2016-01-09 16:32:49 -08:00

138 lines
4.9 KiB

## 0.4.6
This is a maintenance release.
* [TK-303]( - update dependencies to use Apache httpasyncclient v4.1.1.
## 0.4.5
This is a feature release, and probably should have been 0.5.0 in
order to comply with semantic versioning.
* Add support for streaming responses in the Clojure API - (ca5ad63) Scott Walker <>
## 0.4.4
This is a maintenance release.
* [TK-196]( - update prismatic
dependencies to the latest versions.
## 0.4.3
This is a feature release.
* [TK-134]( - Introduced two new
optional client configuration settings:
- `connect-timeout-milliseconds`: maximum number of milliseconds that the
client will wait for a connection to be established.
- `socket-timeout-milliseconds`: maximum number of milliseconds that the
client will allow for no data to be available on the socket before
closing the underlying connection, 'SO_TIMEOUT' in socket terms.
## 0.4.2
This is a bugfix release.
* [TK-145]( - Fixed a bug which
caused some HTTP requests to incorrectly have `charset=UTF-8` added to their
`Content-Type` headers.
## 0.4.1
This is a maintenance release.
* Add documentation for making requests using the Java and Clojure clients.
* Upgrade jvm-ssl-utils (previously known as jvm-certificate-authority)
dependency to 0.7.0.
* Upgrade clj-kitchensink dependency to 1.0.0.
* Upgrade trapperkeeper dependency to 1.0.1.
## 0.4.0
This is a feature release which has some breaking changes.
* Support for non-client bound asynchronous requests has been removed from both
the Clojure and Java-layer APIs. This includes all of the request functions
that previously existed in the `client.async` Clojure namespace and the
request methods in the `AsyncHttpClient` Java class.
* Add a Java-layer API for getting an instance of an HttpClient on which
multiple requests -- e.g.., GET, POST -- can be made. Clients are created
via the `createClient` method on the new `Async` and `Sync` classes, for
a client that can make asynchronous or synchronous web requests, respectively.
* Non-client bound synchronous requests can still be performed through the Java
API but must now be done through the `Sync` classes rather than the
`SyncHttpClient` class. The `SyncHttpClient` class is now used as the type
of the instance that the `Sync.createClient()` method returns.
* The Java `RequestOptions` class was refactored into new `ClientOptions` and
`RequestOptions` classes which can be used with the client-bound `Async`
and `Sync` APIs. For non-client bound requests, options are now defined
via a `SimpleRequestOptions` class.
* Reworked connection close behavior to more robustly handle successful and
failed connections.
## 0.3.1
This is a bugfix release.
* Fix a memory leak that occurred as a result of connection failures.
## 0.3.0
This is a feature release.
* Add configuration settings for SSL Protocols and Cipher Suites to both the
Java and Clojure clients.
## 0.2.8
This is a bugfix release.
* Fix a bug in the Java client API that caused a file descriptor leak each time
a client was created for a new request.
## 0.2.7
This is a bugfix release.
* Fix a bug where the character encoding was always being set to ISO-8859-1 w/o
a charset ever being explicitly specified in the Content-Type header. We now
honor the existing charset if there is one in the header, and otherwise we
use UTF-8 and explicitly add the charset to the header.
## 0.2.6
* Add :follow-redirects and :force-redirects options to the clojure client.
* Add followRedirects and forceRedirects options to the Java client.
## 0.2.5
* Add an overloaded constructor for `RequestOptions` that accepts a String uri
## 0.2.4
* Fix a bug in the Java client API that caused an NPE if a Content-Type header
did not specify a charset
## 0.2.3
* No changes
## 0.2.2
* Add back in support for query-params map in Clojure API
## 0.2.1
* Upgrade to Apache HttpAsyncClient v4.0.2 (fixes a bug where headers don't get
included when following redirects).
## 0.2.0
* Port the code to use the Apache HttpAsyncClient library instead of
* The API around creating a persistent client has changed and
persistent clients are explicitly managed
* The available request options have changed. Some convenience options
have been removed.
## 0.1.7
* Explicitly target JDK6 when building release jars
## 0.1.6
* Add support for configuring client SSL context with a CA cert without a
client cert/key
## 0.1.5
* Update to latest version of puppetlabs/kitchensink
* Use puppetlabs/certificate-authority for SSL tasks
## 0.1.4
* Fix bug in sync.clj when excluding clojure.core/get
## 0.1.3
* Added a Java API for the synchronous client