2014-01-30 08:20:40 +02:00

367 lines
13 KiB

module Stackage.Config where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (execWriter, tell)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (fromList, singleton)
import Distribution.Text (simpleParse)
import Stackage.Types
-- | Packages which are shipped with GHC but are not included in the
-- Haskell Platform list of core packages.
defaultExtraCore :: GhcMajorVersion -> Set PackageName
defaultExtraCore _ = fromList $ map PackageName $ words
"binary Win32"
-- | Test suites which are expected to fail for some reason. The test suite
-- will still be run and logs kept, but a failure will not indicate an
-- error in our package combination.
defaultExpectedFailures :: GhcMajorVersion
-> Set PackageName
defaultExpectedFailures ghcVer = execWriter $ do
-- Requires an old version of WAI and Warp for tests
add "HTTP"
-- text and setenv have recursive dependencies in their tests, which
-- cabal can't (yet) handle
add "text"
add "setenv"
-- The version of GLUT included with the HP does not generate
-- documentation correctly.
add "GLUT"
add "statistics"
add "simple-sendfile"
add "diagrams"
add "unix-time"
-- With transformers 0.3, it doesn't provide any modules
add "transformers-compat"
-- Tests require shell script and are incompatible with sandboxed package
-- databases
add "HTF"
add "monad-par"
-- Unfortunately network failures seem to happen haphazardly
add "network"
add "hyphenation"
-- Test suite takes too long to run on some systems
add "punycode"
add "happstack-server"
-- Requires a Facebook app.
add "fb"
add "hashable"
add "language-java"
add "threads"
add "crypto-conduit"
add "pandoc"
add "language-ecmascript"
add "hspec"
add "alex"
add "concurrent-extra"
add "abstract-deque"
add "xmlgen"
-- Something very strange going on with the test suite, I can't figure
-- out how to fix it
add "bson"
-- Requires a locally running PostgreSQL server with appropriate users
add "postgresql-simple"
-- Missing files
add "websockets"
-- Some kind of Cabal bug when trying to run tests
add "thyme"
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
add "haskell-names"
add "shake"
add "pandoc-citeproc"
-- Problems with doctest and sandboxing
add "warp"
add "wai-logger"
add "hTalos"
add "seqloc"
-- FIXME the test suite fails fairly regularly in builds, though I haven't
-- discovered why yet
add "crypto-numbers"
-- No code included any more, therefore Haddock fails
mapM_ add $ words =<<
[ "comonad-transformers comonads-fd groupoids"
, "profunctor-extras semigroupoid-extras"
add = tell . singleton . PackageName
-- | List of packages for our stable Hackage. All dependencies will be
-- included as well. Please indicate who will be maintaining the package
-- via comments.
defaultStablePackages :: GhcMajorVersion -> Map PackageName (VersionRange, Maintainer)
defaultStablePackages ghcVer = unPackageMap $ execWriter $ do
mapM_ (add "") $ words =<<
[ "yesod yesod-newsfeed yesod-sitemap yesod-static yesod-test yesod-bin"
, "markdown filesystem-conduit mime-mail-ses"
, "persistent persistent-template persistent-sqlite"
, "network-conduit-tls yackage warp-tls keter"
, "shakespeare-text process-conduit stm-conduit"
, "classy-prelude-yesod yesod-fay yesod-eventsource wai-websockets"
, "random-shuffle safe-failure hackage-proxy hebrew-time"
, "bzlib-conduit"
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ add "" "mega-sdist"
mapM_ (add "FP Complete <>") $ words =<<
[ "web-fpco th-expand-syns configurator compdata smtLib unification-fd"
, "fixed-list indents language-c pretty-class"
, "aws yesod-auth-oauth csv-conduit cassava"
, "async shelly thyme"
, "hxt hxt-relaxng dimensional"
, "cairo diagrams-cairo"
, "persistent-mongoDB fpco-api"
, "threepenny-gui base16-bytestring convertible"
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
addRange "FP Complete <>" "hxt" "<="
addRange "FP Complete <>" "shelly" "<= 1.0"
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
add "FP Complete <>" "repa-devil"
addRange "FP Complete <>" "kure" "<= 2.4.10"
mapM_ (add "Neil Mitchell") $ words
"hlint hoogle shake derive"
mapM_ (add "Alan Zimmerman") $ words
"hjsmin language-javascript"
mapM_ (add "Jasper Van der Jeugt") $ words
"blaze-html blaze-markup stylish-haskell"
mapM_ (add "Antoine Latter") $ words
"uuid byteorder"
mapM_ (add "Stefan Wehr <>") $ words
"HTF hscurses xmlgen stm-stats"
mapM_ (add "Bart Massey <>") $ words
mapM_ (add "Vincent Hanquez") $ words =<<
[ "asn1-data bytedump certificate cipher-aes cipher-rc4 connection"
, "cprng-aes cpu crypto-pubkey-types crypto-random-api cryptocipher"
, "cryptohash hit language-java libgit pem siphash socks tls"
, "tls-debug vhd"
addRange "Vincent Hanquez" "language-java" "< 0.2.5"
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
-- Does not compile on Windows
mapM_ (add "Vincent Hanquez") $ words "udbus xenstore"
mapM_ (add "Alberto G. Corona <>") $ words
"RefSerialize TCache Workflow MFlow"
mapM_ (add "Edward Kmett <>") $ words =<<
[ "ad adjunctions bifunctors bound categories charset comonad comonad-transformers"
, "comonads-fd comonad-extras compressed concurrent-supply constraints contravariant"
, "distributive either eq free groupoids heaps hyphenation"
