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<h1 style="position: relative;">Category Theory <span class="and">&amp;</span> Programming</h1>
<author><em class="base01">by</em> Yann Esposito</author>
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<ul style="font-size: 2em; font-weight:bold">
<li><span class="yellow">Why?
<ul class="base01" style="border-left: 2px solid; padding-left: 1em; font-size: .6em; float: right; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 0 0 1em">
<li>General overview</li>
<li>Math <span class="and">&amp;</span> Abstraction</li>
<li>Programming <span class="and">&amp;</span> Abstraction</li>
<li>Categories <span class="and">&amp;</span> Abstraction</li>
<section class="slide">
<p>Category Theory is all about <span class="yellow">Abstraction</span></p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/abstraction.png" alt="3=?"/>
<img src="categories/img/mindblown.gif" alt="head explode" style="width: 40%; margin-top: 1em;padding: 1px; box-shadow: 0 0 5em #A88; border: none"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="difficulties">Difficulties</h2>
<p>Certainly one of the more abstract branches of math</p>
<p>Many different starting point:</p>
<li>New math foundation</li>
<li>Bridge between disciplines</li>
<li>Philosophical Study object</li>
<li>Tool box <span style="display:inline-box;margin-left:7em">← our focus for part 2 <span class="and">&amp;</span> 3</span></li>
<p>Said with a programmer vocabulary</p>
<p>Category Theory can be seen as a new language/framework for Math</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="category-theory-for-programming">Category Theory for programming?</h2>
<img class="right" src="categories/img/buddha.gif" alt="buddha"/>
<li>Ability to see problem differently</li>
<li>Make generalisation easier</li>
<li>Help code organisation</li>
<li>Reduce bugs by clarifying concepts</li>
<p>Example In Haskell:</p>
<li><code>fold</code> generalisation</li>
<li>Applicative Functors, Arrows, ...</li>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Math Abstraction</h2>
<p>A common concept you see in multiple instances.</p>
<p>Numbers: 1,2,3,... <em class="small">3400 BC, real numbers 760 BC</em></p>
<figure class="left">
<img src="categories/img/tally-count.png" style="height:5em;width:12em" alt="Aboriginal Tally System"/>
<figcaption>Aboriginal Tally System</figcaption>
<div class="left" style="margin: 2em 1em">amelioration ⇒</div>
<figure class="left">
<img src="categories/img/first-real-numbers.png" style="height:5em" alt="Mesopotamian Numbers"/>
<figcaption>Mesopotamian base 60 system</figcaption>
<div class="flush"></div>
Operators: <b>=, &lt;, &gt;, +, ×, ...</b>
<section class="slide">
<div class="right">
<img src="categories/img/egyptian-hieroglyphics.jpg" alt="Egyptian Fractions"/>
<img src="categories/img/negative-numbers.jpg" alt="Negative Numbers (Chinese)"/>
<ul><li> Weight/Distance/Time ⇒ <em>Rational</em> \(\frac{p}{q}\)
</li><li> Debts ⇒ <em>Negative</em> \(..., -2, -1, ? , 1, 2, ...\)
</li><li> Geometry ⇒ <em>Irrational<sup style="vertical-align:middle">*</sup></em>
</li><li> Algebra ⇒ <em>Complex</em>
</li><li> \(0\) ⇒ "Nothing" become a number
<p><span style="visibility:hidden"><span class="and">&amp;</span></span> More <strong>things</strong> can be understood as numbers<br/>
<span class="and">&amp;</span> More <strong>ways</strong> to manipulate them.</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Numbers ⇒ Sets</h2>
<th>Set Theory (∞)/Abstract Algebra/Topology</th>
<td>\(\mathbb{N}\): \((+,0)\)</td>
<td>\(\mathbb{Z}\): \((+,0,\times,1)\)</td>
<td>Complete Fields (<em class="base01">topology</em>)</td>
<tr><td></td><td>Modules,Vector Spaces, Monoids, ...</td></tr>
<p><span style="visibility:hidden"><span class="and">&amp;</span></span> More <strong>general</strong>: more things are sets.<br/>
<span class="and">&amp;</span> More <strong>precise</strong>: clear distinction between concepts.</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Sets ⇒? <span class="yellow">Categories</span></h2>
<td>\(\mathbb{N}\): \((+,0)\)</td>
<td>\(\mathbb{Z}\): \((+,0,\times,1)\)</td>
<td>Complete Fields (<em class="base01">topology</em>)</td>
<tr><td></td><td>Modules,Vector Spaces, Monoids, ...</td><td></td></tr>
<p><span style="visibility:hidden"><span class="and">&amp;</span></span> More <strong>general</strong>: more things are <span class="yellow">categories</span>.<br/>
<span class="and">&amp;</span> More <strong>abstract</strong>: generalization for free; replace = by <span class="yellow"></span>.<br/>
<span class="and">&amp;</span> Homogeneous <strong>vocabulary</strong>.
