2010-03-30 16:39:12 +02:00

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false 1 article 2010-01-12T16:36:40+02:00 antialias font in Firefox under Ubuntu
fr en
Fontes adoucies sous Ubuntu Firefox antialias font in Firefox under Ubuntu
fr en
Voici comment faire pour ne plus utiliser les fontes Microsoft© sous Linux Ubuntu pour avoir de belles fontes adoucies (anti aliased) qui ne font pas mal aux yeux sous Firefox. How to stop using bad Microsoft© font under Ubuntu Linux in order to user nice anti aliased font under Firefox.

How to stop using bad Microsoft© font under Ubuntu Linux in order to user nice anti aliased font under Firefox.

Just modify the /etc/fonts/local.conf with the following code:




Tahoma Verdana Lucida Grande Georgia Georgia Century Schoolbook L

Hope it helped someone who like me had his eyes crying in face of such ugly fonts.