fix day16 sol 2

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2017-12-26 21:00:07 +01:00
parent e11b690d75
commit 5408be6b5b
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
7 changed files with 121 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- see:
-- hash: dd5686d02b76a5cdfd0af22f3af753c80816616396b5f3c7ad773a552f9d0647
-- hash: 1e758d0525406b84a2b0161fe229f8b799eefbe00c43229a99d7360878eb5368
name: adventofcode
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ library

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import qualified Day16
import qualified Day17
import qualified Day18
import qualified Day19
-- import qualified Day20
import qualified Day20
-- import qualified Day21
-- import qualified Day22
-- import qualified Day23
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ solutions = Map.fromList [(["01"], day01)
,(["17"], day17)
,(["18"], day18)
,(["19"], day19)
,(["20"], dayXX)
,(["20"], day20)
,(["21"], dayXX)
,(["22"], dayXX)
,(["23"], dayXX)
@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ day16 = do
input <- Day16.parseInput
sol1 <- Day16.solution1 16 input
showSol "Solution 1" (text (toS sol1))
-- sol2 <- Day16.solution2 16 input
-- showSol "Solution 2" (text (toS sol2))
let sol2 = Day16.solution2 16 1000000000 input
showSol "Solution 2" (text (toS sol2))
day17 :: IO ()
day17 = do
@ -240,5 +240,14 @@ day19 = do
let sol2 = Day19.solution2 input
showSol "Solution 2" (int sol2)
day20 :: IO ()
day20 = do
putText "Day 20:"
input <- Day20.parseInput
let sol1 = Day20.solution1 input
showSol "Solution 1" (int sol1)
let sol2 = Day20.solution2 input
showSol "Solution 2" (int sol2)
dayXX :: IO ()
dayXX = putText "Not done yet"

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ library:
- Day17
- Day18
- Day19
# - Day20
- Day20
# - Day21
# - Day22
# - Day23

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@ -194,20 +194,26 @@ data Dance = Dance { iperm :: Permutation Int
, cperm :: Permutation Char
} deriving (Eq, Show)
applyCmd :: Command -> Dance -> Dance
applyCmd (Spin n) d@Dance{..} = d { iperm = rotate n iperm }
applyCmd (Exchange i j) d@Dance{..} = d { iperm = swap i j iperm }
applyCmd (Partner x y) d@Dance{..} = d { cperm = swap x y cperm }
applyCmd :: Permutation Int -> Permutation Char -> Dance -> Command -> Dance
applyCmd p0 _ d@Dance{..} (Spin n) = d { iperm = iperm <> rotate n p0 }
applyCmd p0 _ d@Dance{..} (Exchange i j) = d { iperm = iperm <> swap i j p0 }
applyCmd _ p0 d@Dance{..} (Partner x y) = d { cperm = swap x y p0 <> cperm }
solution2 :: Int -> Int -> [Command] -> [Char]
solution2 len nbIter commands = do
let letters = take len ['a'..'p']
lastLetter = fromMaybe 'a' (head (reverse letters))
initDance = Dance (nullPerm (0,len-1)) (nullPerm ('a',lastLetter))
firstDance = foldl' (flip applyCmd) initDance commands
ip = nullPerm (0,len-1)
cp = nullPerm ('a',lastLetter)
initDance = Dance ip cp
firstDance = foldl' (applyCmd ip cp) initDance commands
finalDance = stimes nbIter firstDance
tmpArray = listArray (0,len-1) (elems (unPerm (cperm finalDance)))
permute (iperm finalDance) tmpArray & elems
tmpArray = listArray ('a',lastLetter) letters
permute (cperm finalDance) tmpArray
& elems
& listArray (0,len-1)
& permute (iperm finalDance)
& elems
instance Semigroup Dance where
Dance r1 p1 <> Dance r2 p2 = Dance (r1 <> r2) (p1 <> p2)

