2013-04-02 11:42:09 +03:00

150 lines
5.9 KiB

module Stackage.Util where
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry as TarEntry
import Control.Monad (guard, when)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Distribution.License (License (..))
import qualified Distribution.Package as P
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
import Distribution.Text (display, simpleParse)
import Distribution.Version (thisVersion)
import Stackage.Types
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist,
import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath,
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
-- | Allow only packages with permissive licenses.
allowPermissive :: [String] -- ^ list of explicitly allowed packages
-> PD.GenericPackageDescription
-> Either String ()
allowPermissive allowed gpd
| P.pkgName (PD.package $ PD.packageDescription gpd) `elem` map PackageName allowed = Right ()
| otherwise =
case PD.license $ PD.packageDescription gpd of
BSD3 -> Right ()
MIT -> Right ()
PublicDomain -> Right ()
l -> Left $ "Non-permissive license: " ++ display l
identsToRanges :: Set PackageIdentifier -> Map PackageName (VersionRange, Maintainer)
identsToRanges =
Map.unions . map go . Set.toList
go (PackageIdentifier package version) = Map.singleton package (thisVersion version, Maintainer "Haskell Platform")
packageVersionString :: (PackageName, Version) -> String
packageVersionString (PackageName p, v) = concat [p, "-", showVersion v]
rm_r :: FilePath -> IO ()
rm_r fp = do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist fp
when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive fp
getCabalRoot :: IO FilePath
getCabalRoot = getAppUserDataDirectory "cabal"
-- | Name of the 00-index.tar downloaded from Hackage.
getTarballName :: IO FilePath
getTarballName = do
c <- getCabalRoot
configLines <- fmap lines $ readFile (c </> "config")
case mapMaybe getRemoteCache configLines of
[x] -> return $ x </> "" </> "00-index.tar"
[] -> error $ "No remote-repo-cache found in Cabal config file"
_ -> error $ "Multiple remote-repo-cache entries found in Cabal config file"
getRemoteCache s = do
("remote-repo-cache", ':':v) <- Just $ break (== ':') s
Just $ reverse $ dropWhile isSpace $ reverse $ dropWhile isSpace v
stableRepoName, extraRepoName :: String
stableRepoName = "stackage"
extraRepoName = "stackage-extra"
-- | Locations for the stackage and stackage-extra tarballs
getStackageTarballNames :: IO (FilePath, FilePath)
getStackageTarballNames = do
c <- getCabalRoot
let f x = c </> "packages" </> x </> "00-index.tar"
return (f stableRepoName, f extraRepoName)
getPackageVersion :: Tar.Entry -> Maybe (PackageName, Version)
getPackageVersion e = do
let (package', s1) = break (== '/') fp
package = PackageName package'
s2 <- stripPrefix "/" s1
let (version', s3) = break (== '/') s2
version <- simpleParse version'
s4 <- stripPrefix "/" s3
guard $ s4 == package' ++ ".cabal"
Just (package, version)
fp = TarEntry.fromTarPathToPosixPath $ TarEntry.entryTarPath e
-- | If a package cannot be parsed or is not found, the default value for
-- whether it has a test suite. We default to @True@ since, worst case
-- scenario, this just means a little extra time trying to run a suite that's
-- not there. Defaulting to @False@ would result in silent failures.
defaultHasTestSuites :: Bool
defaultHasTestSuites = True
packageDir, libDir, binDir, dataDir, docDir :: BuildSettings -> FilePath
packageDir = (</> "package-db") . sandboxRoot
libDir = (</> "lib") . sandboxRoot
binDir = (</> "bin") . sandboxRoot
dataDir = (</> "share") . sandboxRoot
docDir x = sandboxRoot x </> "share" </> "doc" </> "$pkgid"
addCabalArgsOnlyGlobal :: [String] -> [String]
addCabalArgsOnlyGlobal rest
= "--package-db=clear"
: "--package-db=global"
: rest
addCabalArgs :: BuildSettings -> BuildStage -> [String] -> [String]
addCabalArgs settings bs rest
= addCabalArgsOnlyGlobal
$ ("--package-db=" ++ packageDir settings)
: ("--libdir=" ++ libDir settings)
: ("--bindir=" ++ binDir settings)
: ("--datadir=" ++ dataDir settings)
: ("--docdir=" ++ docDir settings)
: extraArgs settings bs ++ rest
-- | Modified environment that adds our sandboxed bin folder to PATH.
getModifiedEnv :: BuildSettings -> IO [(String, String)]
getModifiedEnv settings = do
fmap (map $ fixEnv $ binDir settings) getEnvironment
fixEnv :: FilePath -> (String, String) -> (String, String)
fixEnv bin (p@"PATH", x) = (p, bin ++ pathSep : x)
fixEnv _ x = x
-- | Separate for the PATH environment variable
pathSep :: Char
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
pathSep = ';'
pathSep = ':'
-- | Minor fixes, such as making paths absolute.
-- Note: creates the sandbox root in the process.
fixBuildSettings :: BuildSettings -> IO BuildSettings
fixBuildSettings settings' = do
let root' = sandboxRoot settings'
createDirectoryIfMissing True root'
root <- canonicalizePath root'
return settings' { sandboxRoot = root }