/* Solarized palette */ $base03 : #002b36 $base02 : #073642 $base01 : #586e75 $base00 : #657b83 $base0 : #839496 $base1 : #93a1a1 $base2 : #eee8d5 $base3 : #fdf6e3 $yellow : #b58900 $orange : #cb4b16 $red : #dc322f $magenta: #d33682 $violet : #6c71c4 $blue : #268bd2 $cyan : #2aa198 $green : #859900 /* I won't use completely */ $behindColor: $base0 $mainTextColor: $base0 $mainBackgroundColor: $base03 $mainShadowColor: $mainBackgroundColor - #334 $secondBackgroundColor: $base02 $revealColor: $base1 $secondRevealColor: $revealColor $lighterRevealColor: $revealColor + #666 $imageBackgroundColor: $base02 $borderColor: $base01 $imageBorderColor: $borderColor $mainLinkColor: $mainTextColor $textLinkColor: $base1 $highlightColor: $base1 $highlightBlockColor: $base1 $highlightRevealColor: $revealColor + #111 $lighterText: $base1 $lighterColor: $base3 $lighterColorBorderTop: $lighterText $lighterColorBorderBottom: $lighterText $secondTextColor: $base1 // include Computer Modern fonts @font-face font-family: 'cmuntt' src: url('fonts/cmuntt.eot') src: local('☺'), url('fonts/cmuntt.svg') format('svg'), url('fonts/cmuntt.ttf') format('truetype') font-weight: normal font-style: normal @font-face font-family: 'ComputerModernSansSerif' src: url('fonts/cmunso.eot') src: local('☺'), url('fonts/cmunso.svg') format('svg'), url('fonts/cmunso.ttf') format('truetype') font-style: italic,oblique font-weight: bold @font-face font-family: 'ComputerModernSansSerif' src: url('fonts/cmunsx.eot') src: local('☺'), url('fonts/cmunsx.svg') format('svg'), url('fonts/cmunsx.ttf') format('truetype') font-weight: bold @font-face font-family: 'ComputerModernSansSerif' src: url('fonts/cmunsi.eot') src: local('☺'), url('fonts/cmunsi.svg') format('svg'), url('fonts/cmunsi.ttf') format('truetype') font-style: italic,oblique @font-face font-family: 'ComputerModernSansSerif' src: url('fonts/cmunss.eot') src: local('☺'), url('fonts/cmunss.svg') format('svg'), url('fonts/cmunss.ttf') format('truetype') font-weight: normal font-style: normal =selected background: $base01 color: $base2 =darkselected background: $base01 color: $base2 =sc text-transform: uppercase font-size: 0.8em =insetbox background: rgba(#000,.05) box-shadow: 0 0 2px #FFF, 0 0 3px #CCC inset border: 1px solid rgba(#000,.1) border-radius: 3px &:hover background: rgba(#000,.1) box-shadow: 0 0 6px #555 inset =clearbutton display: block width: 25% cursor: pointer margin: 1em 0 padding: 1em font-size: 16px line-height: 1.4em border: 1px solid $mainBackgroundColor color: $lighterText &:hover +innerblock color: $highlightRevealColor text-shadow: 0 0 2px #FAA &:active +innerblock color: $highlightRevealColor text-shadow: 0 0 2px #FAA background: $mainBackgroundColor - #060606 =italic font-style: italic =bold font-weight: bold =normal font-weight: normal font-style: normal =mainColor color: $base0 background: color: $base03 =lightColor color: $lighterText a color: $lighterText a:hover color: $lighterRevealColor =innerblock border: solid 1px $borderColor border-radius: 2px box-shadow: 0 0 4px $secondBackgroundColor inset background-color: $mainBackgroundColor - #020202 =highlight +italic padding: 0.5em 1em color: $highlightBlockColor a:hover color: $revealColor i, em +normal color: $base1 strong, b +bold color: $base1 =secondColor color: $behindColor border: $borderColor solid 1px border-radius: 5px box-shadow: 0 0 2px $borderColor inset background: color: $lighterColor a color: $secondTextColor a:hover color: $secondRevealColor strong, b, i, em, .nicer color: $lighterRevealColor hr color: $secondTextColor border: top: 1px solid $secondTextColor strong, b, i, em color: $behindColor =revealColor color: $revealColor =codeColor background: color: $base02 color: $base0 =back padding: 0 .1em border: solid 2px border-radius: 2px