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2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
module Model where
import qualified ClassyPrelude.Yesod as CP
2020-03-30 00:51:31 +00:00
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
2020-03-30 00:51:31 +00:00
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A (parseFail)
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P
import qualified Control.Monad.Combinators as PC
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Time.ISO8601 as TI
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as TI
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
import Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Sql as E
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
import qualified Data.Time as TI
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod hiding ((||.))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Writer (tell)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Foldable (foldl, foldl1, sequenceA_)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Database.Esqueleto hiding ((==.))
import Pretty
import System.Directory
import Types
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MS
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
import ModelCustom
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkDeleteCascade sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateSchema"] [persistLowerCase|
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
User json
Id Int64
name Text
passwordHash BCrypt
apiToken Text Maybe
privateDefault Bool
archiveDefault Bool
privacyLock Bool
UniqueUserName name
deriving Show Eq Typeable Ord
Bookmark json
Id Int64
userId UserId
slug BmSlug default="(lower(hex(randomblob(6))))"
href Text
description Text
extended Text
time UTCTime
shared Bool
toRead Bool
selected Bool
archiveHref Text Maybe
UniqueUserHref userId href
UniqueUserSlug userId slug
deriving Show Eq Typeable Ord
BookmarkTag json
Id Int64
userId UserId
tag Text
bookmarkId BookmarkId
seq Int
UniqueUserTagBookmarkId userId tag bookmarkId
UniqueUserBookmarkIdTagSeq userId bookmarkId tag seq
deriving Show Eq Typeable Ord
Note json
Id Int64
userId UserId
slug NtSlug default="(lower(hex(randomblob(10))))"
length Int
title Text
text Text
isMarkdown Bool
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
shared Bool default=False
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
created UTCTime
updated UTCTime
deriving Show Eq Typeable Ord
newtype UTCTimeStr =
UTCTimeStr { unUTCTimeStr :: UTCTime }
deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
instance PathPiece UTCTimeStr where
toPathPiece (UTCTimeStr u) = pack (TI.formatISO8601Millis u)
fromPathPiece s = UTCTimeStr <$> TI.parseISO8601 (unpack s)
newtype UserNameP =
UserNameP { unUserNameP :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
newtype TagsP =
TagsP { unTagsP :: [Text] }
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data SharedP
= SharedAll
| SharedPublic
| SharedPrivate
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data FilterP
= FilterAll
| FilterUnread
| FilterUntagged
| FilterStarred
| FilterSingle BmSlug
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
newtype UnreadOnly =
UnreadOnly { unUnreadOnly :: Bool }
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
type Limit = Int64
type Page = Int64
migrateAll :: Migration
migrateAll = migrateSchema >> migrateIndexes
dumpMigration :: DB ()
dumpMigration = printMigration migrateAll
runMigrations :: DB ()
runMigrations = runMigration migrateAll
toMigration :: [Text] -> Migration
toMigration = lift . tell . fmap (False ,)
migrateIndexes :: Migration
migrateIndexes =
[ "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_bookmark_time ON bookmark (user_id, time DESC)"
, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_bookmark_tag_bookmark_id ON bookmark_tag (bookmark_id, id, tag, seq)"
, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_note_user_created ON note (user_id, created DESC)"
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
sqlite_group_concat ::
PersistField a
=> SqlExpr (E.Value a)
-> SqlExpr (E.Value a)
-> SqlExpr (E.Value Text)
sqlite_group_concat expr sep = E.unsafeSqlFunction "GROUP_CONCAT" [expr, sep]
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
authenticatePassword :: Text -> Text -> DB (Maybe (Entity User))
authenticatePassword username password = do
muser <- getBy (UniqueUserName username)
case muser of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just dbuser ->
if validatePasswordHash (userPasswordHash (entityVal dbuser)) password
then return (Just dbuser)
else return Nothing
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
getUserByName :: UserNameP -> DB (Maybe (Entity User))
getUserByName (UserNameP uname) = do
selectFirst [UserName ==. uname] []
:: Key User
-> SharedP
-> FilterP
-> [Tag]
-> Maybe Text
-> Limit
-> Page
-> DB (Int, [Entity Bookmark])
bookmarksQuery userId sharedp filterp tags mquery limit' page =
(,) -- total count
<$> fmap (sum . fmap E.unValue)
(select $
from $ \b -> do
_whereClause b
pure $ E.countRows)
-- paged data
<*> (select $
from $ \b -> do
_whereClause b
orderBy [desc (b ^. BookmarkTime)]
limit limit'
offset ((page - 1) * limit')
pure b)
_whereClause b = do
where_ $
foldl (\expr tag ->
expr &&. (exists $ -- each tag becomes an exists constraint
from $ \t ->
where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId E.==. b ^. BookmarkId &&.
