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This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2017-12-26 23:19:40 +01:00
parent 5408be6b5b
commit c859f301b6
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
2 changed files with 85 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ addElem roundNumber b@Buffer {..} =
++ drop (pos + 1) elems
solution1 :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
solution1 nbOcc nbSteps = finalState & elems & elemAt (1 + (pos finalState))
solution1 nbOcc nbSteps = finalState & elems & elemAt (1 + pos finalState)
initState = Buffer [0] 0
finalState = genState nbOcc nbSteps 0 initState

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@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ import Control.Lens hiding ((&))
-- import Data.Array
import Data.Generics.Product
-- import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.List (partition)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GHC.Generics
import Text.Parsec hiding (State)
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ instance Num Coord where
instance Monoid Coord where
mempty = Coord 0 0 0
mappend c1 c2 = c1 + c2
dist :: Coord -> Coord -> Int
dist c1 c2 = let dv = abs (c1 - c2) in (x dv) + (y dv) + (z dv)
@ -144,66 +146,88 @@ solution1 input =
type Solution2 = Int
testInput2 :: Text
testInput2 = "p=<-6,0,0>, v=<3,0,0>, a=<0,0,0>\n\
\p=<-4,0,0>, v=<2,0,0>, a=<0,0,0>\n\
\p=<-2,0,0>, v=<1,0,0>, a=<0,0,0>\n\
\p=<3,0,0>, v=<-1,0,0>, a=<0,0,0>\n"
solution2 :: Input -> Solution2
solution2 input =
let sorted = input
& zip ([0..] :: [Int])
& sortOn (\(_,p)->d (pos p))
& sortOn (\(_,p)->d (vit p))
& sortOn (\(_,p)->d (acc p))
in notCollided sorted & map fst & Set.fromList & Set.size
& sortParticles
& notCollided
& length
d :: Coord -> Int
d = dist mempty
sortParticles :: [Particle] -> [Particle]
sortParticles ps =
& sortOn (d . pos)
& sortOn (d . vit)
& sortOn (d . acc)
notCollided :: [Particle] -> [Particle]
notCollided (p:ps) =
let (deleted,nextList) = partition (collide p) ps in
if null deleted
then p:notCollided nextList
else notCollided nextList
notCollided ps = ps
collide :: Particle -> Particle -> Bool
collide p1 p2 = let pr = potentialRacines p1 p2
in checkRacines p1 p2 pr
potentialRacines :: Particle -> Particle -> [Int]
potentialRacines p1 p2 = mconcat [ potentialRacinesOn (field @"x") p1 p2
, potentialRacinesOn (field @"y") p1 p2
, potentialRacinesOn (field @"z") p1 p2
potentialRacinesOn :: Lens' Coord Int -> Particle -> Particle -> [Int]
potentialRacinesOn l p1 p2 =
let a = (acc p1 ^. l) - (acc p2 ^. l)
b = (vit p1 ^. l) - (vit p2 ^. l)
c = (pos p1 ^. l) - (pos p2 ^. l)
if a /= 0
let delta = b^2 - 4*a*c in
if delta >= 0
then [ (-b + isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
, (-b - isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
] & filter (>0)
else []
else [-c `div` b | b /= 0]
isqrt :: Int -> Int
isqrt = fromIntegral . floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
pol :: Particle -> Particle -> Lens' Coord Int -> (Int -> Int)
pol p1 p2 l = \x -> a*(x*x) + (b*x) + c
d = dist mempty
notCollided :: [(Int,Particle)] -> [(Int,Particle)]
notCollided sorted = do
(i,p1) <- sorted
(j,p2) <- sorted
guard (j > i)
guard (not (collide p1 p2))
return (i,p1)
collide :: Particle -> Particle -> Bool
collide p1 p2 = let trivialracines = [1..10]
in checkRacines p1 p2 trivialracines
potentialRacines :: Particle -> Particle -> [Int]
potentialRacines p1 p2 =
let a = (acc p1 ^. field @"x") - (acc p2 ^. field @"x")
b = (vit p1 ^. field @"x") - (vit p2 ^. field @"x")
c = (pos p1 ^. field @"x") - (pos p2 ^. field @"x")
if a /= 0
let delta = b^2 - 4*a*c in
if delta >= 0
then [ (-b + isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
, (-b - isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
, 1+(-b - isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
, 1+(-b + isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
, 2+(-b - isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
, 2+(-b + isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
] & filter (>0)
else []
else [-c `div` b | b /= 0]
isqrt :: Int -> Int
isqrt = fromIntegral . floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
pol :: Particle -> Particle -> Lens' Coord Int -> (Int -> Int)
pol p1 p2 l = \x -> a*(x*x) + (b*x) + c
a :: Int
a = (acc p1 ^. l) - (acc p2 ^. l)
b :: Int
b = (vit p1 ^. l) - (vit p2 ^. l)
c :: Int
c = (pos p1 ^. l) - (pos p2 ^. l)
checkRacines :: Particle -> Particle -> [Int] -> Bool
checkRacines _ _ [] = False
checkRacines p1 p2 (x:xs) =
traceShow (p1,p2,x
, pol p1 p2 (field @"x") x == 0
, pol p1 p2 (field @"y") x == 0
, pol p1 p2 (field @"z") x == 0)
(pol p1 p2 (field @"x") x == 0
&& pol p1 p2 (field @"y") x == 0
&& pol p1 p2 (field @"z") x == 0)
|| checkRacines p1 p2 xs
a :: Int
a = (acc p1 ^. l) - (acc p2 ^. l)
b :: Int
b = (vit p1 ^. l) - (vit p2 ^. l)
c :: Int
c = (pos p1 ^. l) - (pos p2 ^. l)
checkRacines :: Particle -> Particle -> [Int] -> Bool
checkRacines _ _ [] = False
checkRacines p1 p2 (t:ts) =
if (deepseq collided collided)
then -- traceShow ( t
-- , collided
-- , p1
-- , p2
-- , pol p1 (Particle 0 0 0) (field @"x") t
-- , pol p2 (Particle 0 0 0) (field @"x") t
-- ) $
else checkRacines p1 p2 ts
where collided = pol p1 p2 (field @"x") t == 0
&& pol p1 p2 (field @"y") t == 0
&& pol p1 p2 (field @"z") t == 0