<section class="slide">
<h2>Category Theory</h2>
<p>Categories package entire mathematical theories.</p>
<li>Quantum Physics</li>
<p><span style="visibility:hidden"><span class="and">&amp;</span></span> More <strong>general</strong>: more things are Categories.<br/>
<span class="and">&amp;</span> More <strong>precise</strong>: better distinction between concepts.</p>
<p>Young field: <b>194245</b>, Samuel Eilenberg <span class="and">&amp;</span> Saunders Mac Lane
<section class="slide">
<h2>Programming <span class="and">&amp;</span> Abstraction</h2>
<h3>Impure programming</h3>
<li>Encouraged by imperative paradigms.
</li><li>Actions <span class="and">&amp;</span> mutable objects.
</li><li>Time is <em>very</em> important: ex. linked list push
</li><li>Synchronizing things is a challenge.
<p class="yellow">Natural Abstractions: pointers, variables, loop, Objects, Classes...</p>
<p>Representation: a data structure changing other time.</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Untyped Pure Programming</h2>
<ul><li> Time is irrelevant by default.
</li><li> Mostly static constructions like pipes.
</li><li> All pipes can be plugged ⇒ all error at runtime
<ul><li> (+ ("foo" 27) 32)
</li><li> Y = λf.(λx.f (x x)) (λx.f (x x))
</li><li> Y g = g (Y g)
<p class="yellow">Natural abstraction: higher level functions <span class="and">&amp;</span> equations</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Typed Pure Programming</h2>
<ul><li>Add shapes to pipes:
<ul><li> <code class="red">4 + ["foo",27]</code> forbidden
</li><li> <code class="red">["foo",27]</code> forbidden
</li><li>Polymorphic (elastic) shapes:
<ul><li> <code>data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing</code>
</li><li> <code>[Just 32,Nothing,Just 12] :: [Maybe Integer]</code>
<p class="yellow">Natural abstraction: Polymorphic higher level functions.</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Polymorphism: <code>mappend (<>)</code></h2>
<pre class="small haskell"><code> "abcdef" <span class="red"><></span> "ABCDEF" = "abcdefABCDEF" -- String
("ab","xy") <span class="red"><></span> ("AB","XY") = ("abAB","xyXY") -- (String,String)
3 <span class="red"><></span> 4 ⇒ ERROR which law? + or * -- Int
-- Use a type to remove ambiguity
type Sum = Sum {getSum :: a} -- Just a named box
-- Monoid (Int,+,0)
(<>+) = getSum (Sum x <span class="red"><></span> Sum y)
3 <>+ 4 = 7
-- Monoid (Int,*,0)
type Product = Product {getProduct :: a} -- Just a named box
(<>*) = getProduct (Product x <span class="red"><></span> Product y)
3 <>* 4 = 12</code></pre>
<p>Note: with Monoids (M,⊙,e); <code>foldl ⊙ e ms = foldr ⊙ e ms</code></p>
<p>\(m_1 ⊙ (m_2 ⊙ (\cdots (m_n ⊙ e)\cdots )) = (\cdots (m_1 ⊙ m_2) ⊙ \cdots) m_n ⊙ e \)</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Polymorphism: <code>(>>=)</code></h2>
<p>Example: <span class="red"><code>(>>=)</code></span> with <code>[a]</code> and <code>Maybe a</code></p>
<pre class="small haskell"><code>data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing</code></pre>
<pre class="small haskell"><code>-- Maybe Int >>= Int -> Maybe (Int -> Int) >>= (Int -> Int) -> Maybe Int
(Just 2) <span class="red">&gt;&gt;=</span> \x -> (Just (\z->z*z)) <span class="red">&gt;&gt;=</span> \f -> Just (f x) = Just 4
Nothing <span class="red">&gt;&gt;=</span> \x -> (Just (\z->z*z)) <span class="red">&gt;&gt;=</span> \f -> Just (f x) = Nothing
-- [Int] >>= Int -> [Int -> Int] >>= (Int -> Int) -> [Int]
[1,2] <span class="red">&gt;&gt;=</span> \x -> [(+10),(+20)] <span class="red">&gt;&gt;=</span> \f -> [f x] = [11,21,12,22]
