Jasper Van der Jeugt 82a725bd8f Site updates
2013-01-13 21:46:25 +01:00

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title: FAQ
author: Jasper Van der Jeugt
## "File name does not match module name" on Mac OS
File name does not match module name:
Saw: `Main'
Expected: `Hakyll'
Is an error encountered on Mac OS when your configuration is named `hakyll.hs`
and located on a case-insensitive filesystem. A workaround is to rename it to
something that isn't the name of the module, for example, `site.hs`.
## pandocCompiler/Hakyll/Pandoc eats my HTML!
Sometimes, it can seem that HTML pages are stripped of some arbitrary tags, e.g.
`<div>`'s. The issue here is that, when using the default `pandocCompiler`, your
page passes through Pandoc. Pandoc unfortunately strips away this information,
giving you the "wrong" HTML.
The solution is not to use `pandocCompiler`, but something simpler like
`getResourceBody`. This way, your HTML is not touched.
## Does Hakyll support syntax highlighting?
Syntax highlighting is enabled by default in Hakyll if you are using a somewhat
recent version of Pandoc (1.9 and onwards). Note that you also need to include
some CSS in order for this to work! This site, for example, uses the [default
Pandoc syntax CSS file][syntax-css].
[syntax-css]: https://github.com/jaspervdj/hakyll/blob/master/web/css/syntax.css
## When should I rebuild and when should I build?
If you execute a `./site build`, Hakyll will build your site incrementally.
However, we can not detect if you edited `site.hs`. In this case, you first want
to compile it again `site.hs` again, and then do a `./site rebuild`.
After rebuilding your site, all files will look as "modified" to the filesystem.
This means that when you upload your site, it will usually transfer all files --
this can generate more traffic than necessary, since it is possible that some
files were not actually modified. If you use `rsync`, you can counter this using
the `--checksum` option.