2014-08-17 12:10:54 +03:00

540 lines
20 KiB

module Stackage.Config where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (execWriter, tell)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Set (fromList, singleton)
import Distribution.Text (simpleParse)
import Stackage.Types
-- | Packages which are shipped with GHC but are not included in the
-- Haskell Platform list of core packages.
defaultExtraCore :: GhcMajorVersion -> Set PackageName
defaultExtraCore _ = fromList $ map PackageName $ words
"binary Win32 ghc-prim integer-gmp"
-- | Test suites which are expected to fail for some reason. The test suite
-- will still be run and logs kept, but a failure will not indicate an
-- error in our package combination.
defaultExpectedFailures :: GhcMajorVersion
-> Set PackageName
defaultExpectedFailures ghcVer = execWriter $ do
-- Requires an old version of WAI and Warp for tests
add "HTTP"
-- text and setenv have recursive dependencies in their tests, which
-- cabal can't (yet) handle
add "text"
add "setenv"
-- The version of GLUT included with the HP does not generate
-- documentation correctly.
add "GLUT"
add "statistics"
add "simple-sendfile"
add "diagrams"
add "unix-time"
-- With transformers 0.3, it doesn't provide any modules
add "transformers-compat"
-- Tests require shell script and are incompatible with sandboxed package
-- databases
add "HTF"
add "monad-par"
-- Unfortunately network failures seem to happen haphazardly
add "network"
add "hyphenation"
-- Test suite takes too long to run on some systems
add "punycode"
add "happstack-server"
-- Requires a Facebook app.
add "fb"
add "hashable"
add "language-java"
add "threads"
add "crypto-conduit"
add "pandoc"
add "language-ecmascript"
add "hspec"
add "alex"
add "concurrent-extra"
add "xmlgen"
-- Something very strange going on with the test suite, I can't figure
-- out how to fix it
add "bson"
-- Requires a locally running PostgreSQL server with appropriate users
add "postgresql-simple"
-- Missing files
add "websockets"
-- Some kind of Cabal bug when trying to run tests
add "thyme"
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
add "haskell-names"
add "shake"
add "pandoc-citeproc"
-- Problems with doctest and sandboxing
add "warp"
add "wai-logger"
add "hTalos"
add "seqloc"
add "math-functions"
-- FIXME the test suite fails fairly regularly in builds, though I haven't
-- discovered why yet
add "crypto-numbers"
-- Test suite is currently failing regularly, needs to be worked out still.
add "lens"
-- Requires too old a version of test-framework
add "time"
-- No code included any more, therefore Haddock fails
mapM_ add $ words =<<
[ "comonad-transformers comonads-fd groupoids"
, "profunctor-extras semigroupoid-extras"
, "hamlet shakespeare-css shakespeare-i18n"
, "shakespeare-js shakespeare-text"
, "attoparsec-conduit blaze-builder-conduit http-client-conduit"
, "network-conduit zlib-conduit http-client-multipart"
, "wai-eventsource wai-test"
-- Cloud Haskell tests seem to be unreliable
mapM_ add $ words =<<
[ "distributed-process lockfree-queue network-transport-tcp"
-- Pulls in monad-peel which does not compile
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 8) $ add "monad-control"
-- issues with pthread
mapM_ add $ words "hlibgit2 gitlib-s3 gitlib-libgit2"
add "options"
-- Requires too high a bytestring
when (ghcVer <= GhcMajorVersion 7 4) $ add "scientific"
add "glib"
add "pango"
add "bytestring-progress"
-- Seems to require 32-bit functions
add "nettle"
-- Depends on a missing graphviz executable
add "graphviz"
when (ghcVer <= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $
add "json-schema"
-- No AWS creds available
add "aws"
add = tell . singleton . PackageName
-- | List of packages for our stable Hackage. All dependencies will be
-- included as well. Please indicate who will be maintaining the package
-- via comments.
defaultStablePackages :: GhcMajorVersion
-> Bool -- ^ using haskell platform?