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
(t ^. BookmarkTagTag `` val tag))))
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
(b ^. BookmarkUserId E.==. val userId)
case sharedp of
SharedAll -> pure ()
SharedPublic -> where_ (b ^. BookmarkShared E.==. val True)
SharedPrivate -> where_ (b ^. BookmarkShared E.==. val False)
case filterp of
FilterAll -> pure ()
FilterUnread -> where_ (b ^. BookmarkToRead E.==. val True)
FilterStarred -> where_ (b ^. BookmarkSelected E.==. val True)
FilterSingle slug -> where_ (b ^. BookmarkSlug E.==. val slug)
FilterUntagged -> where_ $ notExists $ from (\t -> where_ $
(t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId E.==. b ^. BookmarkId))
-- search
sequenceA_ (parseSearchQuery (toLikeExpr b) =<< mquery)
toLikeExpr :: E.SqlExpr (Entity Bookmark) -> Text -> E.SqlExpr (E.Value Bool)
toLikeExpr b term = fromRight p_allFields (P.parseOnly p_onefield term)
wild s = (E.%) ++. val s ++. (E.%)
toLikeB field s = b ^. field `` wild s
p_allFields =
(toLikeB BookmarkHref term) ||.
(toLikeB BookmarkDescription term) ||.
(toLikeB BookmarkExtended term) ||.
(exists $ from (\t -> where_ $
(t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId E.==. b ^. BookmarkId) &&.
(t ^. BookmarkTagTag `` (wild term))))
p_onefield = p_url <|> p_title <|> p_description <|> p_tags <|> p_after <|> p_before
p_url = "url:" *> fmap (toLikeB BookmarkHref) P.takeText
p_title = "title:" *> fmap (toLikeB BookmarkDescription) P.takeText
p_description = "description:" *> fmap (toLikeB BookmarkExtended) P.takeText
p_tags = "tags:" *> fmap (\term' -> exists $ from (\t -> where_ $
(t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId E.==. b ^. BookmarkId) &&.
(t ^. BookmarkTagTag `` wild term'))) P.takeText
p_after = "after:" *> fmap ((b ^. BookmarkTime E.>=.) . val) (parseTimeText =<< P.takeText)
p_before = "before:" *> fmap ((b ^. BookmarkTime E.<=.) . val) (parseTimeText =<< P.takeText)
parseSearchQuery ::
(Text -> E.SqlExpr (E.Value Bool))
-> Text
-> Maybe (E.SqlQuery ())
parseSearchQuery toExpr =
fmap where_ . either (const Nothing) Just . P.parseOnly andE
andE = foldl1 (&&.) <$> P.many1 (P.skipSpace *> orE <|> tokenTermE)
orE = foldl1 (||.) <$> tokenTermE `P.sepBy1` P.char '|'
tokenTermE = negE termE <|> termE
negE p = not_ <$> (P.char '-' *> p)
termE = toExpr <$> (fieldTerm <|> quotedTerm <|> simpleTerm)
fieldTerm = concat <$> sequence [simpleTerm, P.string ":", quotedTerm <|> simpleTerm]
quotedTerm = PC.between (P.char '"') (P.char '"') (P.takeWhile1 (/= '"'))
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
simpleTerm = P.takeWhile1 (\c -> not (isSpace c) && c /= ':' && c /= '|')
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
2020-03-30 00:51:31 +00:00
parseTimeText :: (TI.ParseTime t, MonadFail m, Alternative m) => Text -> m t
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
parseTimeText t =
asum $
flip (parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale) (unpack t) <$>
[ "%-m/%-d/%Y" , "%-m/%-d/%Y%z" , "%-m/%-d/%Y%Z" -- 12/31/2018
, "%Y-%-m-%-d" , "%Y-%-m-%-d%z" , "%Y-%-m-%-d%Z" -- 2018-12-31
, "%Y-%-m-%-dT%T" , "%Y-%-m-%-dT%T%z" , "%Y-%-m-%-dT%T%Z" -- 2018-12-31T06:40:53
, "%s" -- 1535932800
tagsQuery :: [Entity Bookmark] -> DB [Entity BookmarkTag]
tagsQuery bmarks =
select $
from $ \t -> do
where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId `in_` valList (fmap entityKey bmarks))
orderBy [asc (t ^. BookmarkTagSeq)]
pure t
withTags :: Key Bookmark -> DB [Entity BookmarkTag]
