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This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito 2012-12-10 12:14:22 +01:00
parent 04bc39ddcd
commit 8a5f22fb97
50 changed files with 137 additions and 126 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
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@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="programmer-translation">Programmer Translation</h2>
<img class="right" src="categories/img/readingcat.jpg" alt="lolcat"/>
<table style="width:70%">
<table style="width:60%">
@ -374,23 +374,19 @@ such that for each \(f:A→B\):</p>
<p>Each Monoid \((M,e,⊙): \ob{M}=\{∙\},\hom{M}=M,\circ = ⊙\)</p>
<p class="yellow">Only one object.</p>
</li><li>for each <code>a</code>, <code>([a],[],++)</code>
<ul><li><code>(Integer,0,+)</code>, <code>(Integer,1,*)</code>,
</li><li><code>(Strings,"",++)</code>, for each <code>a</code>, <code>([a],[],++)</code>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Degenerated Categories: Preorders</h2>
<p>each preorder \((P,≤)\):</p>
<h2>Degenerated Categories: Preorders \((P,≤)\)</h2>
</li><li>\(\hom{x,y}=\{x≤y\} ⇔ x≤y\),
</li><li>\((y≤z) \circ (x≤y) = (x≤z) \)
<p><em>At most one morphism between two objects.</em></p>
<p><em class="yellow">At most one morphism between two objects.</em></p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/preorder.png" alt="preorder category"/>
@ -403,14 +399,11 @@ such that for each \(f:A→B\):</p>
<p class="yellow">Only identities</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2 class="base1">Categorical Property</h2>
<h2 class="base1">Categorical Properties</h2>
<p class="base1">Any property which can be expressed in term of category, objects, morphism and composition.</p>
<ul><li> <em class="yellow">isomorphism</em>: \(f:A→B\) which can be "undone" <em>i.e.</em>
<br/> \(∃g:B→A\), \(g∘f=id_A\) <span class="and">&amp;</span> \(f∘g=id_B\)
<br/> in this case, \(A\) <span class="and">&amp;</span> \(B\) are <em class="yellow">isomorphic</em>.
</li><li> <em class="yellow">Dual</em>: \(\D\) is \(\C\) with reversed morphisms.
<ul><li> <em class="yellow">Dual</em>: \(\D\) is \(\C\) with reversed morphisms.
</li><li> <em class="yellow">Initial</em>: \(Z\in\ob{\C}\) s.t. \(∀Y∈\ob{\C}, \#\hom{Z,Y}=1\)
<br/> Unique ("up to isormophism")
</li><li> <em class="yellow">Terminal</em>: \(T\in\ob{\C}\) s.t. \(T\) is initial in the dual of \(\C\)
@ -419,6 +412,11 @@ such that for each \(f:A→B\):</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="isomorph">Isomorph</h2>
<p><em class="yellow">isomorphism</em>: (f:A→B) which can be &quot;undone&quot; <em>i.e.</em><br />\(∃g:B→A\), \(g∘f=id_A\) <span class="and">&amp;</span> \(f∘g=id_B\)<br />in this case, \(A\) <span class="and">&amp;</span> \(B\) are <em class="yellow">isomorphic</em>.</p>
<p>In Category Theory, <span class="yellow">=</span> is generally <span class="yellow"></span>. For example in commutative diagrams.</p>
<section class="slide">
<p> A functor is a mapping between two categories.
@ -438,17 +436,17 @@ A <em>functor</em> <span class="yellow">\(\F\)</span> from <span class="blue">\(
<section class="slide">
<h2>Functor Example (ob → ob)</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/functor.png" alt="Functor"/>
<img width="70%" src="categories/img/mp/functor.png" alt="Functor"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Functor Example (hom → hom)</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/functor-morphism.png" alt="Functor"/>
<img width="70%" src="categories/img/mp/functor-morphism.png" alt="Functor"/>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Functor Example</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/functor-morphism-color.png" alt="Functor"/>
<img width="70%" src="categories/img/mp/functor-morphism-color.png" alt="Functor"/>
