2014-07-17 18:21:03 +02:00

154 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Stackage.BuildPlan
( readBuildPlan
, writeBuildPlan
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Distribution.Text (display, simpleParse)
import Stackage.Types
import qualified System.IO.UTF8
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Stackage.Util
readBuildPlan :: FilePath -> IO BuildPlan
readBuildPlan fp = do
str <- System.IO.UTF8.readFile fp
case fromString str of
Left s -> error $ "Could not read build plan: " ++ s
Right (x, "") -> return x
Right (_, _:_) -> error "Trailing content when reading build plan"
writeBuildPlan :: FilePath -> BuildPlan -> IO ()
writeBuildPlan fp bp = System.IO.UTF8.writeFile fp $ toString bp
class AsString a where
toString :: a -> String
fromString :: String -> Either String (a, String)
instance AsString BuildPlan where
toString BuildPlan {..} = concat
[ makeSection "tools" bpTools
, makeSection "packages" $ Map.toList bpPackages
, makeSection "core" $ Map.toList bpCore
, makeSection "optional-core" $ Map.toList bpOptionalCore
, makeSection "skipped-tests" $ Set.toList bpSkippedTests
fromString s1 = do
(tools, s2) <- getSection "tools" s1
(packages, s3) <- getSection "packages" s2
(core, s4) <- getSection "core" s3
(optionalCore, s5) <- getSection "optional-core" s4
(skipped, s6) <- getSection "skipped-tests" s5
let bp = BuildPlan
{ bpTools = tools
, bpPackages = Map.fromList packages
, bpCore = Map.fromList core
, bpOptionalCore = Map.fromList optionalCore
, bpSkippedTests = Set.fromList skipped
return (bp, s6)
makeSection :: AsString a => String -> [a] -> String
makeSection title contents = unlines
$ ("-- BEGIN " ++ title)
: map toString contents
++ ["-- END " ++ title, ""]
instance AsString String where
toString = id
fromString s = Right (s, "")
instance AsString PackageName where
toString (PackageName pn) = pn
fromString s = Right (PackageName s, "")
instance AsString (Maybe Version) where
toString Nothing = ""
toString (Just x) = toString x
fromString s
| all isSpace s = return (Nothing, s)
| otherwise = do
(v, s') <- fromString s
return (Just v, s')
instance AsString a => AsString (PackageName, a) where
toString (PackageName pn, s) = concat [pn, " ", toString s]
fromString s = do
(pn, rest) <- takeWord s
(rest', s') <- fromString rest
return ((PackageName pn, rest'), s')
takeWord :: AsString a => String -> Either String (a, String)
takeWord s =
case break (== ' ') s of
(x, _:y) -> do
(x', s') <- fromString x
if null s'
then Right (x', y)
else Left $ "Unconsumed input in takeWord call"
(_, []) -> Left "takeWord failed"
instance AsString SelectedPackageInfo where
toString SelectedPackageInfo {..} = unwords
[ display spiVersion
, toString spiHasTests
, (\v -> if null v then "@" else v) $ githubMentions spiGithubUser
, unMaintainer spiMaintainer
fromString s1 = do
(version, s2) <- takeWord s1
(hasTests, s3) <- takeWord s2
(gu, m) <- takeWord s3
Right (SelectedPackageInfo
{ spiVersion = version
, spiHasTests = hasTests
, spiGithubUser = [gu]
, spiMaintainer = Maintainer m
}, "")
instance AsString (Maybe String) where
toString Nothing = "@"
toString (Just x) = "@" ++ x
fromString "@" = Right (Nothing, "")
fromString ('@':rest) = Right (Just rest, "")
fromString x = Left $ "Invalid Github user: " ++ x
instance AsString Bool where
toString True = "test"
toString False = "notest"
fromString "test" = Right (True, "")
fromString "notest" = Right (False, "")
fromString x = Left $ "Invalid test value: " ++ x
instance AsString Version where
toString = display
fromString s =
case simpleParse s of
Nothing -> Left $ "Invalid version: " ++ s
Just v -> Right (v, "")
getSection :: AsString a => String -> String -> Either String ([a], String)
getSection title orig =
case lines orig of
[] -> Left "Unexpected EOF when looking for a section"
| l1 == begin ->
case break (== end) ls1 of
(here, _:"":rest) -> do
here' <- mapM fromString' here
Right (here', unlines rest)
(_, _) -> Left $ "Could not find section end: " ++ title
| otherwise -> Left $ "Could not find section start: " ++ title
begin = "-- BEGIN " ++ title
end = "-- END " ++ title
fromString' x = do
(y, z) <- fromString x
if null z
then return y
else Left $ "Unconsumed input on line: " ++ x