
240 lines
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module Parse.Expression (def,term,typeAnnotation,expr) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.List (foldl')
import Text.Parsec hiding (newline,spaces)
import Text.Parsec.Indent
import Parse.Binop
2013-06-14 02:15:40 +00:00
import Parse.Helpers
import Parse.Literal
2013-06-14 02:15:40 +00:00
import qualified Parse.Pattern as Pattern
import qualified Parse.Type as Type
import SourceSyntax.Annotation as Annotation
import qualified SourceSyntax.Pattern as P
import qualified SourceSyntax.Literal as L
2013-06-14 02:15:40 +00:00
import SourceSyntax.Expression
-------- Basic Terms --------
varTerm :: IParser ParseExpr'
varTerm = toVar <$> var <?> "variable"
toVar :: String -> ParseExpr'
toVar v = case v of "True" -> Literal (L.Boolean True)
"False" -> Literal (L.Boolean False)
_ -> rawVar v
accessor :: IParser ParseExpr'
accessor = do
(start, lbl, end) <- located (try (string "." >> rLabel))
let loc e = Annotation.at start end e
return (Lambda (P.Var "_") (loc $ Access (loc $ rawVar "_") lbl))
negative :: IParser ParseExpr'
negative = do
(start, nTerm, end) <-
located (try (char '-' >> notFollowedBy (char '.' <|> char '-')) >> term)
let loc e = Annotation.at start end e
return (Binop "-" (loc $ Literal (L.IntNum 0)) nTerm)
-------- Complex Terms --------
listTerm :: IParser ParseExpr'
listTerm = markdown' <|> braces (try range <|> ExplicitList <$> commaSep expr)
range = do
lo <- expr
padded (string "..")
Range lo <$> expr
markdown' = do
2013-10-25 15:36:30 +00:00
pos <- getPosition
let uid = show (sourceLine pos) ++ ":" ++ show (sourceColumn pos)
(rawText, exprs) <- markdown (interpolation uid)
return (Markdown uid (filter (/='\r') rawText) exprs)
2013-10-25 15:36:30 +00:00
span uid index =
"<span id=\"md-" ++ uid ++ "-" ++ show index ++ "\">{{ markdown interpolation is in the pipeline, but still needs more testing }}</span>"
2014-01-29 08:04:16 +00:00
interpolation uid exprs = do
try (string "{{")
e <- padded expr
string "}}"
2014-01-29 08:04:16 +00:00
return (span uid (length exprs), exprs ++ [e])
parensTerm :: IParser ParseExpr
parensTerm = try (parens opFn) <|> parens (tupleFn <|> parened)
opFn = do
(start, op, end) <- located anyOp
let loc = Annotation.at start end
return . loc . Lambda (P.Var "x") . loc . Lambda (P.Var "y") . loc $
Binop op (loc $ rawVar "x") (loc $ rawVar "y")
tupleFn = do
let comma = char ',' <?> "comma ','"
(start, commas, end) <- located (comma >> many (whitespace >> comma))
let vars = map (('v':) . show) [ 0 .. length commas + 1 ]
loc = Annotation.at start end
return $ foldr (\x e -> loc $ Lambda x e)
(loc . tuple $ map (loc . rawVar) vars) (map P.Var vars)
parened = do
(start, es, end) <- located (commaSep expr)
return $ case es of
[e] -> e
_ -> Annotation.at start end (tuple es)
recordTerm :: IParser ParseExpr
recordTerm = brackets $ choice [ misc, addLocation record ]
field = do
label <- rLabel
patterns <- spacePrefix Pattern.term
padded equals
body <- expr
return (label, makeFunction patterns body)
record = Record <$> commaSep field
change = do
lbl <- rLabel
padded (string "<-")
(,) lbl <$> expr
remove r = addLocation (string "-" >> whitespace >> Remove r <$> rLabel)
insert r = addLocation $ do
string "|" >> whitespace
Insert r <$> rLabel <*> (padded equals >> expr)
modify r =
addLocation (string "|" >> whitespace >> Modify r <$> commaSep1 change)
misc = try $ do
record <- addLocation (rawVar <$> rLabel)
opt <- padded (optionMaybe (remove record))
case opt of
Just e -> try (insert e) <|> return e
Nothing -> try (insert record) <|> try (modify record)
term :: IParser ParseExpr
2013-07-15 22:36:34 +00:00
term = addLocation (choice [ Literal <$> literal, listTerm, accessor, negative ])
<|> accessible (addLocation varTerm <|> parensTerm <|> recordTerm)
<?> "basic term (4, x, 'c', etc.)"
