Filter out duplicate imports, generate code using new Native.Ports module

This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2014-01-06 07:49:49 +01:00
parent 85bf092192
commit da033e3696

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@ -54,18 +54,18 @@ include alias moduleName =
internalImports name =
VarDeclStmt ()
[ varDecl "N" (obj "Elm.Native")
, include "_N" "N.Utils"
, include "_L" "N.List"
, include "_E" "N.Error"
, include "_J" "N.JavaScript"
[ varDecl "_N" (obj "Elm.Native")
, include "_U" "_N.Utils"
, include "_L" "_N.List"
, include "_E" "_N.Error"
, include "_J" "_N.JavaScript"
, varDecl "$moduleName" (string name)
literal :: Literal -> Expression ()
literal lit =
case lit of
Chr c -> obj "_N.chr" <| string [c]
Chr c -> obj "_U.chr" <| string [c]
Str s -> string s
IntNum n -> IntLit () n
FloatNum n -> NumLit () n
@ -88,19 +88,19 @@ expression (L span expr) =
Remove e x ->
do e' <- expression e
return $ obj "_N.remove" `call` [string x, e']
return $ obj "_U.remove" `call` [string x, e']
Insert e x v ->
do v' <- expression v
e' <- expression e
return $ obj "_N.insert" `call` [string x, v', e']
return $ obj "_U.insert" `call` [string x, v', e']
Modify e fs ->
do e' <- expression e
fs' <- forM fs $ \(f,v) -> do
v' <- expression v
return $ ArrayLit () [string f, v']
return $ obj "_N.replace" `call` [ArrayLit () fs', e']
return $ obj "_U.replace" `call` [ArrayLit () fs', e']
Record fields ->
do fields' <- forM fields $ \(f,e) -> do
@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ expression (L span expr) =
PortIn name _ _ handler ->
do handler' <- expression handler
return $ obj "_N.portIn" `call` [ string name, handler' ]
return $ obj "Native.Ports.portIn" `call` [ string name, handler' ]
PortOut name _ signal ->
do signal' <- expression signal
return $ obj "_N.portOut" `call` [ string name, signal' ]
return $ obj "Native.Ports.portOut" `call` [ string name, signal' ]
definition :: Def -> State Int [Statement ()]
definition (Definition pattern expr@(L span _) _) = do
@ -309,8 +309,7 @@ generate unsafeModule =
concat [ setup (Just "_elm") (names modul ++ ["values"])
, [ IfSingleStmt () thisModule (ReturnStmt () (Just thisModule)) ]
, [ internalImports (List.intercalate "." (names modul)) ]
, concatMap jsImport (imports modul)
, checkInPorts (recvPorts modul)
, concatMap jsImport . Set.toList . Set.fromList . map fst $ imports modul
, [ assign ["_op"] (ObjectLit () []) ]
, concat $ evalState (mapM definition . fst . flattenLets [] $ program modul) 0
, [ jsExports ]
@ -328,7 +327,7 @@ generate unsafeModule =
_ -> ExprStmt () $
AssignExpr () OpAssign (LDot () (dotSep (init path)) (last path)) expr
jsImport (modul,_) = setup Nothing path ++ [ include ]
jsImport modul = setup Nothing path ++ [ include ]
path = split modul
include = assign path $ dotSep ("Elm" : path ++ ["make"]) <| ref "_elm"
@ -340,11 +339,6 @@ generate unsafeModule =
Nothing -> tail . init $ List.inits path
Just nmspc -> drop 2 . init . List.inits $ nmspc : path
checkInPorts ports =
[ ExprStmt () $ obj "_N.portCheck" `call` [ref "$moduleName", names] ]
names = ArrayLit () [ string name | (name, _, _) <- ports ]
binop span op e1 e2 =
case op of
"Basics.." ->
@ -394,8 +388,8 @@ binop span op e1 e2 =
specialOps = concat
[ specialOp "^" $ \a b -> obj "Math.pow" `call` [a,b]
, specialOp "|>" $ flip (<|)
, specialOp "==" $ \a b -> obj "_N.eq" `call` [a,b]
, specialOp "/=" $ \a b -> PrefixExpr () PrefixLNot (obj "_N.eq" `call` [a,b])
, specialOp "==" $ \a b -> obj "_U.eq" `call` [a,b]
, specialOp "/=" $ \a b -> PrefixExpr () PrefixLNot (obj "_U.eq" `call` [a,b])
, specialOp "<" $ cmp OpLT 0
, specialOp ">" $ cmp OpGT 0
, specialOp "<=" $ cmp OpLT 1
@ -403,4 +397,4 @@ binop span op e1 e2 =
, specialOp "div" $ \a b -> InfixExpr () OpBOr (InfixExpr () OpDiv a b) (IntLit () 0)
cmp op n a b = InfixExpr () op (obj "_N.cmp" `call` [a,b]) (IntLit () n)
cmp op n a b = InfixExpr () op (obj "_U.cmp" `call` [a,b]) (IntLit () n)