Henrik Lissner 4fa9362224
docs(*): replace all-the-icons with nerd-icons
Also colorizes the leading icon in notices.
2024-05-21 17:16:13 +02:00
packages.el docs(*): replace all-the-icons with nerd-icons 2024-05-21 17:16:13 +02:00

:lang javascript

Description   unfold

This module adds JavaScript and TypeScript support to Doom Emacs.

Module flags

Enable LSP support for js2-mode, rjsx-mode, JS in web-mode, and typescript-mode. Requires doom-module::tools lsp and a langserver (supports ts-ls and deno-ls).
Leverages tree-sitter for better syntax highlighting and structural text editing. Requires doom-module::tools tree-sitter.

TODO Hacks

󱌣 This module's hacks haven't been documented yet. Document them?

TODO Changelog

This module does not have a changelog yet.


Enable this module in your doom! block.

This module requires NodeJS and one of NPM or Yarn in your $PATH.

  • MacOS: $ brew install node
  • Arch Linux: $ pacman --needed --noconfirm -S nodejs npm
  • openSUSE: $ zypper install nodejs npm


Formatting is handled using the doom-module::editor format module via prettier.

TODO Usage

󱌣 This module's usage documentation is incomplete. Complete it?

rjsx-mode is used for all javascript buffers.



command key / ex command description
+javascript/open-repl :repl Open the NodeJS REPL (or send the current selection to it)
+javascript/skewer-this-buffer <localleader> S Attaches a browser to the current buffer


command key / ex command description
tide-restart-server <localleader> R Restart tide server
tide-reformat <localleader> f Reformat region
tide-rename-symbol <localleader> r r s Rename symbol at point
tide-organize-imports <localleader> r o i Organize imports

Refactoring (js2-refactor-mode)

command key / ex command description
js2r-expand-node-at-point <localleader> r e e Expand bracketed list according to node type at point
js2r-contract-node-at-point <localleader> r c c Contract bracketed list according to node type at point
js2r-extract-function <localleader> r e f Extracts the marked expressions out into a new named function.
js2r-extract-method <localleader> r e m Extracts the marked expressions out into a new named method in an object literal.
js2r-toggle-function-expression-and-declaration <localleader> r t f Toggle between function name() {} and var name = function ();
js2r-toggle-arrow-function-and-expression <localleader> r t a Toggle between function expression to arrow function.
js2r-toggle-function-async <localleader> r t s Toggle between an async and a regular function.
js2r-introduce-parameter <localleader> r i p Changes the marked expression to a parameter in a local function.
js2r-localize-parameter <localleader> r l p Changes a parameter to a local var in a local function.
js2r-wrap-buffer-in-iife <localleader> r w i Wraps the entire buffer in an immediately invoked function expression
js2r-inject-global-in-iife <localleader> r i g Creates a shortcut for a marked global by injecting it in the wrapping immediately invoked function expression
js2r-add-to-globals-annotation <localleader> r a g Creates a *global * annotation if it is missing, and adds the var at point to it.
js2r-extract-var <localleader> r e v Takes a marked expression and replaces it with a var.
js2r-extract-let <localleader> r e l Similar to extract-var but uses a let-statement.
js2r-extract-const <localleader> r e c Similar to extract-var but uses a const-statement.
js2r-inline-var <localleader> r i v Replaces all instances of a variable with its initial value.
js2r-rename-var <localleader> r r v Renames the variable on point and all occurrences in its lexical scope.
js2r-var-to-this <localleader> r v t Changes local var a to be this.a instead.
js2r-arguments-to-object <localleader> r a o Replaces arguments to a function call with an object literal of named arguments.
js2r-ternary-to-if <localleader> r 3 i Converts ternary operator to if-statement.
js2r-split-var-declaration <localleader> r s v Splits a var with multiple vars declared, into several var statements.
js2r-split-string <localleader> r s s Splits a string.
js2r-string-to-template <localleader> r s t Converts a string into a template string.
js2r-unwrap <localleader> r u w Replaces the parent statement with the selected region.
js2r-log-this <localleader> r l t Adds a console.log() statement for what is at point (or region). With a prefix argument, use JSON pretty-printing.
js2r-debug-this <localleader> r d t Adds a debug() statement for what is at point (or region).
js2r-forward-slurp <localleader> r s l Moves the next statement into current function, if-statement, for-loop or while-loop.
js2r-forward-barf <localleader> r b a Moves the last child out of current function, if-statement, for-loop or while-loop.
js2r-kill <localleader> r k Kills to the end of the line, but does not cross semantic boundaries.


command key / ex command description
skewer-eval-last-expression <localleader> s E Evaluate last expression
skewer-eval-defun <localleader> s e Evaluate function definition at point
skewer-load-buffer <localleader> s f Load buffer into REPL
command key / ex command description
skewer-css-eval-current-declaration <localleader> s e Evaluate declaration at point
skewer-css-eval-current-rule <localleader> s r Evaluate rule at point
skewer-css-eval-buffer <localleader> s b Evaluate buffer
skewer-css-clear-all <localleader> s c Clear all rules
command key / ex command description
skewer-html-eval-tag <localleader> s e Evaluate tag at point


command key / ex command description
npm-mode-npm-init <localleader> n n Initialize npm project
npm-mode-npm-install <localleader> n i Install npm package
npm-mode-npm-install-save <localleader> n s Install npm package and save to package.json
npm-mode-npm-install-save-dev <localleader> n d Install npm package and save to package.json as a dev dependency
npm-mode-npm-uninstall <localleader> n u Uninstall npm package
npm-mode-npm-list <localleader> n l List npm packages
npm-mode-npm-run <localleader> n r Run npm task
npm-mode-visit-project-file <localleader> n v Find file in npm project

TODO Configuration

󱌣 This module has no configuration documentation yet. Write some?


There are no known problems with this module. Report one?

Frequently asked questions

This module has no FAQs yet. Ask one?

TODO Appendix

󱌣 This module has no appendix yet. Write one?