withTags key = selectList [BookmarkTagBookmarkId ==. key] [Asc BookmarkTagSeq]
-- Note List Query
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
getNote :: Key User -> NtSlug -> DB (Maybe (Entity Note))
getNote userKey slug =
selectFirst [NoteUserId ==. userKey, NoteSlug ==. slug] []
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
getNoteList :: Key User -> Maybe Text -> SharedP -> Limit -> Page -> DB (Int, [Entity Note])
getNoteList key mquery sharedp limit' page =
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
(,) -- total count
<$> fmap (sum . fmap E.unValue)
(select $
from $ \b -> do
_whereClause b
pure $ E.countRows)
<*> (select $
from $ \b -> do
_whereClause b
orderBy [desc (b ^. NoteCreated)]
limit limit'
offset ((page - 1) * limit')
pure b)
_whereClause b = do
where_ $ (b ^. NoteUserId E.==. val key)
-- search
sequenceA_ (parseSearchQuery (toLikeExpr b) =<< mquery)
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
case sharedp of
SharedAll -> pure ()
SharedPublic -> where_ (b ^. NoteShared E.==. val True)
SharedPrivate -> where_ (b ^. NoteShared E.==. val False)
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
toLikeExpr :: E.SqlExpr (Entity Note) -> Text -> E.SqlExpr (E.Value Bool)
toLikeExpr b term = fromRight p_allFields (P.parseOnly p_onefield term)
wild s = (E.%) ++. val s ++. (E.%)
toLikeN field s = b ^. field `` wild s
p_allFields = toLikeN NoteTitle term ||. toLikeN NoteText term
p_onefield = p_title <|> p_text <|> p_after <|> p_before
p_title = "title:" *> fmap (toLikeN NoteTitle) P.takeText
p_text = "description:" *> fmap (toLikeN NoteText) P.takeText
p_after = "after:" *> fmap ((b ^. NoteCreated E.>=.) . val) (parseTimeText =<< P.takeText)
p_before = "before:" *> fmap ((b ^. NoteCreated E.<=.) . val) (parseTimeText =<< P.takeText)
-- Bookmark Files
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
mkBookmarkTags :: Key User -> Key Bookmark -> [Tag] -> [BookmarkTag]
mkBookmarkTags userId bookmarkId tags =
(\(i, tag) -> BookmarkTag userId tag bookmarkId i) <$> zip [1 ..] tags
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
fileBookmarkToBookmark :: UserId -> FileBookmark -> IO Bookmark
fileBookmarkToBookmark user (FileBookmark {..}) = do
slug <- mkBmSlug
pure $
2020-06-15 06:54:37 +00:00
{ bookmarkUserId = user
, bookmarkSlug = slug
, bookmarkHref = fileBookmarkHref
, bookmarkDescription = fileBookmarkDescription
, bookmarkExtended = fileBookmarkExtended
, bookmarkTime = fileBookmarkTime
, bookmarkShared = fileBookmarkShared
, bookmarkToRead = fileBookmarkToRead
, bookmarkSelected = (fromMaybe False fileBookmarkSelected)
, bookmarkArchiveHref = fileBookmarkArchiveHref
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
bookmarkTofileBookmark :: Bookmark -> Text -> FileBookmark
bookmarkTofileBookmark (Bookmark {..}) tags =
2020-06-15 06:54:37 +00:00
{ fileBookmarkHref = bookmarkHref
, fileBookmarkDescription = bookmarkDescription
, fileBookmarkExtended = bookmarkExtended
, fileBookmarkTime = bookmarkTime
, fileBookmarkShared = bookmarkShared
, fileBookmarkToRead = bookmarkToRead
, fileBookmarkSelected = Just bookmarkSelected
, fileBookmarkArchiveHref = bookmarkArchiveHref
, fileBookmarkTags = tags
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
data FFBookmarkNode = FFBookmarkNode
{ firefoxBookmarkChildren :: Maybe [FFBookmarkNode]
, firefoxBookmarkDateAdded :: !TI.POSIXTime
, firefoxBookmarkGuid :: !Text
, firefoxBookmarkIconUri :: !(Maybe Text)
, firefoxBookmarkId :: !Int
, firefoxBookmarkIndex :: !Int
, firefoxBookmarkLastModified :: !TI.POSIXTime
