add ExportBookmarks

This commit is contained in:
Jon Schoning 2019-03-09 00:21:41 -06:00
parent a617c695c8
commit 68b8c7ac88
7 changed files with 130 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import ModelCustom
import qualified Database.Persist as P
import qualified Database.Persist.Sqlite as P
import ClassyPrelude
import Lens.Micro
@ -25,6 +24,9 @@ data MigrationOpts
| ImportBookmarks { conn :: Text
, userName :: Text
, bookmarkFile :: FilePath}
| ExportBookmarks { conn :: Text
, userName :: Text
, bookmarkFile :: FilePath}
| ImportNotes { conn :: Text
, userName :: Text
, noteDirectory :: FilePath}
@ -75,6 +77,13 @@ main = do
Just (P.Entity uid _) -> insertFileBookmarks uid file
Nothing -> liftIO (print (uname ++ "not found"))
ExportBookmarks conn uname file ->
P.runSqlite conn $ do
muser <- P.getBy (UniqueUserName uname)
case muser of
Just (P.Entity uid _) -> exportFileBookmarks uid file
Nothing -> liftIO (print (uname ++ "not found"))
ImportNotes conn uname dir ->
P.runSqlite conn $ do
muser <- P.getBy (UniqueUserName uname)

View file

@ -193,11 +193,7 @@ bmark b' =
editField f = Just <<< BEditField <<< f
linkToFilterSingle slug = fromNullableStr app.userR <> "/b:" <> slug
linkToFilterTag tag = fromNullableStr app.userR <> "/t:" <> tag
shtime = S.take 16 bm.time
toTextarea input =
S.split (Pattern "\n") input
# foldMap (\x -> [br_, text x])
# drop 1
shtime = S.take 16 bm.time `append` "Z"
handleAction :: BAction -> H.HalogenM BState BAction ChildSlots BMessage Aff Unit

