2020-03-06 00:19:11 +08:00

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The number of configuration options is deliberately kept small, to keep the Org-roam codebase manageable. However, we attempt to accommodate as many usage styles as possible.

All of Org-roam's customization options can be viewed via M-x customize-group org-roam.

Setting the Org-roam Directory

Set org-roam-directory to the folder containing all your Org files:

(setq org-roam-directory "/path/to/org/")

Every Org file, at any level of nesting, within /path/to/org/ is considered part of the Org-roam ecosystem.

Having More Than One Org-roam Directory

Emacs supports directory-local variables, allowing the value of org-roam-directory to be different in different directories. It does this by checking for a file named .dir-locals.el.

To add support for multiple directories, override the org-roam-directory variable using directory-local variables. This is what .dir-locals.el may contain:

((nil . ((org-roam-directory . "/path/to/here/"))))

All files within that directory will be treated as their own separate set of Org-roam files. Remember to run org-roam-build-cache from a file within that directory, at least once.

Org-roam Buffer

The Org-roam buffer defaults to popping up from the right. You may choose to set it to pop up from the left with (setq org-roam-buffer-position 'left).

The Org-roam buffer name can also be renamed: e.g. (setq org-roam-buffer "*my-buffer-name*").

The Org-roam buffer width is adjustable via org-roam-buffer-width. The value of org-roam-buffer-width set as a percentage of the total frame width. For example:

(setq org-roam-buffer-width 0.4)

Will result in the Org-roam buffer taking up 40% of the screen width.

By default, links are inserted with the title as the link description. This can make them hard to distinguish from external links. You may choose add special indicators for Org-roam links by tweaking org-roam-link-title-format, for example:

(setq org-roam-link-title-format "R:%s")

If your version of Org is at least 9.2, you may also choose to simply style the link differently, by customizing org-roam-link-face (M-x customize-face org-roam-link).

Org-roam Files

Org-roam files are created and prefilled using Org-roam's templating system. The templating system is customizable, and the system is described in detail in the Org-roam Template page.


Encryption (via GPG) can be enabled for all new files by setting org-roam-encrypt-files to t. When enabled, new files are created with the .org.gpg extension and decryption are handled automatically by EasyPG.

Note that Emacs will prompt for a password for encrypted files during cache updates if it requires reading the encrypted file. To reduce the number of password prompts, you may wish to cache the password.

Org-roam Graph Viewer

Org-roam generates an SVG image using Graphviz. To setup graph navigation, see the Graph Setup page.

Org-roam tries its best to locate the Graphviz executable from your PATH, but if it fails to do so, you may set it manually:

(setq org-roam-graphviz-executable "/path/to/dot")

Org-roam also attempts to use Firefox (located on PATH) to view the SVG, you may choose to set it to any compatible program:

(setq org-roam-graph-viewer "/path/to/image-viewer")