Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) c8397edcb2
2021-12-21 12:01:53 +01:00

66 KiB
Raw Blame History



Tags Headline Time
Total time 6:19
2021-W33 6:19
2021-08-16 Monday 1:52
work Fix Carlos Hidalgo account 0:20
work create an issue about email… 1:32
2021-08-17 Tuesday 2:48
work Add scope to TG clients 0:38
work Write an issue about 1-click… 2:03
work, chat Jyoti about CDO 1-click module setup 0:07
2021-08-19 Thursday 1:39
work, meeting Interview Olivier Barbeau 1:39
Table 1: Clock summary at [2021-10-28 Thu 18:16]

2021-08-16 Monday

DONE Fix Carlos Hidalgo account   work
DONE create an issue about email search case sensitivity   work

[2021-08-16 Mon 15:03]

Fix email case sensitivity

> Related

We often need to search by email. The main issue being that, currently our search mechanism does not support case insensitive matches.

We have 4 possible solutions:

  1. Lower case the user email at creation. We need to also update the user emails in our DB. The safest route to achieve this will be via the iroh-migration service.
  2. Keep the email case sensitive and add a new case insensitive field lc-user-email for example. But same as for case 1, we need to perform a DB migration to add this new field to all existing user in DB.
  3. Add support for case insensitive search in tk-store, perhaps with a new tk-store service, or improving current CRUDStoreService.
  4. Add a specific service just for search user emails that could take care of this specific case by using a Postgres specific query. This could also be the occasion to provide a tk-store hole in the abstraction service.

The simplest is probably option 1. Option 2 would be slightly more complex and we would not lose any detail. Option 3 seems the most generic one, and we could totally imagine we would appreciate a case insensitive search support. Option 4 looks like a specific case of 3.

My preference then goes to option 3, but we need to understand if this is not too difficult to achieve, what would be the API? The most natural one would probably add an option along filter-map like case-insensitive-fields. One issue would be to write the support for case insensitive match for atom and redis.

TODO Interview Steven Collins

2021-08-17 Tuesday

DONE Add scope to TG clients   work

[2021-08-17 Tue 17:54]

In tenzin config:

- INT: 34d94c8c-2041-4708-8172-ebe2df295ca7-2
- TEST: f993f6a0-8075-43e0-a9e5-dae9c3980513
- NAM: 7b8d9fef-bd93-4ef3-88af-ae4174ee02e5
- EU: a1662193-9155-44fd-aa1f-43afd42c889c
DONE Write an issue about 1-click module setup   work

[2021-08-17 Tue 15:51]

Activation Optimization
CHAT Jyoti about CDO 1-click module setup   work chat

[2021-08-17 Tue 15:44]


2021-08-19 Thursday

Timestamp Tags Headline Time
Total time 1:39
2021-08-19 Thursday 1:39
[2021-08-19 Thu 16:04] work, meeting Interview Olivier Barbeau 1:39
Table 2: Clock summary at [2021-08-19 Thu 17:43]
MEETING Interview Olivier Barbeau   work meeting

[2021-08-19 Thu 16:04]

Self Presentation


Tags Headline Time
Total time 2:54
2021-W35 2:54
2021-09-02 Thursday 2:54
work, meeting Weekly meeting 2:54
Table 3: Clock summary at [2021-10-28 Thu 18:15]

2021-09-02 Thursday

MEETING Weekly meeting   work meeting

[2021-09-02 Thu 17:06]

Guillaume start about the Design Planning github project.

  • SecureX session
  • High Impact Incident



2021-09-08 Wednesday

MEETING 1-click module setup weekly meeting   work meeting

[2021-09-08 Wed 17:30]


Miro dashboard from Chloe:


When to TEST, tomorrow. Asking for client_id in TEST.

Client-id: client-555c1f7a-b57b-4a6b-9f0b-015e311a6d06

2021-09-09 Thursday

MEETING Interview: Florin Braghis   work meeting

[2021-09-09 Thu 15:49]


Tags Headline Time
Total time 22:11
2021-W37 22:11
2021-09-14 Tuesday 1:04
work Device Grant 1:04
2021-09-16 Thursday 21:07
work, meeting Team weekly 21:07
Table 4: Clock summary at [2021-10-28 Thu 18:15]

2021-09-14 Tuesday

IN-PROGRESS Device Grant   work

[2021-09-14 Tue 19:31]


2021-09-16 Thursday

MEETING Team weekly   work meeting

[2021-09-16 Thu 17:25]

Ambrose, Irina, Guillaume, Matt, Yann

TO MENTION: Device Grant with FMC => Public clients

Incident discussion

2021-09-17 Friday

MEETING Presenting the projects   work meeting

[2021-09-17 Fri 14:32]



Project Organization

Every project has an owner (main point of contact for the FT) Now only leads, but could be anyone in the future.

[Design] Shared IROH Auth Session

Goal of this Project which is not an official FT is to reflect and write proposals to reach the feeling of a shared session across all Cisco Security products via SecureX.

  • solution using cookies
  • solution using Open ID Connect


[Design] High Impact Incident

Guillaume Ereteo made an awesome work to provide multiple proposals to be able to deliver the feature as fast as possible.

  1. filter on source (only AMP)
  2. Add severity on incident model
  3. Incident with high impact via an IROH route:

    • needs the proxy from Ambrose
    • need sync with engine team too
SecureX Suite Session Improvement

Delivered yesterday in v1.81 Limit the number of interstitial pages between SecureX and CTR/SSE

  • For orbital, missing the Launch button, the back end work is done as we do not need any SXSO app link.
[HOLD] Cisco Secure Client Integration

Still no work to be done by the IROH Services team


Since last meeting two new hires will join us in next few weeks. Kiril and Olivier.

Kiril lives in Germany and Olivier in France.

1-Click Module Setup

In progress integration by CDO and SWC

Irina worked to provide the vault metadata API for SWC.

AMP is in the QA test phase.