body.deck-container width: 100% padding: 0 .goto-form font-size: 22px background-color: $base02 label: font-shadow: none font-color: $base1 #goto-slide: height: 50px .deck-container .base03 color: $base03 .base02 color: $base02 .base01 color: $base01 .base00 color: $base00 .base0 color: $base0 .base1 color: $base1 .base2 color: $base2 .base3 color: $base3 .yellow color: $yellow .orange color: $orange .red color: $red .magenta color: $magenta .violet color: $violet .blue color: $blue .backblue +back border-color: $blue background-color: rgba(38,139,210,.2) .cyan color: $cyan .green color: $green .backgreen +back border-color: $green background-color: rgba(133,153,0,.2) font-family: "ComputerModernSansSerif",Helvetica,sans-serif div font-family: "ComputerModernSansSerif",Helvetica,sans-serif .and font-family: "Hoefler Text" font-style: italic font-weight: normal font-size: .9em opacity: .67 i, em +italic b, strong, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 +bold table.description tr td border: 1px solid $lighterColor .assombris20 background-color: $lighterColor body +mainColor ::selection +selected ::-moz-selection +selected pre, code, a.cut font-family: "cmuntt",Incosolata, Monaco, monospace pre &::selection +darkselected *::selection +darkselected &::-moz-selection +darkselected *::-moz-selection +darkselected a:hover text-shadow: 0 0 2px $violet a, a:link, a:visited, a:active, a:hover text-decoration: none outline: none a, a:link, a:visited, a:active color: $mainLinkColor a:hover +revealColor hr color: $lighterColor border: top: 1px solid $lighterColor bottom: none left: none right: none ul list-style: none ul li:before content: "- " ol,ul padding-left: 0 margin-left: 1.5ex text-indent: -1.5ex .toc ol li, ul li margin: .5em 0 ol li ul, ol li ol, ul li ol, ul li ul margin: .5em 1.5em list-style: none line-height: 1.5em body, h1, h2, h3, h4, #entete, .tagname text-rendering: optimizelegibility line-height: 1.5em border-color: $base01 body font-family: "ComputerModernSansSerif", Helvetica, sans-serif /* Header Numbering */ .article #afterheader counter-reset: niv02 h2 counter-increment: niv02 counter-reset: niv03 marker-offset: 3em &:before content: counter(niv02) ". " h3 counter-increment: niv03 counter-reset: niv04 &:before content: counter(niv02) "." counter(niv03) ". " h4 counter-increment: niv04 &:before content: counter(niv02) "." counter(niv03) "." counter(niv04) ". " pre +codeColor box-shadow: 0 0 3px $base01 inset border: solid 1px $base01 border-radius: 3px padding: 1em line-height: 1em font-size: .9em p margin-bottom: 1.2em blockquote font-style: italic padding: 0 1em border-left: solid 10px $base01 em font-style: normal color: $base1 ul padding-left: 1.5em abbr, acronym +sc text: decoration: none border: bottom: width: 0 // -- STYLE -- #titre letter-spacing: -0.06em border: bottom: 4px double $lighterText top: 4px double $lighterText #liens .active, #sousliens +secondColor #liens a border: 1px solid #EEE +insetbox #liens .active text-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(#000,.5) background-color: $mainBackgroundColor - #030303 border: 1px solid $mainBackgroundColor - #111111 box-shadow: 0 0 3px ($mainBackgroundColor - #333333) inset border-radius: 3px border-top: none // -- FOOTER -- #lastmod font-size: 0.9em // --- DYNAMICS -- .nojsbutton font-size: 2.5em #clickcomment, #choixlang > a, #choixrss > a, .return > a +clearbutton .return > a, #choixrss > a float: right #choix .return > a, #choixrss > a margin-top: 0 // -- TYPOGRAPHY -- .small font-size: 0.8em .smaller font-size: 0.6em .sc +sc .impact, .darkimpact font-size: 2em margin: 0 auto 1em auto line-height: 1.3em // -- DATES -- h1 > .date font-size: 0.6em color: $behindColor .date font-size: 0.8em color: $mainBackgroundColor border: 1px solid $mainTextColor