Phil Hagelberg b62c7c0190 Added temporary install note.
...in case anyone wants to try it before it's self-hosting.
2009-11-01 23:02:16 -08:00

48 lines
1.6 KiB

# Leiningen
"Leiningen!" he shouted. "You're insane! They're not creatures you can
fight--they're an elemental--an 'act of God!' Ten miles long, two
miles wide--ants, nothing but ants! And every single one of them a
fiend from hell...
-- from Leiningen Versus the Ants by Carl Stephenson
Leiningen is a build tool for Clojure designed to not set your hair on fire.
## Install
For now, you will need http://p.hagelb.org/leiningen-deps.tar unpacked
in the root and http://p.hagelb.org/lancet.clj on the classpath.
## Usage
$ lein deps # install dependencies in lib/
$ lein test [PRED] # run the project's tests, optionally filtered on PRED
$ lein compile # ahead-of-time compile into classes/
$ lein repl # launch a REPL with the project classpath configured
$ lein jar # create a jar of the compiled project
$ lein uberjar # create standalone jar that bundles dependencies too
## Configuration
Place a build.clj file in the project root that looks something like this:
(defproject leiningen
:version "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [["org.clojure" "clojure" "1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT"]
["org.clojure" "clojure-contrib" "1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
["org.clojure" "lancet" "1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
["org.apache.ant" "ant" "1.7.1"]
["org.apache.ant" "ant-launcher" "1.7.1"]
["org.apache.maven" "maven-ant-tasks" "2.0.10"]])
## License
Copyright (C) 2009 Phil Hagelberg
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure
uses. See the file COPYING.