Generate conversion code for ports

This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2014-01-13 19:32:54 +01:00
parent 63243ca457
commit 32fbbca5b2
5 changed files with 204 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ Library
@ -127,6 +129,8 @@ Executable elm

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@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Generate.JavaScript.Helpers
import qualified Generate.Cases as Case
import qualified Generate.JavaScript.Ports as Port
import qualified Generate.Markdown as MD
import qualified SourceSyntax.Helpers as Help
import SourceSyntax.Literal
@ -20,38 +22,15 @@ import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax
import Language.ECMAScript3.PrettyPrint
import qualified Transform.SafeNames as MakeSafe
split :: String -> [String]
split = go []
go vars str =
case break (=='.') str of
(x,_:rest) | Help.isOp x -> vars ++ [x ++ '.' : rest]
| otherwise -> go (vars ++ [x]) rest
(x,[]) -> vars ++ [x]
var name = Id () name
ref name = VarRef () (var name)
prop name = PropId () (var name)
f <| x = CallExpr () f [x]
args ==> e = FuncExpr () Nothing (map var args) [ ReturnStmt () (Just e) ]
function args stmts = FuncExpr () Nothing (map var args) stmts
call = CallExpr ()
string = StringLit ()
dotSep vars =
case vars of
x:xs -> foldl (DotRef ()) (ref x) (map var xs)
[] -> error "dotSep must be called on a non-empty list of variables"
obj = dotSep . split
varDecl :: String -> Expression () -> VarDecl ()
varDecl x expr =
VarDecl () (var x) (Just expr)
include :: String -> String -> VarDecl ()
include alias moduleName =
varDecl alias (obj (moduleName ++ ".make") <| ref "_elm")
internalImports :: String -> Statement ()
internalImports name =
VarDeclStmt ()
[ varDecl "_N" (obj "Elm.Native")
@ -155,7 +134,7 @@ expression (L span expr) =
do let (defs',e') = flattenLets defs e
stmts <- concat <$> mapM definition defs'
exp <- expression e'
return $ function [] (stmts ++ [ ReturnStmt () (Just exp) ]) `call` []
return $ function [] (stmts ++ [ ret exp ]) `call` []
MultiIf branches ->
do branches' <- forM branches $ \(b,e) -> (,) <$> expression b <*> expression e
@ -196,15 +175,13 @@ expression (L span expr) =
pad = "<div style=\"height:0;width:0;\">&nbsp;</div>"
md = pad ++ MD.toHtml doc ++ pad
PortIn name _ _ handler ->
do handler' <- case handler of
Nothing -> return []
Just h -> (:[]) `fmap` expression h
return $ obj "Native.Ports.portIn" `call` ([ string name ] ++ handler')
PortIn name tipe ->
return $ obj "Native.Ports.portIn" `call` [ string name, Port.incoming tipe ]
PortOut name _ signal ->
do signal' <- expression signal
return $ obj "Native.Ports.portOut" `call` [ string name, signal' ]
PortOut name tipe value ->
do value' <- expression value
return $ obj "Native.Ports.portOut" `call`
[ string name, Port.outgoing tipe, value' ]
definition :: Def -> State Int [Statement ()]
definition (Definition pattern expr@(L span _) _) = do
@ -250,7 +227,7 @@ definition (Definition pattern expr@(L span _) _) = do
toDef y = let expr = L span $ Case (mkVar "$") [(pattern, mkVar y)]
in definition $ Definition (PVar y) expr Nothing
match :: (Show a) => a -> Case.Match -> State Int [Statement ()]
match :: SrcSpan -> Case.Match -> State Int [Statement ()]
match span mtch =
case mtch of
Case.Match name clauses mtch' ->
@ -272,7 +249,7 @@ match span mtch =
Case.Break -> return [BreakStmt () Nothing]
Case.Other e ->
do e' <- expression e
return [ ReturnStmt () (Just e') ]
return [ ret e' ]
Case.Seq ms -> concat <$> mapM (match span) (dropEnd [] ms)
dropEnd acc [] = acc
@ -281,6 +258,7 @@ match span mtch =
Case.Other _ -> acc ++ [m]
_ -> dropEnd (acc ++ [m]) ms
clause :: SrcSpan -> String -> Case.Clause -> State Int (Bool, CaseClause ())
clause span variable (Case.Clause value vars mtch) =
(,) isChar . CaseClause () pattern <$> match span (Case.matchSubst (zip vars vars') mtch)
@ -295,6 +273,7 @@ clause span variable (Case.Clause value vars mtch) =
[] -> name
is -> drop (last is + 1) name
flattenLets :: [Def] -> LExpr -> ([Def], LExpr)
flattenLets defs lexpr@(L _ expr) =
case expr of
Let ds body -> flattenLets (defs ++ ds) body
@ -310,13 +289,13 @@ generate unsafeModule =
programStmts =
[ setup (Just "_elm") (names modul ++ ["values"])
, [ IfSingleStmt () thisModule (ReturnStmt () (Just thisModule)) ]
, [ IfSingleStmt () thisModule (ret thisModule) ]
, [ internalImports (List.intercalate "." (names modul)) ]
, concatMap jsImport . Set.toList . Set.fromList . map fst $ imports modul
, [ assign ["_op"] (ObjectLit () []) ]
, concat $ evalState (mapM definition . fst . flattenLets [] $ program modul) 0
, [ jsExports ]
, [ ReturnStmt () (Just thisModule) ]
, [ ret thisModule ]
jsExports = assign ("_elm" : names modul ++ ["values"]) (ObjectLit () exs)
@ -342,6 +321,7 @@ generate unsafeModule =
Nothing -> tail . init $ List.inits path
Just nmspc -> drop 2 . init . List.inits $ nmspc : path
binop :: SrcSpan -> String -> LExpr -> LExpr -> State Int (Expression ())
binop span op e1 e2 =
case op of
"Basics.." ->

