Add pretty printing for type constraints.

Convert source-syntax types into type-checker types and print them
with pretty type variables.

Generate constraints for let-expressions using type annotations.

Build test function to turn strings into type constraints.
This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2013-07-08 16:47:44 +02:00
parent 96fd5bfd78
commit 0ed72056b6
4 changed files with 226 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import qualified Parse.Type as Type
import Parse.Binop
import Parse.Literal
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint
import SourceSyntax.Location as Location
import SourceSyntax.Pattern hiding (tuple,list)
import qualified SourceSyntax.Literal as Literal
@ -215,7 +214,7 @@ typeAnnotation = TypeAnnotation <$> try start <*> Type.expr
def :: IParser (Def t v)
def = typeAnnotation <|> assignExpr
parseDef str =
case iParse def "" str of
Right result -> Right result
Left err -> Left $ "Parse error at " ++ show err
attempt f parser str =
case iParse parser "" str of
Right result -> f result
Left err -> error $ "Parse error at " ++ show err

View file

@ -1,25 +1,45 @@
module Type.Constrain.Expression where
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import Data.Map ((!))
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import SourceSyntax.Location as Loc
import SourceSyntax.Pattern (Pattern(PVar))
import SourceSyntax.Expression
import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as SrcT
import Type.Type hiding (Descriptor(..))
import Type.Fragment
import Type.Environment as Env
import qualified Type.Environment as Env
import qualified Type.Constrain.Literal as Literal
import qualified Type.Constrain.Pattern as Pattern
{-- Testing section --}
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint
import Parse.Expression
import Parse.Helpers (iParse)
constrain :: Environment -> LExpr a b -> Type -> IO TypeConstraint
test str =
case iParse expr "" str of
Left err -> error $ "Parse error at " ++ show err
Right expression -> do
env <- Env.initialEnvironment
var <- flexibleVar
constraint <- constrain env expression (VarN var)
prettyNames constraint
print (pretty constraint)
print (pretty var)
return ()
{-- todo: remove testing code --}
constrain :: Env.Environment -> LExpr a b -> Type -> IO TypeConstraint
constrain env (L _ _ expr) tipe =
let list t = TermN (App1 (Env.get env builtin "[]") t) in
let list t = TermN (App1 (Env.get env Env.builtin "[_]") t) in
case expr of
Literal lit -> return $ Literal.constrain env lit tipe
@ -41,7 +61,7 @@ constrain env (L _ _ expr) tipe =
exists $ \t2 -> do
c1 <- constrain env e1 t1
c2 <- constrain env e2 t2
return $ CAnd [ c1, c2, (Env.get env value op) === (t1 ==> t2 ==> tipe) ]
return $ CAnd [ c1, c2, op <? (t1 ==> t2 ==> tipe) ]
Lambda p e ->
exists $ \t1 ->
@ -60,7 +80,7 @@ constrain env (L _ _ expr) tipe =
MultiIf branches -> CAnd <$> mapM constrain' branches
bool = Env.get env builtin "Bool"
bool = Env.get env Env.builtin "Bool"
constrain' (b,e) = do
cb <- constrain env b bool
ce <- constrain env e tipe
@ -135,9 +155,8 @@ constrain env (L _ _ expr) tipe =
Markdown _ ->
return $ tipe === Env.get env builtin "Element"
return $ tipe === Env.get env Env.builtin "Element"
Let defs body ->
do c <- constrain env body tipe
(schemes, rqs, fqs, header, c2, c1) <-
@ -149,15 +168,17 @@ constrain env (L _ _ expr) tipe =
(c1 /\ c))
constrainDef env info (name, qs, expr, maybeTipe) =
let (schemes, rigidQuantifiers, flexibleQuantifiers, headers, c2, c1) = info in
case maybeTipe of
Just tipe ->
constrainDef env info (pattern, expr, maybeTipe) =
let qs = [] -- should come from the def, but I'm not sure what would live there...
(schemes, rigidQuantifiers, flexibleQuantifiers, headers, c2, c1) = info
case (pattern, maybeTipe) of
(PVar name, Just tipe) ->
do flexiVars <- mapM (\_ -> flexibleVar) qs
let inserts = zipWith (\arg typ -> Map.insert arg (VarN typ)) qs flexiVars
env' = env { value = List.foldl' (\x f -> f x) (value env) inserts }
typ = error "This should be the internal representation of the user defined type."
scheme = Scheme { rigidQuantifiers = [],
env' = env { Env.value = List.foldl' (\x f -> f x) (Env.value env) inserts }
typ <- instantiateType tipe
let scheme = Scheme { rigidQuantifiers = [],
flexibleQuantifiers = flexiVars,
constraint = CTrue,
header = Map.singleton name typ }
@ -169,12 +190,12 @@ constrainDef env info (name, qs, expr, maybeTipe) =
, c2
, fl rigidQuantifiers c /\ c1 )
Nothing ->
(PVar name, Nothing) ->
do var <- flexibleVar
rigidVars <- mapM (\_ -> rigidVar) qs
let tipe = VarN var
inserts = zipWith (\arg typ -> Map.insert arg (VarN typ)) qs rigidVars
env' = env { value = List.foldl' (\x f -> f x) (value env) inserts }
env' = env { Env.value = List.foldl' (\x f -> f x) (Env.value env) inserts }
c <- constrain env' expr tipe
return ( schemes
, rigidVars ++ rigidQuantifiers
@ -183,18 +204,45 @@ constrainDef env info (name, qs, expr, maybeTipe) =
, c /\ c2
, c1 )
--collapseDefs :: [Def t v] -> [(String, [String], LExpr t v, Maybe Type)]
collapseDefs definitions =
map (\(name, (expr, tipe)) -> (name, expr, tipe)) defPairs
instantiateType :: SrcT.Type -> IO Type
instantiateType sourceType = evalStateT (go sourceType) Map.empty
defPairs = Map.toList (go Map.empty Map.empty definitions)
go :: SrcT.Type -> StateT (Map.Map String Variable) IO Type
go sourceType =
case sourceType of
SrcT.Lambda t1 t2 -> TermN <$> (Fun1 <$> go t1 <*> go t2)
go defs typs [] = Map.union (Map.intersectionWith (\f t -> f (Just t)) defs typs)
( ($ Nothing) (Map.difference defs typs))
go defs typs (d:ds) =
SrcT.Var x -> do
dict <- get
case Map.lookup x dict of
Just var -> return (VarN var)
Nothing -> do
var <- liftIO $ namedVar x -- should this be Constant or Flexible?
put (Map.insert x var dict)
return (VarN var)
SrcT.Data name ts -> do
ts' <- mapM go ts
return $ foldr (\t result -> TermN $ App1 t result) (error "not sure how to look this up yet") ts'
SrcT.EmptyRecord -> return (TermN EmptyRecord1)
SrcT.Record fields ext ->
TermN <$> (Record1 <$> traverse (mapM go) fields <*> go ext)
collapseDefs :: [Def t v] -> [(Pattern, LExpr t v, Maybe SrcT.Type)]
collapseDefs = go [] Map.empty Map.empty
go output defs typs [] =
output ++ concatMap Map.elems [
Map.intersectionWithKey (\k v t -> (PVar k, v, Just t)) defs typs,
Map.mapWithKey (\k v -> (PVar k, v, Nothing)) (Map.difference defs typs) ]
go output defs typs (d:ds) =
case d of
Def name body ->
go (Map.insert name ((,) body) defs) typs ds
Def (PVar name) body ->
go output (Map.insert name body defs) typs ds
Def pattern body ->
go ((pattern, body, Nothing) : output) defs typs ds
TypeAnnotation name typ ->
go defs (Map.insert name typ typs) ds
go output defs (Map.insert name typ typs) ds

