2012-06-10 15:02:21 -07:00

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# Deploying Libraries
Getting your library into [Clojars](http://clojars.org) is fairly
straightforward as is documented near the end of
[the Leiningen tutorial](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/stable/doc/TUTORIAL.md).
However, deploying is not always as straightforward as the process
described there.
## Clojars Forks
Sometimes you'll need to publish libraries that you don't directly
maintain, either because the original maintainer hasn't published it
or because you need some bugfixes that haven't been applied upstream
yet. Don't do this if it's at all possible to get the upstream project
to release a snapshot somewhere with the changes you need, but in some
cases it's unavoidable.
In this case you don't want to publish it under its original group-id,
since either you won't have permission to do so (if it's already on
Clojars) or it will conflict with the same artifact on other
repositories. You should use "org.clojars.$USERNAME" as the group-id
If it's a Clojure project that already has a project.clj file, it's
easy enough to just follow the regular `lein deploy clojars`
path. If you don't have a readily-available project.clj, you can create a
dummy project with `lein new`. Edit project.clj to include your
`org.clojars.$USERNAME` group-id, the project's original artifact name,
and the version. Then deploy from there.
## Private Repositories
There may be times when you want to make a library available to your
team without making it public. This is best done by setting up a
private repository. Both [Archiva](http://archiva.apache.org/)
and [Nexus](http://nexus.sonatype.org/) will allow you to set up
private, password-protected repositories. These also provide proxying
to other repositories, so you can set `:omit-default-repositories`
in project.clj, and dependency downloads will speed up by quite a bit
with only one server to check.
The private server will need to be added to the `:repositories`
listing in project.clj. Archiva and Nexus offer separate repositories
for snapshots and releases, so you'll want two entries for them:
:repositories {"snapshots" "http://blueant.com/archiva/snapshots"
"releases" "http://blueant.com/archiva/internal"}
If you are are deploying to a repository that is _only_ used for deployment
and never for dependency resolution, then it should be specified in a
`:deploy-repositories` slot instead of included in the more general-purpose
`:repositories` map; the former is checked by `lein deploy` before the latter.
Deployment-only repositories useful across a number of locally developed
projects may also be specified in the `:user` profile in `~/.lein/profiles.clj`:
{:user {:deploy-repositories {"internal" "http://blueant.com/archiva/internal"}}}
### Authentication
Deploying and reading from private repositories needs authentication
credentials. Check your repository's documentation for details, but
you'll usually need to provide either a `:username`/`:password`
combination or a `:private-key` location with or without a
`:passphrase`. Leiningen will prompt you for a password if you haven't
set up credentials, but it's convenient to set it so you don't have to
re-enter it every time you want to deploy. You will need
[gpg](http://www.gnupg.org/) installed and a key pair configured.
First write your credentials map to `~/.lein/credentials.clj` like so:
{:username "milgrim" :password "locative1"}
{:username "AKIAIN..." :password "1TChrGK4s..."}}
Then encrypt it with `gpg`:
$ gpg --default-recipient-self -e \
~/.lein/credentials.clj > ~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg
Remember to delete the plaintext `credentials.clj` once you've
encrypted it. Due to a bug in `gpg` you currently need to use
`gpg-agent` and have already unlocked your key before Leiningen
launches, but with `gpg-agent` you only have to enter your passphrase
once per login.
On some systems you will be prompted for your GPG passphrase if you
haven't entered it. If yours does not, you can install
[Keychain](https://github.com/funtoo/keychain), which provides this
functionality portably.
### Deployment
Once you've set up a private repository and configured project.clj
appropriately, you can deploy to it:
$ lein deploy [repository-name]
If the project's current version is a SNAPSHOT, it will default to
deploying to the `snapshots` repository; otherwise it will default to