2023-07-24 17:52:24 +02:00

130 lines
4.8 KiB

;;; lang/javascript/autoload.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +javascript-npm-conf (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defun +javascript-npm-conf (&optional project-root refresh-p)
"Retrieves an alist of this project's 'package.json'. If REFRESH-P is non-nil
ignore the cache."
(let ((project-root (or project-root (doom-project-root))))
(or (and (not refresh-p)
(gethash project-root +javascript-npm-conf))
(let ((package-file (expand-file-name "package.json" project-root)))
(when-let (json (and (file-exists-p package-file)
(require 'json)
(json-read-file package-file)))
(puthash project-root json +javascript-npm-conf))))))
(defun +javascript-npm-dep-p (packages &optional project-root refresh-p)
(when-let (data (and (bound-and-true-p +javascript-npm-mode)
(+javascript-npm-conf project-root refresh-p)))
(let ((deps (append (cdr (assq 'dependencies data))
(cdr (assq 'devDependencies data)))))
(cond ((listp packages)
(funcall (if (eq (car packages) 'and)
(lambda (pkg) (assq pkg deps))
(if (listp packages) packages (list packages))))
((symbolp packages)
(assq packages deps))
(t (error "Expected a package symbol or list, got %s" packages))))))
(defun +javascript-add-npm-path-h ()
"Add node_modules/.bin to `exec-path'."
(when-let ((search-directory (or (doom-project-root) default-directory))
(node-modules-parent (locate-dominating-file search-directory "node_modules/"))
(node-modules-dir (expand-file-name "node_modules/.bin/" node-modules-parent)))
(make-local-variable 'exec-path)
(add-to-list 'exec-path node-modules-dir)
(doom-log ":lang:javascript: add %s to $PATH" (expand-file-name "node_modules/" node-modules-parent))))
;; Commands
(defun +javascript/open-repl ()
"Open a Javascript REPL. Meaning either `skewer-repl', if any of the
skewer-*-mode's are enabled, or `nodejs-repl' otherwise."
(if (and (featurep 'skewer-mode)
(or (bound-and-true-p skewer-mode)
(bound-and-true-p skewer-css-mode)
(bound-and-true-p skewer-html-mode)))
(defun +javascript/skewer-this-buffer ()
"Toggle a globalized skewer-mode, attaching an external browser (once),
initiating an internal httpd server (once) and enabling the appropriate
skewer-mode for the current buffer.
Run this for any buffer you want to skewer."
(when (bound-and-true-p impatient-mode)
(error "Skewer-mode isn't compatible with impatient mode"))
(require 'skewer-mode)
(unless (process-status "httpd")
(pcase major-mode
((or 'css-mode 'scss-mode 'less-css-mode)
(unless (bound-and-true-p skewer-css-mode)
(skewer-css-mode +1)))
((or 'web-mode 'html-mode)
(unless (bound-and-true-p skewer-html-mode)
(skewer-html-mode +1)))
(unless (bound-and-true-p skewer-mode)
(skewer-mode +1)))
(_ (error "Invalid mode %s" major-mode))))
(defun +javascript/skewer-cleanup ()
"Disable skewer-mode globally and disable the httpd server."
(when (process-status "httpd")
(dolist (buf (buffer-list))
(with-current-buffer buf
(if (bound-and-true-p skewer-mode)
(skewer-mode -1))
(if (bound-and-true-p skewer-css-mode)
(skewer-css-mode -1))
(if (bound-and-true-p skewer-html-mode)
(skewer-html-mode -1)))))
;; Hooks
(defun +javascript-cleanup-tide-processes-h ()
"Clean up dangling tsserver processes if there are no more buffers with
`tide-mode' active that belong to that server's project."
(when tide-mode
(unless (cl-loop with project-name = (tide-project-name)
for buf in (delq (current-buffer) (buffer-list))
if (and (buffer-local-value 'tide-mode buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(string= (tide-project-name) project-name)))
return buf)
(kill-process (tide-current-server)))))
;; Advice
(defun +javascript-tide-project-root-a ()
"Resolve to `doom-project-root' if `tide-project-root' fails."
(or tide-project-root
(or (locate-dominating-file default-directory "tsconfig.json")
(locate-dominating-file default-directory "jsconfig.json"))
(or (doom-project-root)