[] <span class="red">&gt;&gt;=</span> \x -> [(+10),(+20)] <span class="red">&gt;&gt;=</span> \f -> [f x] = []</code></pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Programming Paradigms</h2>
<tr><td>Impure</td><td>Choose the data structure, find an algorithm.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Untyped Pure</td><td>Choose the data structure, find an equation.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Typed Pure</td><td>Choose the Types and their laws, find the right operator</td></tr>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Type Theory ⇒ Categories</h2>
<li>Type theory helped to remove paradoxes in Set Theory.</li>
<li>Prevent relations between different kind of objects.</li>
<li>Used in computer science</li>
<li>typed λ-calculus ⇒ cartesian closed categories</li>
<li>untyped λ-calculus ⇒ C-monoids (subclass of categories)</li>
<li>Martin-Löf type theories ⇒ locally cartesian closed categories</li>
<section class="slide">
<ul style="font-size: 2em; font-weight: bold">
<li> <span class="yellow">What?</span>
<ul class="base01" style="border-left: 2px solid; padding-left: 1em; font-size: .6em; float: right; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 0 0 1em">
<section class="slide">
<p>A way of representing <strong><em>things</em></strong> and <strong><em>ways to go between things</em></strong>.</p>
<p> A Category \(\mathcal{C}\) is defined by:</p>
<li> <em>Objects (\(\ob{C}\))</em>,</li>
<li> <em>Morphisms (\(\hom{C}\))</em>,</li>
<li> a <em>Composition law (∘)</em></li>
<li> obeying some <em>Properties</em>.</li>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Category: Objects</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/objects.png" alt="objects" />
<p>\(\ob{\mathcal{C}}\) is a collection</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Category: Morphisms</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/morphisms.png" alt="morphisms"/>
<p>\(\hom{A,B}\) is a collection</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Category: Composition</h2>
<p>Composition (∘): \(f:A→B, g:B→C\)
$$g∘f:A\rightarrow C$$
<img src="categories/img/mp/composition.png" alt="composition"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Category laws: neutral element</h2>
<p>for each object \(X\), there is an \(\id_X\), s.t. for all \(f:A→B\):</p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/identity.png" alt="identity"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Category laws: Associativity</h2>
<p> Composition is associative:</p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/associativecomposition.png" alt="associative composition"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Commutative diagrams</h2>
<p>Two path with the same source and destination are equal.</p>
<figure class="left" style="max-width: 40%;margin-left: 10%;">
alt="Commutative Diagram (Associativity)"/>
\((h∘g)∘f = h∘(g∘f) \)
<figure class="right" style="max-width:31%;margin-right: 10%;">
alt="Commutative Diagram (Identity law)"/>
\(id_B∘f = f = f∘id_A \)
<section class="slide">
<h2>Can this be a category?</h2>
<p>\(\ob{\C},\hom{\C}\) fixed, is there a valid ∘?</p>
<figure class="left">
<img src="categories/img/mp/cat-example1.png" alt="Category example 1"/>
<figcaption class="slide">
<span class="green">YES</span>
<figure class="left">
<img src="categories/img/mp/cat-example2.png" alt="Category example 2"/>
<figcaption class="slide">
no candidate for \(g∘f\)
<br/><span class="red">NO</span>
<figure class="left">
<img src="categories/img/mp/cat-example3.png" alt="Category example 3"/>
<figcaption class="slide">
<span class="green">YES</span>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Can this be a category?</h2>