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -W #-}
module Generate.JavaScript.Helpers where
import qualified SourceSyntax.Helpers as Help
import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax
split :: String -> [String]
split = go []
go vars str =
case break (=='.') str of
(x,_:rest) | Help.isOp x -> vars ++ [x ++ '.' : rest]
| otherwise -> go (vars ++ [x]) rest
(x,[]) -> vars ++ [x]
var name = Id () name
ref name = VarRef () (var name)
prop name = PropId () (var name)
f <| x = CallExpr () f [x]
ret e = ReturnStmt () (Just e)
args ==> e = FuncExpr () Nothing (map var args) [ ret e ]
function args stmts = FuncExpr () Nothing (map var args) stmts
call = CallExpr ()
string = StringLit ()
dotSep vars =
case vars of
x:xs -> foldl (DotRef ()) (ref x) (map var xs)
[] -> error "dotSep must be called on a non-empty list of variables"
obj = dotSep . split
equal a b = InfixExpr () OpStrictEq a b
instanceof tipe x = InfixExpr () OpInstanceof x (ref tipe)
typeof tipe x = equal (PrefixExpr () PrefixTypeof x) (string tipe)
member field x = InfixExpr () OpIn (string field) x

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -W #-}
module Generate.JavaScript.Ports (incoming, outgoing) where
import Generate.JavaScript.Helpers
import qualified SourceSyntax.Helpers as Help
import SourceSyntax.Type
import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax
check :: a -> [a -> Expression ()] -> Expression () -> Expression ()
check x checks continue =
CondExpr () (foldl1 (InfixExpr () OpLOr) (map ($x) checks)) continue throw
throw = obj "_E.raise" <| string "invalid input to port"
incoming :: Type -> Expression ()
incoming t = ["v"] ==> go t (ref "v")
go :: Type -> Expression () -> Expression ()
go tipe x =
case tipe of
Lambda _ _ -> error "functions should not be allowed through input ports"
Var _ -> error "type variables should not be allowed through input ports"
Data ctor []
| ctor == "Int" -> elm "Int" [typeof "number"]
| ctor == "Float" -> elm "Float" [typeof "number"]
| ctor == "Bool" -> elm "Bool" [typeof "boolean"]
| ctor == "String" -> elm "String" [typeof "string", instanceof "String"]
| ctor == "JavaScript.JSNumber" -> js [typeof "number"]
| ctor == "JavaScript.JSBool" -> js [typeof "boolean"]
| ctor == "JavaScript.JSString" -> js [typeof "string", instanceof "String"]
elm out checks = check x checks (obj ("" ++ out) <| x)
js checks = check x checks x
Data ctor [t]
| ctor == "Maybe.Maybe" ->
CondExpr () (equal x (NullLit ()))
(obj "Maybe.Nothing")
(obj "Maybe.Just" <| go t x)
| ctor == "Signal.Signal" ->
obj "Native.Ports.incomingSignal" <| incoming t
| ctor == "_List" ->
check x [instanceof "Array"] (obj "_J.toList" <| array)
array = DotRef () x (var "map") <| incoming t
Data ctor ts | Help.isTuple ctor -> check x [instanceof "Array"] tuple
tuple = ObjectLit () $ (PropId () (var "ctor"), string ctor) : values
values = zipWith convert [0..] ts
convert n t = ( PropId () $ var ('_':show n)
, go t (BracketRef () x (IntLit () n)))
Data _ _ -> error "bad ADT got to port generation code"
Record _ (Just _) -> error "bad record got to port generation code"
Record fields Nothing ->
check x (typeof "object" : map (member . fst) fields) object
object = ObjectLit () $ (PropId () (var "_"), ObjectLit () []) : keys
keys = map convert fields
convert (f,t) = (PropId () (var f), go t (DotRef () x (var f)))
outgoing t = ["v"] ==> go t (ref "v")
go :: Type -> Expression () -> Expression ()
go tipe x =
case tipe of