-> Map PackageName (VersionRange, Maintainer)
defaultStablePackages ghcVer requireHP = unPackageMap $ execWriter $ do
mapM_ (add "") $ words =<<
[ "yesod yesod-newsfeed yesod-sitemap yesod-static yesod-test yesod-bin"
, "markdown mime-mail-ses"
, "persistent persistent-template persistent-sqlite"
, "network-conduit-tls yackage warp-tls keter"
, "process-conduit stm-conduit"
, "classy-prelude-yesod yesod-fay yesod-eventsource wai-websockets"
, "random-shuffle hebrew-time"
, "bzlib-conduit case-insensitive"
, "conduit-extra conduit-combinators yesod-websockets"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "cabal-install" $
case () of
| ghcVer <= GhcMajorVersion 7 4 -> "< 1.15"
| ghcVer <= GhcMajorVersion 7 6 -> "< 1.17"
| ghcVer <= GhcMajorVersion 7 8 -> "< 1.19"
| otherwise -> "-any"
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ add "" "cabal-src"
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
-- Does not compile on Windows
mapM_ (add "") $ words "judy"
mapM_ (add "FP Complete <>") $ words =<<
[ "web-fpco th-expand-syns configurator smtLib"
, "fixed-list indents language-c pretty-class"
, "aws csv-conduit cassava"
, "async shelly thyme"
, "hxt hxt-relaxng dimensional"
, "cairo diagrams-cairo gtk2hs-buildtools"
, "persistent-mongoDB fpco-api"
, "base16-bytestring convertible"
, "compdata hybrid-vectors"
, "executable-path formatting quandl-api"
, "fgl hmatrix hmatrix-gsl"
, "alex happy"
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 8) $ do -- No GHC 7.8 support
mapM_ (add "FP Complete <>") $ words =<<
[ "" -- too unreliable for the moment "distributed-process distributed-process-simplelocalnet"
, "threepenny-gui unification-fd"
addRange "FP Complete <>" "compdata" "< 0.8"
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 8) $
mapM_ (add "FP Complete <>") $ words =<<
[ "criterion"
-- Deprecated version
addRange "FP Complete <>" "persistent-mongoDB" "< 1.3.1 || > 1.3.1"
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
when requireHP $ do
addRange "FP Complete <>" "hxt" "<="
addRange "FP Complete <>" "shelly" "<= 1.0"
addRange "FP Complete <>" "lockfree-queue" "== 0.2"
-- when (ghcVer == GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do -- No GHC 7.8 support
-- add "FP Complete <>" "repa-devil"
addRange "FP Complete <>" "kure" "<= 2.4.10"
mapM_ (add "Neil Mitchell") $ words
"hlint hoogle shake derive tagsoup cmdargs safe uniplate nsis"
mapM_ (add "Alan Zimmerman") $ words
"hjsmin language-javascript"
-- Requires newer alex than provided with HP
when (ghcVer == GhcMajorVersion 7 4 && requireHP) $
addRange "Alan Zimmerman" "language-javascript" "== 0.5.9"
mapM_ (add "Jasper Van der Jeugt") $ words
"blaze-html blaze-markup stylish-haskell"
mapM_ (add "Antoine Latter") $ words
"uuid byteorder"
mapM_ (add "Stefan Wehr <>") $ words
"HTF xmlgen stm-stats"
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 8) $ add "Stefan Wehr <>" "hscurses"
mapM_ (add "Bart Massey <>") $ words
mapM_ (add "Vincent Hanquez") $ words =<<
[ "bytedump certificate cipher-aes cipher-rc4 connection"
, "cprng-aes cpu crypto-pubkey-types crypto-random-api cryptocipher"
, "cryptohash hit language-java libgit pem siphash socks tls"
, "tls-debug vhd language-java"
mapM_ (add "Chris Done") $ words
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
-- Does not compile on Windows
mapM_ (add "Vincent Hanquez") $ words "udbus xenstore"
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 8) $
mapM_ (add "Alberto G. Corona <>") $ words
"RefSerialize TCache Workflow MFlow"
mapM_ (add "Edward Kmett <>") $ words =<<
[ "ad adjunctions bifunctors bound charset comonad comonad-transformers"
, "comonads-fd compressed concurrent-supply constraints contravariant"
, "distributive either eq free groupoids heaps hyphenation"
