2018-10-24 16:07:23 +02:00

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Git Project Manager / Commission Open Source

git is a Distributed Concurrent Versions System

GitHub is a Centralized git host

Can we do without Github™?

Betteridge's law

Betteridge's law of headlines is an adage that states:

Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.

. . .

Here the answer is YES!

  • Linux (only mail)
  • GHC used a self hosted instance of phabricator + trac
  • many others I don't know

All right, we can, but should we?

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GitHub™: Social Network

  • user management & trust
  • discoverability

GitHub™: its free!

If you're not paying for it, you're the product being sold.

$$: Pay for private repositories

GitHub™: Features!!!

From their website (in that order):

  • Code Review: comment diffs, approve, refuse, etc…
  • Project Management: issues, milestones, dashboard, etc…
  • Integrations: travis, slack, etc…
  • Team Management: access rights, community guidelines, etc…
  • Social Coding: follow, explore, share, etc…
  • Documentation: github pages, wiki, …à
  • Code Hosting: all your code in one place, tree view, blame view, etc…

GitHub™: Metas

Most GitHub™ features put data in their own internal closed representation:

  • Issues
  • Comments
  • Pages
  • Pull Request & review
  • Wiki

Note there are tools to export them. Ex: migrate to Gitlab

GitHub™ is great today but can suck tomorrow

  • bloatware remember digg, readitlater? think about the latest reddit design?
  • payware You rely on our feature, but now, we want you to move or to pay. Fair ;)
  • crapware Nothing works as expected unless you pay: Twitter streaming API?
  • dieware Remember Friendfeed? Google Reader™?
  • etc…

GitHub™ force all your team member to use GitHub™

Were you already forced to:

  • use PowerPoint? Excel? Word?
  • code in PHP? in Java?
  • work on windows? Harder need to ssh to UNIX machines?
  • use notepad instead of vim?
  • use Eclipse instead of emacs?
  • etc…

Why? Those tools don't rely on OPEN STANDARD

REAL STORY @WORK: github dashboard is slow & terrible for an organizer.

Why you shouldn't rely too much on GitHub™?

  • Github™ is great to get you started:

    • nothing to install
    • only high level interface
    • everythin well explained
    • github is really a great product
  • The hidden price to pay:

    • use closed source services
    • give freely many private infos
    • you must TRUST github for privacy, private account

We should do our best not to rely on any central product

  • self host? Gitlab-ee, Gitlab-ce, => HUGE WARN TO UPDATE, fix a security bug but also add a bunch of new features (anti-features?)
  • meta data hosted in DB
  • if another use clone your repo, it doesn't get all metas of your project:

git clone misses

  • code
  • issues
  • reviews
  • comments
  • wiki/doc
  • hooks
  • web pages

Decentralized Web

Decentralized Authentication: IndieAuth

  • one of your online identities = one domaine name
  • serve a page with all your online identity providers and username

    • google
    • twitter
    • etc…
    • but also your GPG keys (see keybase)

Mainly you OWN & CONTROLE your identity and the informations about it.

Decentralized Comments: Webmention

  • you host your comment
  • a 3rd party website can decide to show it in its comment section

Dentralized Web

  • Your content is yours (prevent site death, change it, delete it…)
  • Better connection:

    • messages can go to all your services
    • use open standards
  • You are in control

    • post anything, any format, no monitoring, share links.


Git Project Manager


  • can't clone everything
  • big dependence on private tooling (that could change or being interrupted)
  • force same tooling choices accross your team members


  • put metas in git branches
  • use text files for everything
  • rely more on open source tools, formats and conventions

Git Project Manager gpm

gpm is a command line tool that is mainly a set of simples git commands to remember.

  • most command could have been git aliases
  • use some standards to help
  • you can do a gpm for yourself and your team in few hours
  • you don't enfoce gpm to your other member
  • gpm just enforce a set of conventions + automate few common tasks

gpm conventions

  • git of course
  • org-mode
  • git project management metas goes in the branch gpm
  • issues goes in file
  • reviews goes in reviews/ with name <branch>-<reviewer>.org
  • docs goes in
  • serve goes in your XDG data dir