2011-07-10 13:06:37 +02:00

4.9 KiB

isHidden menupriority kind created_at title author_name author_uri
false 1 article 2011-07-10T12:41:26+02:00 ASCII Haskell Mandelbrot Yann Esposito

Here is the obfuscated code:

a=27;b=79;c=C(-2.0,-1.0);d=C(1.0,1.0);e=C(-2.501,-1.003) newtype C = C (Double,Double) deriving (Show,Eq) instance Num C where C(x,y)*C(z,t)=C(z*x-y*t,y*z+x*t);C(x,y)+C(z,t)=C(x+z,y+t);abs(C(x,y))=C(sqrt(x*x+y*y),0.0) r(C(x,y))=x;i(C(x,y))=y f :: C -> C -> Int -> Int f c z 0=0;f c z n=if(r(abs(z))>2)then n else f c ((z*z)+c) (n-1) h j k = map (\z->(f (C z) (C(0,0)) 32,(fst z>l - q/2))) [(x,y)|y<-[p,(p+((o-p)/a))..o],x<-[m,(m + q)..l]] where o=i k;p=i j;m=r j;l=r k;q=(l-m)/b u j k = concat $ map v $ h j k where v (i,p)=(" .,`'°\":;-+oO0123456789=!%*§&$@#"!!i):rst p;rst True="\n";rst False="" main = putStrLn $ im 0 where cl n (C (x,y))=let cs=(1.1**n-1) in C ((x+cs*(r e))/cs+1,(y+cs*(i e))/cs+1);bl n=cl n c;tr n=cl n d;im n=u (bl n) (tr n)++"\x1b[H\x1b[25A"++im (n+1)

To launch it, you'll need to have haskell installed and to run:

ghc --make animandel.hs && animandel

Here is some image after 50 iterations:

5555666666666666666666666666666655555555554O+++ :o022334444444444444444444444444 5555556666666666666666666666665555555555543210O-+O112333344444444444444444444444 55555555666666666666666666665555555555444333210o`O012333333444444444444444444444 4555555555566666666666666555555555544444333331O+°°,'0233333334444444444444444433 44444445555555556666555555555444444444433333210o-:O01122333333334444444444443333 44444444444444445555444444444444444444333332211O+ -o1112222223333333344433333222 444444444444433331133334444444444444433332221110o"+O0111222222222222222222222222 34444444443333330OO03333334444444443332222221100O+-oO001122222222221110-O1111122 22333333333332210--01223333333333322222222211000o-°+o00000122222111110o°;o001111 11OO112222222111O;;O111222222211OO111122211000Oo-" :+ooOOOO.O0000000OOo'°oOO0000 0O;+O01122211000O--O00011221110O+;O00000OO +oooo-: :-+oo++";oOO0000Ooo+;;+oooO00 o+"+oO00OO OOOOoo::ooOOOO°OO00Oo+"+ooOooo+;°---",' ,,";--: ;-+oo+ +++;;°°;;-++:; ,° °':°: ` "`".°° °° "°". :'", '°`°":`°` ,,`` . . .°°'°° ` .. `'°. +-`-oo+oo+'+o+`--°°;-`+o+"+oo+oo-'-++;+++-:,:::"` °::°° :-;;--,;-; " " ;-;": OO"-O0000000000Oo--oO0000000000O-:oO0000Oo::+++;;: ":"-++-';+oooOOoooo-::-oooo++ 10;-111222222110O--O011222222111- 01111110oOOOoo-: :-ooooo`:OO000000OO+;;+OOO000 22122222222222110++0112222222222111222222221000O+:,;.O000001111111100Oo:-OO00000 3344444433333332-,°-2333333344444433322222221100o-;oO00011222222221111O'+0111111 444444444444333320023333444444444444433322221110O.:O0011222222222222211-01112222 44444444444444443333444444444444444444333332211O. -o1112222222223333333333322222 44444444445555555555555555444444444444433333210O-"oO1122223333333444444444433333 444555555555666666666666555555555444444433333' '`:+O0233333333444444444444444433

Here is the more readable version. I believe with this far more readable version, no more explanation is needed.

-- Screen size nbvert = 27 nbhor = 79 init_bottom_left = C (-2.0,-1.0) init_top_right = C (1.0,1.0) interrest = C (-2.5,-1.0)

newtype Complex = C (Float,Float) deriving (Show,Eq) instance Num Complex where fromInteger n = C (fromIntegral n,0.0) C (x,y) * C (z,t) = C (zx - yt, yz + xt) C (x,y) + C (z,t) = C (x+z, y+t) abs (C (x,y)) = C (sqrt (xx + yy),0.0) signum (C (x,y)) = C (signum x , 0.0)

real :: Complex -> Float real (C (x,y)) = x im :: Complex -> Float im (C (x,y)) = y

f :: Complex -> Complex -> Int -> Complex f c z 0 = z f c z n = f c ((z*z)+c) (n-1)

cabs :: Complex -> Float cabs = real.abs

tst :: Complex -> Bool tst c = (cabs (f c (C(0.0,0.0)) 32)) < 2

bmandel bottomleft topright = map (\z -> (tst (C z), (fst z > right - hstep/2 ))) [(x,y) | y <- [bottom,(bottom + vstep)], x<-[left,(left + hstep)..right]] where top = im topright bottom = im bottomleft left = real bottomleft right = real topright vstep=(top-bottom)/nbvert hstep=(right-left)/nbhor

mandel :: Complex -> Complex -> String mandel bottomleft topright = concat map treat bmandel bottomleft topright where treat (True,jump) = " " ++ rst jump treat (False,jump) = "@" ++ rst jump rst True = "\n" rst False = ""

main = do x <- getContents putStrLn $ infinitemandel 0 where closer n (C (x,y)) = let cst = (1.1**n - 1) in C ( (x + cst*(real interrest))/cst+1, (y + cst*(im interrest))/cst+1 ) bottomleftn n = closer n init_bottom_left toprightn n = closer n init_top_right infinitemandel n = mandel (bottomleftn n) (toprightn n) ++ "\x1b[H\x1b[25A" ++ infinitemandel (n+1)