, "integration intervals kan-extensions lca lens linear monadic-arrays machines"
, "mtl profunctors profunctor-extras reducers reflection"
, "semigroups semigroupoids semigroupoid-extras speculation tagged void"
, "graphs monad-products monad-st wl-pprint-extras wl-pprint-terminfo"
, "numeric-extras parsers pointed prelude-extras reducers"
, "streams vector-instances"
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 8) $
mapM_ (add "Edward Kmett <>") $ words =<<
[ "categories comonad-extras recursion-schemes syb-extras"
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $
mapM_ (add "Andrew Farmer <>") $ words
"scotty wai-middleware-static"
mapM_ (add "Simon Hengel <>") $ words
"hspec doctest base-compat"
mapM_ (add "Mario Blazevic <>") $ words
"monad-parallel monad-coroutine"
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
mapM_ (add "Mario Blazevic <>") $ words
"incremental-parser monoid-subclasses"
mapM_ (add "Brent Yorgey <>") $ words =<<
[ "monoid-extras dual-tree vector-space-points active force-layout"
, "diagrams diagrams-contrib diagrams-core diagrams-lib diagrams-svg"
, "diagrams-postscript diagrams-builder diagrams-haddock haxr"
, "BlogLiterately BlogLiterately-diagrams"
, "MonadRandom"
mapM_ (add "Vincent Berthoux <>") $ words
mapM_ (add "Patrick Brisbin") $ words "gravatar"
mapM_ (add "Felipe Lessa <>") $ words
"esqueleto fb fb-persistent yesod-fb yesod-auth-fb"
mapM_ (add "Alexander Altman <>") $ words
"base-unicode-symbols containers-unicode-symbols"
-- NOTE: accelerate not yet supported on GHC 7.8
when (ghcVer == GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
mapM_ (add "Ryan Newton <>") $ words
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
addRange "Ryan Newton <>" "accelerate" "< 0.14"
addRange "Ryan Newton <>" "fclabels" "< 2.0"
mapM_ (add "Dan Burton <>") $ words =<<
[ "basic-prelude composition io-memoize numbers rev-state runmemo"
, "tardis lens-family-th"
mapM_ (add "Daniel Díaz <>") $ words
"HaTeX matrix"
mapM_ (add "Gabriel Gonzalez <>")
["pipes", "pipes-parse", "pipes-concurrency"]
mapM_ (add "Adam Bergmark <>") $ words
"fay fay-base fay-dom fay-jquery fay-text fay-uri snaplet-fay"
mapM_ (add "Boris Lykah <>") $ words
"groundhog groundhog-th groundhog-sqlite groundhog-postgresql groundhog-mysql"
mapM_ (add "Janne Hellsten <>") $ words
mapM_ (add "Michal J. Gajda") $ words
"iterable Octree FenwickTree hPDB"
when (ghcVer == GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do -- No GHC 7.8 support
mapM_ (add "Michal J. Gajda") $ words
mapM_ (add "Roman Cheplyaka <>") $ words =<<
[ "smallcheck tasty tasty-smallcheck tasty-quickcheck tasty-hunit tasty-golden"
, "traverse-with-class regex-applicative time-lens"
, "haskell-names haskell-packages hse-cpp"
mapM_ (add "George Giorgidze <>") $ words
"HCodecs YampaSynth"
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do -- No GHC 7.4 support
mapM_ (add "Phil Hargett <>") $ words
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
mapM_ (add "Aycan iRiCAN <>") $ words
"hdaemonize hsyslog hweblib"
mapM_ (add "Aycan iRiCAN <>") $ words
mapM_ (add "Joachim Breitner <>") $ words
"circle-packing arbtt"
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 8) $
mapM_ (add "John Wiegley") $ words =<<
-- Removed these: bad semigroups upper bound
[ "bindings-DSL github monad-extras numbers hlibgit2"
, "gitlib gitlib-cmdline gitlib-test"
, "gitlib-libgit2"
-- "gitlib-s3"
mapM_ (add "Ben Ford <") $ words
mapM_ (add "Clint Adams <>") $ words
"DAV hOpenPGP hopenpgp-tools openpgp-asciiarmor MusicBrainz"
when (ghcVer >= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
mapM_ (add "Ketil Malde") $ words =<<
[ "biocore biofasta biofastq biosff"
, "blastxml bioace biophd"
, "biopsl" -- samtools
, "seqloc bioalign BlastHTTP"
