2016-08-21 17:23:11 +02:00

5.6 KiB


Yay! Evil!

This is an Emacs configuration for the stubborn, melodramatic, shell-dwelling vimmer disappointed with the text-editor status quo. I wanted Atom's (or Sublime's) snappy and [quasi]-native GUI, but more low-level customizability. I wanted vim/emac's versality and modal philosophy, but didn't want to live in the 70's (or deal with VimL's shenanigans). I wanted the toybox IDE behemoths like Intellij give you, but not the opinionated workflows that come with them.

I ended up with DOOM. It strives to look and act like modern editors (whatever that will mean to me on any given day), emulate vim as best it can, and strive to surpass it in any way possible. All to fit my needs as a software developer, designer, scientist and doom enthusiast.

It was tailored for Emacs 25+ on OSX 10.11+. I use vim everywhere else.

Main screenshot

NOTE: you can find the theme in a separate repo.


# Install cask + emacs
brew install cask
brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport
brew install emacs-mac --with-imagemagick --with-modern-icon --HEAD

# Install this emacs.d
git clone ~/.emacs.d
cd ~/.emacs.d
make          # installs plugins via cask and generates autoloads

# Optional
make compile  # compiles core and autoloaded files
make snippets # install hlissner/emacs-snippets into private/snippets

For a more comprehensive byte compile, run :bc! (:bc will compile the current *.el file).


To get a picture of what's in here, check out:

See screenshots in the screenshots branch.


  • Tamed popup windows with shackle; see def-popup! and shackle-rules. e.g. help buffers will always pop up at the bottom of the frame, and are removed with ESC.
  • Workspaces & session persistence with workgroups2
  • Project and workspace-sensitive buffer navigation and functions
  • A vim-like environment with evil-mode
    • vim-seek/vim-sneak functionality with evil-snipe (provides 2-char motions)
    • Multiple cursors with evil-multiedit
    • Repeat (most) motions with SPC and shift+SPC
    • On-the-fly keybindings with :[nviom]map
    • Global C-x omnicompletion (e.g. C-x+C-f for files)
  • Fast search utilities:
    • Project and buffer navigation with ivy
    • File browser sidebar with neotree
    • Project search (and replace) with counsel-ag and wgrep
    • Buffer search with swiper
  • REPLs for many languages including Ruby, Python, PHP, JS, Elisp, Haskell and Lua.
  • Minimalistic diffs in the fringe with git-gutter-fringe.
  • Modded org-mode to be a modern note-taking/LaTeX/word-processing platform. (WIP)
  • Code debugging interface with realgud (currently supports gdb, trepanjs, bashdb and zshdb, working on Python/Ruby support)
  • A do-what-I-mean jump-to-definition implementation that either uses major-mode commands or falls back to dumb-jump/ctags.
  • Pretty mode-line with spaceline, plus:
    • evil-search/iedit/evil-substitute mode-line integration
    • Indicator when macro is recording
    • Show python/ruby version in mode-line (with rbenv/pyenv)

Other features

  • Line numbers + highlight with nlinum
  • On-demand [platform agnostic] shell with eshell
  • Consistent marker-based code-folding with hideshow
  • Inline code execution anywhere (once or live) with quickrun
  • Snippet expansion and file templates with yasnippet
  • Completion with company-mode
  • Syntax checking with flycheck
  • Custom O/S interaction commands, like os-reveal and os-open-in-browser
  • Custom TODO, FIXME and NOTE highlighting and search
  • big-mode for presentations and demonstrations
  • Tmux integration with :t and :tcd ex commands