#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: set fileencoding=utf8 ts=4 sw=4 expandtab : import json import re import urllib import time import weechat as w # Constant used to check if configs are required REQUIRED = '_required' w.register('weebullet', 'Lefty', '0.5.1', 'BSD', 'weebullet pushes notifications from IRC to Pushbullet.', '', '') w.hook_print("", "irc_privmsg", "", 1, "priv_msg_cb", "") w.hook_command( "send_push_note", # command "send a push note", # description "[message]" # arguments description, "", # argument "", "", "cmd_send_push_note", "" ) w.hook_command( "weebullet", "pushes notifications from IRC to Pushbullet", "[command]", "Available commands are:\n" " help : prints config options and defaults\n" " listdevices : prints a list of all devices associated" " with your Pushbullet API key\n" " listignores : prints a list of channels that highlights " " won't be pushed for\n" " ignore : adds a channel to the blacklist\n" " unignore : removes a channel from the blacklist", "", "cmd_help", "" ) configs = { "api_key": REQUIRED, "away_only": "1", # only send when away "device_iden": "all", # send to all devices "ignored_channels": "", # no ignored channels "min_notify_interval": "0", # seconds, don't notify # more often than this "debug": "0", # enable debugging "ignore_on_relay": "0", # if relay connected, # don't send push notification } last_notification = 0 # 0 seconds from the epoch for option, default_value in configs.items(): if w.config_get_plugin(option) == "": if configs[option] == REQUIRED: w.prnt("", w.prefix("error") + "pushbullet: Please set option: %s" % option) if type(default_value) == "str": w.prnt("", "pushbullet: /set plugins.var.python.weebullet.%s STRING" % option) elif type(default_value) == "int": w.prnt("", "pushbullet: /set plugins.var.python.weebullet.%s INT" % option) else: w.prnt("", "pushbullet: /set plugins.var.python.weebullet.%s VALUE" % option) else: w.config_set_plugin(option, configs[option]) def debug(msg): if str(w.config_get_plugin("debug")) is not "0": w.prnt("", "[weebullet] DEBUG: %s" % str(msg)) def process_devicelist_cb(data, url, status, response, err): try: devices = json.loads(response)["devices"] w.prnt("", "Device List:") for device in devices: if device["pushable"]: if "nickname" in device: w.prnt("", "---\n%s" % device["nickname"]) else: w.prnt("", "---\nUnnamed") w.prnt("", "%s" % device["iden"]) except KeyError: w.prnt("", "[weebullet] Error accessing device list: %s" % response) return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK def get_ignored_channels(): ignored_channels = w.config_get_plugin("ignored_channels") if ignored_channels == "": return [] else: return [channel.strip() for channel in ignored_channels.split(',')] def cmd_help(data, buffer, args): # Get current list of ignored channels in list form ignored_channels = get_ignored_channels() # Used for checking for ignore/unignore commands and getting the arguments ignore_command = re.match("^ignore\s+(.+)", args) unignore_command = re.match("^unignore\s+(.+)", args) if(ignore_command is not None): channels_to_ignore = ignore_command.group(1).split(' ') for channel in channels_to_ignore: if channel not in ignored_channels: ignored_channels.append(channel) w.config_set_plugin("ignored_channels", ','.join(ignored_channels)) w.prnt("", "Updated. Ignored channels: %s" % w.config_get_plugin("ignored_channels")) elif(unignore_command is not None): channels_to_unignore = unignore_command.group(1).split(' ') for channel in channels_to_unignore: if channel in ignored_channels: ignored_channels.remove(channel) w.config_set_plugin("ignored_channels", ','.join(ignored_channels)) w.prnt("", "Updated. Ignored channels: %s" % w.config_get_plugin("ignored_channels")) elif(args == "listignores"): w.prnt("", "Ignored channels: %s" % w.config_get_plugin("ignored_channels")) elif(args == "listdevices"): apikey = w.string_eval_expression(w.config_get_plugin("api_key"), {}, {}, {}) apiurl = "https://%s@api.pushbullet.com/v2/devices" % (apikey) w.hook_process("url:" + apiurl, 20000, "process_devicelist_cb", "") else: w.prnt("", """ Weebullet requires an API key from your Pushbullet account to work. Set your API key with (evaluated): /set plugins.var.python.weebullet.api_key Weebullet will by default only send notifications when you are marked away on IRC. You can change this with: /set plugins.var.python.weebullet.away_only [0|1] Weebullet will by default send to all devices associated with your Pushbullet account. You can change this with: /set plugins.var.python.weebullet.device_iden Weebullet can ignore repeated notifications if they arrive too