-- The following have out-of-date dependencies currently
-- biostockholm memexml RNAwolf
-- , "Biobase BiobaseDotP BiobaseFR3D BiobaseInfernal BiobaseMAF"
-- , "BiobaseTrainingData BiobaseTurner BiobaseXNA BiobaseVienna"
-- , "BiobaseTypes BiobaseFasta"
-- MC-Fold-DP
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "biophd" "< 0.0.6 || > 0.0.6"
when (ghcVer == GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
mapM_ (add "Ketil Malde") $ words =<<
-- RNAFold
[ "hTalos parsestar"
mapM_ (add "Silk <>") $ words =<<
[ "aeson-utils arrow-list attoparsec-expr bumper code-builder fay-builder"
, "generic-aeson hxt-pickle-utils json-schema multipart regular-xmlpickler"
, "rest-client rest-core rest-gen rest-happstack rest-snap rest-stringmap"
, "rest-types rest-wai tostring uri-encode imagesize-conduit"
mapM_ (add "Simon Michael <>") $ words
mapM_ (add "Mihai Maruseac <>") $ words
-- Newest hxt requires network 2.4 or newest
when (ghcVer == GhcMajorVersion 7 4 && requireHP) $ do
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "hxt" "< 9.3.1"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "network" "< 2.4"
when (ghcVer == GhcMajorVersion 7 6 && requireHP) $
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "parsers" "< 0.11"
-- QuickCheck constraint
-- when (ghcVer == GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $
-- addRange "Michael Snoyman" "repa" "<"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "transformers" "< 0.4"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "mtl" "< 2.2"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "lifted-base" "<"
when (ghcVer <= GhcMajorVersion 7 6) $ do
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "zip-archive" "=="
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "optparse-applicative" "< 0.9"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "mongoDB" "< 1.6"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "texmath" "<="
-- Requires too new a version of text
when (ghcVer == GhcMajorVersion 7 4 && requireHP) $ do
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "attoparsec" "<"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "parsers" "< 0.11"
-- local patch
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "bson" "== 0.2.4"
-- 0.16.2 fixes dependency issues with different version of GHC
-- and Haskell Platform. Now builds on GHC 7.4-7.8. Version 1.0 is
-- guaranteed to break the API. See
-- for
-- current build status.
addRange "Andrey Chudnov <>" "language-ecmascript" ">= 0.16.2 && < 1.0"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "tasty-hunit" "< 0.9"
when (ghcVer < GhcMajorVersion 7 8) $
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "aeson" "< 0.8"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "pandoc-citeproc" "< 0.4"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "network" "< 2.6"
addRange "Michael Snoyman" "pandoc" "< 1.13"
add maintainer package = addRange maintainer package "-any"
addRange maintainer package range =
case simpleParse range of
Nothing -> error $ "Invalid range " ++ show range ++ " for " ++ package
Just range' -> tell $ PackageMap $ Map.singleton (PackageName package) (range', Maintainer maintainer)
-- | Replacement Github users. This is useful when a project is owned by an
-- organization. It also lets you ping multiple users.
-- Note that cross organization team mentions aren't allowed by Github.
convertGithubUser :: String -> [String]
convertGithubUser x =
fromMaybe [x] $ Map.lookup (map toLower x) pairs
pairs = Map.fromList
[ ("diagrams", ["byorgey", "fryguybob", "jeffreyrosenbluth", "bergey"])
, ("yesodweb", ["snoyberg"])
, ("fpco", ["snoyberg"])
, ("faylang", ["bergmark"])
, ("silkapp", ["bergmark"])
, ("snapframework",["mightybyte"])
, ("haskell-ro", ["mihaimaruseac"])