ModuleType updates

Just saw the rename of "Threat Grid" into "Secure Malware Analytics"

[HOLD] CTIA Hydrant support
CTIA Incident Manager Improvement
Bug Squashing
  • Fix a bug where a user could login to org that reject non-admin user login
  • Fix a refresh token bug that would provide too much scopes to an access token
  • Login Page url parsing potential discrepancy fixed
[HOLD] ES 7 Migration
Device Insights Integration
  • Wanderson: Webhooks work, trigger a notification for every module-instance configuration change.
AppLinks API
SSE API Extension & OAuth2 Device Grant
  • FMC ⇒ public clients for Device Grants
Incident Assignment Notifications

Ambrose worked to make IROH a proxy to private intel for incident assignments notifications. Should be delivered in v1.82


Tags Headline Time
Total time 6:30
2021-W39 6:30
2021-09-29 Wednesday 3:18
work, meeting Interview 3:18
2021-10-01 Friday 3:12
work, meeting App Links 1:41
work, meeting Secure Client 1:31
Table 5: Clock summary at [2021-10-28 Thu 18:15]

2021-10-01 Friday

MEETING App Links   work meeting

[2021-10-01 Fri 17:26]

Secure Client
MEETING Secure Client   work meeting


Tags Headline Time
Total time 38:18
2021-W40 38:18
2021-10-05 Tuesday 0:46
work Training Interviewing 0:46
2021-10-07 Thursday 32:04
work, meeting DI blockers 23:32
work support 1:16
work, chat check continu 6:38
work, chat support DI JWT signature 0:19
work, support client update via admin for CMD 0:18
work, chat Check webex matinal. 0:01
2021-10-08 Friday 5:28
work, meeting IDB decomissioning 2:28
work, meeting Customer Manager 3:00
Table 6: Clock summary at [2021-10-28 Thu 18:15]

2021-10-05 Tuesday

MEETING DI weekly   work meeting

[2021-10-05 Tue 15:30]

From Yuri

Hi, Things Id like to discuss on our today sync meeting:

  1. The integration modules screen:

    1. When will all the modules be updated with the relevant text?
    2. When will all the modules be deployed to production?
    3. Same goes for the DI module? Need help in updating its text and taking it to production as well
    4. The filter by capability for device insights currently shows an empty result in production
  2. Integration code

    1. Is there still some integration code that is pending?
    2. What is the status of

    ii. Any other open issues?

    1. Any blockers that you see for deploying to production?
  3. Assets API QA?

1.a. doc team 1.b


IN-PROGRESS Training Interviewing   work

[2021-10-05 Tue 14:44]

Past Perf Predict the Future

Behaviorial questions

  • tell me about a time when…
  • Where and how have you used ,,, to achieve ,,,
  • Walk me through the system/process/etc…

Behavioral questions better

More specific to their experience, not generic.

  • concise
  • clear
  • relevant
  • practiced
  • tailored to the job
Real Purpose of interviewing

Predict whether or not they'd be successful in our company


  • Yes, specific examples
  • Yes, demonstration

What the candidate will think about the question.

Clear on hiring criteria

skills & knownledge, attributes, achievements, motivations

targeted probing behavioral interviewing.

Go deep, specific, examples. Ask the how to detect liars, lack of honesty.

  • what ,,, what did you do, what was your role, etc… Question need specific responses.

Do brainteasers work? no Use problem solving questions; how would you do/solve/etc…?


  • role play question. ×
  • problem they solved. ✓

What work-related experience(s) changed your opinion(s) on something?

On Question to rule them all?

Combination question. Find combo questions.


2021-10-07 Thursday

MEETING DI blockers   work meeting

[2021-10-07 Thu 18:01]


Ive opened the issues there, still need to set priorities. Here is the list of the issues Im currently aware of that are important for the release:

  1. - didnt open a new ticket for this one, since it already has tracking.

    1. Umbrella module -

      1. Allow configuring only DI relevant fields - b. Placement of fields c. Add explanations of DI relevant fields - d. Umbrella doesn't send the external reference info -
    2. filtering for the device insights SecureX modules in the Integration Modules screen - results in an empty set -

If you know of something else, please add here

@Matt: 2.a is also tracked here

  1. Doc discussion 30min
  2. show time (Yuri share chat)
IN-PROGRESS support   work

[2021-10-07 Thu 16:45]



    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-6473-000028fbaa95",
    "name": "GATE/Tier3",
    "enabled?": true,
    "created-at": "2021-10-07T17:00:00.000Z",
    "scim-status": "activated",
    "additional-scopes": [

Idp Mapping INT/TEST

    "idp": "sxso",
    "user-identity-id": "00uox5862kEG8G0CD0h7",
    "enabled?": true

IdP Mapping PROD

    "idp": "sxso",
    "user-identity-id": "00u4dmbgyjnx4glS2357",
    "enabled?": true

Users to invite:

 {"invitee-email":"",  "role":"admin"},
 {"invitee-email":"", "role":"admin"},
CHAT check continu   work chat

[2021-10-07 Thu 10:07]

support DI JWT signature
CHAT support DI JWT signature   work chat
IN-PROGRESS client update via admin for CMD   work support

[2021-10-07 Thu 09:27]


Cisco Secure Email Cloud Mailbox

  • module NAM client-0be615ab-b0ff-4c12-8a85-f16c95e7d396
  • ribbon NAM client-e36ba40b-5710-402d-b036-ada6d7817c55
  • module EU client-6fc3230c-936a-40c1-ad73-f9f28700804e
  • ribbon EU client-164688ee-cd5d-44b6-be3d-5e255955e969
CHAT Check webex matinal.   work chat

[2021-10-07 Thu 09:26]

PAUSE Journal   pause

[2021-10-07 Thu 09:20]

2021-10-08 Friday

MEETING IDB decomissioning   work meeting

[2021-10-08 Fri 20:33]

SSE side decomission

Chander Goyal

context; SX released as a platform, SSE had a PingFed ID Broker. Also for CSA.