often. You can set this with (0 or blank to disable): /set plugins.var.python.weebullet.min_notify_interval You can get a list of your devices from the Pushbullet website, or by using /weebullet listdevices """) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK def process_pushbullet_cb(data, url, status, response, err): body = None headers = {} lines = response.rstrip().splitlines() status_code = int(lines.pop(0).split()[1]) for line in lines: if body == "": body += line continue header_line = line.split(":", 2) if len(header_line) != 2: body = "" continue headers[header_line[0].strip()] = header_line[1].strip() # response is the string of http body if status == w.WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR: w.prnt("", "[weebullet] Error sending to pushbullet: %s - %s" % (status, url)) return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR if status_code is 401 or status_code is 403: w.prnt("", "[weebullet] Invalid API Token: %s" % (w.string_eval_expression(w.config_get_plugin("api_key"), {}, {}, {}))) return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR if status_code is not 200: w.prnt("", "[weebullet] Error sending to pushbullet: %s - %s - %s" % (url, status_code, body)) return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK def send_push(title, body): global last_notification interval = w.config_get_plugin("min_notify_interval") if interval is not None and interval != "" and int(interval) != 0: interval = int(interval) earliest_notification = last_notification + int(interval) if last_notification is not None and time.time() <= earliest_notification: debug("Too soon since last notification, skipping") return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK last_notification = time.time() # check to see if the relay is connected, ignore if so check_relays = w.config_string_to_boolean(w.config_get_plugin('ignore_on_relay')) CONNECTED_RELAY = False if check_relays: infolist = w.infolist_get('relay', '', '') if infolist: while w.infolist_next(infolist): status = w.infolist_string(infolist, 'status_string') if status == 'connected': CONNECTED_RELAY = True break w.infolist_free(infolist) if CONNECTED_RELAY is True: # we have a relay conected, don't notify debug("Relay is connected, not sending push.") return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK debug("Sending push. Title: [%s], body: [%s]" % (title, body)) apikey = w.string_eval_expression(w.config_get_plugin("api_key"), {}, {}, {}) apiurl = "https://%s@api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes" % (apikey) timeout = 20000 # FIXME - actually use config if len(title) is not 0 or len(body) is not 0: deviceiden = w.config_get_plugin("device_iden") if deviceiden == "all": payload = urllib.urlencode({'type': 'note', 'title': title, 'body': body.encode('utf-8')}) else: payload = urllib.urlencode({'type': 'note', 'title': title, 'body': body.encode('utf-8'), 'device_iden': deviceiden}) w.hook_process_hashtable("url:" + apiurl, {"postfields": payload, "header": "1"}, timeout, "process_pushbullet_cb", "") def cmd_send_push_note(data, buffer, args): send_push( title="Manual Notification from weechat", body=args.decode('utf-8')) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK def priv_msg_cb(data, bufferp, uber_empty, tagsn, isdisplayed, ishilight, prefix, message): """Sends highlighted message to be printed on notification""" if w.config_get_plugin("away_only") == "1": am_away = w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, 'localvar_away') else: am_away = True if not am_away: # TODO: make debug a configurable debug("Not away, skipping notification") return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK notif_body = u"<%s> %s" % ( prefix.decode('utf-8'), message.decode('utf-8') ) # Check that it's in a "/q" buffer and that I'm not the one writing the msg is_pm = w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_type") == "private" is_notify_private = re.search(r'(^|,)notify_private(,|$)', tagsn) is not None # PM (query) if (is_pm and is_notify_private): send_push( title="Privmsg from %s" % prefix.decode('utf-8'), body=notif_body ) # Highlight (your nick is quoted) elif (str(ishilight) == "1"): bufname = (w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or w.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name")) ignored_channels = get_ignored_channels() if bufname not in ignored_channels: send_push( title="Highlight in %s" % bufname.decode('utf-8'), body=notif_body ) else: debug("[weebullet] Ignored channel, skipping notification in %s" % bufname.decode('utf-8')) return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK