Erik Assum 37fc967f00 Add function to allow for query execution without validation, fixes #25 (#26)
* Add function to allow for query execution without validation, fixes #25

- Using s/defn to allow for client to decide when to use validation
- Add new function (`execute`) to keep backward compatability
- Fixed error in schema for `timeseries`
- Updated
- Remove use of swiss-arrow

* as pr review
2017-06-15 09:42:44 +02:00

106 lines
3.3 KiB

# clj-druid
[![Build Status](](
Clojure library for [Druid](
clj-druid eases druid integration providing a client as well as a set of [Schema] ( to validate queries.
Current version is up to date with latest query API from official docs.
## Installing
Add the following to your [Leiningen]( `project.clj`:
![latest clj-druid version](
## Usage
### Client
Connect to a druid cluster through Zookeeper,
this method supports auto detection and update of available brokers for easy HA/load balancing
(use 'clj-druid.client)
(connect {:zk {:host ",my-other-zk-host:2181" ; can contain multiple hosts separated by commas
:discovery-path "/druid/discovery"
:node-type "druid:broker"}})
you can also connect by supplying a vector of hosts, useful for dev, local testing
(use 'clj-druid.client)
(connect {:hosts [""]})
### Querying
Issue druid queries supplying
* a load balance strategy [fixed random]
* a queryType
* a query in the following form
(def q
{:queryType :timeseries
:dataSource "sample_datasource"
:granularity :day
:filter {
:type :and
:fields [
{:type :selector :dimension "sample_dimension1" :value "sample_value1"}
{:type :or
:fields [
{:type :selector :dimension "sample_dimension2" :value "sample_value2"}
{:type :selector :dimension "sample_dimension3" :value "sample_value3"}]}]}
:aggregations [
{:type :longSum :name "sample_name1", :fieldName "sample_fieldName1"}
{:type :doubleSum :name "sample_name2", :fieldName "sample_fieldName2"}]
:postAggregations [
{:type :arithmetic
:name "sample_divide"
:fn "/"
:fields [{:type :fieldAccess :name "sample_name1" :fieldName "sample_fieldName1"}
{:type :fieldAccess :name "sample_name2" :fieldName "sample_fieldName2"}]}]
:intervals ["2012-01-01T00:00:00.000/2012-01-03T00:00:00.000"]})
(let [client (connect {:zk {:host ""
:discovery-path "/druid/discovery"
:node-type "druid:broker"}})]
(query client random (:queryType q) q)
(close client))
To run a query _without_ runtime validation of the query against a schema (using
the `q` from above:
(let [client (connect {:zk {:host ""
:discovery-path "/druid/discovery"
:node-type "druid:broker"}})]
(execute client random q)
(close client))
;; if you want to validate
(let [client (connect {:zk {:host ""
:discovery-path "/druid/discovery"
:node-type "druid:broker"}})]
(s/with-fn-validation (execute client random q)) ;; s is plumatic/schema
(close client))
### Example
An example using compojure-api to spawn a full druid API is located in the examples folder
git clone
cd clj-druid/examples
lein ring server
Have Fun!
## License
Copyright © 2015 Guillaume Buisson
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.