, firefoxBookmarkRoot :: !(Maybe Text)
, firefoxBookmarkTitle :: !Text
, firefoxBookmarkType :: !Text
, firefoxBookmarkTypeCode :: !Int
, firefoxBookmarkUri :: !(Maybe Text)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Ord)
instance FromJSON FFBookmarkNode where
parseJSON (Object o) =
FFBookmarkNode <$>
(o A..:? "children") <*>
(o .: "dateAdded") <*>
o .: "guid" <*>
(o A..:? "iconUri") <*>
o .: "id" <*>
o .: "index" <*>
(o .: "lastModified") <*>
(o A..:? "root") <*>
(o .: "title") <*>
(o .: "type") <*>
(o .: "typeCode") <*>
(o A..:? "uri")
parseJSON _ = A.parseFail "bad parse"
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
firefoxBookmarkNodeToBookmark :: UserId -> FFBookmarkNode -> IO [Bookmark]
firefoxBookmarkNodeToBookmark user (FFBookmarkNode {..}) = do
case firefoxBookmarkTypeCode of
1 -> do
slug <- mkBmSlug
pure $
[ Bookmark
2020-06-15 06:54:37 +00:00
{ bookmarkUserId = user
, bookmarkSlug = slug
, bookmarkHref = (fromMaybe "" firefoxBookmarkUri)
, bookmarkDescription = firefoxBookmarkTitle
, bookmarkExtended = ""
, bookmarkTime = (TI.posixSecondsToUTCTime (firefoxBookmarkDateAdded / 1000000))
, bookmarkShared = True
, bookmarkToRead = False
, bookmarkSelected = False
, bookmarkArchiveHref = Nothing
2 ->
join <$>
(firefoxBookmarkNodeToBookmark user)
(fromMaybe [] firefoxBookmarkChildren)
_ -> pure []
insertFileBookmarks :: Key User -> FilePath -> DB (Either String Int)
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
insertFileBookmarks userId bookmarkFile = do
mfmarks <- liftIO $ readFileBookmarks bookmarkFile
case mfmarks of
Left e -> pure $ Left e
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
Right fmarks -> do
bmarks <- liftIO $ mapM (fileBookmarkToBookmark userId) fmarks
mbids <- mapM insertUnique bmarks
void $
mapM insertUnique $
concatMap (uncurry (mkBookmarkTags userId)) $
catMaybes $
(\mbid tags -> ((, tags) <$> mbid))
(extractTags <$> fmarks)
pure $ Right (length bmarks)
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
extractTags = words . fileBookmarkTags
insertFFBookmarks :: Key User -> FilePath -> DB (Either String Int)
insertFFBookmarks userId bookmarkFile = do
mfmarks <- liftIO $ readFFBookmarks bookmarkFile
case mfmarks of
Left e -> pure $ Left e
Right fmarks -> do
bmarks <- liftIO $ firefoxBookmarkNodeToBookmark userId fmarks
_ <- mapM insertUnique bmarks
pure $ Right (length bmarks)
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
readFileBookmarks :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Either String [FileBookmark])
readFileBookmarks fpath =
pure . A.eitherDecode' . fromStrict =<< readFile fpath
readFFBookmarks :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Either String FFBookmarkNode)
readFFBookmarks fpath =
pure . A.eitherDecode' . fromStrict =<< readFile fpath
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
exportFileBookmarks :: Key User -> FilePath -> DB ()
exportFileBookmarks user fpath = do
liftIO . A.encodeFile fpath =<< getFileBookmarks user
getFileBookmarks :: Key User -> DB [FileBookmark]
getFileBookmarks user = do
marks <- allUserBookmarks user
pure $ fmap (\(bm, t) -> bookmarkTofileBookmark (entityVal bm) t) marks
-- returns a list of pair of bookmark with tags merged into a string
allUserBookmarks :: Key User -> DB [(Entity Bookmark, Text)]
allUserBookmarks user = do
bmarks <- bquery
tags <- tquery
let tagmap = MS.fromList tags
2019-03-14 16:11:12 +00:00
pure $ (\bm@(Entity bid _) -> (bm, findWithDefault mempty bid tagmap)) <$> bmarks