We want to user IROH-Auth. We want to use directly IROH-Auth.

CSA Migration was launched. SSE-side done.

CSA should be completed very soon. Let's not change PingFed.

Nov 1919 -> nobody left in PingFed at SSE.

Very limited knowledge. The license was Cisco Wideside license. end in 2022.

We want to duplicate PingFed.

MEETING Customer Manager   work meeting

[2021-10-08 Fri 17:33]



Tags Headline Time
Total time 1:35
2021-W41 1:35
2021-10-14 Thursday 1:35
work Write Customer Manager doc 1:10
work write attack on Webhooks with JWT… 0:25
Table 7: Clock summary at [2021-10-28 Thu 18:15]

2021-10-14 Thursday

IN-PROGRESS Write Customer Manager doc   work
IN-PROGRESS write attack on Webhooks with JWT from emitters   work

[2021-10-14 Thu 14:58]

Attack using access_token/id_token from emitters and not webhook owner.

Webhooks are a generic mechanism; but here we only focus on webhook used by internal Cisco team integration.

So the webhook mechanism should be used to push a trusted API that a changed occurred in SecureX (typically module instance change).

The call must be authenticated by the API. The call should also optionally contain access/refresh tokens to the destination so the integration team could access IROH as the event's emitter user.

The issue is that, nothing is explicitly done to prevent any user to get an access/id token generated from the same client we use to forge the authentication headers. So it means, that a SecureX user from any org that could get access to its own access token/id token (which is entirely possible, and easy to get for DI as their client is public). So any user could call the API endpoint to fake real webhook events, and potentially using cross-tenancy/cross-user false events.

So to mitigate this issue, we suggest to:

  1. Always use the owner of the webhook & the client of the team to build id_tokens, (if possible not access_token). The forged JWT should have a specific audience (this is already the case for DI at least). The API team MUST check that the sub claim matches the owner-id field of the webhook as well as verifying the JWT signature.
  2. Provide the emitter tokens in the body of the HTTP call made during webhook trigger.
  • With 1, we prevent this cross-tenant/cross-user attack.
  • With 2, we not only provide even more data than before but the team could

directly use the token without using the "custom route" to retrieve the refresh token (as it is already provided in the webhook HTTP body)


Tags Headline Time
Total time 9:45
2021-W42 9:45
2021-10-19 Tuesday 6:59
work whitelist in TEST 6:59
2021-10-21 Thursday 1:13
work, meeting Weekly IROH Service Team 0:09
work, meeting FMC - Device Grant OAuth2 Flow Sync 0:24
work, meeting, me Secure Client 0:40
2021-10-22 Friday 1:33
work, meeting Engineering Team 1:33
Table 8: Clock summary at [2021-10-28 Thu 18:15]

2021-10-18 Monday

TODO Write Weekly todos   work

[2021-10-18 Mon 10:56]

DONE Check Wanderson PRs/Webhooks
DONE Customer Manager Doc
DONE IROH-Auth tour
DONE Organize invitations for IROH-Auth tour + bugfix, etc…
DONE Discuss Exceptions organization

2021-10-19 Tuesday

DONE whitelist in TEST   work

[2021-10-19 Tue 09:04]


2021-10-21 Thursday

MEETING Weekly IROH Service Team   work meeting

[2021-10-21 Thu 17:16]

Remark to tell
  • Internal JWT generation, with/without client.
  • Next week IROH-Auth tour probably record this.
MEETING FMC - Device Grant OAuth2 Flow Sync   work meeting

[2021-10-21 Thu 16:27]

Secure Client

Updated Target Date. No blocking issue or concerns.

We just finish delivering the feature.

Good to go for 7.2 release (in April). Maybe maintenance release 7.0.2 in Feb.

MEETING Secure Client   work meeting me

[2021-10-21 Thu 15:32]

Jyoti discuss with a document how the 1-click module setup should work and the constraints to obey.

2021-10-22 Friday

MEETING Engineering Team   work meeting

[2021-10-22 Fri 17:03]

  • Working closely to finalize 1-click module setup to work. We faced an issue in using the same client for both the ribbon and the 1-click module setup. This not really a blocker and a fix is in the way.


Headline Time
Total time 19:46
2021-W43 19:46
2021-10-25 Monday 3:29
IROH-Auth Overview 3:29
2021-10-26 Tuesday 4:35
All Hands 0:48
AO 0:29
IROH-Auth tour 3:18
2021-10-27 Wednesday 0:19
security 0:18
preparation IROH Auth Tour 0:01
2021-10-28 Thursday 2:33
Weekly Team 0:51
SecureX + Secure Client + DI… 0:29
Weekly Sync: SecureX / Secure… 0:35
SSE CCO_id 0:38
2021-10-29 Friday 8:50
AO disucssion + generic discusssions 1:00
Jyoti email about PROD module on INT 0:14
aide Matt URL encoding 0:50
code gen docs 2:48
Customer Manager doc 2:34
morning tour 1:06
configurable default sort 0:18
Table 9: Clock summary at [2021-11-03 Wed 10:24]

2021-10-25 Monday

MEETING IROH-Auth Overview   work meeting

[2021-10-25 Mon 13:57]

  • services/iroh-auth
  • lib/iroh-web/{core.clj,compojure-api.clj}

2021-10-26 Tuesday

MEETING All Hands   work meeting
MEETING AO   work meeting

[2021-10-26 Tue 17:43]

MEETING IROH-Auth tour   work meeting

[2021-10-26 Tue 14:25]

org-level entities (clients)
  1. makes user-id/owner-id optional ×
  2. hack the User service, to create a fake org-level user.
(get-user org-id)

=> {:user-id org-id
    :org-id org-id
    :role "admin"
    :scopes ,,,,}

search for entities, you should search for the owned entities + (if you are an admin for the admin-level entities.)

during the create-client to add the ability to create client with that specific owner.