text-align: center width: 4.1em line-height: 1.5em display: inline-block vertical-align: middle margin-right: 1em .date .day, .date .month, .date .year display: block .date .day color: $behindColor background-color: $mainBackgroundColor float: left width: 1.7em .date .month float: right width: 2.3em background-color: $behindColor color: $mainBackgroundColor .date .year line-height: 3ex clear: both +secondColor border-radius: 0 // --- LAYOUTS -- $VPadCorps: 3em $VMarginCorps: 3em // ATTENTION DOIT ETRE 0 pour le bon callage $HMarginCorps: 0 $content_width: 52em body text-align: left font-size: 16px body > #entete position: absolute left: 0 top: 0.5em width: 100% min-width: $content_width - 2em z-index: 8000 padding-bottom: 1em margin-bottom: $VMarginCorps #titre h2 width: 80% margin-left: auto margin-right: auto text-align: center color: $lighterText #titre text-align: center width: 100% #titre h1, #titre h2 padding-left: 1em padding-right: 1em // le pied de page #bottom clear: right margin-right: 0px padding: 1.5em line-height: 1.5em color: $mainTextColor + #222 margin-top: 2em text-align: center a color: $mainTextColor + #111 a:hover +revealColor // Les menus #sousliens padding: 1em 0 line-height: 2em #sousliens ul list-style: none margin-left: 4em ul.horizontal li display: inline font-size: 0.9em ul.horizontal margin-top: 0px margin-bottom: 0px #entete padding-top: 0.1em border-top: 1px solid $lighterColorBorderTop border-bottom: 1px solid $lighterColorBorderTop #liens width: 100% padding: 0 clear: both margin-top: 0.5em #liens ul width: 100% clear: both padding: 0 margin: 0 $hauteur_menu: 4em #liens ul li display: inline-block height: $hauteur_menu margin-left: 0.2em margin-right: 0.2em width: 23% #liens ul li a, #liens ul li span width: 100% display: block line-height: $hauteur_menu // Un 'helper' .clear clear: both // Le Contenu #content line-height: 4em margin-left: auto margin-right: auto margin-top: 0 position: relative clear: both width: $content_width $contentMargin: 0em .encadre, .intro, .resume, .shadow padding: 2em margin: top: 2em bottom: 2em .encadre +secondColor .intro, .resume font-size: 0.9em +highlight #afterheader > h1 width: 100% padding-top: 1.5em text-align: left #afterheader padding-left: $contentMargin padding-right: $contentMargin #sousliens margin: top: $VMarginCorps bottom: $VMarginCorps font-size: 1.2em letter-spacing: 1px text-align: left clear: both .twilight line-height: 1.1em $fontcorps: 1.25 .corps font-size: #{$fontcorps}em line-height: 1.5em text-align: justify padding: $VPadCorps 3em margin: 0 $HMarginCorps clear: both p, ol, ul, blockquote, pre, code margin-top: 1.5em margin-bottom: 1.5em pre code margin: 0 p, ol, ul, blockquote line-height: 1.5em pre, code line-height: 1em ul li ul, ol li ul, ul li ol, ol li ol margin-top: 0 margin-bottom: 0 $corps_width: ($content_width - 2 * $contentMargin) / $fontcorps $hpadding: 1 img,.likeimg max-width: 80% border: 2px solid $base02 padding: 0.3em box-shadow: 0 0 .5em #000 inset border-radius: 0.5em text-align: center a:hover img background-color: $revealColor figure figcaption text-align: center margin: .5em 0 font-size: .7em figure.left,figure.right max-width: 30% width: 30% img.clean border: none background-color: none box-shadow: none // les clear #address clear: both .definitionCell width: 5em vertical-align: top text-align: center +bold .valueCell text-align: right .smallblock float: left width: 50% font-size: 1em +bold .largeblock float: right width: 70% font-size: 1em #blackpage, #nojsredirect top: 0 left: 0 width: 100% min-height: 100% margin-left: 0 margin-right: 0 margin-top: 0 margin-bottom: 0 position: absolute text-align: center #blackpage +mainColor font-family: Georgia, serif font-style: italic padding-top: 8em z-index: 9000 cursor: wait .corps code, pre font-family: monospace img background: none border: none max-width: 80% margin: 0 auto a cursor: pointer .preh1 font-size: 1.5em font-weight: bold margin-bottom: 1em .preh2 font-size: 1.2em font-style: italic margin-bottom: 1em .preintro text-align: left width: $content_width margin: 0 auto #nojsredirect z-index: 9001 .nojsbutton width: 50% padding: 1em border: solid 3px white margin-left: auto margin-right: auto margin-top: 2em z-index: 9002 .codefile font-size: 0.8em text-align: right padding-right: 1em margin-right: 0.1 margin-bottom: -1em .flush clear: both table.description border-spacing: 5px border-collapse: separate margin-right: auto margin-left: auto table.description tr td padding-left: 0.5em padding-right: 0.5em padding-top: 0.5ex padding-bottom: 0.5ex vertical-align: middle margin-right: 5px ul.long li margin-bottom: 1em img.left max-width: 30% margin: top: .6em right: 1em img.right max-width: 30% width: 30% margin: top: .6em left: 1em img.inside display: inline vertical-align: middle pre overflow-x: auto overflow-y: hidden .navigationprev, .navigationnext padding: 0px margin-left: 0.2em margin-right: 0.2em margin-bottom: 0 margin-top: $VMarginCorps width: 45% .navigation .navigationprev, .navigation .navigationnext width: 30% margin-top: 0 .navigation height: 4em border-bottom: $lighterColorBorderBottom solid 1px .presarticleleft, .presarticleright font-size: 1em .navigationprev float: left text-align: left .navigationnext float: right text-align: right .impact, .darkimpact text-align: left width: 66% padding-left: 0.25em padding-right: 0.25em table.impact text-align: left table.impact tr td padding-left: 0.25em padding-right: 0.25em #liens font-size: 1.2em #iemessage font-size: 1.2em color: #CCC margin: -10px padding: 1px 0 strong, b, i, em color: $base1 a, a:visited color: $base1 .tagname display: inline cursor: pointer margin-left: 0.5em margin-right: 0.5em .list margin-top: $VPadCorps #menuMessage font: size: 1.2em line: height: 1.5em width: 100% text-align: center #next_before_articles clear: both width: 100% font-size: 1.2em padding: top: 1em bottom: 1em #previous_articles, #next_articles color: $highlightColor font-size: .8em +italic #previous_articles float: left margin-left: 1em width: 45% text-align: left .previous_article, .next_article margin-top: 1em #next_articles float: right width: 45% margin-right: 1em text-align: right #rss font-size: 1.2em text-align: center display: block width: 100% float: right padding: 1em 0.1em .corps .return a color: $lighterColor padding: 0.1em line-height: 1.5em font-size: 1.5em height: 1.5em float: left font-size: 2em margin-top: -0.5em margin-left: -2em width: 1.5em a.return color: $lighterColor padding: 0.1em line-height: 1.5em font-size: 1.5em height: 1.5em font-size: 2em width: 1.5em display: block &:hover color: $highlightColor .corps .return a:hover color: $revealColor .footnotes font-size: 0.8em ol color: $base0 +bold p color: $behindColor +normal .fontnotes ol margin-left: 0 .typeset img display: inline border: none margin: 0 padding: 0 strong, b, i, em color: $highlightColor a color: $mainTextColor a:hover color: $revealColor .corps p strong, b, i, em color: $highlightBlockColor a:hover strong, b, i, em color: $highlightRevealColor a:hover .nicer color: $lighterRevealColor .nicer color: $lighterText font-family: "Lucida Grande", Tahoma .block +innerblock width: 26.5% padding: 1em border-radius: 2px text-align: left line-height: 1em margin-left: 1% margin-right: 1% font-size: 0.8em height: 9em a color: $mainTextColor a:hover color: $revealColor .block h3 margin: 0 font-size: 1.3em .block p line-height: 1.2em .left float: left .right float: right .corps p a, ul a color: $textLinkColor p a:hover, ul a:hover color: $revealColor ul.bloglist, .archive ul