lines $ err
indent = concatMap f
where f '\n' = "\n "
f c = [c]
internalImports =
[ ("_Utils", "Elm.Native.Utils(elm)"),
("_insert", "_Utils.insert"),
("_remove", "_Utils.remove"),
("_replace", "_Utils.replace"),
("_eq", "_Utils.eq"),
("_compare", "_Utils.compare"),
("_range", "Elm.Native.List(elm).range"),
("_append", "Elm.Native.List(elm).append"),
("_caseError", "Elm.Native.Error(elm).Case"),
("_ifError", "Elm.Native.Error(elm).If"),
("_str", "Elm.Native.JavaScript(elm).toString")
parens s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
brackets s = "{" ++ s ++ "}"
jsList ss = "["++ intercalate "," ss ++"]"
@ -41,24 +55,26 @@ quoted s = "'" ++ concatMap f s ++ "'"
f '\\' = "\\\\"
f c = [c]
mainEquals s = globalAssign "Elm.main" (jsFunc "" (ret (s ++ ".main")))
globalAssign n e = "\n" ++ assign' n e ++ ";"
assign' n e = n ++ " = " ++ e
jsModule (Module names exports imports stmts) =
setup ++ parens (jsFunc "" program ++ "()") ++ mainEquals modName
setup ++ globalAssign ("Elm." ++ modName) (jsFunc "elm" program)
modNames = if null names then ["Elm", "Main"] else "Elm" : names
modNames = if null names then ["Main"] else names
modName = intercalate "." modNames
includes = concatMap jsImport imports
body = stmtsToJS stmts
export = getExports exports stmts
exps = if null exports then ["main"] else exports
defs = assign "$op" "{}"
program = defs ++ includes ++ body ++ globalAssign modName export
program = usefulFuncs ++ defs ++ includes ++ body ++
ret ("elm." ++ modName ++ " = " ++ export)
setup = concatMap (\n -> globalAssign n $ n ++ " || {}") .
map (intercalate ".") . drop 2 . inits $
map (intercalate ".") . tail . inits $
take (length modNames - 1) modNames
usefulFuncs =
"var " ++ intercalate ", " (map (uncurry assign) internalImports) ++ ";"
getExports names stmts = brackets . ("\n "++) $
intercalate ",\n " (op : map fnPair fns)
@ -85,11 +101,11 @@ getExports names stmts = brackets . ("\n "++) $
jsImport (modul, how) =
case how of
As name -> assign name ("Elm." ++ modul)
As name -> assign name ("Elm." ++ modul ++ parens "elm")
Importing vs ->
assign modul ("Elm." ++ modul) ++ concatMap def vs
"\nElm." ++ modul ++ parens "elm" ++ ";" ++ concatMap def vs
imprt asgn v = asgn v ("Elm." ++ modul ++ "." ++ v)
imprt asgn v = asgn v ("elm." ++ modul ++ "." ++ v)
def (o:p) =
if isOp o then imprt globalAssign ("$op['" ++ o:p ++ "']")
else imprt assign (deprime (o:p))
@ -137,13 +153,13 @@ instance ToJS Statement where
ImportEvent js base elm _ ->
do v <- toJS' base
return $ concat [ "\nvar " ++ elm ++ "=Elm.Signal.constant(" ++ v ++ ");"
, "\nValue.addListener(document, '" ++ js
, "', function(e) { Dispatcher.notify(" ++ elm
, "\ndocument.addEventListener('", js
, "_' + elm.id, function(e) { elm.notify(", elm
, ".id, e.value); });" ]
ExportEvent js elm _ ->
return $ concat [ "\nlift(function(v) { "
, "var e = document.createEvent('Event');"
, "e.initEvent('", js, "', true, true);"
, "e.initEvent('", js, "_' + elm.id, true, true);"
, "e.value = v;"
, "document.dispatchEvent(e); return v; })(", elm, ");" ]
TypeAnnotation _ _ -> return ""
@ -163,9 +179,9 @@ toJS' (C txt span expr) =
Case e cases -> caseToJS span e cases
_ -> toJS expr
remove x e = "elmRecordRemove('" ++ x ++ "', " ++ e ++ ")"
addField x v e = "elmRecordInsert('" ++ x ++ "', " ++ v ++ ", " ++ e ++ ")"
setField fs e = "elmRecordReplace(" ++ jsList (map f fs) ++ ", " ++ e ++ ")"
remove x e = "_remove('" ++ x ++ "', " ++ e ++ ")"
addField x v e = "_insert('" ++ x ++ "', " ++ v ++ ", " ++ e ++ ")"