Fun: filter-map => list of filter-map

;; inside an Org
{:addtional-scopes #{"cisco/user:read"}}
 {:user #{}
  :admin #{"cisco/user:read"}}}
Hidden migration

(get-org ,,,,)


TK-Store => provide a minimalist abstraction to Databases. IROH-CRUD => provide CRUD-only related abstractions search that

(search ,,,,)

 {:,,,, :user-id xxx :org-id xxx})
=> (tk-store/search {:filter-map [{:user-id xxxx ,,,}
                                  {:user-id xxxx :org-id org-id}]

update entities

To decide later:

  1. any admin should be allowed to update the org-level entities.
  2. some specific admin only should be allowed to update the org-level entites (use another scope maybe?)

Probably option 1.

2021-10-27 Wednesday

MEETING security   work meeting

[2021-10-27 Wed 17:03]


auto loop

Proxy route

IN-PROGRESS preparation IROH Auth Tour   work

[2021-10-27 Wed 12:06]

  • Continue on "org-level entities"
  • Doc on JWT client expectations
  • :load-path "" Dispatch work
  • Dig if necessary

2021-10-28 Thursday

Weekly Team   work meeting

[2021-10-28 Thu 17:01]

Agenda (to discuss about)

ES deployed, start the migration Old tenzin config pull-request I need to update.

Ag moving to the last step to set the default fields, which are required for ES7.

Production Bug in CTIA investigate module

Fixed the pagination. default search was not consistent. PR on CTIA. Made this default search configurable per store.

Ag, PR for the enrichment?

Ambrose, ops related.

@Jyoti discussion

Matt Integration
  • DI Irina working adding new auth in the module
  • Yann fixed a security issue affecting Umbrella
  • 1-click setup started to work on the org activation
  • Mark work on SSE
  • former_title field (rebranding guidelines)
  • working on a bug in Umbrella, source URL are wrong
  • log all proxy requests



  • IROH-Auth tour
  • minor fix
  • clean up SAML
  • security bug fix


  1. take a task
  2. write PR doc
  3. review PR doc
  4. optional IROH-Auth tour webex(es)
  5. code


  • region switching API
  • account switching inside each region


  • org-level entities

Big hidden work Working on OAuth2 bug. A bit big PR, because will need a new service to store refresh tokens and their metas. And we should be able to migrate/update clients.

Security Bug Fix Chris Duane was happy, it was the first declared bug by Jimmy Miller.

Olivier working on providing the API for the privacy team.

Not 100% fixed, still a problem with paths.

AO migration to OIDC


Questions about JWT used by DI, that call Orbital on behalf on someone else.

  • @Jyoti: should ask Yuri about which JWT are used.
  • @Jyoti: AO for Q3 for the telemetry
SecureX + Secure Client + DI Integration   work meeting

[2021-10-28 Thu 16:32]

  • deployement
  • Secure Client onboarding
  • Secure Client always visible
  • cannot read property from DI when adding module
  • work on feature flag

. @Paul: 1.84 today, so these fixes are going to be for date? @Abishek: will more time to develop and test .

Nirmesh Patel
  • Secure Client always visible, real issue
Weekly Sync: SecureX / Secure Endpoint   work meeting

[2021-10-28 Thu 15:30]


What remains?

  • Martin

1-click module setup

Restrict them to a region. Who was impacted.

Nov 13th, for the 1-click module setup is at risk to be delayed.

  • G2

no 1-click => nothing can happen

Dependency to deploy Secure Endpoint.

  • Martin/Namrata

Jyoti is in active conversation.

  • Martin/G2

Are we going to change the design?

Martin: We don't know Yet

  • Vlad

Pb with Region.

An AMP tenant can only talk to 1 SecureX tenant.

  • Martin

Maybe region selection.

  • Release Nov 11th
  • Relesases v1.85 10-Nov


Initiated SecureX 1-click module setup for Secure Endpoint
SSE CCO_id   work discussion

[2021-10-28 Thu 14:52]


So after giving more thoughts on the subject. Here are some scenarios:

  1. A person login via Okta with the email
  2. This person want to connect his account, then he must login via Okta again but using another Okta account for example.

In this scenario there are two issues:

The first is that we do not control the Okta session. The Okta session will keep being the one for When the user will launch another product he will not use his usual Okta session.

The second, is that we should have a mechanism to understand that on the second login, we don't want to login the user, but to merge two different IdP accounts.

Mainly we will need to develop a new workflow, so a user could merge multiple IdP accounts to his current SecureX account.

The implications are:

  • SecureX users should support multiple email addresses. (also note that user login via TG have a non verified email addresses and are treated separately on different login flows.)
  • We need to support more metas data in the IdP Mappings in general, (typically the CCO_id). Now, what if a user login multiple times, and has two different IdP Mapping with a different CCO_id.
  • We will need to provide a new route, that will present a new HTML page similar to the login page but with subtle modifications. We might, for example, negotiate another login buttons that will behave differently (typically a login button forcing the user to use CCO).

In the end, it means we should deliver a "Merge a new Login" flow to SecureX Accounts. And it doesn't seem to be trivial.

2021-10-29 Friday

Tags Headline Time
Total time 8:50
2021-10-29 Friday 8:50
work, chat AO disucssion + generic discusssions 1:00
work, email Jyoti email about PROD module on INT 0:14
work, chat aide Matt URL encoding 0:50
work code gen docs 2:48
work Customer Manager doc 2:34
work morning tour 1:06
work, review configurable default sort 0:18
Table 10: Clock summary at [2021-10-29 Fri 18:39]
CHAT AO disucssion + generic discusssions   work chat

[2021-10-29 Fri 18:39]

PAUSE   pause

[2021-10-29 Fri 17:30]

Jyoti email about PROD module on INT
EMAIL Jyoti email about PROD module on INT   work email

[2021-10-29 Fri 17:04]


Hi Jyoti,

I checked on INT and in our org, there is an AMP module configured with the PROD URL.

Chris told me we have a security requirement that no production customer data can be in INT or TEST.