<figure class="left">
<img src="categories/img/mp/cat-example4.png" alt="Category example 4"/>
<figcaption class="slide">
no candidate for \(f:C→B\)
<br/><span class="red">NO</span>
<figure class="right" style="min-width: 59%">
<img src="categories/img/mp/cat-example5.png" alt="Category example 5"/>
<figcaption class="slide">
but \(h≠f\)<br/>
<span class="red">NO</span>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Category \(\Set\)</h2>
<li> \(\ob{\Set}\) are sets</li>
<li> \(\hom{\Set}\) are functions</li>
<li> ∘ is functions composition </li>
<ul class="slide">
<li>\(\ob{\Set}\) is a proper class ; not a set</li>
<li>\(\hom{E,F}\) is a set</li>
<li>\(\Set\) is a <em>locally small category</em></li>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Categories Everywhere?</h2>
<li>\(\Mon\): (monoids, monoid morphisms,∘)</li>
<li>\(\Vec\): (Vectorial spaces, linear functions,∘)</li>
<li>\(\Grp\): (groups, group morphisms,∘)</li>
<li>\(\Rng\): (rings, ring morphisms,∘)</li>
<li>Any deductive system <i>T</i>: (formulæ, proofs, proof concatenation)</li>
<li>\( \Hask\): (Haskell types, functions, <code>(.)</code> )</li>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Smaller Examples</h2>
<img class="right" style="max-width:17%" src="categories/img/mp/strings.png" alt="Monoids are one object categories"/>
<li> \(\ob{Str}\) is a singleton </li>
<li> \(\hom{Str}\) each string </li>
<li> ∘ is concatenation <code>(++)</code> </li>
<li> <code>"" ++ u = u = u ++ ""</code> </li>
<li> <code>(u ++ v) ++ w = u ++ (v ++ w)</code> </li>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Finite Example?</h2>
<figure class="right" style="max-width:40%" >
<img src="categories/img/mp/graph-category.png" alt="Each graph is a category"/>
<li> \(\ob{G}\) are vertices</li>
<li> \(\hom{G}\) each path</li>
<li> ∘ is path concatenation</li>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Degenerated Categories</h2>
<img class="right" style="max-width:17%" src="categories/img/mp/monoid.png" alt="Monoids are one object categories"/>
<p>each Monoid \((M,e,⊙): \ob{M}=\{∙\},\hom{M}=M,\circ = ⊙\)</p>
<p>one object</p>
<p>Examples: <code>(Integer,0,+)</code>, <code>(Integer,1,*)</code>, <code>(Strings,"",++)</code>, <code>(Lists,[],++)</code>, ...
<section class="slide">
<h2>Number construction</h2>
<h3>Each Numbers as a whole category</h3>
<img src="categories/img/mp/numbers.png" alt="Each number as a category"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Degenerated Categories: Preorders</h2>
<p>each preorder \((P,≤): \ob{P}={P},\hom{x,y}=\{{x≤y}\} ⇔ x≤y,f_{y,z} \circ f_{x,y} = f_{x,z} \)</p>
<em>At most one morphism between two objects.</em>
<img src="categories/img/mp/preorder.png" alt="preorder category"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Degenerated Categories</h2>
<img class="right" src="categories/img/mp/set.png" alt="Any set can be a category"/>
<h3>Any Set</h3>
<p>Any set \(E: \ob{E}=E, \hom{x,y}=\{x\} ⇔ x=y \)</p>
<p><em>Only identities ; not so interesting</em></p>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Categorical Property</h2>
<p>Any property which can be expressed in term of category, objects, morphism and composition</p>
<ul><li> <em>isomorphism</em>: \(f:A→B\) s.t. ∃g:B→A, \(g∘f=id_A\) <span class="and">&amp;</span> \(f∘g=id_B\)
</li><li> <em>Initial</em>: \(Z\in\ob{C}\) s.t. \(∀Y∈\ob{C}, \#\hom{Z,Y}=1\)
</li><li> <em>Dual</em>: reverse direction of arrows of \(\C\)
</li><li> <em>Functor</em>: structure preserving mapping between categories
</li><li> ...
<section class="slide">
<p> A functor is a mapping between two categories.
Let \(\C\) and \(\D\) be two categories.