Lambda _ _ -> error "unimplemented"
Var _ -> error "type variables should not be allowed through input ports"
Data ctor []
| ctor `elem` ["Int","Float","Bool","String"] -> obj ("_J.from" ++ ctor) <| x
| ctor `elem` jsPrims -> x
jsPrims = map ("JavaScript.JS"++) ["Number","Bool","String"]
Data ctor [t]
| ctor == "Maybe.Maybe" ->
CondExpr () (equal (DotRef () x (var "ctor")) (string "Nothing"))
(NullLit ())
(DotRef () x (var "_0"))
| ctor == "Signal.Signal" ->
obj "Native.Ports.outgoingSignal" <| incoming t
| ctor == "_List" ->
DotRef () (obj "_J.fromList" <| x) (var "map") <| incoming t
Data ctor ts | Help.isTuple ctor ->
ArrayLit () $ zipWith convert [0..] ts
convert n t = go t $ DotRef () x $ var ('_':show n)
Data _ _ -> error "bad ADT got to port generation code"
Record _ (Just _) -> error "bad record got to port generation code"
Record fields Nothing ->
ObjectLit () keys
keys = map convert fields
convert (f,t) = (PropId () (var f), go t (DotRef () x (var f)))

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@ -6,62 +6,58 @@ Elm.Native.Ports.make = function(elm) {
var Signal = Elm.Signal.make(elm);
// On failure, return message. On success, return the value in an array.
// Wrapping in an array allows the programmer to pass in a null value.
function processInput(converter, v) {
try { var elmValue = converter(v); }
catch(e) { return "The given value caused a runtime error!\n" + e.toString(); }
var ctor = elmValue.ctor;
if (ctor === 'Nothing' || ctor === 'Left') {
return "The port's conversion function failed.";
} else if (ctor === 'Just' || ctor === 'Right') {
return [elmValue._0];
function incomingSignal(converter) {
return function(port) {
var base = converter(port.internal.defaultValue);
var signal = Signal.constant(base);
port.internal.subscribe(function(v) {
try {
elm.notify(, converter(v));
} catch(e) {
return signal;
return [elmValue];
function outgoingSignal(converter) {
return function(signal) {
var subscribers = []
function subscribe(handler) {
function unsubscribe(handler) {
A2( Signal.lift, function(value) {
var val = converter(value);
var len = subscribers.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
}, signal);
return { subscribe:subscribe, unsubscribe:unsubscribe };
function portIn(name, converter) {
var port = elm.ports.incoming[name];
if (!port) {
var value = elm.ports.incoming[name];
if (!value) {
throw new Error("Initialization Error: port '" + name +
"' was not given an input!");
elm.ports.uses[name] += 1;
var result = processInput(converter, port.internal.defaultValue);
if (typeof result === 'string') {
throw new Error("Initialization Error: The default value for port '" +
name + "' is invalid.\n" + result);
var signal = Signal.constant(result[0]);
port.internal.subscribe(function(v) {
var result = processInput(converter, v);
if (typeof result === 'string') {
} else {
elm.notify(, result[0]);
return signal;
return converter(value);
function portOut(name, signal) {
var subscribers = []
function subscribe(handler) {
function unsubscribe(handler) {
A2( Signal.lift, function(value) {
var len = subscribers.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
}, signal);
elm.ports.outgoing[name] = { subscribe:subscribe, unsubscribe:unsubscribe };
return signal;
function portOut(name, converter, value) {
elm.ports.outgoing[name] = converter(value);
return value;
return elm.Native.Ports.values = {
incomingSignal: incomingSignal,
outgoingSignal: outgoingSignal,
portOut: portOut,
portIn: portIn