2014-08-07 16:12:10 -07:00

163 lines
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module Stackage.Types
( module X
, module Stackage.Types
) where
import Data.Map as X (Map)
import Data.Map (unionWith)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import Data.Set as X (Set)
import Data.Version as X (Version)
import Distribution.Package as X (PackageIdentifier (..),
PackageName (..))
import Distribution.PackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Version as X (VersionRange (..))
import Distribution.Version (intersectVersionRanges)
newtype PackageDB = PackageDB (Map PackageName PackageInfo)
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Monoid PackageDB where
mempty = PackageDB mempty
PackageDB x `mappend` PackageDB y =
PackageDB $ unionWith newest x y
newest pi1 pi2
| piVersion pi1 > piVersion pi2 = pi1
| otherwise = pi2
data PackageInfo = PackageInfo
{ piVersion :: Version
, piDeps :: Map PackageName VersionRange
, piHasTests :: Bool
, piBuildToolsExe :: Set Executable -- ^ required just for building executable/lib
, piBuildToolsAll :: Set Executable -- ^ required for all stanzas
, piGPD :: Maybe GenericPackageDescription
, piExecs :: Set Executable
, piGithubUser :: [String]
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Executable = Executable String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | Information on a package we're going to build.
data BuildInfo = BuildInfo
{ biVersion :: Version
, biUsers :: [PackageName]
, biMaintainer :: Maintainer
, biDeps :: Map PackageName VersionRange
, biGithubUser :: [String]
, biHasTests :: Bool
data HaskellPlatform = HaskellPlatform
{ hpcore :: Set PackageIdentifier
, hplibs :: Set PackageIdentifier
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Monoid HaskellPlatform where
mempty = HaskellPlatform mempty mempty
HaskellPlatform a x `mappend` HaskellPlatform b y = HaskellPlatform (mappend a b) (mappend x y)
data InstallInfo = InstallInfo
{ iiCore :: Map PackageName (Maybe Version)
, iiPackages :: Map PackageName SelectedPackageInfo
, iiOptionalCore :: Map PackageName Version
-- ^ This is intended to hold onto packages which might be automatically
-- provided in the global package database. In practice, this would be
-- Haskell Platform packages provided by distributions.
, iiPackageDB :: PackageDB
data SelectedPackageInfo = SelectedPackageInfo
{ spiVersion :: Version
, spiMaintainer :: Maintainer
, spiGithubUser :: [String]
, spiHasTests :: Bool
deriving (Show, Read)
data BuildPlan = BuildPlan
{ bpTools :: [String]
, bpPackages :: Map PackageName SelectedPackageInfo
, bpCore :: Map PackageName (Maybe Version)
, bpOptionalCore :: Map PackageName Version
-- ^ See 'iiOptionalCore'
, bpSkippedTests :: Set PackageName
-- | Email address of a Stackage maintainer.
newtype Maintainer = Maintainer { unMaintainer :: String }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read)
data SelectSettings = SelectSettings
{ haskellPlatformDir :: FilePath
, flags :: Map PackageName Version -> Set String
-- ^ Compile flags which should be turned on. Takes a Map providing the
-- core packages so that flags can be set appropriately.
, disabledFlags :: Set String
-- ^ Compile flags which should always be disabled.
, extraCore :: Set PackageName
, ignoreUpgradeableCore :: Bool
-- ^ Do not pin down the versions of upgradeable core packages.
, requireHaskellPlatform :: Bool
, allowedPackage :: GenericPackageDescription -> Either String ()
-- ^ Checks if a package is allowed into the distribution. By default, we
-- allow all packages in, though this could be used to filter out certain
-- untrusted packages, or packages with an unacceptable license.
-- Returns a reason for stripping in Left, or Right if the package is
-- allowed.
, expectedFailuresSelect :: Set PackageName
, excludedPackages :: Set PackageName
-- ^ Packages which should be dropped from the list of stable packages,
-- even if present via the Haskell Platform or @stablePackages@. If these
-- packages are dependencies of others, they will still be included.
, stablePackages :: Bool -- ^ require Haskell Platform?
-> Map PackageName (VersionRange, Maintainer)
, useGlobalDatabase :: Bool
-- ^ Instead of checking the Haskell Platform file for core packages, query
-- the global database. For this to be reliable, you should only have
-- default packages in your global database. Default is @False@.
, skippedTests :: Set PackageName
-- ^ Do not build or run test suites, usually in order to avoid a
-- dependency.
, selectGhcVersion :: GhcMajorVersion
, selectTarballDir :: FilePath
-- ^ Directory containing replacement tarballs.
, selectUnderlayPackageDirs :: [FilePath]
-- ^ Additional package directories to reference
data BuildStage = BSTools | BSBuild | BSTest
data BuildSettings = BuildSettings
{ sandboxRoot :: FilePath
, extraArgs :: BuildStage -> [String]
, expectedFailuresBuild :: Set PackageName
, testWorkerThreads :: Int
-- ^ How many threads to spawn for running test suites.
, buildDocs :: Bool
-- ^ Build docs as part of the test procedure.
, tarballDir :: FilePath
-- ^ Directory containing replacement tarballs.
, cabalFileDir :: Maybe FilePath
-- ^ Directory to place cabal files in
, underlayPackageDirs :: [FilePath]
-- ^ Additional package directories to reference
-- | A wrapper around a @Map@ providing a better @Monoid@ instance.
newtype PackageMap = PackageMap { unPackageMap :: Map PackageName (VersionRange, Maintainer) }
instance Monoid PackageMap where
mempty = PackageMap mempty
PackageMap x `mappend` PackageMap y =
PackageMap $ unionWith go x y
go (r1, m1) (r2, _) = (intersectVersionRanges r1 r2, m1)
-- | GHC major version. For example, for GHC 7.4.2, this would be 7 4.
data GhcMajorVersion = GhcMajorVersion Int Int
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)