, "integration intervals kan-extensions lca lens linear monadic-arrays machines"
, "mtl profunctors profunctor-extras reducers reflection"
, "semigroups semigroupoids semigroupoid-extras speculation tagged void"
, "graphs monad-products monad-st wl-pprint-extras wl-pprint-terminfo"
, "numeric-extras parsers pointed prelude-extras recursion-schemes reducers"
, "streams syb-extras vector-instances"
mapM_ (add "Simon Hengel <>") $ words
"hspec doctest base-compat"
mapM_ (add "Mario Blazevic <>") $ words
"monad-parallel monad-coroutine"
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
mapM_ (add "Mario Blazevic <>") $ words
"incremental-parser monoid-subclasses"
mapM_ (add "Brent Yorgey <>") $ words =<<
[ "monoid-extras dual-tree vector-space-points active force-layout"
, "diagrams diagrams-contrib diagrams-core diagrams-lib diagrams-svg"
, "diagrams-postscript diagrams-builder diagrams-haddock haxr"
, "BlogLiterately BlogLiterately-diagrams"
, "MonadRandom"
mapM_ (add "Patrick Brisbin") $ words "gravatar"
mapM_ (add "Felipe Lessa <>") $ words
"esqueleto fb fb-persistent yesod-fb yesod-auth-fb"
mapM_ (add "Alexander Altman <>") $ words
"base-unicode-symbols containers-unicode-symbols"
mapM_ (add "Ryan Newton <>") $ words
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
addRange "Ryan Newton <>" "accelerate" "< 0.14"
addRange "Ryan Newton <>" "fclabels" "< 2.0"
mapM_ (add "Dan Burton <>") $ words =<<
[ "basic-prelude composition io-memoize numbers rev-state runmemo"
, "tardis"
mapM_ (add "Daniel Díaz <>") $ words
mapM_ (add "Adam Bergmark <>") $ words
"fay fay-base fay-dom fay-jquery fay-text fay-uri snaplet-fay"
mapM_ (add "Boris Lykah <>") $ words
"groundhog groundhog-th groundhog-sqlite groundhog-postgresql groundhog-mysql"
mapM_ (add "Janne Hellsten <>") $ words
mapM_ (add "Michal J. Gajda") $ words
"iterable Octree FenwickTree hPDB"
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
mapM_ (add "Michal J. Gajda") $ words
mapM_ (add "Roman Cheplyaka <>") $ words =<<
[ "smallcheck tasty tasty-smallcheck tasty-quickcheck tasty-hunit tasty-golden"
, "traverse-with-class regex-applicative time-lens"
, "haskell-names haskell-packages hse-cpp"
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
mapM_ (add "Ketil Malde") $ words =<<
[ "biocore biofasta biofastq biosff"
, "blastxml bioace biophd"
, "biopsl samtools"
, "seqloc bioalign BlastHTTP"
-- PrimitiveArray compilation failure, "RNAFold"
, "parsestar hTalos"
-- The following have out-of-date dependencies currently
-- biostockholm memexml RNAwolf
-- , "Biobase BiobaseDotP BiobaseFR3D BiobaseInfernal BiobaseMAF"
-- , "BiobaseTrainingData BiobaseTurner BiobaseXNA BiobaseVienna"
-- , "BiobaseTypes BiobaseFasta"
-- MC-Fold-DP
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "biophd" "< 0.0.6 || > 0.0.6"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "QuickCheck" "< 2.6"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "criterion" "< 0.8"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "HaXml" "< 1.24"
-- Due to binary package dep
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "statistics" "< 0.10.4"
-- Newest hxt requires network 2.4 or newest
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "hxt" "< 9.3.1"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "network" "< 2.4"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "text" "< 1.0"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "hspec" "< 1.8"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "hspec-expectations" "< 0.4"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "pretty-show" "< 1.6.2"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "RSA" "< 1.3"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "crypto-api" "< 0.13"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "aeson" "< 0.7"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "pandoc-citeproc" "< 0.3"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "attoparsec" "< 0.11"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "fay" "< 0.19"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "fay-base" "< 0.19"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "fay-text" "<"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "blaze-html" "< 0.7"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "blaze-markup" "< 0.6"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "MonadCatchIO-transformers" "< 0.3.1"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "MonadCatchIO-mtl" "< 0.3.1"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "lens" "< 4.0"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "linear" "< 1.6"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "hashable" "< 1.2"
-- Requires binary 0.7
addRange "FP Complete <>" "bson" "< 0.2.3"
-- Version 0.15.3 requires a newer template-haskell
addRange "FP Complete <>" "language-ecmascript" "< 0.15.3"
-- unknown symbol `utf8_table4'
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "regex-pcre-builtin" "<"
add maintainer package = addRange maintainer package "-any"
addRange maintainer package range =
case simpleParse range of
Nothing -> error $ "Invalid range " ++ show range ++ " for " ++ package
Just range' -> tell $ PackageMap $ Map.singleton (PackageName package) (range', Maintainer maintainer)