Do you know why this is needed, and if we could use a QA1 URL instead? And if not, do you know who we could ask to see if this is still needed? If I remember correctly, I think it was used to help makes demos.

Because of this I tend to be extra cautious about the "allowed-login-origins" parameter (see

I don't want our INT access token to be sent in the wild. Even without this module linking to PROD I would prefer not to send the INT JWT on 3rd party. Because if is compromised anyone will be able to access our INT environment, generally with administrator privileges.

Thanks, Yann.

CHAT aide Matt URL encoding   work chat

[2021-10-29 Fri 16:14]

code gen docs
PAUSE   pause

[2021-10-29 Fri 16:08]

code gen docs
IN-PROGRESS code gen docs   work

[2021-10-29 Fri 16:07]

Rebuild the generated doc
CANCELED Customer Manager doc   work

[2021-10-29 Fri 11:02]

morning tour   work

[2021-10-29 Fri 09:56]

Fortuneo: Amundi World (CW8)
REVIEW configurable default sort   work review


2021-11-03 Wednesday

Tags Headline Time
Total time 7:13
2021-11-03 Wednesday 7:13
work Engagement pulse Teamspace 2:05
work cleanup code 0:29
work, email SSE potential bug 0:37
work GH notif tour 0:27
work, chat Discussion Guillaume 2:03
work, email OIDC conf in Okta 0:01
work, chat webex tour 1:31
Table 11: Clock summary at [2021-11-03 Wed 18:16]
IN-PROGRESS cleanup code   work

[2021-11-03 Wed 15:42]

EMAIL SSE potential bug   work email

[2021-11-03 Wed 15:05] Hi Yann,

We noticed that we have two tenants created in SSE APJ stack for the AMP company ID (51ab0c3e-381b-4169-ab63-b031c685f441). One of them with spID AMP-APJ (created on 2020-12-01 11:58:50 UTC) and the other with spID SXSO (created on 2021-08-24 09:25:07 UTC).

I see from the logs the user ID token that came to Anubis had “SXSO” instead on AMP-APJ resulting in this state. Wondering what caused the spID to change in the ID token from AMP-APJ to SXSO on 2021-08-24 ? Could there be a possible issue here ?

TX_LOG [2021-08-24T09:25:07Z] GET /scim/v2/Organizations?filter=spId+eq+SXSO+and+orgInfo.companyId+eq+51ab0c3e-381b-4169-ab63-b031c685f441 200 774 0.0076 aba74caa-ba90-43d3-b1d2-7066750a6754 -
IN-PROGRESS GH notif tour   work

[2021-11-03 Wed 14:38]

2021-11-03 Wednesday
CHAT Discussion Guillaume   work chat

[2021-11-03 Wed 10:00]

OIDC conf in Okta
EMAIL OIDC conf in Okta   work email

[2021-11-03 Wed 09:59]

CHAT webex tour   work chat

[2021-11-03 Wed 09:58] <<<<<<< HEAD

2021-11-04 Thursday

MEETING Weekly meeting   work meeting

[2021-11-04 Thu 17:00]

Agenda (to discuss about)

Make a tour of everyone work.



Me. … (see tracker .org) + git weekly Olivier. PR for oauth2-client-demo, waiting for review Matt. logs for proxy

  • auditability of the proxy; kibana dashboard

Mark. SSE passthrough, and AO

  • review Olivier's PR
IN-PROGRESS Continu code cleanup   work

[2021-11-04 Thu 15:40]

IN-PROGRESS update Secure Endpoint client   work

[2021-11-04 Thu 15:38]


Secure Endpoint (or AMP for Endpoint)


MEETING Weekly Sync: SecureX / Secure Endpoint   work meeting

[2021-11-04 Thu 15:08]

Agenda (to discuss about)


  • AC6: on/off configuration within Secure Endpoint UI

1-click module setup 8/9-Dec.

  • retention of module ID and secureX org id in SE
  • update of legacy module upon integration
IN-PROGRESS code   work

[2021-11-04 Thu 09:51]

2021-11-04 Thursday
CHAT Webex chat tour   work chat

[2021-11-04 Thu 09:50]

2021-11-05 Friday

MEETING SecureX Registration   work meeting

[2021-11-05 Fri 15:33]

Agenda (to discuss about)
  • Discuss feature
  • Find a date

… bad org creation

  1. User has SXSO account don't have invitation Only show them active invitations. If too many invitations in the DB.
  2. second workflow, check email domain if matches other orgs, present the orgs + asks for invitation
  3. Limit access from "public" email domain
IN-PROGRESS tour   work

[2021-11-05 Fri 11:09]

DONE Code   work

[2021-11-05 Fri 11:08]

EMAIL Help John doing a cron   work email

[2021-11-05 Fri 09:09]

mail: How can I query an IROH endpoint programatically?

On 4 Nov 2021, at 22:23, John Jardine (johjardi) <> wrote:


To support iroh-incident scaling based on a queue-depth metric ( Tenzin Issue 1553 ) I am thinking about creating a task that will be run every N minutes to query the endpoint. To do this the task would have to authenticate and I dont know how to do that for an automated tool. Not sure if the route makes a difference, the metrics are available here: /iroh/admin/queue/status-report/incidents

Can you give me any guidance or point me to any docs on how to do this?

Thanks, John J.


The endpoint will not be /iroh/admin/… but /admin/… which mean it is only reachable via the VPN, but I guess you will make the request from the internal network. So you should be able to reach directly.

In order to make a call you need an OAuth2 client with the following scope:


I created one client per environment for you;

  • INT (client-79d54f25-2a71-4bcb-b057-001f53091b2f)
  • TEST (client-c1a00641-45e0-4090-b80e-ce87b35a84b3)
  • PROD NAM (client-22b0f44f-3d7e-4b14-a11b-5cfa35f86b83)
  • PROD EU (client-b56530b0-b16c-40b2-bb77-850e32e06e8b)
  • PROD APJC (client-502fb0a3-605c-4b1b-b91d-07980d5a1f2f)

I used the same password for all of them.