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ import Control.Lens hiding ((&))
-- import Data.Array
import Data.Generics.Product
-- import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GHC.Generics
import Text.Parsec hiding (State)
@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ parseInt = do
str <- many1 digit
let strint = case sgn of
Nothing -> str
Just _ -> "-" <> str
Just _ -> "-" <> str
return $ fromMaybe 0 (reads strint & head & fmap fst)
-- Solution 1
@ -142,11 +145,65 @@ solution1 input =
type Solution2 = Int
solution2 :: Input -> Solution2
solution2 grid =
let initState = undefined
in extractSol $ execState solve2 initState
solution2 input =
let sorted = input
& zip ([0..] :: [Int])
& sortOn (\(_,p)->d (pos p))
& sortOn (\(_,p)->d (vit p))
& sortOn (\(_,p)->d (acc p))
in notCollided sorted & map fst & Set.fromList & Set.size
extractSol :: AppState -> Solution2
extractSol = undefined
solve2 :: State AppState ()
solve2 = undefined
d = dist mempty
notCollided :: [(Int,Particle)] -> [(Int,Particle)]
notCollided sorted = do
(i,p1) <- sorted
(j,p2) <- sorted
guard (j > i)
guard (not (collide p1 p2))
return (i,p1)
collide :: Particle -> Particle -> Bool
collide p1 p2 = let trivialracines = [1..10]
in checkRacines p1 p2 trivialracines
potentialRacines :: Particle -> Particle -> [Int]
potentialRacines p1 p2 =
let a = (acc p1 ^. field @"x") - (acc p2 ^. field @"x")
b = (vit p1 ^. field @"x") - (vit p2 ^. field @"x")
c = (pos p1 ^. field @"x") - (pos p2 ^. field @"x")
if a /= 0
let delta = b^2 - 4*a*c in
if delta >= 0
then [ (-b + isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
, (-b - isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
, 1+(-b - isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
, 1+(-b + isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
, 2+(-b - isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
, 2+(-b + isqrt delta) `div` (2*a)
] & filter (>0)
else []
else [-c `div` b | b /= 0]
isqrt :: Int -> Int
isqrt = fromIntegral . floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
pol :: Particle -> Particle -> Lens' Coord Int -> (Int -> Int)
pol p1 p2 l = \x -> a*(x*x) + (b*x) + c
a :: Int
a = (acc p1 ^. l) - (acc p2 ^. l)
b :: Int
b = (vit p1 ^. l) - (vit p2 ^. l)
c :: Int
c = (pos p1 ^. l) - (pos p2 ^. l)
checkRacines :: Particle -> Particle -> [Int] -> Bool
checkRacines _ _ [] = False
checkRacines p1 p2 (x:xs) =
traceShow (p1,p2,x
, pol p1 p2 (field @"x") x == 0
, pol p1 p2 (field @"y") x == 0
, pol p1 p2 (field @"z") x == 0)
(pol p1 p2 (field @"x") x == 0
&& pol p1 p2 (field @"y") x == 0
&& pol p1 p2 (field @"z") x == 0)
|| checkRacines p1 p2 xs

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@ -6,14 +6,18 @@ import Protolude hiding (swap)
import Data.Array
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import GHC.TypeLits
-- | properties
-- a permutation is a bijection
newtype Permutation i =
Permutation (Array i i)
Permutation { unPerm :: Array i i }
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
unPerm :: Permutation i -> Array i i
unPerm (Permutation x) = x
isBijection :: (Ix i) => Permutation i -> Bool
isBijection p =
Set.fromList (elems (unPerm p)) == Set.fromList (indices (unPerm p))
permute :: (Ix i,Enum i) => Permutation i -> Array i e -> Array i e
permute (Permutation p) a =
@ -48,24 +52,4 @@ rotate n (Permutation p) =
instance (Ix i,Enum i) => Semigroup (Permutation i) where
Permutation a1 <> Permutation a2 = Permutation $
array (bounds a2) [ (i, a2 ! j) | (i,j) <- assocs a1]
0 1 2 === 0
1 0 2 => p1
0 2 1 => p2
2 1 0 => p3
1 2 0 => p4
p1 <> p2 ===> 2 0 1
p2 <> p1 ===> 1 2 0
testPermutation =
let p0 = nullPerm (0,2)
p1 = swap 0 1 p0
p2 = swap 1 2 p0
p3 = p1 <> p2
in p2 <> p1
array (bounds a1) [ (i, a1 ! j) | (i,j) <- assocs a2]

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@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ main = defaultMain $
, testDay13
, testDay14
, testDay15
, testDay16
testDay01 =
@ -285,9 +286,24 @@ testDay15 =
testDay16 =
testGroup "Day 16"
[ testGroup "Solution 1" []
, testGroup "Solution 2" []
[ testGroup "Solution 1"
[ testCase "Example" $ do
sol1 <- Day16.solution1 5 Day16.testInput
sol1 @?= "baedc"
, testGroup "Solution 2"
[ testCase "Check equal to sol1 input of length 1" $ test2 1
, testCase "Check equal to sol1 input of length 1000" $ test2 1000
test2 n = do
input <- fmap (take n) Day16.parseInput
sol1 <- Day16.solution1 16 input
let sol2 = Day16.solution2 16 1 input
sol1 @?= sol2
testDay17 =
testGroup "Day 17"