2014-08-07 16:12:10 -07:00

267 lines
12 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Stackage.LoadDatabase where
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip
import Control.Exception (IOException, handle)
import Control.Monad (guard, foldM)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, listToMaybe,
mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import Data.Set (member)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor (GHC))
import Distribution.Package (Dependency (Dependency))
import Distribution.PackageDescription (Condition (..),
ConfVar (..),
FlagName (FlagName),
RepoType (Git),
SourceRepo (..),
buildInfo, buildTools,
flagDefault, flagName,
homepage, libBuildInfo,
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (ParseResult (ParseOk),
import Distribution.System (buildArch, buildOS)
import Distribution.Text (simpleParse)
import Distribution.Version (Version (Version),
import Stackage.Config (convertGithubUser)
import Stackage.Types
import Stackage.Util
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getDirectoryContents)
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
-- | Load the raw package database.
-- We want to put in some restrictions:
-- * Drop all core packages. We never want to install a new version of
-- those, nor include them in the package list.
-- * For packages with a specific version bound, find the maximum matching
-- version.
-- * For other packages, select the maximum version number.
loadPackageDB :: SelectSettings
-> Map PackageName Version -- ^ core packages from HP file
-> Set PackageName -- ^ all core packages, including extras
-> Map PackageName (VersionRange, Maintainer) -- ^ additional deps
-> Set PackageName -- ^ underlay packages to exclude
-> IO PackageDB
loadPackageDB settings coreMap core deps underlay = do
tarName <- getTarballName
lbs <- L.readFile tarName
pdb <- addEntries mempty $ lbs
contents <- handle (\(_ :: IOException) -> return [])
$ getDirectoryContents $ selectTarballDir settings
pdb' <- foldM addTarball pdb $ mapMaybe stripTarGz contents
return $ excludeUnderlay pdb'
addEntries _ (Tar.Fail e) = error $ show e
addEntries db Tar.Done = return db
addEntries db (Tar.Next e es) = addEntry db e >>= flip addEntries es
stripTarGz = fmap reverse . stripPrefix (reverse ".tar.gz") . reverse
ghcVersion' =
let GhcMajorVersion x y = selectGhcVersion settings
in Version [x, y, 2] []
addEntry :: PackageDB -> Tar.Entry -> IO PackageDB
addEntry pdb e =
case getPackageVersion e of
Nothing -> return pdb
Just (p, v)
| p `member` core -> return pdb
| otherwise ->
case Map.lookup p deps of
Just (vrange, _maintainer)
| not $ withinRange v vrange -> return pdb
_ -> do
let pkgname = packageVersionString (p, v)
tarball = selectTarballDir settings </> pkgname <.> "tar.gz"
exists <- doesFileExist tarball
if exists
then do
lbs <- L.readFile tarball
findCabalAndAddPackage tarball p v pdb $ $ GZip.decompress lbs
case Tar.entryContent e of
Tar.NormalFile bs _ -> addPackage p v bs pdb
_ -> return pdb
addTarball :: PackageDB -> FilePath -> IO PackageDB
addTarball pdb tarball' = do
lbs <- L.readFile tarball
let (v', p') = break (== '-') $ reverse tarball'
p = PackageName $ reverse $ drop 1 p'
v <- maybe (error $ "Invalid tarball name: " ++ tarball) return
$ simpleParse $ reverse v'
findCabalAndAddPackage tarball p v pdb $ $ GZip.decompress lbs
tarball = selectTarballDir settings </> tarball' <.> "tar.gz"
excludeUnderlay :: PackageDB -> PackageDB
excludeUnderlay (PackageDB pdb) =
PackageDB $ Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Set.notMember k underlay) pdb
skipTests p = p `Set.member` skippedTests settings
-- Find the relevant cabal file in the given entries and add its contents
-- to the package database
findCabalAndAddPackage tarball p v pdb =
fixPath '\\' = '/'
fixPath c = c
expectedPath = let PackageName p' = p in concat
[ packageVersionString (p, v)
, "/"
, p'
, ".cabal"
loop Tar.Done = error $ concat
[ "Missing cabal file "
, show expectedPath
, " in tarball: "
, show tarball