The password is here:


hQIMA2UoHNQCOfATARAAsDn3KJpJprlK60eUi2C4ol/2B5iCpIud6oYkeAB09yGe Wt8ditdZdLKt+EV+Jw8QB6O+WDKl2+fN0IZGVzmzSehf6+ittlNUdeX2qJxx6RoE Btw2VdcZIj9gzFxYf9Y9rf/9Zpp0Yc/NRBK9kKAwnPbMO0lytHUsWKTA8OcfBawZ mOzcnhOpZeUxneEn1LKbiBSMfGsWQnPnUfme8vSwrnP3vOrgSio5rL3LwLsIz4Bq z7yFdq8HBiF6z7NfJaxJZBljO/YDmYfjnwq024s24E+Fn9Bsdra85h1smGj+QIVE hVIvU8fU6s8MpWuvQVNBFQXoF5IqxfaH4Z0p8as0X3qSmd4f8x3P/XdmklGAzUQ9 Za5SDn1mkJJvVK6jCRC8uf+M8nufZU/ORcFqu6eVc9WWgDJYIc93vyNMWKBnCoYl 6GMC/IpKtveWUBaa28V76sSjjunv9gNHmYNGjwoLqd7lCLKppoQtPNwVFmHKJ16o iW0rVYoIypleOuevkEn3barYy1N6wxhZrFcHOqUMWH+kZnPjDHcTOQxCEyYDVULw uQclzZinR1vF4PeLIdFn74n2npXjFkCkaZa0ev10QROo1Tk4O+uv+5vAFVjsm5Fh RT3eXVGu87qnDu67fWTQjV2F7tLvYAAYdb47N9OyQjQoglPYdvqfoRFufL7oNluF AgwDfS7loNnfM+IBEACVwXlc001cWQw9f8AV37sySKWyhB9N4SG175lu7+T9DtwH /WDEgYERv9Fhcg7EwVclSFwUreg/PmY8cazIc1Sy6Z+Nv2TH4rp17jcy7zlZCZMT /twmW2MvgXS42qnb7jcvb3jQ9YTJs6fHV+PCMEsfjYKq+aSGr/ton/zFGqPIcLtF G3vZ62cyoxYebSNwXMkB9W+2t30Cg0xpTwas+3V7dkscB+sIU+KIoTsD2AqMfgyW Cia/U8H22qZiz8ugeod/gdsZytj4e5k72Yo2fm6owpHi4i+V/p333QbbP1G1/bzo nfUh7wT4jiApUbrJIDWebsJqi9bv3z8zLiy72BRATgRM2vd3b1Q0y83/PcC+XkT2 l3/GRRScqM9ewVziol/BzSH1jBj6oA/3VJil8YEZsNhGhX15Bs9ZLwAy2HLSzJ8G 8nVxNk6P0RRhD9m+Ue4Zb5PsH7CG21WOZTGWn/I9UXCHl7LnO4yT+qfESNDDzodF F7Zo7E5yheTLRsXxp1f4c5cGoZvgDU293s/U3DhZt5Y6z5vN3L/IDkBap2X6OWkp /HfIy3L0rvKwoYn3w8x+uCO0DpzUuZnjLpdarPhTWkiVj8uQkU80t3snHpvlwjEv Hzcuzz2XkDWwzlaJEUuUJ1+my6a41fDHdNHYqSryrVLkpMLxwz1PqNi3NomhG9Lp ARM67Ggjb520Cf5pmyj5cBZK57FMPwN2H/blT5GRcjFyfzl7H7Y+Fq9etcnZMIv+ mJAFpqCoHasnEQKL5D4huxQDEsXqLvxO3/u79GU1w0AQgqg7KJLP6b3DRWAWI/Kl 7MK95j5EPrrvl69AErdCOH+Pfqvzi1CDb4Zy2lKuMGGQRgqyLubIIdZQkzX6YLD+ xuxxyiQ+P2imToe1KGGX39AFbdXuakqBgKiSLEU7MWwEAEd/LfDuuGV+aiJ83SZI ZWZGSe5ThdAsdWoHYcCtFgynhd+QnN5hW//ODNU8IeIPhjZRUxe2CQbAEQgfUXif vHn+JfcSo1pf7BcOnzTOlgTqFn6NmX/SYlAL1kpG2YwcJFK3ZRK2a/0db3DbeLXp 2Nk40WD1tOdt8FDZHOXYRXFhmV6K/nEf56g7XMHnaESeEsQtzFvIq+SSxx0IkS+h gaoAO+Mz9SKoxWcabTBHimhDxqemmtDbTdk7iHQZZhmei0DJxSdxWzwj9nYeKggK aBxof2wuZAnki3nTlpy+p6S2S/TxP3wSZ9wMkBNkYRzWpTD5+fEqOhHtLgtyp2/M a6YrH4b1uvk86Sz4Uk18ZuvdgoVMx5UjUnmfRxEWNrZEhatr+y4nH1PPCVsVPvXO N3AyHCJWYGwUe+AXNegKJ8QJr/a+T2U/rVCujVoCUBGqebtm5L0RV9+1xCWmyeog wuGXF5duRcdMNr+dAHvrdUhQIyBm4cFWYHM97lP0HkOcOM+wJjSDmT5VorCW952g LPANVlddb4vO1TXvwjw7+yZFcpYH9pZtIC1Wp5a+UMvPewoPY2xZfh1ZsVJxUqp9 FNHFEvRJuZzq80MIGY9s1rXrKiuAWJDGqEN8rlObuwNFrFfrDLDUgEhply/3Qcvi n73Ag7cleOs7yF4= =iyzN —END PGP MESSAGE—

How to use

I made a demo shell script for INT:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST "" -d "grant_type=client_credentials" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u "$CLIENT_ID:$PASSWORD"|jq '.access_token'|sed 's/"//g')
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"



What this does is:

  1. retrieve an access token with the client (client-id + client-password)
  2. Call the /admin/queue/status-report/incidents route

An important remark; notice the domain name is different between the admin and non admin calls. For INT and TEST, you just need to replace visibility by iroh-adm. But in prod, you need to use a completely different URL.

