This commit is contained in:
Michael Snoyman 2014-08-01 14:50:52 +03:00
parent 73cde7e841
commit fb85a3c7d2

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
diff -ruN orig/Control/Monad/Primitive.hs new/Control/Monad/Primitive.hs
--- orig/Control/Monad/Primitive.hs 2014-08-01 14:49:04.175318972 +0300
+++ new/Control/Monad/Primitive.hs 2014-08-01 14:49:03.000000000 +0300
@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
primitive_ :: PrimMonad m
=> (State# (PrimState m) -> State# (PrimState m)) -> m ()
{-# INLINE primitive_ #-}
-primitive_ f = primitive (\s# -> (# f s#, () #))
+primitive_ f = primitive (\s# ->
+ case f s# of
+ s'# -> (# s'#, () #))
instance PrimMonad IO where
type PrimState IO = RealWorld
diff -ruN orig/primitive.cabal new/primitive.cabal
--- orig/primitive.cabal 2014-08-01 14:49:04.175318972 +0300
+++ new/primitive.cabal 2014-08-01 14:49:03.000000000 +0300
@@ -50,6 +50,16 @@
if arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)
cc-options: -msse2
+test-suite test
+ Default-Language: Haskell2010
+ hs-source-dirs: test
+ main-is: main.hs
+ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ build-depends: base
+ , ghc-prim
+ , primitive
+ ghc-options: -O2
source-repository head
type: git
diff -ruN orig/test/main.hs new/test/main.hs
--- orig/test/main.hs 1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
+++ new/test/main.hs 2014-08-01 14:49:03.000000000 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
+import Control.Monad.Primitive
+import Data.Primitive.Array
+import GHC.IO
+import GHC.Prim
+-- Since we only have a single test case right now, I'm going to avoid the
+-- issue of choosing a test framework for the moment. This also keeps the
+-- package as a whole light on dependencies.
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ arr <- newArray 1 'A'
+ let unit =
+ case writeArray arr 0 'B' of
+ IO f ->
+ case f realWorld# of
+ _ -> ()
+ c1 <- readArray arr 0
+ return $! unit
+ c2 <- readArray arr 0
+ if c1 == 'A' && c2 == 'B'
+ then return ()
+ else error $ "Expected AB, got: " ++ show (c1, c2)