Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 592d005bf4 Some repairs
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false 1 article 2009-10-28T11:03:30+02:00 custom website synchronisation with mobileme (2)

I already talked about how I synchronized my website with mobileme. I ameliorated this script in order to make it incremental.

Here is my new script, it first create a map which associate to each file its hash. After that it compare this file to the remote one. Then for each different file, update the content.

Even with this script I also have some problem. Mostly due to 'webdav' issues. For example, renaming a folder work really badly (on Linux at least). I use webdavfs. For example:

mv folder folder2

It returns OK and I've got:

$ ls folder folder2


In order to handle most webdav issues I use a framework in zsh. It handle almost all except the correct renaming of folder. Working on it... Anyway here is the code I use.

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

function samelineprint { print -n -P -- "\r$*" }

avec 1 essai par seconde: 300 = 5 minutes


try to create a directory until success

function trymkdir { target="$1" print -- mkdir -p $target local essai=1 while ! mkdir -p $target; do samelineprint "Echec: essai n°$essai" ((essai++)) ((essai>maxessais)) && exit 5 done print }

try to copy until success

function trycp { element="$1" target="$2" if [[ ! -d ${target:h} ]]; then trymkdir ${target:h} fi local essai=1 print -- cp $element $target while ! \cp $element $target; do samelineprint "Echec: essai n°$essai" ((essai++)) ((essai>maxessais)) && exit 5 done print }

try to remove until success

function tryrm { target="$1" local essai=1 local options='' [[ -d $target ]] && options='-rf' print -- rm $options $target while ! rm $options $target; do samelineprint "Echec: essai n°$essai" ((essai++)) ((essai>maxessais)) && exit 5 done essai=1 while [[ -e $element ]]; do samelineprint "rm reussi mais fichier source non disparu n°$essai" sleep 1 ((essai++)) ((essai>maxessais)) && exit 5 done print }

try to rename until success

function tryrename { element="$1" target="$2" local essai=1 while [[ -e $target ]]; do samelineprint "Echec n°$essai le fichier $target existe déjà" ((essai++)) ((essai>maxessais)) && exit 5 sleep 1 done print -- mv $element $target while ! mv $element $target; do samelineprint "Echec: essai n°$essai" ((essai++)) ((essai>maxessais)) && exit 4 done essai=1 while [[ -e $element ]]; do samelineprint "mv reussi mais fichier source non disparu n°$essai" sleep 1 ((essai++)) ((essai>maxessais)) && exit 5 done print }

try to move until success

function trymv { element="$1" target="$2" local essai=1 print -- mv $element $target while ! mv $element $target; do samelineprint "Echec: essai n°$essai" ((essai++)) ((essai>maxessais)) && exit 5 done essai=1 while [[ -e $element ]]; do samelineprint "mv reussi mais fichier source non disparu n°$essai" sleep 1 ((essai++)) ((essai>maxessais)) && exit 5 done print }

And here is the code on how I synchronize my website. There is a little cryptic code. It correspond a problem caused by the bluecloth filter which is a markdown program made in ruby. Each time my email is written it is transformed differently. This is why I remove this part from the content of each html file. Without it, all my files containing email are different at each regeneration of my website.

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

Script synchronisant le site sur

normalement, le site est indisponible le moins de temps possible

le temps de deux renommages de répertoire

get configuration

mostly directories

source $0:h/config

get trycp function (copy until success)

source $0:h/webdav-framework

if [[ $1 == '-h' ]]; then print -- "usage : $0:h [-h|-s|-d]" print -- " -a sychronise aussi l'index" print -- " -h affiche l'aide" print -- " -d modification directe (pas de swap)" print -- " -s swappe simplement les répertoires" fi

publication incrementale

function incrementalPublish { local ydestRep=$destRep$suffix localRef="$srcRep/map.yrf" print -- "Creation du fichier de references" > $localRef remoteRef="/tmp/remoteSiteMapRef.$$.yrf" if [[ ! -e "$ydestRep/map.yrf" ]]; then # pas de fichier de reference sur la cible print -- "pas de fichier de reference sur la cible, passage en mode rsync" rsyncPublish swap else trycp "$ydestRep/map.yrf" "$remoteRef" typeset -U filesToUpdate filesToUpdate=( $(diff $localRef $remoteRef | awk '/^[<>]/ {print $2}' ) ) if ((${#filesToUpdate} == 1)); then print -- "Seul le fichier ${filesToUpdate} sera téléversé" elif ((${#filesToUpdate}<10)); then print -- "${#filesToUpdate} fichiers seront téléversés :" print -- "${filesToUpdate}" else print -- "${#filesToUpdate} fichiers seront téléversés" fi # copy all file with some differences # except the map in case of error for element in $filesToUpdate; do if [[ $element == "/map.yrf" ]]; then continue fi if [[ -e $srcRep$element ]]; then trycp $srcRep$element $ydestRep$element else tryrm $ydestRep$element fi done # if all went fine, copy the map file trycp $srcRep/map.yrf $ydestRep/map.yrf # remove the temporary file \rm $remoteRef # if we have used the tmp directory we swap if [[ "$suffix" != "" ]]; then swap fi fi }

publication via rsync

function rsyncPublish { result=1 essai=1 while (( $result > 0 )); do print -- rsync -arv $srcRep/ $destRep.tmp if ((!testmode)); then rsync -arv $srcRep/ $destRep.tmp fi result=$? if (( $result > 0 )); then print -P -- "%BEchec du rsync%b (essai n°$essai)" >&2 fi ((essai++)) done }


function swap { print -P -- "%B[Directory Swap (tmp <=> target)]%b" [[ -e $destRep.old ]] && tryrm $destRep.old

print -- "  renommage du repertoire sandard vers le .old"
tryrename $destRep $destRep.old 

print -- "  renommage du repertoire tmp (nouveau) vers le standard"
print -P -- "%B[Site Indisponible]%b $(date)"
tryrename $destRep.tmp $destRep
print -P -- "%B[Site Disponible]%b $(date)"

print -- "  renommage du repertoire old vers le tmp"
tryrename $destRep.old $destRep.tmp

print -P -- "  publication terminée"


print -- "Root = $webroot" print -- "Dest = $destRep"

if [[ "$1" = "-s" ]]; then swap else if [[ "$1" = "-d" ]]; then suffix="" else suffix=".tmp" fi print -P -- "%BSync%b[${Root:t} => ${destRep:t}$suffix]" incrementalPublish fi

This is my way to replace rsync with filesystem not handling it. Hope it is usefull. I'll be happy to hear a way to handle the webdav rename folder problem. This is really annoying.