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module Type.Type where
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.UnionFind.IO as UF
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint as P
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
data Term1 a
= App1 a a
| Fun1 a a
| Var1 a
| EmptyRecord1
| Record1 (Map.Map String [a]) a
deriving Show
data TermN a
= VarN a
| TermN (Term1 (TermN a))
deriving Show
record fs rec = TermN (Record1 fs rec)
type SchemeName = String
type TypeName = String
data Constraint a b
= CTrue
| CEqual a a
| CAnd [Constraint a b]
| CLet [Scheme a b] (Constraint a b)
| CInstance SchemeName a
deriving Show
data Scheme a b = Scheme {
rigidQuantifiers :: [b],
flexibleQuantifiers :: [b],
constraint :: Constraint a b,
header :: Map.Map String a
} deriving Show
monoscheme headers = Scheme [] [] CTrue headers
data Descriptor = Descriptor {
structure :: Maybe (Term1 Variable),
rank :: Int,
flex :: Flex,
name :: Maybe TypeName,
copy :: Maybe Variable,
mark :: Int
} deriving Show
noRank = -1
outermostRank = 0 :: Int
noMark = 0
initialMark = 1
data Flex = Rigid | Flexible | Constant
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Variable = UF.Point Descriptor
type Type = TermN Variable
type TypeConstraint = Constraint Type Variable
type TypeScheme = Scheme Type Variable
infixl 8 /\
(/\) :: Constraint a b -> Constraint a b -> Constraint a b
a /\ b = CAnd [a,b]
(===) :: Type -> Type -> TypeConstraint
(===) = CEqual
(<?) :: SchemeName -> Type -> TypeConstraint
x <? t = CInstance x t
infixr 9 ==>
(==>) :: Type -> Type -> Type
a ==> b = TermN (Fun1 a b)
namedVar name = UF.fresh $ Descriptor {
structure = Nothing,
rank = noRank,
flex = Constant,
name = Just name,
copy = Nothing,
mark = noMark
flexibleVar = UF.fresh $ Descriptor {
structure = Nothing,
rank = noRank,
flex = Flexible,
name = Nothing,
copy = Nothing,
mark = noMark
rigidVar = UF.fresh $ Descriptor {
structure = Nothing,
rank = noRank,
flex = Rigid,
name = Nothing,
copy = Nothing,
mark = noMark
-- ex qs constraint == exists qs. constraint
ex :: [Variable] -> TypeConstraint -> TypeConstraint
ex fqs constraint = CLet [Scheme [] fqs constraint Map.empty] CTrue
-- fl qs constraint == forall qs. constraint
fl :: [Variable] -> TypeConstraint -> TypeConstraint
fl rqs constraint = CLet [Scheme rqs [] constraint Map.empty] CTrue
exists :: (Type -> IO TypeConstraint) -> IO TypeConstraint
exists f = do
v <- flexibleVar
ex [v] <$> f (VarN v)
instance Show a => Show (UF.Point a) where
show point = unsafePerformIO $ fmap show (UF.descriptor point)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (UF.Point a) where
pretty point = unsafePerformIO $ fmap pretty (UF.descriptor point)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (Term1 a) where
pretty term =
case term of
App1 f x -> pretty f <+> pretty x
Fun1 arg body -> formattedArg <+> P.text "->" <+> pretty body
prettyArg = pretty arg
formattedArg = parensIf ("->" `List.isInfixOf` P.render prettyArg) prettyArg
Var1 x -> pretty x
EmptyRecord1 -> P.braces P.empty
Record1 fields ext ->
P.braces (pretty ext <+> P.text "|" <+> P.sep (P.punctuate P.comma prettyFields))
mkPretty f t = P.text f <+> P.text ":" <+> pretty t
prettyFields = concatMap (\(f,ts) -> map (mkPretty f) ts) (Map.toList fields)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (TermN a) where
pretty term =
case term of
VarN x -> pretty x
TermN t1 -> pretty t1
instance Pretty Descriptor where
pretty desc =
case (structure desc, name desc) of
(Just term, _) -> pretty term
(_, Just name) -> P.text name
_ -> P.text "?"
instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (Constraint a b) where
pretty constraint =
case constraint of
CTrue -> P.text "True"
CEqual a b -> pretty a <+> P.text "=" <+> pretty b
CAnd [] -> P.text "True"
CAnd cs ->
P.parens . P.sep $ P.punctuate (P.text " and") (map pretty cs)
CLet [Scheme [] fqs constraint header] CTrue | Map.null header ->
P.sep [ binder, pretty c ]
mergeExists vs c =
case c of
CLet [Scheme [] fqs' c' _] CTrue -> mergeExists (vs ++ fqs') c'
_ -> (vs, c)
(fqs', c) = mergeExists fqs constraint
binder = if null fqs' then P.empty else
P.text "exists" <+> P.hsep (map pretty fqs') <> P.text "."
