Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 0110eee062
2024-02-01 15:16:14 +01:00

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:ID: 3daa143e-5a5c-47bc-8cb7-2756f0f00c33
#+Title: FY24Q3-iroh-team
#+Author: Yann Esposito
#+Date: [2024-01-10]
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* Intro
Document trying to keep track of current state.
Big Topic <=> People
* XDR Program Q3FY24 Engineering Plans
- PM Prios
| Topic | People | Size |
| PM Prios | | |
| SCA Integration | Matt | XS conf change |
| PIAM Universal Brownfield | Wanderson | L |
| JAMF Integration | Matt | XS ask for merge? |
| MITRE | GE + Olivier | XL |
| Design (on prem iroh proxy) | Matt | S |
| new modules (x7) | Shafiq | L (Ransomware) |
| Notifications | Kirill | settings (webex) (XL) |
| new auth (x7) | Shafiq | L (Checkpoint) |
| Integration Admins | Matt | (SOAR, Palo Alto, CheckPoint) |
| Meraki (1-click) | Yann/Jyoti | XS (maintenance, help, client creation) |
| Default Modules for SMA | Matt | S (conf) |
| IOPS | Matt | help @Garima |
| AO webhook dependency | Matt/Yann? | help @Lisa |
| IROH Multi Tenancy APIs | Yann | M (design) |
| [[][#8579]] | Shafiq | S |
| Push logs to datadog | ? | |
| ES Performance | Mario + Ambrose | |
| ES Perf ops | Jerome + Patrick | |
| PG Perf ops | Jerome + Patrick | |
| Alerting + Monitoring ops | Jerome + Patrick | |
| Kafka | Jerome | auth kafka |
| Module type doc patch | ? | |
| Impersonation | Yann | |
- Multi tenancy:
* Notes
- Open DBs for IOPS
** Q2 Rollovers?
*** [...] Incident Summary related work
- spikes in incident summary generation failures
- summarize incident at bundle import
- fix missing attack pattern in incident summary
- add status_disposition to search filter on incident summaries and incidents
*** [...] Rescoring (Incident / Incident Summary )
** Maribelle Questions Capacity Planning Q3
Incident Enhancement
DevNet Compliance:
TODO: follow-up ; ping Guy
** Sustaining items
Hi Jyoti here is a list of sustainable items: **edited with design items**
- Design: IROH proxy working with on-prem devices
- Push our log to datadog
- ES Performance issues
- NGFW spikes
- Ops
- ES perf
- Postgres perf (indexes)
- Alerting Improvement & documentation
- Authenticated Kafka
- ModuleType Admin API: Add a dedicated route to patch documentation
- Impersonation (TAC)
** Unexpected tasks
*** Mario
*** Performance Issue
- SE Pused too many incidents
** Align Priorities Q3 meetings Notes
@Namrata: look all priorities, on the table.
Update to everybody around Oort.
Being planned for Q3, chalenges from PM.
*** Top Priorities
1. Breach Suite outcomes
- AI related initiative, SOC assistant
- MITRE Visualisation
- Ooort Implementation
2. Support other suites
3. XDR
*** List the priorities from Airtable
@Lisa what is rolling over from Q2
- Geo pushed out of Q3
- SCA Integration - configuration
- @Jyoti: pb with existing one?
- @Paul: I think only changing the configuration
- @Jyoti: integrations from SCA
- PIAM Universal Flow - Brownfield
- @Jyoti require us to support also PIAM token (later with Travis)
- @Garima: config changes from IROH team
- @Matt: already has the change, need to check if this could be merged
- Oort Integration
- @Namrata: the ask is and timeframe. User context from Insight in Incident
and in investigation and response action by using API from Oort.
User context be part of incident scoring.
- @Jyoti: things we need to do. Like with devices we need to do something
similar for the users. Only then we can consider those users-assets for scoring.
Mia was involved in that along with GE I think.
We need to know how that will change the algorithm.
On the UI side, I don't know if there are designs for showing the user value.
- @Rob: I don't think something involve IROH team.
- @Matt: not sure we need to work on a specific module authorization.
- @Jyoti: not going throught the IROH Proxy.
- @Paul: I confirm
- @Namrata: no work for IROH
*** Next Day: List the priorities from Airtable
@Namrata: asked to bump up MITRE and SOC assistant
- ...
- SOAR: @Namrata not occur probably
- Infra XDR: we can skip
- Incident: we can skip
- 12. INT Guided response, auto-target, on prem device (some work from Matt)
- 13. no iroh impact
- 14. no iroh impact
- 15. Vulnerability Management: @Paul blocked, only discovery, platform
involvemetn unknown
- 16. no iroh impact @rob
- 17. no iroh impact @rob
- 18. no @Prerna
- 19. @rob turning of umbrella, so maybe iroh work, but minor, no iroh impact
(quality check)
- 20. MITRE @Prerna; @Yann GE & Olivier
@Namrata: add value, it can be beta quality, show this for RSA, but maybe
not delivered. Ship something in Q3.
- 21. Impersonation (XDR Efficacy) @Prerna, also impersonating from TAC
@Namrata: better understanding
- 22. @Prerna; big effort. @Namrata: Why? Email + Webex notifications. @Namrata;
perhaps split the tasks.
- 23. @rob: no iroh requirement for delivery
- 24. @rob: xdr analytics, no iroh impact
- 25. no iroh impact
- 26. no iroh impact @Garima
- 27. Threat Intel enhanacement no iroh impact
- 28. Admin work for Matt
- 29. @rob design only, minor iroh impact. potentially some capacity, but not commit.
- 30.
- 31. Multi-tenancy @Prerna design only for Yann
- 36. IM/AUT incident : no iroh impact
- 37: SCA no iroh impact
- 38: RBAC @Prerna not Q4
- 39: RBAC @Prerna not Q4
- 40. no iroh impact @rob
- 41: @rob no iroh impact
- 42+: no impact
*** Discussion
@Lisa: discussion about adding a new
@garima: IOPS ask for iroh team.
@Lisa: question, when we will know when your team
@GE: rollover?
@Namrata: we shouldn't fill our bucket at 100%. Fill it at 80%.