View file

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import qualified Control.Monad.Combinators as PC
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Time.ISO8601 as TI
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Sql as E
import qualified Data.Time as TI
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod hiding ((||.))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ import Database.Esqueleto hiding ((==.))
import Pretty
import System.Directory
import Types
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MS
import ModelCustom
@ -107,6 +109,7 @@ data FilterP
newtype UnreadOnly =
UnreadOnly { unUnreadOnly :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
type Limit = Int64
@ -132,6 +135,13 @@ migrateIndexes =
, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_note_user_created ON note (user_id, created DESC)"
sqlite_group_concat ::
PersistField a
=> SqlExpr (E.Value a)
-> SqlExpr (E.Value a)
-> SqlExpr (E.Value Text)
sqlite_group_concat expr sep = E.unsafeSqlFunction "GROUP_CONCAT" [expr, sep]
authenticatePassword :: Text -> Text -> DB (Maybe (Entity User))
authenticatePassword username password = do
muser <- getBy (UniqueUserName username)
@ -298,12 +308,9 @@ getNoteList key mquery limit' page =
-- Bookmark Files
bookmarkEntityToTags :: Entity Bookmark -> [Tag] -> [BookmarkTag]
bookmarkEntityToTags (Entity {entityKey = bookmarkId
,entityVal = Bookmark {..}}) tags =
(\(i, tag) -> BookmarkTag bookmarkUserId tag bookmarkId i)
(zip [1 ..] tags)
mkBookmarkTags :: Key User -> Key Bookmark -> [Tag] -> [BookmarkTag]
mkBookmarkTags userId bookmarkId tags =
(\(i, tag) -> BookmarkTag userId tag bookmarkId i) <$> zip [1 ..] tags
fileBookmarkToBookmark :: UserId -> FileBookmark -> IO Bookmark
@ -319,30 +326,79 @@ fileBookmarkToBookmark user (FileBookmark {..}) = do
(fromMaybe False fileBookmarkSelected)
bookmarkTofileBookmark :: Bookmark -> Text -> FileBookmark
bookmarkTofileBookmark (Bookmark {..}) tags =
(Just bookmarkSelected)
insertFileBookmarks :: Key User -> FilePath -> DB ()
insertFileBookmarks userId bookmarkFile = do
mfmarks <- liftIO $ readFileBookmarks bookmarkFile
case mfmarks of
Left e -> print e
Right fmarks -> do
bookmarks <- liftIO $ mapM (fileBookmarkToBookmark userId) fmarks
mbookmarkIds <- mapM insertUnique bookmarks
let bookmarkTags =
concatMap (uncurry bookmarkEntityToTags) $
catMaybes $
zipWith3 (\mk v p -> map (\k -> (Entity k v, fileBookmarkTags p)) mk)
void $ mapM insertUnique bookmarkTags
Left e -> print e
Right fmarks -> do
bmarks <- liftIO $ mapM (fileBookmarkToBookmark userId) fmarks
mbids <- mapM insertUnique bmarks
void $
mapM insertUnique $
concatMap (uncurry (mkBookmarkTags userId)) $
catMaybes $
(\mbid tags -> ((, tags) <$> mbid))
(extractTags <$> fmarks)
readFileBookmarks :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Either String [FileBookmark])
readFileBookmarks fpath = pure . A.eitherDecode' . fromStrict =<< readFile fpath
extractTags = words . fileBookmarkTags
readFileBookmarks :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Either String [FileBookmark])
readFileBookmarks fpath =
pure . A.eitherDecode' . fromStrict =<< readFile fpath
exportFileBookmarks :: Key User -> FilePath -> DB ()
exportFileBookmarks user fpath = do
liftIO . A.encodeFile fpath =<< getFileBookmarks user
getFileBookmarks :: Key User -> DB [FileBookmark]
getFileBookmarks user = do
marks <- allUserBookmarks user
pure $ fmap (\(bm, t) -> bookmarkTofileBookmark (entityVal bm) t) marks
-- returns a list of pair of bookmark with tags merged into a string
allUserBookmarks :: Key User -> DB [(Entity Bookmark, Text)]
allUserBookmarks user = do
bmarks <- bquery
tags <- tquery
let tagmap = MS.fromList tags
pure $ fmap (\bm@(Entity bid _) -> (bm, findWithDefault mempty bid tagmap)) bmarks
bquery :: DB [Entity Bookmark]
bquery =
select $
from $ \b -> do
where_ (b ^. BookmarkUserId E.==. val user)
orderBy [asc (b ^. BookmarkTime)]
pure b
tquery :: DB [(Key Bookmark, Text)]
tquery =
fmap (\(tid, tags) -> (E.unValue tid, E.unValue tags)) <$>
(select $
from $ \t -> do
where_ (t ^. BookmarkTagUserId E.==. val user)
E.groupBy (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId)
let tags = sqlite_group_concat (t ^. BookmarkTagTag) (E.val " ")
pure (t ^. BookmarkTagBookmarkId, tags))
type Tag = Text
@ -528,7 +584,9 @@ data FileBookmark = FileBookmark
, fileBookmarkTime :: !UTCTime
, fileBookmarkShared :: !Bool
, fileBookmarkToRead :: !Bool
, fileBookmarkTags :: [Tag]
, fileBookmarkSelected :: !(Maybe Bool)
, fileBookmarkArchiveHref :: !(Maybe Text)
, fileBookmarkTags :: !Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Ord)
instance FromJSON FileBookmark where
@ -537,13 +595,33 @@ instance FromJSON FileBookmark where
o .: "time" <*>
(boolFromYesNo <$> o .: "shared") <*>
(boolFromYesNo <$> o .: "toread") <*>
(words <$> o .: "tags")
(o A..:? "selected") <*>
(o A..:? "archive_url") <*>
(o .: "tags")
parseJSON _ = fail "bad parse"
instance ToJSON FileBookmark where
toJSON (FileBookmark {..}) =
[ "href" .= toJSON fileBookmarkHref
, "description" .= toJSON fileBookmarkDescription
, "extended" .= toJSON fileBookmarkExtended
, "time" .= toJSON fileBookmarkTime
, "shared" .= toJSON (boolToYesNo fileBookmarkShared)
, "toread" .= toJSON (boolToYesNo fileBookmarkToRead)
, "selected" .= toJSON fileBookmarkSelected
, "archive_url" .= toJSON fileBookmarkArchiveHref
, "tags" .= toJSON fileBookmarkTags
boolFromYesNo :: Text -> Bool
boolFromYesNo "yes" = True
boolFromYesNo _ = False
boolToYesNo :: Bool -> Text
boolToYesNo True = "yes"
boolToYesNo _ = "no"
-- * FileNotes
data FileNote = FileNote
@ -563,7 +641,21 @@ instance FromJSON FileNote where
(readFileNoteTime =<< o .: "updated_at")
parseJSON _ = fail "bad parse"
instance ToJSON FileNote where
toJSON (FileNote {..}) =
[ "id" .= toJSON fileNoteId
, "title" .= toJSON fileNoteTitle
, "text" .= toJSON fileNoteText
, "length" .= toJSON fileNoteLength
, "created_at" .= toJSON (showFileNoteTime fileNoteCreatedAt)
, "updated_at" .= toJSON (showFileNoteTime fileNoteUpdatedAt)
:: Monad m
=> String -> m UTCTime
readFileNoteTime = parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%F %T"
showFileNoteTime :: UTCTime -> String
showFileNoteTime = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T"

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Binary file not shown.