list-style-type: none margin: 0 li margin-bottom: 1em .button cursor: pointer text-align: center #tagcloud font-size: .8em background: $secondBackgroundColor box-shadow: 0 0 6px $borderColor border-radius: 3px line-height: 2.5em padding: 2em text-align: justify .pala font-family: Palatino sup font-size: .7em .article .corps a:after content: "†" vertical-align: super line-height: 0 font-size: .66em color: $highlightColor .article .corps .footnotes, sup a:after content: "" .article .corps sup a +bold padding: 0 .3em margin-left: 2px border-radius: 3px -moz-border-radius: 3px -webkit-border-radius: 3px &:hover color: $revealColor ul#markdown-toc, .intro .toc ul +sc list-style: none padding-left: 1.5em a:after content: "" ul ul font-variant: normal line-height: 1em font-size: 1em margin-bottom: 1em table border: 1px solid $borderColor width: 90% margin: 1.5em auto box-sizing: border-box -moz-box-sizing: border-box -webkit-box-sizing: border-box table tr td padding: 2px .5em table tr &:nth-child(odd) background-color: $secondBackgroundColor &:nth-child(even) background-color: $mainBackgroundColor p, ul li, ol li line-height: 1.5em pre code background: none border: none padding: 0 code background: $secondBackgroundColor - #020202 border: solid 1px $borderColor padding: 2px ul.sameline list-style: none li float: left margin-left: .5em .resumearticle background-color: $secondBackgroundColor border-radius: 7px box-shadow: 0 0 5px $mainShadowColor inset,0 0 5px #FFF margin: 1em 0 padding: 1em a.cut font-size: 12px text-align: right display: block width: 100% opacity: .5 border: 1px solid $mainBackgroundColor border-radius: 3px &:hover opacity: 1 background-color: $secondBackgroundColor border-color: $borderColor box-shadow: 0 0 3px $borderColor inset strong +bold .codehighlight pre border-left: 4px solid $borderColor #social text-align: left opacity: .3 &:hover opacity: 1 .popularblock width: 30.3333% margin: 0 1.5% float: left figure margin: 0 img max-width: 80% max-height: 6em /* deck.js fixes */ .deck-menu .slide background: none .deck-menu > .slide border: solid 5px $base00 .deck-menu .deck-current, .no-touch .deck-menu .slide:hover background: $base02 $padsize:20 $maxwidth:800 $width:760 $height:500 @for $fontsize from 24 through 90 $padsize:$fontsize*20/48 $maxwidth:$fontsize*1920/48 $width:$maxwidth - 2*$padsize $height:$fontsize*1044/48 @media only screen and (min-width: #{$maxwidth}px) body width: #{$width}px !important min-width: #{$width}px !important max-width: #{$width}px !important height: #{$height}px !important min-height: #{$height}px !important max-height: #{$height}px !important padding: 0 #{$padsize}px !important margin: 0 auto height: 50% // box-shadow: 0 0 3px $base01 inset .deck-container font-size: #{$fontsize}px $fontsize: 24 $padsize:$fontsize*20/48 $maxwidth:$fontsize*1920/48 $width:$maxwidth - 2*$padsize $height:$fontsize*1044/48 @media only screen and (max-width: #{$maxwidth}px) body padding: 0 #{$padsize}px !important .deck-container font-size: #{$fontsize}px #MathJax_Message font-size: .4em !important font-shadow: none !important background: none !important border: none !important color: $base01 !important body.deck-container overflow-y: hidden html box-shadow: 0 0 50px #000 inset .deck-container color: $base0 background-color: $base03 text-shadow: 0 1px 5px #012 h1 font-size: 3em line-height: 1.2em margin-top: 1em h2 font-size: 1.5em h3,h4 font-size: 1.2em select, input, textarea, font-size: 2em color: $base0 .deck-status color: $base0 font-size: .5em .deck-prev-link, .deck-next-link position: absolute top: 90% bottom: 1em &:visited color: $base01 &:hover color: $base1 text-shadow: none background-color: $base02 color: $base01 a, a:visited color: $base01 pre, code, a.cut font-family: "cmuntt",Incosolata, Monaco, monospace