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
bquery :: DB [Entity Bookmark]
bquery =
select $
from $ \b -> do
where_ (b ^. BookmarkUserId E.==. val user)
orderBy [asc (b ^. BookmarkTime)]
pure b
tquery :: DB [(Key Bookmark, Text)]
tquery =
fmap (\(tid, tags) -> (E.unValue tid, E.unValue tags)) <$>
(select $
from $ \t -> do
where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagUserId E.==. val user)
E.groupBy (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId)
let tags = sqlite_group_concat (t ^. BookmarkTagTag) (E.val " ")
pure (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId, tags))
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
data TagCloudMode
= TagCloudModeTop Bool Int -- { mode: "top", value: 200 }
| TagCloudModeLowerBound Bool Int -- { mode: "lowerBound", value: 20 }
| TagCloudModeRelated Bool [Tag]
| TagCloudModeNone
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic)
2020-02-02 07:55:44 +00:00
isExpanded :: TagCloudMode -> Bool
isExpanded (TagCloudModeTop e _) = e
isExpanded (TagCloudModeLowerBound e _) = e
isExpanded (TagCloudModeRelated e _) = e
isExpanded TagCloudModeNone = False
instance FromJSON TagCloudMode where
parseJSON (Object o) =
case lookup "mode" o of
Just (String "top") -> TagCloudModeTop <$> o .: "expanded" <*> o .: "value"
Just (String "lowerBound") -> TagCloudModeLowerBound <$> o .: "expanded" <*> o .: "value"
Just (String "related") -> TagCloudModeRelated <$> o .: "expanded" <*> (fmap words (o .: "value"))
Just (String "none") -> pure TagCloudModeNone
2020-03-30 00:51:31 +00:00
_ -> A.parseFail "bad parse"
parseJSON _ = A.parseFail "bad parse"
instance ToJSON TagCloudMode where
toJSON (TagCloudModeTop e i) =
object [ "mode" .= String "top"
, "value" .= toJSON i
, "expanded" .= Bool e
toJSON (TagCloudModeLowerBound e i) =
object [ "mode" .= String "lowerBound"
, "value" .= toJSON i
, "expanded" .= Bool e
toJSON (TagCloudModeRelated e tags) =
object [ "mode" .= String "related"
, "value" .= String (unwords tags)
, "expanded" .= Bool e
toJSON TagCloudModeNone =
object [ "mode" .= String "none"
, "value" .= Null
, "expanded" .= Bool False
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
type Tag = Text
tagCountTop :: Key User -> Int -> DB [(Text, Int)]
tagCountTop user top =
sortOn (toLower . fst) .
fmap (\(tname, tcount) -> (E.unValue tname, E.unValue tcount)) <$>
( select $
from $ \t -> do
where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagUserId E.==. val user)
E.groupBy (E.lower_ $ t ^. BookmarkTagTag)
let countRows' = E.countRows
E.orderBy [E.desc countRows']
E.limit ((fromIntegral . toInteger) top)
pure $ (t ^. BookmarkTagTag, countRows')
tagCountLowerBound :: Key User -> Int -> DB [(Text, Int)]
tagCountLowerBound user lowerBound =
fmap (\(tname, tcount) -> (E.unValue tname, E.unValue tcount)) <$>
( select $
from $ \t -> do
where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagUserId E.==. val user)
E.groupBy (E.lower_ $ t ^. BookmarkTagTag)
let countRows' = E.countRows
E.orderBy [E.asc (t ^. BookmarkTagTag)]
E.having (countRows' E.>=. E.val lowerBound)
pure $ (t ^. BookmarkTagTag, countRows')
2020-02-02 07:55:44 +00:00
tagCountRelated :: Key User -> [Tag] -> DB [(Text, Int)]
tagCountRelated user tags =
fmap (\(tname, tcount) -> (E.unValue tname, E.unValue tcount)) <$>
( select $
from $ \t -> do
where_ $
foldl (\expr tag ->
expr &&. (exists $
from $ \u ->
where_ (u ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId E.==. t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId &&.