Here is a JSON where I store the relations:

{"envs": [{"name":"INT",

Happy hacking! Yann.



hQIMA30u5aDZ3zPiARAAqfa80rkkVQy2HpHd1tOZZ1NZaaSMwrWRQKXTfkD6fYpl HSOfyK9+9lKBV9Uz0H+l5DclDuenJ4akAMyaF5hhr7NfPZQ9exmnkODLDnpDTLoD adm7ArrQnowJHvMEH4ogxoWN902Q9d2apOnrHYr5JmvEc0rwv1dQ2IuJeOLEpZ33 IYqP/rnOlhPZZd7lgyHGw2iRDU3XZfkyivPQtsWZqY6XWIoL2wNj/HlomtrcPLYj RxErXBOMS8GRr5FYeDyp+aGo3IpYMMMFffGCqew8yvphDhRYiO2SrQtTIp2+207j V7/FSp3dp9xhsLsOM4fzFuCe9UctjbZma9QngkRjUSDU7D0rXGoKydecau4TlBy7 ZPDOlg+6JWbwXM6qXJNaYAJ6Ii3E2xGYdpBMWBRn/j9RzkS68wKeoQelySV3aDSi y00bbq/dq1Qh+tqyi7X8wj5tGf21Ri/Yd9D6DGWVTNvt0sj9CB55v3UfgZn5gcIy 2Njdb96pO+7VGgspPf6JnwJdCFq97O9cLFK985uJpmGrYvjN5qMA2z6PewdL9PW/ bPNCXMcfwwbJxqZKcfqoJUcRAQyatPDKvPgHXDgmgRtI3oMjwhWBDl5nmYgwjSDO uiKHNxMNGO2BMFWnJ3Qi1OTjG98+nWwmGoF6VlyzxAZtIjr2sGLrrbogreEA4XrS 6QGqDwPhIf2GA0blOoiMKDVUxstru6kiQSOL0EmlWWDgCYamUGgiWUy5nZiveRDT JUdHsgLzIBrDElaZfxOim10PO0AkQgplMqSGfWI7LQ3fEPiIuXQFhXZBmBu+DC7C j7+QOu6DlhyPNVL0QiI4OeucizSWamcHYKL1IVC05XYm0FITf4oKiLfiFj/upleI 736qOe9x4bsrS5ZUQmdmpCkv3Q0Yde3ATXOHxxspgOlJ55CCXRTM8J4Fcgwf38/O zM7L9Ly/H+0g52PCsyQRMmfYigVVJf14cjcyuBEN2rie32qs91ajiuIZpG3ECRJ0 R2y4nnCKM+G8oM+23pgIWdX0ei6RAFnGANRcM7It/Ni21YcafxgkzLFJ6clMELi5 vIzy9oAG85BK7Kwo/dxe3r3wQPC8cEmt9vRdR8v5rShYp0YTX5rJXZ4Kq2U6pGVo msxo/LQhvWsMZ2UPRIsDcyIHL36LRxdy/h7hkr6BJK2o1YwSwK0e6r4KbYlfyaij SiBDjuxwBFFkjAbnd8LoK0JDoEid9Eg7VXoFnDgq3X3Vr/yLRjA5yLkVgDuFdhgP zJ3k1ly4NVQTQuTalNcXY7JXV/yhP+EaxxJ09rudW0192O4EIAo8IXyPYxWmELqa yrnulQ7+g2l3DCS+ZrWBSRDFOJZSaWIPaU0xr2jXafy1wMqreDPE+YFQ2cnvt1J7 RLdarjU7hh5vkmpxiaezi91+YFC8b+8JAb58f7MndaZfyTYK4ww+pjSOLwIg2EgE j9xuQRu5dy9xOKLL0jj3EBYrtH9eoGTtjrC3ycm0tIQTY4BJgGQ66KjsFfSzJ6gM FHONJHlcaIeEWsnMMKm42A15jZG0AjH1LUbnEc6KOHzwySQ28IjJvDKY2kU3Wt6R KoxbIox8fBvD8QunG+creFmYqG1IgFIodF9QgEdleRLJCKhB95HCCm3/qdSn1362 6LyIClb09bNImrPo974yrZ/hnel8MNXPQyQJSCtqOUUI8JhRBKi0IGi07+TVIeqi 5yakl8HSxnkbT0n6KLa0ZGOKFD5d0qXjwl1s6hnI4JTKCGDOyjHptVpjxsKT08jO 1lzutH67duk6Z38Qr1fpv9iAgSCsnfgLaKC/0jbIsPsOXTpvODiHK+liAbQiqUnn XqRbQ2x4MavIy50zutVPduNgj72IUYvGfx1WO+mKt1uymx5DXidYoLAdCIru =4Qus —END PGP MESSAGE— ===== >>>>>>> e714315a8c


2021-11-08 Monday

EMAIL inscription BAC Anna   work email

[2021-11-08 Mon 12:22]



2021-11-17 Wednesday

MEETING Weekly meeting   work meeting

[2021-11-17 Wed 17:30]

MEETING Weekly   work meeting

[2021-11-17 Wed 17:05]


2021-11-18 Thursday

MEETING Alan Interview   work meeting

[2021-11-18 Thu 16:29]

Agenda (to discuss about)
CHAT Small text about the breaking PR   work chat

[2021-11-18 Thu 11:42]

Good morning everyone!

I wanted to drop a word about this PR:

An interesting aspect of this PR was that a change (that first appeared to be minor) in some namespace impacted a failure in a ns that did not depend transitively of the first.

I wanted to improve our build time by filtering the test by dependent ns only. It would have missed this build failure. So I still think this is a good idea to have an optimized test for branches, but the merge into master should run all the tests.

