
39 lines
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module Stackage.GhcPkg where
import Stackage.Types
import System.Process
import Distribution.Text (simpleParse)
import Distribution.Version (Version (Version))
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Monad (guard)
getGlobalPackages :: GhcMajorVersion -> IO (Set PackageIdentifier)
getGlobalPackages version = do
output <- readProcess "ghc-pkg" [arg, "list"] ""
fmap Set.unions $ mapM parse $ drop 1 $ lines output
-- Account for a change in command line option name
| version >= GhcMajorVersion 7 6 = "--no-user-package-db"
| otherwise = "--no-user-package-conf"
parse s =
case clean s of
"" -> return Set.empty
s' ->
case simpleParse s' of
Just x -> return $ Set.singleton x
Nothing -> error $ "Could not parse ghc-pkg output: " ++ show s
clean = stripParens . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse
stripParens x@('(':_:_)
| last x == ')' = tail $ init $ x
stripParens x = x
getGhcVersion :: IO GhcMajorVersion
getGhcVersion = do
versionOutput <- readProcess "ghc-pkg" ["--version"] ""
maybe (error $ "Invalid version output: " ++ show versionOutput) return $ do
verS:_ <- Just $ reverse $ words versionOutput
Version (x:y:_) _ <- simpleParse verS
return $ GhcMajorVersion x y