(u ^. BookmarkTagTag `` val tag))))
(t ^. BookmarkTagUserId E.==. val user)
E.groupBy (E.lower_ $ t ^. BookmarkTagTag)
let countRows' = E.countRows
E.orderBy [E.asc $ E.lower_ $ (t ^. BookmarkTagTag)]
pure $ (t ^. BookmarkTagTag, countRows')
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
-- Notes
fileNoteToNote :: UserId -> FileNote -> IO Note
fileNoteToNote user (FileNote {..} ) = do
slug <- mkNtSlug
pure $
2020-06-15 06:54:37 +00:00
{ noteUserId = user
, noteSlug = slug
, noteLength = fileNoteLength
, noteTitle = fileNoteTitle
, noteText = fileNoteText
, noteIsMarkdown = False
, noteShared = False
, noteCreated = fileNoteCreatedAt
, noteUpdated = fileNoteUpdatedAt
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
insertDirFileNotes :: Key User -> FilePath -> DB (Either String Int)
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
insertDirFileNotes userId noteDirectory = do
mfnotes <- liftIO $ readFileNotes noteDirectory
case mfnotes of
Left e -> pure $ Left e
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
Right fnotes -> do
notes <- liftIO $ mapM (fileNoteToNote userId) fnotes
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
void $ mapM insertUnique notes
pure $ Right (length notes)
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
readFileNotes :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Either String [FileNote])
readFileNotes fdir = do
files <- liftIO (listDirectory fdir)
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
noteBSS <- mapM (readFile . (fdir </>)) files
pure (mapM (A.eitherDecode' . fromStrict) noteBSS)
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
-- AccountSettingsForm
data AccountSettingsForm = AccountSettingsForm
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
{ _privateDefault :: Bool
, _archiveDefault :: Bool
, _privacyLock :: Bool
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
} deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic)
instance FromJSON AccountSettingsForm where parseJSON = A.genericParseJSON gDefaultFormOptions
instance ToJSON AccountSettingsForm where toJSON = A.genericToJSON gDefaultFormOptions
toAccountSettingsForm :: User -> AccountSettingsForm
toAccountSettingsForm (User {..}) =
{ _privateDefault = userPrivateDefault
, _archiveDefault = userArchiveDefault
, _privacyLock = userPrivacyLock
updateUserFromAccountSettingsForm :: Key User -> AccountSettingsForm -> DB ()
updateUserFromAccountSettingsForm userId (AccountSettingsForm {..}) = do
CP.update userId
[ UserPrivateDefault CP.=. _privateDefault
, UserArchiveDefault CP.=. _archiveDefault
, UserPrivacyLock CP.=. _privacyLock
-- BookmarkForm
data BookmarkForm = BookmarkForm
{ _url :: Text
, _title :: Maybe Text
, _description :: Maybe Textarea
, _tags :: Maybe Text
, _private :: Maybe Bool
, _toread :: Maybe Bool
, _bid :: Maybe Int64
, _slug :: Maybe BmSlug
, _selected :: Maybe Bool
, _time :: Maybe UTCTimeStr
, _archiveUrl :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic)
instance FromJSON BookmarkForm where parseJSON = A.genericParseJSON gDefaultFormOptions
instance ToJSON BookmarkForm where toJSON = A.genericToJSON gDefaultFormOptions
gDefaultFormOptions :: A.Options
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
gDefaultFormOptions = A.defaultOptions { A.fieldLabelModifier = drop 1 }
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
toBookmarkFormList :: [Entity Bookmark] -> [Entity BookmarkTag] -> [BookmarkForm]
toBookmarkFormList bs as = do
b <- bs
let bid = E.entityKey b
let btags = filter ((==) bid . bookmarkTagBookmarkId . E.entityVal) as
