2015-05-08 11:13:15 -05:00

184 lines
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# kibit
*There's a function for that!*
`kibit` is a static code analyzer for Clojure, ClojureScript, [cljx](
and other Clojure variants. It uses [`core.logic`](
to search for patterns of code that could be rewritten with a more idiomatic function
or macro. For example if kibit finds the code
(if (some test)
(some action)
it will suggest using `when` instead:
(when (some test)
(some action))
## Usage
Add `[lein-kibit "0.1.2"]` to your `:plugins` vector in your `:user`
profile. Then you can run
$ lein kibit
to analyze a Leiningen project's namespaces. Kibit will automatically pick up source paths from your project.clj from the following keyseqs: [:source-paths], [:cljsbuild :builds], and [:cljx :builds]. You can also run Kibit manually on individual files or folders (even if there is no Leiningen `project.clj`) by running:
$ lein kibit path/to/some/file.clj #or
$ lein kibit path/to/src/ #or
$ lein kibit path/to/src/clj/ path/to/src/cljs/util.cljs some/combo/of/files/and/folders.cljx
If you want to know how the Kibit rule system works there are some slides available at [](
## Exit codes
If `lein kibit` returns any suggestions to forms then it's exit code will be 1. Otherwise it will exit 0. This can be useful to add in a build step for automated testing.
$lein kibit
... suggestions follow
$echo $?
## Automatically rerunning when files change
You can use [lein-auto]( to run kibit automatically when files change. Visit
lein-auto's README for installation instructions. Note that this will run kibit over all of your files, not just the
ones that have changed.
$lein auto kibit
auto> Files changed: project.clj, [...]
auto> Running: lein kibit
... suggestions follow
auto> Failed.
auto> Files changed: test/my/test/misc.clj
auto> Running: lein kibit
... suggestions follow
auto> Failed.
## Reporters
Kibit comes with two reporters, the default plaintext reporter, and a GitHub Flavoured Markdown reporter. To specify a reporter, use the `-r` or `--reporter` commandline argument. For example:
lein kibit --reporter markdown
##### `test/project/core.clj:31`
Consider using:
(when true (println "hi"))
instead of:
(if true (do (println "hi")))
##### `test/project/core.clj:32`
Consider using:
(println "hi")
instead of:
(do (println "hi"))
which renders to:
##### `test/project/core.clj:31`
Consider using:
(when true (println "hi"))
instead of:
(if true (do (println "hi")))
### Usage from inside Emacs
If you use Emacs for hacking Clojure, here's a way to use kibit from
inside Emacs with all the fanciness you are used to from `M-x compile`.
The [kibit-helper]( package
available from [MELPA]( provides several handy
commands. First, make sure you have MELPA available as a source of
packages (which you may well already have done). As described in their
[Getting started]( section, put the
following into your `~/.emacs`:
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa-stable" . "") t)
(If you want to be more on the cutting edge, you can include unreleased
versions of packages using the non-stable URL, as explained in the
MELPA instructions, but kibit-helper is also available from the less
exciting stable repository.)
This will give you three new commands,
M-x kibit
M-x kibit-current-file
M-x kibit-accept-proposed-change
The first two cause the properly highlighted and hyperlinked kibit output to be
presented in a `*Kibit Suggestions*` buffer. The third lets you automatically
apply any of those suggestions to your source.
You will likely want to bind the last function to <kbd>C-x</kbd>
<kbd>C-\`</kbd> so it is easy to alternate with the `next-error`
function (conventionally <kbd>C-x</kbd> <kbd>\`</kbd>) as you walk
through the suggestions made by Kibit:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-`") 'kibit-accept-proposed-change)
## Known limitations
source code without any macro expansion or evaluation. A macro can
therefore easily invalidate a rule. Also, kibit will not know if the
symbol `+` in the form `(+ x 1)` actually refers to a local or to a
function in a namespace other than `clojure.core`. Expect
some false positives.
## Contributing
It is very easy to write new patterns for `kibit`. Take a look at
to see how new patterns are created. If you know of a recurring
pattern of code that can be simplified, please consider sending me a
pull request.
Bugs can be reported using the GitHub [issue tracker](
## Contributors
Thanks to all who have [contributed]( to kibit!
* Leiningen project.clj setting for rule exclusion
* Leiningen project.clj setting for a directory of rules to include
## License
Copyright © 2012 Jonas Enlund
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.