CLet schemes constraint ->
P.fsep [ P.hang (P.text "let") 4 (P.brackets . P.sep . P.punctuate P.comma $ map pretty schemes)
, P.text "in", pretty constraint ]
CInstance name tipe ->
P.text name <+> P.text "<" <+> pretty tipe
instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (Scheme a b) where
pretty (Scheme rqs fqs constraint headers) =
P.sep [ forall, cs, headers' ]
forall = if null rqs && null fqs then P.empty else
P.text "forall" <+> frees <+> rigids
frees = P.hsep $ map pretty fqs
rigids = if null rqs then P.empty else P.braces . P.hsep $ map pretty rqs
cs = case constraint of
CTrue -> P.empty
CAnd [] -> P.empty
_ -> P.brackets (pretty constraint)
headers' = if Map.size headers > 0 then dict else P.empty
dict = P.parens . P.sep . P.punctuate P.comma . map prettyPair $ Map.toList headers
prettyPair (n,t) = P.text n <+> P.text ":" <+> pretty t
2013-07-10 22:31:56 +00:00
extraPretty :: (Pretty t, Crawl t) => t -> IO Doc
extraPretty value = do
(_, rawVars) <- runStateT (crawl getNames value) []
let vars = map head . List.group $ List.sort rawVars
letters = map (:[]) ['a'..'z']
suffix s = map (++s)
allVars = letters ++ suffix "'" letters ++ concatMap (\n -> suffix (show n) letters) [0..]
okayVars = filter (`notElem` vars) allVars
2013-07-10 22:31:56 +00:00
runStateT (crawl rename value) okayVars
return (pretty value)
getNames name vars =
case name of
Just var -> (name, var:vars)
Nothing -> (name, vars)
rename name vars =
case name of
Just var -> (name, vars)
Nothing -> (Just (head vars), tail vars)
2013-07-10 22:31:56 +00:00
-- Code for traversing all the type data-structures and giving
-- names to the variables embedded deep in there.
class Crawl t where
crawl :: (Maybe TypeName -> [String] -> (Maybe TypeName, [String]))
-> t
-> StateT [String] IO t
instance (Crawl t, Crawl v) => Crawl (Constraint t v) where
crawl nextState constraint =
let rnm = crawl nextState in
case constraint of
CTrue -> return CTrue
CEqual a b -> CEqual <$> rnm a <*> rnm b
CAnd cs -> CAnd <$> crawl nextState cs
CLet schemes c -> CLet <$> crawl nextState schemes <*> crawl nextState c
CInstance name tipe -> CInstance name <$> rnm tipe
instance Crawl a => Crawl [a] where
crawl nextState list = mapM (crawl nextState) list
instance (Crawl t, Crawl v) => Crawl (Scheme t v) where
crawl nextState (Scheme rqs fqs c headers) =
let rnm = crawl nextState in
Scheme <$> rnm rqs <*> rnm fqs <*> crawl nextState c <*> return headers
instance Crawl t => Crawl (TermN t) where
crawl nextState tipe =
case tipe of
VarN x -> VarN <$> crawl nextState x
TermN term -> TermN <$> crawl nextState term
instance Crawl t => Crawl (Term1 t) where
crawl nextState term =
let rnm = crawl nextState in
case term of
App1 a b -> App1 <$> rnm a <*> rnm b
Fun1 a b -> Fun1 <$> rnm a <*> rnm b
Var1 a -> Var1 <$> rnm a
EmptyRecord1 -> return EmptyRecord1
Record1 fields ext ->
Record1 <$> traverse (mapM rnm) fields <*> rnm ext
instance Crawl a => Crawl (UF.Point a) where
crawl nextState point = do
desc <- liftIO $ UF.descriptor point
desc' <- crawl nextState desc
liftIO $ UF.setDescriptor point desc'
return point
instance Crawl Descriptor where
crawl nextState desc = do
state <- get
let (name', state') = nextState (name desc) state
structure' <- traverse (crawl nextState) (structure desc)
put state'
return $ desc { name = name', structure = structure' }