2010-11-05 22:56:31 +01:00

1.2 KiB


%%% multiline %%% a
macro %%% %%% ruby %%% ruby: "a"3 %%% %%% complex %%% ruby: (1..5).map do |x| xx end.join(" : ") %%% LLL latex LLL \LaTeX LLL LLL tldr LLL {\em Too long don't read: } LLL

It is a simple demonstration of how macros are working. They were declared inside the markdown like this:

 %%% multiline %%% a  
 macro %%%
 %%% ruby %%% ruby: "a"*3 %%%
 %%% complex %%% ruby: (1..5).map do |x| 
 end.join(" : ") %%%
 LLL latex LLL \LaTeX LLL
 LLL tldr LLL {\em Too long don't read: } LLL

Now if I write:

%tldr A simple demonstration of how macros are working.

It renders as:

%tldr A simple demonstration of how macros are working.

The %multine macro render as:


The output should be in %latex   and was compiled from a markdown-like format.

  • Simple list ;
  • Example ;
  • Another one item.
Hello there

this is some code block
Some %latex   definition

A simple math mode $$x_i$$ and a protected one $$x_i$$. A long formula now:

 \sum_{i=0}^n\sqrt{x_i + y_i} 

Even with some ruby code inside:

Here is the result of the %ruby macro:


and a more complex one:
