2010-03-30 16:39:12 +02:00

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isHidden menupriority kind created_at title multiTitle multiSubTitle multiDescription tags
false 1 article 2009-10-22T20:45:18+02:00 Focus vs Minimalism
fr en
<em>Focus</em> > Minimalisme Focus > Minimalism
fr en
Cacher la navigation pour une meilleure concentration Hide navigation for better focus
fr en
Je crois que le but du minimalisme est de facilité le <em><strong>Focus</strong></em> c'est-à-dire la concentration sur le contenu. Je crois que le minimalisme doit être un moyen et pas une fin. I believe the goal researched by minimalism is <strong>Focus</strong>. But I don't believe minimalism should be the goal. Focus should be the goal, and I believe minimalism isn't necessary to reach it.

en: I believe the goal researched by minimalism is Focus. But I don't believe minimalism should be the goal. Focus should be the goal, and I believe minimalism isn't necessary to reach it.

This is why my design is not minimalist, but I decided to remove most of the navigation stuff of all pages of my website. May be I'll prefer to hide the menu only when you are on blog article. For now, I hide the menu everywhere on the website.


technical details

For those who want the technical details behind the show/hide menu, here is the simple jQuery code.


#content of the menu

The CSS:

#menuButton { font-size: 2em; height: 2em; line-height: 1.8em; width: 2em; position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 9001 }

#menuButton:hover { cursor: pointer; }

#entete { top: 5em; left: 0; position: fixed; width: 10em; z-index: 9000; }

The javascript code (using jQuery)

function hideMenu() { $('#entete').animate({left:"-10em"}, 500 ); $('#menuButton').html('→'); } function showMenu() { $('#entete').animate({left:"0em"}, 500 ); $('#menuButton').html('←'); } function toggleMenu() { if ( $('#entete').css('left')=='-10em' ) { showMenu(); } else { hideMenu(); } }

And the result is shown in the top left corner of this website.