pure $ _toBookmarkForm (b, btags)
_toBookmarkForm :: (Entity Bookmark, [Entity BookmarkTag]) -> BookmarkForm
_toBookmarkForm (Entity bid Bookmark {..}, tags) =
{ _url = bookmarkHref
, _title = Just bookmarkDescription
, _description = Just $ Textarea $ bookmarkExtended
, _tags = Just $ unwords $ fmap (bookmarkTagTag . entityVal) tags
, _private = Just $ not bookmarkShared
, _toread = Just $ bookmarkToRead
, _bid = Just $ unBookmarkKey $ bid
, _slug = Just $ bookmarkSlug
, _selected = Just $ bookmarkSelected
, _time = Just $ UTCTimeStr $ bookmarkTime
, _archiveUrl = bookmarkArchiveHref
_toBookmark :: UserId -> BookmarkForm -> IO Bookmark
_toBookmark userId BookmarkForm {..} = do
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
slug <- maybe mkBmSlug pure _slug
pure $
2020-06-15 06:54:37 +00:00
{ bookmarkUserId = userId
, bookmarkSlug = slug
, bookmarkHref = _url
, bookmarkDescription = (fromMaybe "" _title)
, bookmarkExtended = (maybe "" unTextarea _description)
, bookmarkTime = (fromMaybe time (fmap unUTCTimeStr _time))
, bookmarkShared = (maybe True not _private)
, bookmarkToRead = (fromMaybe False _toread)
, bookmarkSelected = (fromMaybe False _selected)
, bookmarkArchiveHref = _archiveUrl
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
fetchBookmarkByUrl :: Key User -> Maybe Text -> DB (Maybe (Entity Bookmark, [Entity BookmarkTag]))
fetchBookmarkByUrl userId murl = runMaybeT $ do
bmark <- MaybeT . getBy . UniqueUserHref userId =<< (MaybeT $ pure murl)
btags <- lift $ withTags (entityKey bmark)
pure (bmark, btags)
data UpsertResult = Created | Updated
2019-09-15 23:13:07 +00:00
upsertBookmark :: Key User -> Maybe (Key Bookmark) -> Bookmark -> [Text] -> DB (UpsertResult, Key Bookmark)
upsertBookmark userId mbid bm tags = do
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
res <- case mbid of
Just bid -> do
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
get bid >>= \case
2019-09-15 23:13:07 +00:00
Just prev_bm -> do
when (userId /= bookmarkUserId prev_bm)
2020-03-30 00:51:31 +00:00
(throwString "unauthorized")
2019-09-15 23:13:07 +00:00
replaceBookmark bid prev_bm
2020-03-30 00:51:31 +00:00
_ -> throwString "not found"
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
Nothing -> do
getBy (UniqueUserHref (bookmarkUserId bm) (bookmarkHref bm)) >>= \case
Just (Entity bid prev_bm) -> replaceBookmark bid prev_bm
_ -> (Created,) <$> insert bm
insertTags (bookmarkUserId bm) (snd res)
pure res
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
prepareReplace prev_bm = do
if (bookmarkHref bm /= bookmarkHref prev_bm)
then bm { bookmarkArchiveHref = Nothing }
else bm { bookmarkArchiveHref = bookmarkArchiveHref prev_bm }
replaceBookmark bid prev_bm = do
replace bid (prepareReplace prev_bm)
deleteTags bid
pure (Updated, bid)
deleteTags bid =
deleteWhere [BookmarkTagBookmarkId ==. bid]
2019-09-15 23:13:07 +00:00
insertTags userId' bid' =
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
for_ (zip [1 ..] tags) $
2019-09-15 23:13:07 +00:00
\(i, tag) -> void $ insert $ BookmarkTag userId' tag bid' i
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
updateBookmarkArchiveUrl :: Key User -> Key Bookmark -> Maybe Text -> DB ()
updateBookmarkArchiveUrl userId bid marchiveUrl = do
[BookmarkUserId ==. userId, BookmarkId ==. bid]
[BookmarkArchiveHref CP.=. marchiveUrl]
2019-09-15 23:13:07 +00:00
upsertNote :: Key User -> Maybe (Key Note) -> Note -> DB (UpsertResult, Key Note)
upsertNote userId mnid note = do
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
case mnid of
Just nid -> do