-------- Applications --------
appExpr :: IParser ParseExpr
appExpr = do
t <- term
ts <- constrainedSpacePrefix term $ \str ->
if null str then notFollowedBy (char '-') else return ()
return $ case ts of
[] -> t
_ -> foldl' (\f x -> Annotation.merge f x $ App f x) t ts
-------- Normal Expressions --------
binaryExpr :: IParser ParseExpr
binaryExpr = binops appExpr lastExpr anyOp
where lastExpr = addLocation (choice [ ifExpr, letExpr, caseExpr ])
<|> lambdaExpr
ifExpr :: IParser ParseExpr'
ifExpr = reserved "if" >> whitespace >> (normal <|> multiIf)
normal = do
bool <- expr
padded (reserved "then")
thenBranch <- expr
whitespace <?> "an 'else' branch" ; reserved "else" <?> "an 'else' branch" ; whitespace
elseBranch <- expr
2013-07-30 18:55:41 +00:00
return $ MultiIf [(bool, thenBranch),
(Annotation.sameAs elseBranch (Literal . L.Boolean $ True), elseBranch)]
multiIf = MultiIf <$> spaceSep1 iff
where iff = do string "|" ; whitespace
b <- expr ; padded arrow
(,) b <$> expr
lambdaExpr :: IParser ParseExpr
lambdaExpr = do char '\\' <|> char '\x03BB' <?> "anonymous function"
args <- spaceSep1 Pattern.term
padded arrow
body <- expr
return (makeFunction args body)
defSet :: IParser [ParseDef]
defSet = block (do d <- def ; whitespace ; return d)
letExpr :: IParser ParseExpr'
letExpr = do
reserved "let" ; whitespace
defs <- defSet
padded (reserved "in")
Let defs <$> expr
caseExpr :: IParser ParseExpr'
caseExpr = do
reserved "case"; e <- padded expr; reserved "of"; whitespace
Case e <$> (with <|> without)
where case_ = do p <- Pattern.expr
padded arrow
(,) p <$> expr
with = brackets (semiSep1 (case_ <?> "cases { x -> ... }"))
without = block (do c <- case_ ; whitespace ; return c)
expr :: IParser ParseExpr
expr = addLocation (choice [ ifExpr, letExpr, caseExpr ])
<|> lambdaExpr
<|> binaryExpr
<?> "an expression"
defStart :: IParser [P.Pattern]
defStart =
choice [ do p1 <- try Pattern.term
infics p1 <|> func p1
, func =<< (P.Var <$> parens symOp)
, (:[]) <$> Pattern.expr
] <?> "the definition of a variable (x = ...)"
func pattern =
case pattern of
P.Var _ -> (pattern:) <$> spacePrefix Pattern.term
_ -> do try (lookAhead (whitespace >> string "="))
return [pattern]
infics p1 = do
o:p <- try (whitespace >> anyOp)
p2 <- (whitespace >> Pattern.term)
return $ if o == '`' then [ P.Var $ takeWhile (/='`') p, p1, p2 ]
else [ P.Var (o:p), p1, p2 ]
makeFunction :: [P.Pattern] -> ParseExpr -> ParseExpr
makeFunction args body@(A ann _) =
foldr (\arg body' -> A ann $ Lambda arg body') body args
definition :: IParser ParseDef
definition = withPos $ do
(name:args) <- defStart
padded equals
body <- expr
return . Def name $ makeFunction args body
typeAnnotation :: IParser ParseDef
typeAnnotation = TypeAnnotation <$> try start <*> Type.expr
start = do
v <- lowVar <|> parens symOp
padded hasType
return v
def :: IParser ParseDef
def = typeAnnotation <|> definition