Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 9f0200c13d
2024-06-27 11:09:53 +02:00

180 lines
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Org Mode

:ID: c60e01f9-9513-46f7-85f8-994f90989b2f
#+title: SX EOL Phase 1
#+Author: Yann Esposito
#+Date: [2024-04-02]
- tags :: [[id:91f33b35-6e4e-4213-b214-972ee20722df][Cisco]]
- aha ::
- jira ::
* Epic SecureX EOL Phase 1
** Functional Specification
- Org Flag
+ XDR Orgs (as usual)
+ SC Orgs:
- only two roles (admin and user)
- authorizations:
- manage clients
- manage users (remove allow non-admin user section, should be checked by default)
- manage devices
- audit logs
- profile
- integrations (module-instances)
- no incident activity
- no incident investigation
- no Automation workflow nor response action
+ SX-only Orgs (after EOL disabled)
- script to init Org flags
- create a new matrix Org-flags => role->scopes matrix
- reduce module-type
- provision script for SC-only orgs
- Check the org-view provided to Registration-UI to provide the applications flags
- Org switching
+ SC Interim UI shows only SC orgs
+ XDR UI only show XDR orgs
- Rebrand HTML Error pages (invitation, org join, account disabled, org disabled)
- SE should be able to provision new IROH Org for SC and Orbital
** Technical Specification
*** Org Applications
Add the following field to the ~Org~:
#+begin_src clojure
:apps #{Application}
#+begin_src clojure
(s/defschema Application
;; use comment here because the name will change but the keywords will not
;; and it will be useful to remember why we used `sc` if Secure Client is renamed to something
;; else for example
(s/enum :xdr ;; XDR
:sx ;; SecureX to disappear after 31th of July
:sc ;; Secure Client
Make this field visible. With the following rules:
- org is enabled and has ~cisco/feature-flag/xdr~ in the ~additional-flags~ => provide ~:xdr~ app
- org is enabled and does not have the XDR flag => gives ~:sx~ app
- org is disabled => apps is the empty set
Note there is no way to have the ~sc~ flag without admin intervention
*** Org View update
Add a field ~sc-enabled?~ similar to ~sx-enabled?~ and ~xdr-enabled?~
to the OrgView visible from the Profile API.
*** Expose an API to manage app flags
Along the feature-flag API, add a new route that can add/remove App flags.
Decide who can use this API and how (script?).
*** Write a script to update (by batch) the app flag of an Org
This would probably be run once before SX EOL date to init the Orgs.
*** Org Application => Scopes Matrix
With the introduction of these flags, we will now have 4 specific orgs kind:
1. xdr org (contains :xdr, we do not care about :sc nor :sx)
2. sc org (does not contain :xdr, but contain :sc, we do not care about :sx presence)
3. sx-only org (does not contain :xdr nor sc, but contain :sx)
4. disabled org; when apps is empty, then we should disable the org (can use
~get-org~ in the Org service for that, and we might update the DB accordingly)
#+begin_src clojure
(defn org-scopes-matrix
(condp contains? (:apps org)
#{:xdr} xdr-scopes-matrix
#{:sc} sc-scopes-matrix
#{:sx} sx-scopes-matrix
And then the user scopes will be provided with:
#+begin_src clojure
(defn user-scopes
[org user]
(let [scopes-matrix (org-scopes-matrix org)]
(scopes-from-role (:role user) scopes-matrix)
(:additional-scopes org)
(:additional-scopes user))))
- Have a test checking the XDR scopes matrix is a superset of the SC scopes matrix.
- SC scopes matrix is XDR without the scopes ~private-intel~ and ~ao~ and ~response~:
*** Depending on XDR apps reduce the visible and allowed list of module-types
Change the list of available module-types for SC-only Orgs.
The Org service will contain a method named ~org-main-app~ and the logic should be:
#+begin_src clojure
(defn available-modules
[org entitlement-tier]
(case (org-main-app org)
:xdr (xdr-available-module-types entitlement-tier)
:sc sc-available-module-types
:sx sx-available-module-types
*** Secure Endpoint Provisioning
Secure Endpoint already use the provisioning routes.
But we need some work to:
1. Add the ~sc~ flag to these org
2. Support async onboarding as well
3. When ~sc~ only provision CSC and DI
*** Add value in whoami to state we reached SX EOL
#+begin_src clojure
:before-sx-eol? (describe s/Bool "true before sx-eol false after.")
* Tasks
- [X] Org Application
- [X] [[]] Org View with Apps
- [X] API to manage app flags
- [ ] Write a script to batch update apps of orgs
- [ ] Add a scopes-matrix per org apps
- [ ] PR that will change SX orgs to SC orgs after SX EOL date.
- [ ] Create a service that manage deadlines dates (from the backend)
- [ ] Exposes the dates managed by this service to the ~/whoami~ endpoint
- [ ] Have an Admin API able to change the list of timers
- [ ] Have SX orgs become SC orgs after ~sx-eol?~ deadline.
- [ ] Org Applications change visibility of modules
- [ ] Provisioning
- [ ] Support adding the ~sc~ app
- [ ] Support async onboarding (or keep non async endpoints conf)
- [ ] When ~sc~ app, only provision CSC and DI
* Questions
- What about downgrade?
XDR orgs have more 3 roles
SC orgs have 2 roles
1. customer start with SC
2. customer then buy XDR, set some user to SAT role (security analyst neither admin nor user)
3. customer leave XDR, so get back to XDR
Should the TAC role user be back to user?
What if a new role has fewer scopes than SC user? changing their role will
mean escalation of authorization, should we disable them?