MEETING Alan Interview   work meeting

[2021-11-18 Thu 09:56]

Agenda (to discuss about)
  • in tupelo, why name it glue instead of mconcat?
  • Why unwrap and not flatten?

2021-11-19 Friday

MEETING Monthly Engineering Meeting   work meeting

[2021-11-19 Fri 17:02]



Release Status
  • Issue with GlaDoS deployment, 1.86 done yesterday.
  • Issue with AO, pb with cross-launch.
  • High Impact Incident
  • Background support for DI
  • Added auditability API gateway

Will focus on replicating/synchronize across the product of incidents.


2021-11-23 Tuesday

MEETING DI Secure Client weekly PO meeting   work meeting

[2021-11-23 Tue 16:08]

  • Apparently some clients scopes and authorization to do.


2021-11-30 Tuesday

MEETING Simplify login page   work meeting

2021-12-02 Thursday

MEETING Weekly IROH-Service Team meeting   work meeting

[2021-12-02 Thu 17:04]

@Mark most special people are leaving.

@Jyoti about Al. Come as a surprise and a chock. Certain there were politic about it. Start with UI & UX.

Must not be done in silos. I has to be implementable.


I feel that with AO with should have blame post-mortem. Never run all the way in TEST. They never talk to us about it.

Discussion about QA

@Mark Possible QA tested it and was never informed something will change. A retro for AO integration.

  • Working on the refresh token DB (token grants)
  • Regarding the registering simplification I will need the work done by Olivier To search users by domain name email.
  • We will need a pass of technical design. We will need another entities about requested invitations. And yet another flow to integrate an existing SecureX org.
MEETING SecureX / Secure Endpoint Alignment   work meeting

[2021-12-02 Thu 15:59]


Create a queue of requested invites. Admin can approve the request, the user is added to the org. A confirmation email is sent.


2021-12-09 Thursday

MEETING Weekly Team Meeting   work meeting

[2021-12-09 Thu 17:18]



Project Board
Enrich API Enhancement



no professionnal experience in Clojure


IDB Decommission. Meeting with Geetha next week.

How can I do that?


IDB Decommission test Monday


2021-12-13 Monday

MEETING OIDC AO   work meeting

[2021-12-13 Mon 17:02]


April Ping fed expires. Is that still possible? Also no expertise.

We had some action items. Where do we stand?

Are we confident? Priority across the teams.

TG and CSA.

Just CSA and TG IdP.


Continue test results after Holidays.

  • Test CSA
  • Test TG (direct OIDC)

Sync up after shutdown. If success talk to QA to prepare tests.

2021-12-15 Wednesday

MEETING Estimate New Registration Workflow   work meeting

[2021-12-15 Wed 16:29]

Prevent User to login with public email page

Should propose the user to login via another account (so use logout).

Need templates. @Jilian will do the templates.

Add an allow-list to pass throught the blocklist (@gmail,,,)

1.89 Feb 2.

MEETING IDB Decomissioning   work meeting

[2021-12-15 Wed 15:59]

Agenda (to discuss about)


2021-12-21 Tuesday

CHAT Dar about using UI Components in the login pages   work chat

[2021-12-21 Tue 10:20]

@Dar Hey Yann, a question came up in our weekly sync about the login flows… now that they're getting a bit more sophisticated wouldn't it be better to start using common UI components rather than taking snapshots/hard-copies of styles and generating one-off templates? what are the security concerns around client-side rendering the auth UI?

Hi Dar,

So to answer the question historically. First, we didn't have any login page. It was 100% hosted in CTR UI. I just provided the route to create the login links (and this could still be used today and it is in the new login page).

We faced many bugs (most of them related to URL encoding), and thus decided to close the gap by building an hosted login page. That way I can 100% control the behavior and have lot of tests to check url encoding related bugs. Do not forget that in CTR you often want to deal with URL with very complex URL fragments that contain a representation of the investigation, imagine text with carriage return, URL, emails, etc…

Even recently we experienced subtle bugs. And the solution was to get rid as much as possible of the javascript code that handled the url parsing and building. Now, this is handled via the backend on the login page.

So the 1st reason to host the login page was convenience and bug fixing and not necessarily security.

Regarding security, I was afraid to introduce a security bug because, the login page is clearly a nice entry point for security attack. So I tried to be as conservative as possible. So no js when possible. And if we need to use js, do not use any lib, just basic javascript so the code is easy to understand and debug.

There is another complexity to keep in mind. For historical reason, for now, there is no "session" when the user has logged in via the IdP but hasn't yet selected a user and thus is not logged in SecureX. Right now, we handle this state with a token in the URLs. And this token can be consumed only once. By that I mean, in the account selection page you will have links looking like:

When the user will click on the first link; the code XXX will be consumed and the other links will not work. So I ensure that the user need to perform a login workflow again to login into another org.

So that being, said. I think now we are in a new situation where I think we could totally have a lot more convenient system.

  1. I need to create a notion of session when the user is logged in in the IdP but has not selected a SecureX account.
  2. Use more js to ease the UI work, typically, UI components. The limit being that the CSP header are restrictive in the sense that we must host the JS at the same URL, and we should probably still generate data via the backend, maybe still keep a bit of HTML.

In fact, we need the backend to be able to provide a set of informations to the UI and take care that no XSS could be possible. I think the main risk is that, the login page must support complex query parameters. So great care should be taken in the parsing of these query parameters. To give a concrete example:

You should be able to generate a page for a URL looking like:


Where URL2 should be encoded correctly, and could itself be complex:


Where QUERY should be encoded an could contain urls, emails:


some random text
carriage return, unicode, emojis? etc…

So to present the login page, every button should take care that adding a <script> somewhere will not generate an XSS, that the encoding is correct. And that login link could be forged by an attacker, and it should not be possible to hijack the redirection to a non allowed login endpoint. Because in that case, the endpoint will get a code from which we could retrieve the creds of the user.

To me this totally doable, and I think should be the preferred route.