Add support for let (==>) = Lambda in …

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Evan Czaplicki 2013-07-23 17:00:05 +02:00
parent 7b90975dad
commit 2609f5dda7
2 changed files with 19 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Syntax:
* Record Constructors
* Record type aliases can be closed on the zeroth column
* (,,) syntax in types
* "(+) = " is permitted
* Unparenthesized if, let, case, and lambda in last
term of a binary expression

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@ -195,17 +195,24 @@ expr = addLocation (choice [ ifExpr, letExpr, caseExpr ])
<|> binaryExpr
<?> "an expression"
funcDef = try (do p1 <- try Pattern.term ; infics p1 <|> func p1)
<|> ((:[]) <$> Pattern.expr)
<?> "the definition of a variable (x = ...)"
where func p@(PVar v) = (p:) <$> spacePrefix Pattern.term
func p = do try (lookAhead (whitespace >> string "="))
return [p]
infics p1 = do
o:p <- try (whitespace >> anyOp)
p2 <- (whitespace >> Pattern.term)
return $ if o == '`' then [ PVar $ takeWhile (/='`') p, p1, p2 ]
else [ PVar (o:p), p1, p2 ]
funcDef =
choice [ do p1 <- try Pattern.term
infics p1 <|> func p1
, func =<< (PVar <$> parens symOp)
, (:[]) <$> Pattern.expr
] <?> "the definition of a variable (x = ...)"
func pattern =
case pattern of
PVar v -> (pattern:) <$> spacePrefix Pattern.term
_ -> do try (lookAhead (whitespace >> string "="))
return [pattern]
infics p1 = do
o:p <- try (whitespace >> anyOp)
p2 <- (whitespace >> Pattern.term)
return $ if o == '`' then [ PVar $ takeWhile (/='`') p, p1, p2 ]
else [ PVar (o:p), p1, p2 ]
makeFunction :: [Pattern] -> LExpr t v -> LExpr t v
makeFunction args body@(L a b _) =