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IROH Auth Presentation




  1. Introduction, History
  2. Login
  3. OAuth2/OIDC Provider
  4. Specific Usages Cisco

1 - Introduction

When did you interacted with IROH-Auth?

  • Login in SecureX
  • Login in CTR
  • Login in Orbital
  • Authorized the Ribbon
  • Invited someone to your Org
  • Cross Launch with SSE
  • Dealing with JWT
  • Changed the role of some user
  • When you investigate in CTR (via CTIA's module)
  • Created an OAuth2 client

What is IROH-Auth? (overview)

This is a software subcomponent of IROH1 taking care of:

  • Authentication

    • provide a user unique identifier
  • Authorization

    • decide what user can or cannot do
  • User Data Model
  • Tenancy (Org) Management
  • API Clients Management
  • OAuth2, OpenID Connect provider (half of IROH-Auth dedicated to this)

1: IROH The software serving the API behind SecureX, CTR, Ribbons, integrations…

What is IROH-Auth? (technical)

IROH-Auth is a set of Services within IROH some of them exposing HTTP APIs.

  • Login

    • Login (core service + web API)
    • Org (service)
    • User (service + web API)
    • Scopes (service)
    • Auth Management (core service)
    • Invite (core service + web API)
    • Session (web API)
    • Profile (web API, /whoami)
    • SCIM Client (service)
    • IdP Migrate (core service + web API) deprecated a few months ago
    • Provision (service + web API) used instead of IdP Migrate
  • OAuth2

    • OAuth2 (core service + web API)
    • OAuth2 Clients (core service + web API)
    • OAuth2 Clients Presets (service)
    • Grant Service (User's client authorizations)
  • Admin

    • Auth Management (web API)
    • OAuth2 Clients Management (web API)

History: IROH/Visibility (1/?)   ATTACH

Login using AMP SAML (generate JWT) Worked with Guillaume.

Use AMP as an IdP2

After the dance of their people AMP provides:

  • user-id
  • org-id
  • role (admin/user)

No DB of users!

History: IROH/Visibility - SAML (2/?)   ATTACH

Doc & Libs

> It's bad. > It's really bad. > It's like eating a hot circle of garbage… > Kevin


History: IROH/Visibility (3/?)

2nd goal: Support OAuth2 (become an OAuth2 provider) 3rd goal: Support AMP and Threatgrid login (OpenID Connect)

Become both an OAuth2 client and provider.

Need Clients/Users/Orgs in DB!!!

OAuth2 RFC => OAuth2 GRANTS

  • Authorization Code Grant (the classic)
  • Client Grant (for scripts)
  • Implicit Grant (for Single Page Applications, now deprecated)

History: IROH/Visibility (4/?)

4rd goal: Support Account Activation => SCIM3 Client

Call a SCIM server. Check if the account is part from an activated Org inside AMP.

  • Become an OpenID Connect provider, made before the start of SecureX.
  • OpenID Connect with SSE (we are the IdP now)


To integrate with SSE (devices) we have to use an SSE hosted IdP provider: the IDB

The IDB stand for Identity Broker. This is a Ping Federate Identity Provider. Ping Federate is a server from PingIdentity a company specialized in Identity Providers and Management.

Since then we only use OpenID Connect => IROH-Auth SAML support start to rot and is now probably completely deprecated


History: SecureX (5/?)

From idp-mapping to idp-mappings

From Idp managing Orgs to IdP providing only a User Identity Id. => generate random user-id/org-id and stop using the the one given by the IdP.

Lot of DB migrations ensues.

2 - Login

Lot of IROH-Auth services dedicated just for Login

IROH-Auth Login

Generally: enter your username & password => set a cookie with an id of the user of the user

Not in IROH-Auth. The first goal was (and still is) not to take care of user's credentials.

There are no user password in IROH Auth.

The password security is handled by external IdPs. Currently SXSO, CSA & TG.

IROH-Auth Login Dance (1/?)   ATTACH

So the dance of login via IROH-Auth


  1. Login page => Select an IdP (all buttons are just links)
  2. When a user click on the link:

    • generate and save an unique Id
    • redirect the user to the IdP with that unique Id as parameter
  3. Wait for the user to come back to /iroh/iroh-auth/:idp/answer with

    • code query parameter
    • state query paramter that should be equal to the generate unique Id
  4. We check our DB for that unique Id then call the IdP with the code and a secret shared between IROH-Auth and the IdP only.
  5. The IdP returns an id_token with all user's information.

After this first dance, we have:

  1. A Users's Identity Id (the id of the user in the IdP)
  2. The user email

IROH-Auth Login Dance (2/?)

After the "Login Workflow" we know:

  • The user IdP
  • User Identity id
  • the user's email

Depending on the IdP we can also have an associated Org-id.

So login now? no.

IROH-Auth Login Dance: Check the IdP configuration (3/?)