setField fs e = "_replace(" ++ jsList (map f fs) ++ ", " ++ e ++ ")"
where f (x,v) = "['" ++ x ++ "'," ++ v ++ "]"
access x e = parens e ++ "." ++ x
makeRecord kvs = record `liftM` collect kvs
@ -185,11 +201,11 @@ makeRecord kvs = record `liftM` collect kvs
instance ToJS Expr where
toJS expr =
case expr of
IntNum n -> return $ show n ++ "|0"
IntNum n -> return $ show n
FloatNum n -> return $ show n
Var x -> return $ x
Chr c -> return $ quoted [c]
Str s -> return $ "Value.str" ++ parens (quoted s)
Str s -> return $ "_str" ++ parens (quoted s)
Boolean b -> return $ if b then "true" else "false"
Range lo hi -> jsRange `liftM` toJS' lo `ap` toJS' hi
Access e x -> access x `liftM` toJS' e
@ -238,7 +254,7 @@ formatMarkdown = concatMap f
multiIfToJS span ps =
case last ps of
(C _ _ (Var "otherwise"), e) -> toJS' e >>= \b -> format b (init ps)
_ -> format ("Elm.Error.If" ++ parens (quoted (show span))) ps
_ -> format ("_ifError" ++ parens (quoted (show span))) ps
format base ps =
foldr (\c e -> parens $ c ++ " : " ++ e) base `liftM` mapM f ps
@ -263,7 +279,7 @@ caseToJS span e ps = do
return (matchSubst [(name,x)] match, Nothing)
(Match name _ _, _) ->
return (match, Just (name ++ " = " ++ e'))
_ -> return (match, Nothing) -- Just e'
_ -> return (match, Nothing)
matches <- matchToJS span match'
return $ case stmt of
Nothing -> matches
@ -276,7 +292,7 @@ matchToJS span match =
do cases <- intercalate " : " `liftM` mapM (clauseToJS span name) clauses
finally <- matchToJS span def
return (sqnc cases finally)
Fail -> return ("Elm.Error.Case" ++ parens (quoted (show span)))
Fail -> return ("_caseError" ++ parens (quoted (show span)))
Break -> return "null"
Other e -> toJS' e
Seq ms -> foldr1 sqnc `liftM` mapM (matchToJS span) (dropEnd [] ms)
@ -294,7 +310,8 @@ clauseToJS span var (Clause name vars e) = do
jsNil = "{ctor:'Nil'}"
jsCons e1 e2 = "{ctor:'Cons',_0:" ++ e1 ++ ",_1:" ++ e2 ++ "}"
jsRange e1 e2 = "Elm.Native.List.range" ++ parens (e1 ++ "," ++ e2)
jsRange e1 e2 = "_range" ++ parens (e1 ++ "," ++ e2)
jsCompare e1 e2 op = parens ("_compare(" ++ e1 ++ "," ++ e2 ++ ").ctor " ++ op)
binop (o:p) e1 e2
| isAlpha o || '_' == o = (o:p) ++ parens e1 ++ parens e2
@ -302,23 +319,19 @@ binop (o:p) e1 e2
let ops = ["+","-","*","/","&&","||"] in
case o:p of
"::" -> jsCons e1 e2
"++" -> append e1 e2
"++" -> "_append" ++ parens (e1 ++ "," ++ e2)
"$" -> e1 ++ parens e2
"." -> jsFunc "x" . ret $ e1 ++ parens (e2 ++ parens "x")
"^" -> "Math.pow(" ++ e1 ++ "," ++ e2 ++ ")"
"==" -> "eq(" ++ e1 ++ "," ++ e2 ++ ")"
"/=" -> "not(eq(" ++ e1 ++ "," ++ e2 ++ "))"
"<" -> "(compare(" ++ e1 ++ ")(" ++ e2 ++ ").ctor === 'LT')"
">" -> "(compare(" ++ e1 ++ ")(" ++ e2 ++ ").ctor === 'GT')"
"<=" -> "function() { var ord = compare(" ++ e1 ++ ")(" ++
e2 ++ ").ctor; return ord==='LT' || ord==='EQ'; }()"
">=" -> "function() { var ord = compare(" ++ e1 ++ ")(" ++
e2 ++ ").ctor; return ord==='GT' || ord==='EQ'; }()"
"==" -> "_eq(" ++ e1 ++ "," ++ e2 ++ ")"
"/=" -> "!_eq(" ++ e1 ++ "," ++ e2 ++ ")"
"<" -> jsCompare e1 e2 "=== 'LT'"
">" -> jsCompare e1 e2 "=== 'GT'"
"<=" -> jsCompare e1 e2 "!== 'GT'"
">=" -> jsCompare e1 e2 "!== 'LT'"
"<~" -> "lift" ++ parens e1 ++ parens e2
"~" -> "lift2(function(f){return function(x){return f(x);};})" ++
parens e1 ++ parens e2
_ | elem (o:p) ops -> parens (e1 ++ (o:p) ++ e2)
| otherwise -> concat [ "$op['", o:p, "']"
, parens e1, parens e2 ]
append e1 e2 = "Value.append" ++ parens (e1 ++ "," ++ e2)
, parens e1, parens e2 ]