2022-06-01 11:34:08 +02:00

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Token Exchange in IROH-Auth

Cisco Auth
Token Exchange RFC

Token Exchange

Token Exchange RFC describe an OAuth2 extension to support Token Exchanges. With that RFC you could exchange an access token with another one.

It would immediately be useful to support the following features:

  • provide impersonate ability to trusted clients

The RFC propose to use the existing /token endpoint.

Here would be an example for account switching:

POST /iroh/oauth2/token
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The call takes:

  • Authorization contain the info about the Client (id + secret)
  • Some JWT signed by the client containing some SecureX user-id
  • optionally a list of scopes
  • optionally some audience

And should return an access token of this user. So we could provide a client that would just need to know some user-id to be able to get a JWT of this user.

Token Exchange support Okta tokens

The end goal is to provide a mechanism for a team that support Okta login to retrieve tokens from SecureX for the User's accounts.


The terminology used in the Authentication/Authorization context are often fuzzy, and even worse, ambiguous depending on which side you are looking into them. A user in not the same entity when looked from an Okta engineer from a SecureX engineer, from another Cisco team perspective. So here is an explicit list of meaning for each word restricted to this document:

  • IROH => the main API that powers Threat Response and SecureX
  • IROH-Auth => the component of IROH focused on Authorization, Authentication, User and Org (Tenant) management. It provides a full OAuth2 and OpenID Connect provider, as well as an OAuth2 and OpenID Connect client. It exposes API to manage Orgs, Users and OAuth2 clients.
  • SXSO => The IdP which is powered via Okta. It is mostly seen in this document as an OpenID Connect provider, but it also has the ability to be a SAML provider.
  • SecureX user or simply user => a SecureX user belongs to a known org
  • SecureX org or simply org => The org in SecureX, can be assimilated to the tenant
  • SecureX account or simply account => a couple SecureX user with its associated SecureX org
  • User Identity or IdP User or Okta User => a user identified via an IdP. Such a user can reach potentially multiple SecureX accounts.
  • tenant => can be assimilated to SecureX org in this document
  • client => the client of the OAuth2 IROH-Auth Provider, an entity making HTTP requests to IROH-Auth
  • client object or client entity => the OAuth2 clients entity that could be created, and configured in IROH-Auth.
  • client credentials => both an OAuth2 Client object client_id and client_secret. This is used to identify the client.
  • token => A token is a string that could be used to retrieve user information (id_token), access some API (access_token) or retrieve new tokens (refresh_token). In this document, most token will be JWT (JSON Web Token)
  • subject => in the terminology used in the Token Exchange RFC, a subject would be a SecureX user id.

Using SXSO tokens vs SXSO User Identity

SXSO support both OpenID Connect and SAML v2.0. If we were to support direct tokens from SXSO, it would still mean the product need to provide its own client credentials. Also it would need IROH-Auth to integrate a complex system to verify and trust these external tokens.

Instead this proposal only need to use IROH-Auth signed tokens. The only work to be done by the product would be to extract the SXSO User Identity Id from either the id_token or the SAMLResponse.

Exchange an SXSO User Identity for a SecureX user tokens

We would like that a team, which is integrated with SXSO can retrieve tokens from IROH-Auth. The main issue is that there is not a 1-1 relationship between an SXSO User Identity and a SecureX user.

So in order to close the gap, we need to provide an API that would help pre-select the "tenancy" (the SecureX account). So given a token that would provide:

  • an SXSO User Identity Id (for example: 0oaox2ch79pg6fyWZ0h7)
  • some OAuth2 Client credentials

This API should return a list of subjects ideally with a short list of metas that would help the client to select one to choose. Along with the subjects list there should also be a list of subject_token. Concretely, the response should look like:

[{"user":{"user-id" : "42", "user-name": "John Doe", "user-email": "..."}
  "org" :{"name":"Cisco", ...}
 {"user":{"user-id" : "43", "user-name": "John Doe", "user-email": "..."}
  "org" :{"name":"Pepsi", ...}

So this first selection should most probably be interactive so the end user (the real person) could select which tenant they would like to link to the product.

Once the subject is selected, the client could then use the Token Exchange with:

  • a subject_token retrieved from the previous call. This should be a JWT signed by IROH-Auth. I think it would be safe to have an infinite or at least very long lifetime for these JWT.
  • an actor_token ; this is an access_token generated from the client object handled to the client. This way IROH-Auth could authenticate that the request is made by a know client.

If IROH-Auth can verify that the actor token comes from a trusted source we could return new tokens. The response will always return an access_token but could optionally return an id_token as well as a refresh_token.


  • We could restrict the access token so much that only the id_token is useful. This is useful when the client does not intend to use IROH API, but only retrieve a SecureX user.
  • Most of the time the client will request both an access token and a refresh token. Once given, the refresh token could be used call IROH API on behalf of the user.