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#-- mode: org --

Leiningen TODOs

For 1.0

DONE Remove install task dependency on having Maven installed   Phil

DONE Use -Xbootclasspath where possible   Dan

DONE Don't write manifest, pom, etc. to disk when jarring   Dan

DONE Don't put uberjar in ~/.m2   Phil

DONE Perform compilation in either a subprocess or with a separate classloader

DONE Allow test task to take namespaces as an argument

DONE System/exit appropriately when testing based on pass/fail   Phil

DONE Fix eval-in-project to let plugins pass in extra args

DONE Resources directory added to classpath (for properties, etc)

This would be a good way for clojure code to have access to lein's vers

Post 1.0

TODO doc generation

TODO user config file for activating plugins across all projects

TODO write shell wrappers

TODO move repl task from shell script to clojure code

TODO advise existing tasks from plugins

Plugin Ideas:

Code statistics (LOC, doc coverage, etc)

Graph output for dependencies between namespaces

Start web server for web-related projects

Multi-module builds

Low Priority

TODO Slim jar task

TODO Source jar task

TODO Run failed tests task

TODO Remove duplication between deps.clj and pom.clj

TODO Help task should display arglist