A <em>functor</em> \(\F\) from \(\C\) to \(\D\):</p>
<li> Associate objects: \(A\in\ob{\C}\) to \(\F(A) \in\ob{\D}\) </li>
<li> Associate morphisms: \(f:A\to B\) to \(\F(f) : \F(A) \to \F(B)\)
such that
<li>\( \F (\id_X) = \id_{\F(X)} \),</li>
<li>\( \F (g \circ_\C f) = \F(g) \circ_\D \F(f) \)</li>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Functor Example (ob → ob)</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/functor.png" alt="Functor"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Functor Example (hom → hom)</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/functor-morphism.png" alt="Functor"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Functor Example</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/functor-morphism-color.png" alt="Functor"/>
<section class="slide">
<p>An <em>endofunctor</em> for \(\C\) is a functor \(F:\C→\C\).</p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/endofunctor.png" alt="Endofunctor"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Category of Categories</h2>
<p>Categories and functors form a category: \(\Cat\)</p>
<ul><li>\(\ob{\Cat}\) are categories
</li><li>\(\hom{\Cat}\) are functors
</li><li>∘ is functor composition
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<ul style="font-size: 2em; font-weight:bold">
<li><span class="yellow">How?
<ul class="base01" style="border-left: 2px solid; padding-left: 1em; font-size: .6em; float: right; font-weight: bold; margin: -2em 0 0 1em">
<li>\(\Hask\) category
</li><li> Functors
</li><li> Monads
</li><li> Arrows
</li><li> κατα-morphisms
<section class="slide">
<p>Category \(\Hask\):</p>
<img class="right" style="max-width:30%" src="categories/img/mp/hask.png" alt="Haskell Category Representation"/>
\(\ob{\Hask} = \) Haskell types
\(\hom{\Hask} = \) Haskell functions
∘ = <code>(.)</code> Haskell function composition
<p>Forget glitches because of <code>undefined</code>.</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="haskell-kinds">Haskell Kinds</h2>
<p>In Haskell some types can take type variable. Typically: <code>[a]</code>.</p>
<pre><code>data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]
data CTree a b = CNode a [b]</code></pre>
<p>Types have <em>kind</em>; The kind is to type what type is to function. Kind are the &quot;type&quot; for some types (so meta).</p>
<pre><code>Int, Char :: *
[], Maybe, Tree :: * -&gt; *
CTree :: * -&gt; * -&gt; *
[Int], Maybe Char, Tree [Int] :: *</code></pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="haskell-types">Haskell Types</h2>
<p>We can make function that can work for <em>all</em> type parameter. Such function can only work with the <em>topology</em> induced by the type. We know such function won't work <em>on</em> the elements.</p>
<p>Sometimes, the type determine a lot about the function:</p>
<pre class="haskell"><code>fst :: (a,b) -> a -- Only one choice
snd :: (a,b) -> b -- Only one choice
f :: a -> [a] -- Many choices
-- Possibilities: f x=[], or [x], or [x,x] or [x,...,x]
? :: [a] -> [a] -- Many choices
-- can only duplicate/remove/reorder elements
-- for example: the type of addOne isn't [a] -> [a]
addOne l = map (+1) l</code></pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Haskell Functor vs \(\Hask\) Functor</h2>
<p>Functor for Haskell language is a type <code>F :: * -> *</code> which belong to the type class <code>Functor</code>.<br/>
It must implement <code>fmap :: (a -> b) -> (F a -> F b)</code>.
<p><span style="visibility:hidden"><span class="and">&amp;</span></span> <code>F</code>: \(\ob{\Hask}→\ob{\Hask}\)<br/> <span class="and">&amp;</span> <code>fmap</code>: \(\hom{\Hask}→\hom{\Hask}\)
<p>The couple <code>(F,fmap)</code> is a functor in the categorical sense for \(\Hask\) if for any <code>x :: F a</code>:</p>
<ul><li><code>fmap id x = x</code>
</li><li><code>fmap (f.g) x= (fmap f . fmap g) x</code>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Haskell Functors Example: Maybe</h2>
<pre class="haskell"><code>data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> (Maybe a -> Maybe b)
fmap f (Just a) = f a
fmap f Nothing = Nothing
fmap (+1) (Just 1) == 2
fmap (+1) Nothing == Nothing
fmap head (Just [1,2,3]) == Just 1</code></pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Haskell Functors Example: List</h2>
<pre class="haskell"><code>
instance Functor ([]) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
fmap = map
fmap (+1) [1,2,3] == [2,3,4]
fmap (+1) [] == []
fmap head [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] == [1,4]
<section class="slide">
<h2>String like type</h2>
<pre class="haskell"><code>
data F a = Cons Char a | Nil
-- examples :
-- Cons 'c' 32 :: F Int
-- Cons 'c' (\x -> x*x) :: F (Int -> Int)
-- Cons 'c' (Cons 'a' (\x -> x*x)) :: F (F (Int -> Int))
-- Cons 'c' (Cons 'c' Nil) :: F (F (F))
-- note String is the fixed point of F: F(F(F(...)))