loop (Tar.Fail e) = error $ concat
[ "Unable to read tarball "
, show tarball
, ": "
, show e
loop (Tar.Next entry rest)
| map fixPath (Tar.entryPath entry) == expectedPath =
case Tar.entryContent entry of
Tar.NormalFile bs _ -> addPackage p v bs pdb
_ -> error $ concat
[ "In tarball "
, show tarball
, " the cabal file "
, show expectedPath
, " was not a normal file"
| otherwise = loop rest
addPackage p v lbs pdb = do
let (deps', hasTests, buildToolsExe', buildToolsOther', mgpd, execs, mgithub) = parseDeps p lbs
return $ mappend pdb $ PackageDB $ Map.singleton p PackageInfo
{ piVersion = v
, piDeps = deps'
, piHasTests = hasTests
, piBuildToolsExe = buildToolsExe'
, piBuildToolsAll = buildToolsExe' `Set.union` buildToolsOther'
, piGPD = mgpd
, piExecs = execs
, piGithubUser = fromMaybe [] mgithub
parseDeps p lbs =
case parsePackageDescription $ L8.unpack lbs of
ParseOk _ gpd -> (mconcat
[ maybe mempty (go gpd) $ condLibrary gpd
, mconcat $ map (go gpd . snd) $ condExecutables gpd
, if skipTests p
then mempty
else mconcat $ map (go gpd . snd) $ condTestSuites gpd
-- FIXME , mconcat $ map (go gpd . snd) $ condBenchmarks gpd
], not $ null $ condTestSuites gpd
, Set.fromList $ map depName $ libExeBuildInfo gpd
, Set.fromList $ map depName $ testBenchBuildInfo gpd
, Just gpd
, Set.fromList $ map (Executable . fst) $ condExecutables gpd
, fmap convertGithubUser $ listToMaybe $ catMaybes
$ parseGithubUserHP (homepage $ packageDescription gpd)
: map parseGithubUserSR (sourceRepos $ packageDescription gpd)
_ -> (mempty, defaultHasTestSuites, Set.empty, Set.empty, Nothing, Set.empty, Nothing)
libExeBuildInfo gpd = concat
[ maybe mempty (goBI libBuildInfo) $ condLibrary gpd
, concat $ map (goBI buildInfo . snd) $ condExecutables gpd
testBenchBuildInfo gpd = concat
[ if skipTests p
then []
else concat $ map (goBI testBuildInfo . snd) $ condTestSuites gpd
, concat $ map (goBI benchmarkBuildInfo . snd) $ condBenchmarks gpd
goBI f x = buildTools $ f $ condTreeData x
depName (Dependency (PackageName pn) _) = Executable pn
go gpd tree
= Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> not $ ignoredDep k)
$ Map.unionsWith unionVersionRanges
$ Map.fromList (map (\(Dependency pn vr) -> (pn, vr)) $ condTreeConstraints tree)
: map (go gpd) (mapMaybe (checkCond gpd) $ condTreeComponents tree)
-- Some specific overrides for cases where getting Stackage to be smart
-- enough to handle things would be too difficult.
ignoredDep :: PackageName -> Bool
ignoredDep dep
-- The flag logic used by text-stream-decode confuses Stackage.
| dep == PackageName "text" && p == PackageName "text-stream-decode" = True
| otherwise = False
checkCond gpd (cond, tree, melse)
| checkCond' cond = Just tree
| otherwise = melse
checkCond' (Var (OS os)) = os == buildOS
checkCond' (Var (Arch arch)) = arch == buildArch
-- Sigh... the small_base flag on mersenne-random-pure64 is backwards
checkCond' (Var (Flag (FlagName "small_base")))
| p == PackageName "mersenne-random-pure64" = False
checkCond' (Var (Flag flag@(FlagName flag'))) =
flag' `Set.notMember` disabledFlags settings &&
flag `elem` flags'
checkCond' (Var (Impl compiler range)) =
compiler == GHC && withinRange ghcVersion' range
checkCond' (Lit b) = b
checkCond' (CNot c) = not $ checkCond' c
checkCond' (COr c1 c2) = checkCond' c1 || checkCond' c2
checkCond' (CAnd c1 c2) = checkCond' c1 && checkCond' c2
flags' = map flagName (filter flagDefault $ genPackageFlags gpd) ++
(map FlagName $ Set.toList $ Stackage.Types.flags settings coreMap)
-- | Attempt to grab the Github username from a homepage.
parseGithubUserHP :: String -> Maybe String
parseGithubUserHP url1 = do
url2 <- listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (flip stripPrefix url1)
[ ""
, ""
let x = takeWhile (/= '/') url2
guard $ not $ null x
Just x
-- | Attempt to grab the Github username from a source repo.
parseGithubUserSR :: SourceRepo -> Maybe String
parseGithubUserSR sr =
case (repoType sr, repoLocation sr) of
(Just Git, Just s) -> parseGithubUserHP s
_ -> Nothing