2014-08-07 16:12:10 -07:00

73 lines
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module Stackage.CheckPlan
( checkPlan
) where
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, sort)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Stackage.CheckCabalVersion (checkCabalVersion)
import Stackage.InstallInfo
import Stackage.Types
import Stackage.Util
import System.Exit (ExitCode (ExitFailure, ExitSuccess),
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
data Mismatch = OnlyDryRun String | OnlySimpleList String
deriving Show
checkPlan :: BuildSettings -> BuildPlan -> IO ()
checkPlan settings bp = do
_ <- checkCabalVersion
putStrLn "Checking build plan"
packages <- mapM (replaceTarball $ tarballDir settings) (bpPackageList bp)
(ec, dryRun', stderr) <- readProcessWithExitCode "cabal"
( addCabalArgsOnlyGlobal settings
$ "install"
: "--dry-run"
: "--max-backjumps=-1"
: "--reorder-goals"
: packages
) ""
when (ec /= ExitSuccess || "Warning:" `isPrefixOf` stderr) $ do
putStr stderr
putStr dryRun'
putStrLn "cabal returned a bad result, exiting"
exitWith ec
let dryRun = sort $ filter notOptionalCore $ map (takeWhile (/= ' ')) $ drop 2 $ lines dryRun'
let mismatches = getMismatches dryRun (filter notOptionalCore $ bpPackageList bp)
unless (null $ filter (not . acceptableMismatch) mismatches) $ do
putStrLn "Found the following mismatches"
mapM_ print mismatches
exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
putStrLn "Build plan checked, no mismatches"
optionalCore = Set.fromList $ map packageVersionString $ Map.toList $ bpOptionalCore bp
notOptionalCore s = not $ s `Set.member` optionalCore
getMismatches :: [String] -> [String] -> [Mismatch]
getMismatches =
go [] y = map OnlySimpleList y
go x [] = map OnlyDryRun x
go (x:xs) (y:ys) =
case compare x y of
EQ -> go xs ys
LT -> OnlyDryRun x : go xs (y:ys)
GT -> OnlySimpleList y : go (x:xs) ys
-- | Some mismatches are going to be acceptable. The reasons are described
-- below.
acceptableMismatch :: Mismatch -> Bool
acceptableMismatch m =
case m of
-- GHC 7.4 included extensible-extensions as a core package, and
-- therefore the HP at time of writing (2012.4.0.0) includes it in that
-- list. However, GHC 7.6 does /not/ include that package. As a result,
-- we get that package included in the dry run but not our list of
-- packages to build. See issue #57.
OnlyDryRun s | "extensible-exceptions-" `isPrefixOf` s -> True
_ -> False