instance Functor F where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
fmap f (Cons c x) = Cons c (f x)
fmap f Nil = Nil
fmap (+1) (Cons 'c' 3) == Cons 'c' 4
fmap (+1) Nil == Nil
fmap head (Cons 'c' [1,2,3])== Cons 'c' 1
<section class="slide">
<h2>Haskell Functor intuition</h2>
<p>Put normal function inside a container. Ex: list, trees...<p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/boxfunctor.png" alt="Haskell Functor as a box play"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Haskell Functor properties</h2>
<p>Haskell Functors are:</p>
<ul><li><em>endofunctors</em> ; \(F:\C→\C\) here \(\C = \Hask\),
</li><li>a couple <b>(Object,Morphism)</b> in \(\Hask\).
<section class="slide">
<h2>Functor as boxes</h2>
<p>Haskell functor can be seen as boxes containing all Haskell types and functions.
Haskell types is fractal:</p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/hask-endofunctor.png" alt="Haskell functor representation"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Functor as boxes</h2>
<p>Haskell functor can be seen as boxes containing all Haskell types and functions.
Haskell types is fractal:</p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/hask-endofunctor-objects.png" alt="Haskell functor representation"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Functor as boxes</h2>
<p>Haskell functor can be seen as boxes containing all Haskell types and functions.
Haskell types is fractal:</p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/hask-endofunctor-morphisms.png" alt="Haskell functor representation"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="non-haskell-hasks-functors">&quot;Non Haskell&quot; Hask's Functors</h2>
<p>A simple basic example is the \(id_\Hask\) functor. It simply cannot be expressed as a couple (<code>F</code>,<code>fmap</code>) where</p>
<li><code>F::* -&gt; *</code></li>
<li><code>fmap :: (a -&gt; b) -&gt; (F a) -&gt; (F b)</code></li>
<p>Another example:</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="also-functor-inside-hask">Also Functor inside \(\Hask\)</h2>
<p><code>length</code> can be seen as a Functor from the category <code>[a]</code> to <code>Int</code>. More precisely:</p>
<ul class="left">
<p class="left" style="margin:2em 3em"></p>
<ul class="left">
<div class="flush"></div>
<ul><li>id: <code>length [] = 0</code>
</li><li>comp: <code>length (l ++ l') = (length l) + (length l')</code>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="category-of-endofunctors">Category of Endofunctors</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/natural-transformation.png" alt="Natural transformation commutative diagram" class="right"/>
<p>All endofunctors of \(\C\) form the category \(\E_\C\) of endofunctors of \(\C\).</p>
<li>\(\ob{\E_\C}\): endofunctors of \(\C\) ; \(F:\C→\C\)</li>
<li>\(\hom{\E_\C}\): natural transformations
<li>η familly \(η_X\in\hom{\C}\) for \(X\in\ob{\C}\) s.t.</li>
<li>ex: for Haskell functors: <code>F a -&gt; G a</code> are the natural transformations.</li>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="monads">Monads</h2>
<p>A Monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?</p>
<p>All told, a monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, with product × replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor.</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="monads-are-just-monoids-14">Monads are just monoids (1/4)</h2>
<p>A monoid is a triplet \((E,∙,e)\) s.t.</p>
<li>\(E\) a set</li>
<li>\(x∙(y∙z) = (x∙y)∙z, ∀x,y,z∈E\)</li>
