2010-12-31 22:22:56 -08:00

6.7 KiB

#-- mode: org --

Leiningen TODOs

See also https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/issues

Open Questions

Aether: how would it integrate? Improvement over maven-ant-tasks?

Tests in Nailgun: would it require a separate shell script?

How could nonlinear versions be represented?

For 2.0

TODO make it easier to hook inside eval-in-project

TODO Quit using ant's Java task. It is horrible.

Try a custom classloader approach?

TODO Use Aether instead of maven-ant-tasks?

TODO Rename test-resources to dev-resources

Breaking change; needs to wait for a major version bump.

TODO add option to use ~/.m2-based classpath instead of copying to lib/?

It looks like it would be easy to stop copying things into lib/ and just use Maven's notion of the project's dependencies to construct a classpath that references jars straight from ~/.m2.

TODO spin lancet off into its own dependency

I've never felt comfortable about simply keeping it inline. On the other hand if we quit using ant then we can skip this. Needs to not be in the default package!

TODO shell wrappers should support multiple versions

We could write out a different "foo-$VERSION" shell wrapper for each version of a project that gets installed and then have the plain "foo" script look for a $VERSION env var if it's set, and if not just fall back to the latest.

TODO classifiers for specifying what clojure version to use?

As more versions of Clojure start to exist, libraries may want to publish different branches that target different versions of Clojure itself. Classifiers may be the way to separate these out?

TODO a list of dirs to include in the jar when building

Some people have requested this.

TODO re-compile all deps with current clojure version

Another thing that's going to start becoming more important as more Clojure versions are introduced.

TODO fail gracefully when run without an Internet connection (Issue #100)

TODO improve test coverage

TODO merge push task based on clj-ssh

lein-clojars task doesn't support DSA keys

TODO integrate plugin task with lein-search

Would be better to be able to leave off version numbers

TODO add search functionality based on standard mvn lucene indexes

lein-search is cool, but it would be better to interoperate with the standard lucene index system that Maven repositories offer. This would also mean getting Clojars to produce those indices.

For 1.4

DONE socket timing issues with interactive tests

DONE connect to socket repl in interactive task

DONE :uberjar-exclusions?

DONE :all test-selector built-in

DONE test selectors need to support things like constantly, complement

DONE detect missing level of nesting in project.clj's deps/dev-deps

DONE clear out non-transitive .class files after AOT

Luc Prefontaine has code for this.

DONE plugin task for managing/upgrading plugins

Manually copying jar files into ~/.lein/plugins is pretty lame. Let's get a task to handle this. It could be implemented as a plugin at first, maybe.

DONE merge lein-run task?

Ditto; this is something useful that many projects need.

DONE expose original pwd as property

DONE merge lein-javac task

Also make the compile task run it where appropriate.

DONE test selectors using metadata; run a subset of tests

We could have a :test-selectors key in project.clj that would map keywords to predicate functions. Then the test task could take a keyword argument and only run the subset of the tests for which calling the predicate on its metadata returns true.

For 1.3.0

DONE specify min. lein version in project.clj

DONE :omit-source

DONE lein install $PROJECT (works outside project root)

Possibly take some of this from cljr?

DONE write shell wrappers on install

DONE include shell wrapper in jar file from template

DONE set arbitrary jar metadata

DONE errors in read-project should show filename

DONE user-level plugin installation and activation

DONE user-level config file (with hook list)

DONE get no-project-needed from arglist

DONE argument chaining

DONE interactive task

DONE resources in generated pom

For 1.2.0

DONE Fix self-build clean problem

DONE Don't catch reader exceptions unless they are from ^D

DONE document checkout dependencies

DONE Re-enable rlwrap

DONE Move the intro into a tutorial

DONE bin script has stabilized; self-install for dev versions should work

DONE accept list of namespaces to compile from command-line options

DONE document version ranges

DONE include lib/dev in find-lib-jars

DONE document plugin creation

DONE document all known project.clj keys

DONE disable frickin [null] logging from ant (come on srsly)

DONE recover from missing test exit map gracefully

DONE Help task should display arglist

DONE walk up the filesystem to find project.clj

DONE make inter-task dependencies honor hooks

DONE wire repl task up to socket repl

DONE allow warn-on-reflection to be turned on in project.clj

DONE Expose hooks in built-in tasks so plugins may extend them

DONE make org.clojure implied for clojure/contrib deps

DONE better way to force setFork in eval-in-project

DONE rename :namespaces key in project.clj

DONE include version in jar filenames

DONE classpath task to just print configured classpath

DONE move repl task from shell script to clojure code

For 1.1.0

DONE upgrade task (patch submitted)

DONE doc generation (autodoc plugin)

For 1.0

DONE Remove install task dependency on having Maven installed   Phil

DONE Use -Xbootclasspath where possible   Dan

DONE Don't write manifest, pom, etc. to disk when jarring   Dan

DONE Don't put uberjar in ~/.m2   Phil

DONE Perform compilation in either a subprocess or with a separate classloader

DONE Allow test task to take namespaces as an argument

DONE Fix eval-in-project to let plugins pass in extra args

DONE Resources directory added to classpath (for properties, etc)

Plugin ideas




time logs

Git-aware dependencies (experimental back-burner idea)

Talking with Rich after Emerging Langs day 1 Problem: you can pull in two versions of the same library transitively without realizing it if people fork on clojars. How do we detect this problem and de-dupe?

What if artifacts could be correlated with the git rev that produced them?

They have repository and sha1 metadata in their pom (but no history tree)

Cross-correlate with a separate revision metadata store?