{:id "idb-amp" <- idp-id
 :name "Cisco Security Account" <- to display on the login page
 :msg "For existing Threat Response & AMP users." <- ???
 :position 1 <- position on the login page
 :legacy true <- old?
 :auth-kind :oidc <- SAML or OpenId Connect?
 :user-namespace "idb-amp" <- if legacy, user-id will be (str user-namespace "-" user-identity-id)
 :authorize-uri ""
 :token-uri     ""
 :idp-account-url ""
 :idp-logout-url ""
 :grant-type    :code <- OAuth2 detail
 ;; Correlation table how to transform the `id_token` claims
 :correlation-table {:org-id [:companyId]
                     :org-name [:companyName]
                     :user-name [:user_name]
                     :user-email [:email]
                     :role [:role]}
 :scopes ["profile" "email"] <- asked to the IdP OIDC provider
 :client-id "mylocalamp" <- client-id on the IdP provider
 :allow-all-role-to-login false <- default allow non-admin to login
 :client-secret "******"
 :additional-authorize-query-params {:selector "amp"} <- ping fed magic
 :scim-id :qa1} <- SCIM server id (refer to another part in the conf)

IROH-Auth Login Dance: For Legacy IdPs

We consider the IdP will manage the org (give an org-id, provide an user role, etc…) If that's the case we update our users inside IROH-Auth everytime the user login. There is no mechanism to push user's change from IdP directly in IROH-Auth. With CSA Migraiton should be deprecated.

IROH-Auth Login Dance: For SXSO

We generate the idp-mapping out of the id_token. The idp-mapping contain:

  • The idp-id
  • The User Identity Id (the user id in the IdP not in IROH)

We search for the user's email. If we find multiple users with the same email, we add (if not already exists) the idp-mapping to all thoses users.

Then we search the DB for matches of the idp-mappings:

  1. 0 occurence, this is a new unknown user => Present Org's creation page => create the org and the user.
  2. 1 occurence, directly login the user to it's single known account
  3. >1 occurence, display the account selection page


3 - OAuth2 / OpendID Connect Provider

OAuth2 Provider

From the RFC:

> The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables a third-party > application to obtain limited access to an HTTP service, either on > behalf of a resource owner by orchestrating an approval interaction > between the resource owner and the HTTP service, or by allowing the > third-party application to obtain access on its own behalf.

3 involved entities:

  • an API (Service Provider, IROH)
  • an IROH-Auth user
  • an Application that would like to access the API on behalf of the user (Ribbon)

OAuth2 Provider: Supported Grants

RFC Grants

Authorization Code Grant secrets:

  • 1 secret between IROH-Auth/Application (client secret)
  • 1 secret between Application/User and IROH-Auth/User (refresh token) => involve user-agent workflow

Client Credential Grant

  • 1 shared secret between IROH-Auth/Application/User (client secret) => involve copy/paste

Authorization Code Grant

4.1. Authorization Code Grant

The authorization code grant type is used to obtain both access tokens and refresh tokens and is optimized for confidential clients. Since this is a redirection-based flow, the client must be capable of interacting with the resource owner's user-agent (typically a web browser) and capable of receiving incoming requests (via redirection) from the authorization server.



———- ^

(B) —-|—– Client Identifier —————

-+—-(A) & Redirection URI —->
User- Authorization
Agent -+—-(B) User authenticates —> Server
-+—-(C) Authorization Code —<

-|—-|— —————

^ v

(A) (C) | |

^ v | | ——— | |

>—(D) Authorization Code ———'
Client & Redirection URI
<—(E)—– Access Token ——————-'

——— (w/ Optional Refresh Token)

Note: The lines illustrating steps (A), (B), and (C) are broken into two parts as they pass through the user-agent.

Figure 3: Authorization Code Flow

Client Credential Grant

4.4. Client Credentials Grant

The client can request an access token using only its client credentials (or other supported means of authentication) when the client is requesting access to the protected resources under its control, or those of another resource owner that have been previously arranged with the authorization server (the method of which is beyond the scope of this specification). The client credentials grant type MUST only be used by confidential clients.

——— —————

>(A)- Client Authentication —> Authorization
Client Server
<(B)—- Access Token ———<

——— —————

Figure 6: Client Credentials Flow

The flow illustrated in Figure 6 includes the following steps:

(A) The client authenticates with the authorization server and requests an access token from the token endpoint.

(B) The authorization server authenticates the client, and if valid, issues an access token.


Client mandatory fields:

  • id the unique id of the client accross all Threat Response,
  • name a name for the client that will be user facing,
  • client-type can be either confidential or public,
  • grants a list that could contain auth-code or client-creds,
  • redirects a set of URIs,
  • scopes a set of scopes,
  • enabled? a boolean, this field is editable by admin users,
  • approved? a boolean, editable only by Threat Response admins.

Client optional fields:

  • description, a long description of the client that could be presented to the users during client authorization,
  • owner-id, the user id of the client's owner,
  • org-id, the org id of the client's owner,
  • enabled-by, the user id of the admin that enabled the client,
  • disabled-by, the user id of the admin that disabled the client,
  • password, also known as the "client's secret", public clients don't have a password,
  • access-token-lifetime-in-sec, access token lifetime this client provides,
  • refresh-token-lifetime-in-sec, refresh token lifetime this client provides,
  • availability, can be user, org or everyone. This filters the user that can grant access to this client:

    • user only the owner
    • org only org's members
    • everyone any Threat Response user
  • approval-status, possible values are waiting rejected approved. During client creation some criteria will need an Threat Response Admin's approval,
  • approver-id, the user id of the user (a Threat Response admin) that approved the client
  • approval-message, a message left for the user.
  • client-preset-id, a Client Preset ID. Client Presets are explained in #client-presets.
  • advanced fields
  • allow-partial-user-scopes? If true, a user without all the requested scopes from the Client can still authorize the client. The refresh and access tokens will only have the intersection of both scopes.
  • audiences

4 - Specifc Cisco Usage

  • Orbital
  • AMP
  • SSE


Idp: Identity Provider


SCIM: System for Cross-domain Identity Management