Modifying the strategy to use external cmds

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2024-01-22 18:13:33 +01:00
parent 23f2198b28
commit f9b7a019d2
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646

View file

@ -103,44 +103,14 @@ exec clojure $OPTS -Sdeps "$DEPS" -M "$0" "$@"
:header {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body (format "File '%s' not found." path)})))
(defn html-src-type? [extension]
(contains? #{"org" "md"} extension))
(defn css-src-type? [extension]
(contains? #{"css" "scss" "sass"} extension))
(defn img-src-type? [extension]
(contains? #{"jpg" "jpeg" "png" "wepb"} extension))
(defn replace-dir
[f new-dir]
(str new-dir (fs/file-separator) (rest (fs/components f))))
(defn replace-extension
[f new-extension]
(str (fs/strip-ext f) "." new-extension))
(defn dst-file-name-and-ext
(let [ext (fs/extension src-file)
tmp-path (string/replace src-file
(:source-directory config)
(:dest-directory config))
dst-path (cond (html-src-type? ext) (replace-extension tmp-path "html")
(css-src-type? ext) (replace-extension tmp-path "css")
(img-src-type? ext) (replace-extension tmp-path "webp")
:else tmp-path)]
{:ext ext
:dst-path dst-path}))
(defn find-org-mode-options
;; TODO search for options in the org mode file
;; (seek org #"^#+options:")
(defn find-md-mode-options
;; TODO search for options in the metadata of the md file
;; (seek org #"^#+options:")
(defn log-cmd
(when-let [error-msg (seq (:err (apply sh cmd)))]
@ -154,56 +124,6 @@ exec clojure $OPTS -Sdeps "$DEPS" -M "$0" "$@"
(pr-err! "\n\n%s\n" error-msg))
(p " [done]"))))
(defn org->html
[src-file dst-file]
(let [options (find-org-mode-options src-file)
cmd (filter some?
(when (:toc options)
(if-let [tpl (:template options)]
(format "--template=%s" tpl)
(format "--template=_templates/post.html"))
"--from" "org"
"--to" "html5"
(log-cmd (format "Generating %s" dst-file) cmd)))
(defn md->html
[src-file dst-file]
(let [options (find-md-mode-options src-file)
cmd (filter some?
(when (:toc options) "--toc")
(if-let [tpl (:template options)]
(format "--template=%s" tpl)
(format "--template=_templates/post.html"))
"--from" "markdown"
"--to" "html5"
(log-cmd (format "Generating %s" dst-file) cmd)))
(defn build-html
[ext src-file dst-file]
;; TODO PANDOC then minify
(case ext
"org" (org->html src-file dst-file)
"md" (md->html src-file dst-file)
(p "no support for %s" ext)))
(defn build-css
[src-file dst-file]
;; TODO cless or copy then minify
@ -214,14 +134,17 @@ exec clojure $OPTS -Sdeps "$DEPS" -M "$0" "$@"
;; TODO jpg => webp
(defn find-filter-cmds
[{:keys [filters] :as ctx} ext]
(get filters ext)
(defn build
"Table with specific commands per type of file"
[src-path dst-path ext]
(html-src-type? ext) (build-html ext src-path dst-path)
(css-src-type? ext) (build-css src-path dst-path)
(img-src-type? ext) (build-img src-path dst-path)
[ctx src-path dst-path ext]
(if-let [filter-cmds (find-filter-cmds ctx ext)]
(doseq [filter-cmd filter-cmds]
(log-cmd ctx (concat filter-cmd [src-path dst-path])))
(if (fs/directory? src-path)
(p "Creating directory %s" dst-path)
@ -230,14 +153,35 @@ exec clojure $OPTS -Sdeps "$DEPS" -M "$0" "$@"
(p "Copying to %s" dst-path)
(fs/copy src-path dst-path)))))
(defn discover-filters
"Generate a data structure with:
{:map {ext [:dst-dir [{:dst-ext ... :cmd-path ...}]] }
:reduces {dst-ext executable-path}}
(doseq [f (file-seq "filters/*/map")]
;; ...
(defn all-dst-cmd-and-dst
[{:keys [filters] :as ctx} ext src-path]
(let [dst-dirs (get-in filters [:map ext])]
;; ...
(defn generate-static-files
(doseq [src-path (map str (file-seq (io/file (:source-directory config))))]
(prn src-path)
(let [{:keys [ext dst-path] :as r} (dst-file-name-and-ext src-path)]
(when (is-newer? src-path dst-path)
(prn r)
(build src-path dst-path ext)))))
(let [ctx (assoc ctx :filters (discover-filters ctx))]
(doseq [src-path (map str (file-seq (io/file (:source-directory config))))]
(prn src-path)
(let [ext (fs/extension src-path)]
(doseq [{:keys [cmd dst-path]} (all-dst-cmd-and-dst ctx ext src-path)]
(when (is-newer? src-path dst-path)
(prn cmd)
(log-cmd ctx (concat cmd [src-path dst-path]))))))))
(defn show-help
@ -249,7 +193,8 @@ exec clojure $OPTS -Sdeps "$DEPS" -M "$0" "$@"
"- clean delete generated files in _site"]))
(System/exit 0))
(defn cp-resource [dst-dir resource-name]
(defn cp-resource
[dst-dir resource-name]
(let [dst (str dst-dir "/" resource-name)]
(println (format "Generating: %s" dst))
(if-let [resource (io/resource (str "statyk/" resource-name))]
@ -280,7 +225,7 @@ exec clojure $OPTS -Sdeps "$DEPS" -M "$0" "$@"
(run-jetty serve-dest-dir-handler
{:port 13375
:host ""}))
"build" (generate-static-files)
"build" (generate-static-files {:options options})
"init" (init-site options)
(err! (format "unknown command %s" command))))