<section class="slide">
@ -500,18 +498,14 @@ A <em>functor</em> <span class="yellow">\(\F\)</span> from <span class="blue">\(
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="haskell-kinds">Haskell Kinds</h2>
<p>In Haskell some types can take type variable(s). Typically: <code>[a]</code>.</p>
<pre><code>data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]
data CTree a b = CNode a [b]</code></pre>
<p>Types have <em>kind</em>; The kind is to type what type is to function. Kind are the types for types (so meta).</p>
<p>Types have <em>kinds</em>; The kind is to type what type is to function. Kind are the types for types (so meta).</p>
<pre><code>Int, Char :: *
[], Maybe, Tree :: * -&gt; *
CTree :: * -&gt; * -&gt; *
[Int], Maybe Char, Tree [Int] :: *
CTree [Int] :: * -&gt; *</code></pre>
[], Maybe :: * -&gt; *
(,) :: * -&gt; * -&gt; *
[Int], Maybe Char, Maybe [Int] :: *</code></pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="haskell-types">Haskell Types</h2>
<p>We can make function that can work for <em>all</em> type parameter. Such function can only work with the <em>topology</em> induced by the type. We know such function won't work <em>on</em> the elements.</p>
<p>Sometimes, the type determine a lot about the function<sup></sup>:</p>
<pre class="haskell"><code>fst :: (a,b) -> a -- Only one choice
snd :: (a,b) -> b -- Only one choice
@ -530,12 +524,12 @@ addOne l = map <span class="red">(+1)</span> l
<section class="slide">
<h2>Haskell Functor vs \(\Hask\) Functor</h2>
<p>Functor for Haskell language is a type <code>F :: * -> *</code> which belong to the type class <code>Functor</code>.<br/>
It must implement <code>fmap :: (a -> b) -> (F a -> F b)</code>.
<p>A Haskell Functor is a type <code>F :: * -> *</code> which belong to the type class <code>Functor</code> ; thus instantiate
<code>fmap :: (a -> b) -> (F a -> F b)</code>.
<p><span style="visibility:hidden"><span class="and">&amp;</span></span> <code>F</code>: \(\ob{\Hask}→\ob{\Hask}\)<br/> <span class="and">&amp;</span> <code>fmap</code>: \(\hom{\Hask}→\hom{\Hask}\)
<p>The couple <code>(F,fmap)</code> is a functor in the categorical sense for \(\Hask\) if for any <code>x :: F a</code>:</p>
<p>The couple <code>(F,fmap)</code> is a \(\Hask\) endofunctor if for any <code>x :: F a</code>:</p>
<ul><li><code>fmap id x = x</code>
</li><li><code>fmap (f.g) x= (fmap f . fmap g) x</code>
@ -556,22 +550,20 @@ fmap head (Just [1,2,3]) == Just 1</code></pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2>Haskell Functors Example: List</h2>
<pre class="haskell"><code>
instance Functor ([]) where
<pre class="haskell"><code>instance Functor ([]) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
fmap = map
fmap (+1) [1,2,3] == [2,3,4]
fmap (+1) [] == []
fmap head [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] == [1,4]
fmap head [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] == [1,4]</code></pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="haskell-functors-for-the-programmer">Haskell Functors for the programmer</h2>
<p><code>Functor</code> is a type class used for types that can be mapped over.</p>
<li>Containers: <code>[]</code>, Trees, Map, HashMap...</li>
<li>Smart containers:
<li>&quot;Feature Type&quot;:
<li><code>Maybe a</code>: help to handle absence of <code>a</code>.<br />Ex: <code>safeDiv x 0 ⇒ Nothing</code></li>
<li><code>Either String a</code>: help to handle errors<br />Ex: <code>reportDiv x 0 ⇒ Left &quot;Division by 0!&quot;</code></li>
@ -633,7 +625,7 @@ Haskell types is fractal:</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="also-functor-inside-hask">Also Functor inside \(\Hask\)</h2>
<p>\(\mathtt{[a]}∈\ob{\Hask}\)</code> but is also a complete category. The same can be said for <code>Int</code>.</p>
<p>\(\mathtt{[a]}∈\ob{\Hask}\)</code> but is also a category. Idem for <code>Int</code>.</p>
<p><code>length</code> is a Functor from the category <code>[a]</code> to the cateogry <code>Int</code>:</p>
<ul class="left" style="max-width:40%">
@ -653,26 +645,27 @@ Haskell types is fractal:</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="category-of-hask-endofunctors">Category of \(\Hask\) Endofunctors</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/cat-hask-endofunctor.png" alt="Category of Hask endofunctors" />
<img width="70%" src="categories/img/mp/cat-hask-endofunctor.png" alt="Category of Hask endofunctors" />
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="category-of-functors">Category of Functors</h2>
<p>If \(\C\) is <em>small</em> (\(\hom{\C}\) is a set). All functors from \(\C\) to some category \(\D\) form the category \(\mathrm{Func}(\C,\D)\).</p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/natural-transformation.png" alt="Natural transformation commutative diagram" class="right"/>
<li>\(\ob{\mathrm{Func}(\C,\D)}\): Functors \(F:\C→\D\)</li>
<li>\(\hom{\mathrm{Func}(\C,\D)}\): <em>natural transformations</em>
<li>η familly \(η_X\in\hom{\D}\) for \(X\in\ob{\C}\) s.t.</li>
<li>ex: between Haskel functors; <code>F a -&gt; G a</code><br />Rearragement functions only.</li>
<li>\(\hom{\mathrm{Func}(\C,\D)}\): <em>natural transformations</em></li>
<li>∘: Functor composition</li>
<p>\(\mathrm{Func}(\C,\C)\) is the category of endofunctors of \(\C\).</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="natural-transformations">Natural Transformations</h2>
<p>Let \(F\) and \(G\) be two functors from \(\C\) to \(\D\).</p>
<p><img src="categories/img/mp/natural-transformation.png" alt="Natural transformation commutative diagram" class="right"/> <em>A natural transformation:</em> familly η ; \(η_X\in\hom{\D}\) for \(X\in\ob{\C}\) s.t.</p>
<p>ex: between Haskell functors; <code>F a -&gt; G a</code><br />Rearragement functions only.</p>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="natural-transformation-examples-14">Natural Transformation Examples (1/4)</h2>
<pre><code class="haskell">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
<pre><code class="haskell small">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
toTree :: [a] -> Tree a
toTree [] = Empty
toTree (x:xs) = Node x [toTree xs]</pre>
@ -687,7 +680,7 @@ toTree (x:xs) = Node x [toTree xs]</pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="natural-transformation-examples-24">Natural Transformation Examples (2/4)</h2>
<pre><code class="haskell">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
<pre><code class="haskell small">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
toList :: Tree a -> [a]
toList Empty = []
toList (Node x l) = [x] ++ concat (map toList l)</pre>
@ -702,7 +695,7 @@ toList (Node x l) = [x] ++ concat (map toList l)</pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="natural-transformation-examples-34">Natural Transformation Examples (3/4)</h2>
<pre><code class="haskell">toMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
<pre><code class="haskell small">toMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
toMaybe [] = Nothing
toMaybe (x:xs) = Just x</pre>
@ -716,7 +709,7 @@ toMaybe (x:xs) = Just x</pre>
<section class="slide">
<h2 id="natural-transformation-examples-44">Natural Transformation Examples (4/4)</h2>
<pre><code class="haskell">mToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
<pre><code class="haskell small">mToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
mToList Nothing = []
mToList Just x = [x]</pre>
@ -997,7 +990,7 @@ depth = cata phi where
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<h2 id="programmer-translation">Programmer Translation</h2>
<img class="right" src="categories/img/readingcat.jpg" alt="lolcat"/>
<table style="width:70%">
<table style="width:60%">

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Programmer Translation
<img class="right" src="categories/img/readingcat.jpg" alt="lolcat"/>
<table style="width:70%">
<table style="width:60%">

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@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
<p>Each Monoid \((M,e,⊙): \ob{M}=\{∙\},\hom{M}=M,\circ = ⊙\)</p>
<p class="yellow">Only one object.</p>
</li><li>for each <code>a</code>, <code>([a],[],++)</code>
<ul><li><code>(Integer,0,+)</code>, <code>(Integer,1,*)</code>,
</li><li><code>(Strings,"",++)</code>, for each <code>a</code>, <code>([a],[],++)</code>

View file

@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
<h2>Degenerated Categories: Preorders</h2>
<p>each preorder \((P,≤)\):</p>
<h2>Degenerated Categories: Preorders \((P,≤)\)</h2>
</li><li>\(\hom{x,y}=\{x≤y\} ⇔ x≤y\),
</li><li>\((y≤z) \circ (x≤y) = (x≤z) \)
<p><em>At most one morphism between two objects.</em></p>
<p><em class="yellow">At most one morphism between two objects.</em></p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/preorder.png" alt="preorder category"/>

View file

@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
<h2 class="base1">Categorical Property</h2>
<h2 class="base1">Categorical Properties</h2>
<p class="base1">Any property which can be expressed in term of category, objects, morphism and composition.</p>
<ul><li> <em class="yellow">isomorphism</em>: \(f:A→B\) which can be "undone" <em>i.e.</em>
<br/> \(∃g:B→A\), \(g∘f=id_A\) &amp; \(f∘g=id_B\)
<br/> in this case, \(A\) &amp; \(B\) are <em class="yellow">isomorphic</em>.
</li><li> <em class="yellow">Dual</em>: \(\D\) is \(\C\) with reversed morphisms.
<ul><li> <em class="yellow">Dual</em>: \(\D\) is \(\C\) with reversed morphisms.
</li><li> <em class="yellow">Initial</em>: \(Z\in\ob{\C}\) s.t. \(∀Y∈\ob{\C}, \#\hom{Z,Y}=1\)
<br/> Unique ("up to isormophism")
</li><li> <em class="yellow">Terminal</em>: \(T\in\ob{\C}\) s.t. \(T\) is initial in the dual of \(\C\)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<h2 id="isomorph">Isomorph</h2>
<p><em class="yellow">isomorphism</em>: (f:A→B) which can be &quot;undone&quot; <em>i.e.</em><br />\(∃g:B→A\), \(g∘f=id_A\) &amp; \(f∘g=id_B\)<br />in this case, \(A\) &amp; \(B\) are <em class="yellow">isomorphic</em>.</p>
<p>In Category Theory, <span class="yellow">=</span> is generally <span class="yellow"></span>. For example in commutative diagrams.</p>

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<em class="yellow">isomorphism</em>:
\(f:A→B\) which can be "undone" _i.e._
\\(∃g:B→A\\), \\(g∘f=id\_A\\) & \\(f∘g=id\_B\\)
in this case, \\(A\\) &amp; \\(B\\) are <em class="yellow">isomorphic</em>.
In Category Theory, <span class="yellow">=</span> is generally <span class="yellow"></span>. For example in commutative diagrams.

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
<h2>Functor Example (ob → ob)</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/functor.png" alt="Functor"/>
<img width="70%" src="categories/img/mp/functor.png" alt="Functor"/>

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
<h2>Functor Example (hom → hom)</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/functor-morphism.png" alt="Functor"/>
<img width="70%" src="categories/img/mp/functor-morphism.png" alt="Functor"/>

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
<h2>Functor Example</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/functor-morphism-color.png" alt="Functor"/>
<img width="70%" src="categories/img/mp/functor-morphism-color.png" alt="Functor"/>

View file

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
<h2 id="haskell-kinds">Haskell Kinds</h2>
<p>In Haskell some types can take type variable(s). Typically: <code>[a]</code>.</p>
<pre><code>data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]
data CTree a b = CNode a [b]</code></pre>
<p>Types have <em>kind</em>; The kind is to type what type is to function. Kind are the types for types (so meta).</p>
<p>Types have <em>kinds</em>; The kind is to type what type is to function. Kind are the types for types (so meta).</p>
<pre><code>Int, Char :: *
[], Maybe, Tree :: * -&gt; *
CTree :: * -&gt; * -&gt; *
[Int], Maybe Char, Tree [Int] :: *
CTree [Int] :: * -&gt; *</code></pre>
[], Maybe :: * -&gt; *
(,) :: * -&gt; * -&gt; *
[Int], Maybe Char, Maybe [Int] :: *</code></pre>

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@ -4,19 +4,13 @@ Haskell Kinds
In Haskell some types can take type variable(s).
Typically: `[a]`.
data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]
data CTree a b = CNode a [b]
Types have _kind_;
Types have _kinds_;
The kind is to type what type is to function.
Kind are the types for types (so meta).
Int, Char :: *
[], Maybe, Tree :: * -> *
CTree :: * -> * -> *
[Int], Maybe Char, Tree [Int] :: *
CTree [Int] :: * -> *
[], Maybe :: * -> *
(,) :: * -> * -> *
[Int], Maybe Char, Maybe [Int] :: *

View file

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
<h2 id="haskell-types">Haskell Types</h2>
<p>We can make function that can work for <em>all</em> type parameter. Such function can only work with the <em>topology</em> induced by the type. We know such function won't work <em>on</em> the elements.</p>
<p>Sometimes, the type determine a lot about the function<sup></sup>:</p>
<pre class="haskell"><code>fst :: (a,b) -> a -- Only one choice
snd :: (a,b) -> b -- Only one choice

View file

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
Haskell Types
We can make function that can work for _all_ type parameter.
Such function can only work with the _topology_ induced by the type.
We know such function won't work _on_ the elements.
Sometimes, the type determine a lot about the function<sup></sup>:
<pre class="haskell"><code>fst :: (a,b) -> a -- Only one choice

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<h2>Haskell Functor vs \(\Hask\) Functor</h2>
<p>Functor for Haskell language is a type <code>F :: * -> *</code> which belong to the type class <code>Functor</code>.<br/>
It must implement <code>fmap :: (a -> b) -> (F a -> F b)</code>.
<p>A Haskell Functor is a type <code>F :: * -> *</code> which belong to the type class <code>Functor</code> ; thus instantiate
<code>fmap :: (a -> b) -> (F a -> F b)</code>.
<p><span style="visibility:hidden">&amp;</span> <code>F</code>: \(\ob{\Hask}→\ob{\Hask}\)<br/> &amp; <code>fmap</code>: \(\hom{\Hask}→\hom{\Hask}\)
<p>The couple <code>(F,fmap)</code> is a functor in the categorical sense for \(\Hask\) if for any <code>x :: F a</code>:</p>
<p>The couple <code>(F,fmap)</code> is a \(\Hask\) endofunctor if for any <code>x :: F a</code>:</p>
<ul><li><code>fmap id x = x</code>
</li><li><code>fmap (f.g) x= (fmap f . fmap g) x</code>

View file

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
<h2>Haskell Functors Example: List</h2>
<pre class="haskell"><code>
instance Functor ([]) where
<pre class="haskell"><code>instance Functor ([]) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
fmap = map
fmap (+1) [1,2,3] == [2,3,4]
fmap (+1) [] == []
fmap head [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] == [1,4]
fmap head [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] == [1,4]</code></pre>

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<p><code>Functor</code> is a type class used for types that can be mapped over.</p>
<li>Containers: <code>[]</code>, Trees, Map, HashMap...</li>
<li>Smart containers:
<li>&quot;Feature Type&quot;:
<li><code>Maybe a</code>: help to handle absence of <code>a</code>.<br />Ex: <code>safeDiv x 0 ⇒ Nothing</code></li>
<li><code>Either String a</code>: help to handle errors<br />Ex: <code>reportDiv x 0 ⇒ Left &quot;Division by 0!&quot;</code></li>

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Haskell Functors for the programmer
`Functor` is a type class used for types that can be mapped over.
- Containers: `[]`, Trees, Map, HashMap...
- Smart containers:
- "Feature Type":
- `Maybe a`: help to handle absence of `a`.
Ex: `safeDiv x 0 ⇒ Nothing`
- `Either String a`: help to handle errors

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<h2 id="also-functor-inside-hask">Also Functor inside \(\Hask\)</h2>
<p>\(\mathtt{[a]}∈\ob{\Hask}\)</code> but is also a complete category. The same can be said for <code>Int</code>.</p>
<p>\(\mathtt{[a]}∈\ob{\Hask}\)</code> but is also a category. Idem for <code>Int</code>.</p>
<p><code>length</code> is a Functor from the category <code>[a]</code> to the cateogry <code>Int</code>:</p>
<ul class="left" style="max-width:40%">

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
<h2 id="category-of-hask-endofunctors">Category of \(\Hask\) Endofunctors</h2>
<img src="categories/img/mp/cat-hask-endofunctor.png" alt="Category of Hask endofunctors" />
<img width="70%" src="categories/img/mp/cat-hask-endofunctor.png" alt="Category of Hask endofunctors" />

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Category of \\(\\Hask\\) Endofunctors
<img src="categories/img/mp/cat-hask-endofunctor.png" alt="Category of Hask endofunctors" />
<img width="70%" src="categories/img/mp/cat-hask-endofunctor.png" alt="Category of Hask endofunctors" />

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@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
<h2 id="category-of-functors">Category of Functors</h2>
<p>If \(\C\) is <em>small</em> (\(\hom{\C}\) is a set). All functors from \(\C\) to some category \(\D\) form the category \(\mathrm{Func}(\C,\D)\).</p>
<img src="categories/img/mp/natural-transformation.png" alt="Natural transformation commutative diagram" class="right"/>
<li>\(\ob{\mathrm{Func}(\C,\D)}\): Functors \(F:\C→\D\)</li>
<li>\(\hom{\mathrm{Func}(\C,\D)}\): <em>natural transformations</em>
<li>η familly \(η_X\in\hom{\D}\) for \(X\in\ob{\C}\) s.t.</li>
<li>ex: between Haskel functors; <code>F a -&gt; G a</code><br />Rearragement functions only.</li>
<li>\(\hom{\mathrm{Func}(\C,\D)}\): <em>natural transformations</em></li>
<li>∘: Functor composition</li>
<p>\(\mathrm{Func}(\C,\C)\) is the category of endofunctors of \(\C\).</p>