View file

@ -15,19 +15,27 @@ data Environment = Environment {
initialEnvironment :: IO Environment
initialEnvironment = do
let mkPair name = fmap ((,) name . VarN) (namedVar name)
list <- mkPair "[]"
prims <- mapM mkPair ["Int","Float","Char","Bool","Element"]
list <- mkPair "[_]"
int <- mkPair "Int"
prims <- mapM mkPair ["Float","Char","Bool","Element"]
let builtins = list : int : prims
cons <- do v <- flexibleVar
let vlist = TermN (App1 (snd list) (VarN v))
return ([v], VarN v ==> vlist ==> vlist)
let builtins = list : prims
nil <- do v <- flexibleVar
return ([v], TermN (App1 (snd list) (VarN v)))
let add = snd int ==> snd int ==> snd int
return $ Environment {
constructor = Map.singleton "::" cons,
constructor = Map.fromList [("::", cons), ("[]", nil)],
builtin = Map.fromList builtins,
value = Map.empty
value = Map.empty -- Map.fromList [("+", add)]
get :: Environment -> (Environment -> Map.Map String a) -> String -> a
get env subDict key = subDict env ! key
get env subDict key = Map.findWithDefault err key (subDict env)
err = error $ "Could not find '" ++ key ++ "' in the type environment."

