2012-12-05 18:13:20 +01:00

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title: Installation
author: Jasper Van der Jeugt
Why static websites?
Modern web frameworks make it easy to create huge dynamic websites. Why would
anyone still care about a static website?
- Static websites are fast, because it's simply files served directly from the
hard disk.
- Static websites are secure. Nobody has ever found an SQL injection in static
- Static websites are easy to deploy. Just copy them to your webhost using
(S)FTP/rsync/scp and you are done. They work on all webhosts: no CGI or extra
modules needed for the web server.
Why Hakyll?
Hakyll is a [Haskell] library meant for creating small-to-medium sized static
websites. It is a powerful publishing tool, precisely because of the power of
Haskell. By using the awesome [pandoc] library, it is able to create your
website from a large variety of input formats.
[Haskell]: http://haskell.org/
[pandoc]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/
Features include:
- easy templating system;
- a simple HTTP server for previewing and compiling your website on the go;
- powerful syntax highlighting;
- modules for common items such as tags and feeds;
- easily extensible.
Installation is provided using [cabal], and some packages are available for
different distributions.
cabal install hakyll
[cabal]: http://www.haskell.org/cabal/
Linux distro packages:
- [Archlinux (AUR)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/haskell-hakyll/)
- [Debian unstable](http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/haskell-hakyll)