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@ -5,14 +5,8 @@ If \\(\\C\\) is _small_ (\\(\\hom{\\C}\\) is a set).
All functors from \\(\\C\\) to some category \\(\\D\\)
form the category \\(\\mathrm{Func}(\\C,\\D)\\).
<img src="categories/img/mp/natural-transformation.png" alt="Natural transformation commutative diagram" class="right"/>
- \\(\\ob{\\mathrm{Func}(\\C,\\D)}\\): Functors \\(F:\\C→\\D\\)
- \\(\\hom{\\mathrm{Func}(\\C,\\D)}\\): _natural transformations_
- η familly \\(η\_X\\in\\hom{\\D}\\) for \\(X\\in\\ob{\\C}\\) s.t.
- ex: between Haskel functors; `F a -> G a`
Rearragement functions only.
- ∘: Functor composition
\\(\\mathrm{Func}(\\C,\\C)\\) is the category of endofunctors of \\(\\C\\).

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<h2 id="natural-transformations">Natural Transformations</h2>
<p>Let \(F\) and \(G\) be two functors from \(\C\) to \(\D\).</p>
<p><img src="categories/img/mp/natural-transformation.png" alt="Natural transformation commutative diagram" class="right"/> <em>A natural transformation:</em> familly η ; \(η_X\in\hom{\D}\) for \(X\in\ob{\C}\) s.t.</p>
<p>ex: between Haskell functors; <code>F a -&gt; G a</code><br />Rearragement functions only.</p>

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Natural Transformations
Let \\(F\\) and \\(G\\) be two functors from \\(\\C\\) to \\(\\D\\).
<img src="categories/img/mp/natural-transformation.png" alt="Natural transformation commutative diagram" class="right"/>
_A natural transformation:_ familly η ; \\(η\_X\\in\\hom{\\D}\\) for \\(X\\in\\ob{\\C}\\) s.t.
ex: between Haskell functors; `F a -> G a`
Rearragement functions only.

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<h2 id="natural-transformation-examples-14">Natural Transformation Examples (1/4)</h2>
<pre><code class="haskell">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
<pre><code class="haskell small">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
toTree :: [a] -> Tree a
toTree [] = Empty
toTree (x:xs) = Node x [toTree xs]</pre>

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Natural Transformation Examples (1/4)
<pre><code class="haskell">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
<pre><code class="haskell small">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
toTree :: [a] -> Tree a
toTree [] = Empty
toTree (x:xs) = Node x [toTree xs]</pre></code>

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<h2 id="natural-transformation-examples-24">Natural Transformation Examples (2/4)</h2>
<pre><code class="haskell">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
<pre><code class="haskell small">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
toList :: Tree a -> [a]
toList Empty = []
toList (Node x l) = [x] ++ concat (map toList l)</pre>

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Natural Transformation Examples (2/4)
<pre><code class="haskell">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
<pre><code class="haskell small">data Tree a = Empty | Node a [Tree a]
toList :: Tree a -> [a]
toList Empty = []
toList (Node x l) = [x] ++ concat (map toList l)</pre></code>

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<h2 id="natural-transformation-examples-34">Natural Transformation Examples (3/4)</h2>
<pre><code class="haskell">toMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
<pre><code class="haskell small">toMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
toMaybe [] = Nothing
toMaybe (x:xs) = Just x</pre>

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Natural Transformation Examples (3/4)
<pre><code class="haskell">toMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
<pre><code class="haskell small">toMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
toMaybe [] = Nothing
toMaybe (x:xs) = Just x</pre></code>

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<h2 id="natural-transformation-examples-44">Natural Transformation Examples (4/4)</h2>
<pre><code class="haskell">mToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
<pre><code class="haskell small">mToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
mToList Nothing = []
mToList Just x = [x]</pre>

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Natural Transformation Examples (4/4)
<pre><code class="haskell">mToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
<pre><code class="haskell small">mToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
mToList Nothing = []
mToList Just x = [x]</pre></code>

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
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