<li>\(e∙x = x = x∙e, ∀x∈E\)</li>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="monads-are-just-monoids-24">Monads are just Monoids (2/4)</h2>
<p>A Monad is a triplet \((M,⊙,η)\) s.t.</p>
<li>\(M\) an <span class="yellow">Endofunctor</span></li>
<li>\(⊙:M×M→M\) a nat. trans. (× is functor composition)</li>
<li>\(η:I→M\) a nat. trans. (\(I\) identity functor)</li>
<li>\(M ⊙ (M ⊙ M)) = (M ⊙ M) ⊙ M\)</li>
<li>\(η ⊙ M = M = M ⊙ η\)</li>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="monads-are-just-monoids-34">Monads are just Monoids (3/4)</h2>
<p>Example: <code>Maybe</code> is a functor</p>
<li>\(M\) an <span class="yellow">Endofunctor</span></li>
<li>\(⊙:M×M→M\) a nat. trans. (× is functor composition)</li>
<li>\(η:I→M\) a nat. trans. (\(I\) identity functor)</li>
<pre class="haskell"><code>-- In Haskell ⊙ is "join" in "Control.Monad"
join :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
join (Just (Just x)) = Just x
join _ = Nothing
-- In Haskell the "return" function (unfortunate name)
η :: a -> Maybe a
η x = Just x</code></pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="monads-are-just-monoids-44">Monads are just Monoids (4/4)</h2>
<p>Example: <code>Maybe</code> is a functor (<code>join</code> is ⊙)</p>
<li>\(M ⊙ (M ⊙ M)) = (M ⊙ M) ⊙ M\)</li>
<li>\(η ⊙ M = M = M ⊙ η\)</li>
<pre class="nohighlight small"><code>join (Just (join (Just (Just x)))) = join (join (Just (Just (Just x))))
join (Just (join (Just Nothing))) = join (join (Just (Just Nothing)))
join (Just (join Nothing)) = join (join (Just Nothing))
join Nothing = join (join Nothing)
join (η (Just x)) = Just x = Just (η x)
join (η Nothing) = Nothing = Nothing</code></pre>
<p>And <code>(Maybe,join,η)</code> is a monad.</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="monads-generalize-composition">Monads generalize composition</h2>
<p>Example with lists:</p>
<pre class="haskell"><code>f=\x->[x] ⇒ f 1 = [1] ⇒ (f.f) 1 = [[1]]
g=\x->[x+1] ⇒ g 1 = [2] ⇒ (g.g) 1 = ERROR [2]+1
h=\x->[x+1,x*10] ⇒ h 1 = [2,10] ⇒ (h.h) 1 = ERROR [2,10]+1</code></pre>
<p>How to fix that? Kleisli composition</p>
<p><code>f &lt;=&lt; g = \x -&gt; join ((fmap f) (g x))</code></p>
<pre class="haskell"><code>f=\x->[x] ⇒ f 1 = [1] ⇒ (f <=< f) 1 = [1]
g=\x->[x+1] ⇒ g 1 = [2] ⇒ (g <=< g) 1 = [3]
h=\x->[x+1,x*10] ⇒ h 1 = [2,10] ⇒ (h <=< h) 1 = [3,20,11,100]</code></pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="monads-utility">Monads utility</h2>
<p>A monad can also hide computation details (ex: a common parameter).</p>
<p><code>DrawScene</code> to <code><span class="yellow">State Screen</span> DrawScene</code> ; still <b>pure</b>.</p>
<pre class="haskell left small" style="width:40%"><code>main = drawImage (width,height)
drawImage :: Screen -&gt; DrawScene
drawImage <span class="orange">screen</span> =
drawPoint p <span class="orange">screen</span>
drawCircle c <span class="orange">screen</span>
drawRectangle r <span class="orange">screen</span>
drawPoint point <span class="orange">screen</span> = ...
drawCircle circle <span class="orange">screen</span> = ...
drawRectangle rectangle <span class="orange">screen</span> = ...</code></pre>
<pre class="haskell right small" style="width:45%"><code>main = do
<span class="orange">put (Screen 1024 768)</span>
drawImage :: State Screen DrawScene
drawImage = do
drawPoint p
drawCircle c
drawRectangle r
drawPoint :: Point -&gt; State Screen DrawScene
drawPoint p = do
<span class="orange">Screensize width height &lt;- get</span>
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