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@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
module Type.Type where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.UnionFind.IO as UF
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint as P
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>))
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
data Term1 a
= App1 a a
@ -16,6 +21,7 @@ data Term1 a
data TermN a
= VarN a
| TermN (Term1 (TermN a))
deriving Show
record fs rec = TermN (Record1 fs rec)
@ -34,7 +40,7 @@ data Scheme a b = Scheme {
rigidQuantifiers :: [b],
flexibleQuantifiers :: [b],
constraint :: Constraint a b,
header :: Map.Map String a -- mapping from names to types
header :: Map.Map String a
} deriving Show
monoscheme headers = Scheme [] [] CTrue headers
@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ data Descriptor = Descriptor {
flex :: Flex,
name :: Maybe TypeName,
mark :: Int
} deriving Show
noRank = -1
outermostRank = 0 :: Int
@ -114,12 +120,126 @@ exists f = do
instance Show a => Show (UF.Point a) where
show point = unsafePerformIO $ fmap show (UF.descriptor point)
instance Show Descriptor where
show desc = case name desc of
Just n -> n
Nothing -> show (structure desc)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (UF.Point a) where
pretty point = unsafePerformIO $ fmap pretty (UF.descriptor point)
instance Show a => Show (TermN a) where
show term = case term of
VarN v -> show v
TermN t -> "(" ++ show t ++ ")"
instance Pretty a => Pretty (Term1 a) where
pretty term =
case term of
App1 f x -> pretty f <+> pretty x
Fun1 arg body -> pretty arg <+> P.text "->" <+> pretty body
Var1 x -> pretty x
EmptyRecord1 -> P.braces P.empty
Record1 fields ext ->
P.braces (pretty ext <+> P.text "|" <+> P.sep (P.punctuate P.comma prettyFields))
mkPretty f t = P.text f <+> P.text ":" <+> pretty t
prettyFields = concatMap (\(f,ts) -> map (mkPretty f) ts) (Map.toList fields)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (TermN a) where
pretty term =
case term of
VarN x -> pretty x
TermN t1 -> pretty t1
instance Pretty Descriptor where
pretty desc =
case (structure desc, name desc) of
(Just term, _) -> pretty term
(_, Just name) -> P.text name
_ -> P.text "?"
instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (Constraint a b) where
pretty constraint =
case constraint of
CTrue -> P.text "True"
CEqual a b -> pretty a <+> P.text "=" <+> pretty b
CAnd [] -> P.text "True"
CAnd (c:cs) ->
P.parens . P.sep $ pretty c : (map (\c -> P.text "and" <+> pretty c) cs)
CLet [Scheme [] fqs constraint header] CTrue | Map.null header ->
P.hang binder 2 (pretty constraint)
binder = if null fqs then P.empty else
P.text "exists" <+> P.hsep (map pretty fqs) <> P.text "."
CLet schemes constraint ->
P.vcat [ P.hang (P.text "let") 4 (P.brackets . P.sep . P.punctuate P.comma $ map pretty schemes)
, P.text "in " <+> pretty constraint ]
CInstance name tipe ->
P.text name <+> P.text "<" <+> pretty tipe
instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (Scheme a b) where
pretty (Scheme rqs fqs constraint headers) =
P.sep [ forall <+> frees <+> rigids, cs, headers' ]
forall = if Map.size headers + length rqs /= 0 then P.text "forall" else P.empty
frees = P.hsep $ map pretty fqs
rigids = if length rqs > 0 then P.braces . P.hsep $ map pretty rqs else empty
cs = case constraint of
CTrue -> P.empty
CAnd [] -> P.empty
_ -> P.brackets (pretty constraint)
headers' = if Map.size headers > 0 then dict else P.empty
dict = P.parens . P.sep . P.punctuate P.comma . map prettyPair $ Map.toList headers
prettyPair (n,t) = P.text n <+> P.text ":" <+> pretty t
prettyNames constraint = do
(_, rawVars) <- fold constraint [] getNames
let vars = map head . $ List.sort rawVars
letters = map (:[]) ['a'..'z']
suffix s = map (++s)
allVars = letters ++ suffix "'" letters ++ concatMap (\n -> suffix (show n) letters) [0..]
okayVars = filter (`notElem` vars) allVars
fold constraint okayVars rename
getNames name vars =
case name of
Just var -> (name, var:vars)
Nothing -> (name, vars)
rename name vars =
case name of
Just var -> (name, vars)
Nothing -> (Just (head vars), tail vars)
fold constraint initialState func =
runStateT (prettyName constraint) initialState
prettyName constraint =
case constraint of
CTrue -> return CTrue
CEqual a b -> CEqual <$> prettyTypeName a <*> prettyTypeName b
CAnd cs -> CAnd <$> mapM prettyName cs
CLet schemes c -> CLet <$> mapM prettySchemeName schemes <*> prettyName c
CInstance name tipe -> CInstance name <$> prettyTypeName tipe
prettySchemeName (Scheme rqs fqs c headers) =
Scheme <$> mapM prettyVarName rqs <*> mapM prettyVarName fqs <*> prettyName c <*> return headers
prettyVarName point = do
state <- get
put =<< do desc <- liftIO $ UF.descriptor point
let (name', state') = func (name desc) state
liftIO $ UF.setDescriptor point (desc { name = name' })
return state'
return point
prettyTypeName tipe =
case tipe of
VarN x -> VarN <$> prettyVarName x
TermN term -> TermN <$> prettyTermName term
prettyTermName term =
case term of
App1 a b -> App1 <$> prettyTypeName a <*> prettyTypeName b
Fun1 a b -> Fun1 <$> prettyTypeName a <*> prettyTypeName b
Var1 a -> Var1 <$> prettyTypeName a
EmptyRecord1 -> return EmptyRecord1
Record1 fields ext -> Record1 <$> fields' <*> prettyTypeName ext
fields' = traverse (mapM prettyTypeName) fields