2019-09-15 13:43:03 +00:00
get nid >>= \case
2019-09-15 23:13:07 +00:00
Just note' -> do
when (userId /= (noteUserId note'))
2020-03-30 00:51:31 +00:00
(throwString "unauthorized")
2019-09-15 23:13:07 +00:00
replace nid note
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
pure (Updated, nid)
2020-03-30 00:51:31 +00:00
_ -> throwString "not found"
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
Nothing -> do
2019-09-15 23:13:07 +00:00
(Created,) <$> insert note
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
-- * FileBookmarks
data FileBookmark = FileBookmark
{ fileBookmarkHref :: !Text
, fileBookmarkDescription :: !Text
, fileBookmarkExtended :: !Text
, fileBookmarkTime :: !UTCTime
, fileBookmarkShared :: !Bool
, fileBookmarkToRead :: !Bool
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
, fileBookmarkSelected :: !(Maybe Bool)
, fileBookmarkArchiveHref :: !(Maybe Text)
, fileBookmarkTags :: !Text
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
} deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Ord)
instance FromJSON FileBookmark where
parseJSON (Object o) =
FileBookmark <$> o .: "href" <*> o .: "description" <*> o .: "extended" <*>
o .: "time" <*>
(boolFromYesNo <$> o .: "shared") <*>
(boolFromYesNo <$> o .: "toread") <*>
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
(o A..:? "selected") <*>
(o A..:? "archive_url") <*>
(o .: "tags")
2020-03-30 00:51:31 +00:00
parseJSON _ = A.parseFail "bad parse"
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
instance ToJSON FileBookmark where
toJSON (FileBookmark {..}) =
[ "href" .= toJSON fileBookmarkHref
, "description" .= toJSON fileBookmarkDescription
, "extended" .= toJSON fileBookmarkExtended
, "time" .= toJSON fileBookmarkTime
, "shared" .= toJSON (boolToYesNo fileBookmarkShared)
, "toread" .= toJSON (boolToYesNo fileBookmarkToRead)
, "selected" .= toJSON fileBookmarkSelected
, "archive_url" .= toJSON fileBookmarkArchiveHref
, "tags" .= toJSON fileBookmarkTags
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
boolFromYesNo :: Text -> Bool
boolFromYesNo "yes" = True
boolFromYesNo _ = False
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
boolToYesNo :: Bool -> Text
boolToYesNo True = "yes"
boolToYesNo _ = "no"
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
-- * FileNotes
data FileNote = FileNote
{ fileNoteId :: !Text
, fileNoteTitle :: !Text
, fileNoteText :: !Text
, fileNoteLength :: !Int
, fileNoteCreatedAt :: !UTCTime
, fileNoteUpdatedAt :: !UTCTime
} deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Ord)
instance FromJSON FileNote where
parseJSON (Object o) =
FileNote <$> o .: "id" <*> o .: "title" <*> o .: "text" <*>
o .: "length" <*>
(readFileNoteTime =<< o .: "created_at") <*>
(readFileNoteTime =<< o .: "updated_at")
2020-03-30 00:51:31 +00:00
parseJSON _ = A.parseFail "bad parse"
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
instance ToJSON FileNote where
toJSON (FileNote {..}) =
[ "id" .= toJSON fileNoteId
, "title" .= toJSON fileNoteTitle
, "text" .= toJSON fileNoteText
, "length" .= toJSON fileNoteLength
, "created_at" .= toJSON (showFileNoteTime fileNoteCreatedAt)
, "updated_at" .= toJSON (showFileNoteTime fileNoteUpdatedAt)
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
2020-03-30 00:51:31 +00:00
:: MonadFail m
2019-01-31 02:54:47 +00:00
=> String -> m UTCTime
readFileNoteTime = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%F %T"
2019-03-09 06:21:41 +00:00
showFileNoteTime :: UTCTime -> String
showFileNoteTime = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T"